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PHYSICS 10 Course Notes *generalizations are rendered He even showed a photographic proof of this
unambiguous encounter
January 17, 2019 * “Experimental observation is the The information was shared through the eyes,
ultimate judge of the truth of a concept.” information that describes the inner workings
Diagnostic Features of Science -Richard Feynman of the universe, including the ‘big bang.’
To distinguish science from other ‘ways *there is always uncertainty in the Being trained in the art of distinguishing
of knowing’ measurement science from other ways of knowing
SHOWER CURTAIN EFFECT • Evaluate his claim
The interpretation given to a used to describe the observation how • Explain why such claims persist
phenomenon may be evaluated according to: nearby phase front distortions of an optical wave Measurability—picture, the claim is
are more severe than remote distortions of the disproved. The picture only describes, and
REPEATABILITY same amplitude.
If the interpretation can be sought again showing a picture does not produce
Panda.jpg something measurable
and again
Repeatability- the encounter cannot
*Preferably by independent HEURISTICS
investigations, and be repeated, scrutinize the repeated
The best science stimulates further encounters (if there can be repeated
*the interpretation is confirmed or discovery encounters)
discarded by means of novel analysis and *one that often leans to unpredictable Consilience-does not conform with
experimentation new directions, and
novel as in new experimentation mode of transfer of data
*provides additional test of the original ‘does not conform with the generally
principles/discoveries accepted mode of transfer of information’
ECONOMY does not dictate whether sth is Economy-the claim is short but not
If the interpretation can be presented in scientific, but is usually observed in scientific economical, sparse detail/doesn’t provide
a manner that is both simplest and most things supports to the claim
pleasing new way/method of studying things Heuristics-yes. Does not help you
*yielding the largest amount of
how to proceed however,
information with the least amount of effort CONSILIENCE Make your own conclusion
If the interpretation is consistent with
OCCAM’S RAZOR—‘LAW OF PARSIMONY’ those from other disciplines
William of Ockham *convergence of evidence
Parsimony—being thrifty or frugal January 22, 2019 Tuesday
*can be connected and proved
“Entities are not to be multiplied beyond
necessities” consistent with one another CONTINUATION ON CAVEATS…
We should tend to believe the simpler GUIDELINES/EXAMPLES ON CAVEATS
theories” Caveats 1. How many proofs does one need to
Loosely… “The simplest answer is usually the Cautions in the interpretation of believe? Or not to believe?
correct answer” scientific claims a. Quality of proof than quantity
people’s response and attitude
2. What keeps people from seeing the
If the interpretation of the phenomenon ALIEN CAT THOUGHT EXPERIMENT facts?
can be properly tested and measured using Your friend claimed he has an encounter with a. Lacks problem solving skills
universally accepted scales an alien cat. b. Peer pressure
c. Terrified by implications b. Note to self: laughing is not a sign of What is Physics?
3. How do you keep so many people Study of matter and energy
quiet?/ Why is nobody blowing the whistle? 8. Quality of source Chronologically,
a. Threat of losing hob/life/reputation a. Primary source Study of matter and its motion
b. Fear of retaliation b. Integrity of data and evidence (mechanics)
c. Organization is too big and Greek word: ‘Physika’ which means
compartmentalized 9. Pick your battles ‘natural things’
i. Only a few can see the big picture a. Some issues are mainly cultural and Study of the properties and interactions
ii. Bound be secrecy/confidentiality part of a belief system (scotoma— of natural things
agreement minds see what it chooses to see)
d. Take note: personality of the person b. Some people are unreachable (people Alternative definition
comes before the actual peron who announce in advance their Study of frontiers (as in frontier of
position before any discussion) knowledge)
4. Who is the expert? c. Focused vs complex issues
a. Expertise that is evident on one’s peer- Examples of frontiers
reviewed publications on a topic (track 10. Do your own investigation High-energy physics and zero time
record is important) a. Answer first ‘what happened?’ before Complexity—emerging science, around
b. Not simply having a background on the how, who, or why 10 years old, cannot be predicted by current
topic b. Know what you know, know what you physics models
don’t know, and never confuse the two Life
5. A scientific research solves a specific c. Trust in your own research
problem Review: Scientific Method and Scientific
a. Experimental control 11. Endless pit Enterprise
b. Interpretation should be limited to a. You thought you know everything SCIENTIFIC METHOD
ideas that are supported by about a topic, beaten to a pulp Make a hypothesis
experimental observations b. Always in the making but never made Test Hypothesis
c. Models are sensitive to scaling c. Humility comes with wisdom Compare the hypothesis with
experiment or direct observation to see if it
6. People get upset when you start January 24, 2019 Thursday works
deconstructing their beliefs If hypothesis disagrees with
a. Shaking their icons/leaders/symbols experiment or observation, it is wrong
b. Turfing—‘this is our turf’ (this simple statement is the key to
7. It takes a long time, a generation, to CAVEATS Identify a problem
change a mindset Why do people still believe in UFOs? Make an educated guess/hypothesis
a. People want to be on the ‘intellectual’ Guideline #6
side, they want to be on the side that’s Guideline #8 RICHARD FEYNMAN:
laughing not on the side that is being Guideline #1 “It does NOT make any difference how
laughed at beautiful your guess is, or how smart you are,
who made the guess, or what his name is—if
hypothesis disagrees with experiment, it is Armillary Sphere
wrong” —model of objects in the sky path of sun
to determine changing of seasons
HOW THE SCIENTIFIC ENTERPRISE —measures inclined position of celestial
WORKS objects
Last step: Reporting —orients relative to earth’s magnetic
What do you do when you have a field
scientific discovery… that no one has known Sundial
before? —shadow on plate to tell time of day
WHAT IS A SCIENTIST/RESEARCHER? —sighting mechanism to measure
A researcher with a track record in a specific angular distances NATURAL PHILOSOPHY AND THE ROLE OF
field Mirrors MATHEMATICS
A person who publishes in international peer- —signaling from a distance Natural philosophy—anything that isn’t
reviewed journals Sand clock/hourglass involved with the supernatural, that which is
—duration of events related to logic, is natural philo
Peer-reviewed publication
You will be asked for a citation
Greek Views of Matter, motion and the WHAT IS NATURAL PHILOSOPHY?
Name, title, journal, page and year A logical way of explaining physical
TOPICS phenomena without reference to supernatural
Publication process: online causes/beings
• Natural philosophy and the role of mathematics
1. At start, researchers are the authors
• Matter
2. They’ll send their text to the journal GREECE 7TH CENTURY BC
• Motion
editors The universe is a rational place, with
• The universe
3. The editors will dispatch it to two natural laws that can be figured out
reviewers who are experts in the
field Objectives/ big questions for the next two
4. After one to two weeks, the response weeks:
Numbers constitute the true nature of things
will go to the editor (reject, revise or • How did we come to realize that the Earth is not
Things are made up of atoms, which are
accept) the center of the universe?
5. The response will go to the author, if • How did we come to adopt the view that the
it’s a revision the author will revise universe is a mechanism? PLATO (427-347 BC)
it Mathematics is dependent of individual biases
6. Response and final decision The earth is not the center of the universe and cultural influences
Our story begins with the ancient Greeks Ex: 2+2=4 always, here on Earth or on the far
January 29, 2019, Tuesday Greek alphabet side of the galaxy


PURPOSES OF ANCIENT ASTRONOMY i.e. explain all motions of celestial
The universe is divided into two • Calendar objects consistently in terms of uniform circular
domains • navigation motion
a. Terrestrial (temporal and corruptible • religion
things) Geocentric Model
i. Composed of four elements Kaalamang bayan (indigenous knowledge) “earth-centered”
ii. Earth fire air water Before Gregorian calendar surrounded by celestial spheres that
Appearance of constellations carried the planets and stars
b. Celestial (eternal and perfect beings) and planting season
i. Composed of 1 element, aether Eudoxus of Cnidus (410-355 bc)
Everything on earth is time-bound Balatik—Orion’s Belt, mga susing salita 76 Student of plato
• Karakter sa star wars Moon, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Mars,
TERRESTRIAL MOTION Jupiter, Saturn and fixed stars
• Patibong na panghuli sa babong damo
Alteration Homocentric model: introduced
• Talampad ng mga bituin
Ex. Leaves changing auxiliary spheres of varying (but independent)
color • Pag-aaral sa ethnoastronomiya
Natural motion 8 concentric spheres+19
Ex. Vertical motions: Even before Gregorian Calendar (1852), used the
auxiliary spheres (moon/sun (2),5planets (3)
smoke/falling rocks Balatik to plan planting of the crops in farms
Violent motion Documented by Ambrosio,
February 12, 2019 Tuesday
Ex. Horizontal and “balatik” maiuugat Austronesyano, 3000BC
projectile motions, nothing to do with salamin ngkasaysayan at ugnayan sa mga
earthquakes kalapit-bayan
Calculate the circumference of the earth


Constant Pythagoras
Key points about the movements of
DIURNAL MOTION celestial objects:
Apparent daily motion of stars ‘orbiting’ Planets, Sun, Moon and stars move in
around the earth perfectly circular orbits
Modern explanation: caused by earth’s Perfectly uniform speeds
location about its axis Earth is at the exact center
*interval shooting extra credit Has similarities with ‘geocentric model’
ANNUAL MOTION Plato Student of Plato: Teacher of Alexander
Apparent yearly motion of stars Celestial spheres are crystalline the Great
Caused by earth’s revolution around the (transparent) Homocentric: Added 29 counteracting
sun “save the appearances”-Plato spheres (including the prime mover)àfor
interdependent motions

Krakow University
MAIN PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED BY THE Notes Sought for a simpler model
HOMOCENTRIC MODEL 1.Eccentric—a point from which the Revived the heliocentric model with
Can not account for the varying size of planet maintains a uniform distance rotating earth
the moon (not the shape) 2.Equant—a point about which a planet 1530: finished his theory but did not
Can not account for the varying has a constant angular speed. publish
brightness of the planet 3.Double Epicycles—claimed to yield 1543: published his book and died (same
Did not fit with the more precise more accurate predictions of the motion of the day!)
Babylonian data (discovered during conquests planets “On the Revolutions of the Celestial
by Alexander) Spheres”
Can not explain the retrograde motion
Ptolemaic model was good
February 14, 2019
THE PROBLEM OF RETROGRADE MOTION Preserved the appearances of circular motions
Planet=wanderer As the earth passes by a planet, the
Generally accepted
At times going backwards in its path, planet appears to move backward against the
planets appeared to stray from perfect circular However, more epicycles have to be added after background of stars
path every several years
Retrogade motion is an illusion!

HIPPARCHUS (190-120) “THE DIFFERENT GREEK” Copernican Model Version 1

Introduced ‘devices’ ARISTARCHYS (310-230 BC) Heliocentric
• Eccentric Moon was much closer and smaller than Uniform circular motion
• Epicycle the sun With deferents only, no epicycle,
• Deferent Proposed sun-centered universe eccentric, equant
While still preserving the appearances -theory considered to be ridiculous, Very simple but not accurate for
ECCENTRIC impious, and dangerous predictions
Explained the varying speed, distance, 1759 years ahead of Copernicus
size and brightness of each planet
Copernican Model Version 2
ERATOSTHENES Same as v 1 except with epicycles added, no
EPICYCLE AND DEFERENT Earth’s circumference
Explained the retrograde motion of each equant
planet -using angle of elevation of the sun at Not so simple, but with higher accuracy
noon on the summer solstice in Alexandria and
Abandoned Aristotle’s idea on Useful for calculations
counteracting spheres Alternatives to heliocentric model Not necessarily connected with reality
Added a 4th ‘device’ • Copernicus
Equant • Brahe Objections to Copernican Models:
Used double epicycles • Kepler • Scientific Objections
• Theological/Philosophical objections
Claimed to yield correct speed for each Polish astronomer, mathematician, SCIENTIFIC OBJECTION 1
planet minor church official Stellar parallax is not observed.
Therefore, earth could not be moving GIORDANO BRUNO (1548-1600) Tetrahedron-dryness, fire
around the sun. Italian philosopher, priest, astronomer
o Infinite and populated universe
Kepler’s Model Version 1
Six spheres alternated with platonic
Apparent sizes of stars do not vary, from o Extrasolar planets and beings
observations Declared as heretic, burned at stake
If inner and outer solids are spheres,
“Martyr to free-thought and science”
there can only be 6 spheres/planets
SCIENTIFIC OBJECTION 3 To Bruno- the century predicted by him,
Spacing depends on order of solids
(based on Aristotelian Physics) here where the fire burned
Not very strong breeze -sun at the center
-thick shells to fit data
February 16,2019
(based on Aristotelian Physics) Kepler’s Model Version 2
Tychonic Model
Dropping motion is vertical Kepler was interested in mathematical
TYCHO BRAHE (1546-1601)
Langaw Example: -derived equations from measurements
Danish; imperial astronomer in
Bat di napapadpad sa ikod ng bus? elliptical orbits
Bohemia, Czechoslovakia
Because of scale found the ‘devices’
Noted that both Ptolemaic and
Copernican models had errors
Believes earth does not move-geocentric
Kepler’s 3 Laws of Planetary Motion
(based on Aristotelian Physics) Law of Elliptical Orbits
*experimental scientist, did not propose
Things do not fly off A planet moves in an ellipse around the
any specific model
Made a compromise model: geocentric
Scriptures: +heliocentric= Geo-heliocentric model
PSALM 103:1 Law of Equal Areas
Measurements were eventually used by
He has girded Himself in strength, Planets sweep our equal areas in equal
his student Kepler
Surely the world is established so that it cannot times
be moved
German mathematician who believes Law of Harmonies
PSALM 104:5 The square of the periods of the planets
the universe is full of harmonies
Assistant of Brahe (18 months) are proportional to the cubes of their average
ECCLESIASTES 1:5 distance form sun
-used Brahe’s data
The sun also rises, and the sun goes Slow acceptance of …
-modified the heliocentric model
down and hastens to the lace where it arose
3 laws of planetary motion-empirical
and based on diagrams February 21, 2019
Theological/Philosophical Objections:
Fascinated with ‘Pythagorean
• Inconsistent with the Scripture Contributions of Galileo Galilei
• Might cause sun worship again -musical harmonics are more pleasing, In Astronomy and Mechanics
• Earth is unique fractional lengths of string

The five ‘perfect’ platonic solids

How did we realize that the Earth is not Chromatic aberrations—the problem with any
the center of the universe? GALILEO’S CONTRIBUTIONS TO ASTRONOMY lens
How did we adopt the view that the Stars are pinpoints even with the use of
telescopes (8x up to 30x)
February 28, 2019
universe is a mechanism?
Stars are very far!
OBJECTIVE FOR THIS MEETING ‘supernova’—bright explosion of a star,
Involves motion
Cite developments in astronomy and may be due to gravitational collapse at its core
Vector is blind
mechanics which support the weakening of the
support for the Ptolemaic model GALILEO’S ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS
thumb shows angular velocity’s
Celestial objects are not perfect
How to solve the consilience issues? Craters, mountains, and valleys on the
distribution of mass away from the axis
1. Stars are near idea SATURN’S RINGS
The greater the distance, the greater the
2. Two Domain view inertia
3. Earth-centered view FOUR MOONS OF JUPITER
Stable equilibrium
4. Aristotelian physics Earth is not the only center!
Angular velocity
1610—Galileo identified the 4 largest of
GALILEO GALILEI (1564-1642) the 67 moons of Jupiter: Ganymede, Callisto, Io
and Europa From Astronomy to Mechanics
Improved telescope designs
“How do objects move?”
Made breakthrough observations of the Research notebook/logbook
solar system Keep it clean, neat, legible
Must be comprehensible to others According to Aristotle
Refuted Aristotelian physics
1616—warnings and condemnation by Take digital photos, backup
Heavier objects fall faster than light
the Church Honesty is the best policy
1632—published “Dialogue Concerning SUNSPOTS
Means ‘celestial objects’ aren’t Falling motion is uniform motion
the Two Chief World Systems”
(constant speed)
Ptolemaic model vs Copernican perfect!
model -affect earth’s climate
Salviati (modernist), Sagredo PHASES OF VENUS
A force is required to sustain motion
(neutral) Simplicio (traditionalist) Venus revolves around the Sun
1636—totally blind (cataract, bacteria) Earth is not the only center
Requires two mechanisms
1638—published book on strength of In the Ptolemaic system, Venus always
materials and motion of objects lies between the sun and the earth and it would
1642—died in Arcetri, Florence always show a crescent phase, the Copernican
1737—reburied on sacred ground at system predicts the full range of phases for
Venus as it passes from between the sun and
According to Galileo
1741—Pope Benedict XIV authorized the earth…
Falling is independent of mass
publication of Galileo’s complete scientific works Falling is uniformly accelerated (speed
31 October 1992—Pope John Paul II GALILEO VS PTOLEMY
changes at a constant rate)
expressed regret for how the Galileo affair was From Astronomy… to Mechanics
handled “How do objects move?”

Force is required only to change the March 5, 2019
horizontal motion, no force is required to sustain RECALL BIG QUESTIONS: **Types of Motion
it How did we come to adopt the view that Pendulum regulates the release of the
PROJECTILE MOTION the universe is a mechanism? energy
Projectile motion is a superimposition of Cite Newton’s 3 laws of motion and laws Project: demonstration of gyroscope,
vertical and horizontal motions of gravitation output:gyroscope rotating for 5 seconds and a
Use Newton’s ideas to support Galileo’s demonstration in class
Representing Falling motion on a graph ideas on motion… 10mb max
Galileo found a contradiction in Aristotle’s idea of pics of gyroscope
falling motion
Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) Tuesday deadline of vid during the exam
English mathematician, physicist,
ABOUT FALLING MOTION… astronomer, chemist and natural philosopher Practice test on Thursday
Galileo found that objects fall with Had ‘enemies’: Gotfried, John
constant acceleration (i.e. the speed increases at Flamsteed, and Robert Hooke Newton vs Flamsteed
a constant rate) Knighted in 1705 by Queen Anne Newston asked for Flamsteed’s data )to
ACCORDING TO GALILEO… because of being a ‘master mint’ support theory of gravitation) Flamsteed told
Projectile motion is a superposition of 2 Died due to bladder stone or mercury Newton NOT..
motions poisoning
1. Vertical motion which is an accelerated Certified bachelor Some major constributions in optics,
motion mathematics and physics
2. Horizontal motion which is a uniform ARISTOTLE NEWTON Optics
motion Heavier objects fall independent of -discovered the color compnents of
faster than light mass white light
THE MODERN SCIENTIST objects uniformly -invented the reflecting telescope
Old money: Italian Lira (Newtonian telescope), (refracting galileo
Falling motion is accelerated (speed
Our model of the Universe uniform motion changes at a telescope)—mirror-based telescope

Tycho Brahe: Better Expt’l data Math

(constant speed) constant rate)
Johannes Kepler: refined model -invented calculus (also claimed by
Galileo Galilei: promotion of the new Leibniz—a intrgral calculus), describing
A force is required Force is required
model function using derivatives (slopes), differential
to sustain motion only to change the
Still missing: someone to put the pieces calculus

horizontal motion,
together in the modern sense Physics (in his book Principia)
no force is required
to sustain it -theory of mechanics
Who put them together theory of gravity
This famous scientist was born on demonstrated that Kepler’s laws are
Requires two Projectile motion is
Christmas day, the exact year that Galileo died. consequences of his theory of mechanics and
mechanisms a superimposition

of vertical and gravity

NEWTON’S SYNTHESIS Most ideas were conceptualized within 2
horizontal motions
Newton’s ideas
years (1665-1667)!! 23-25 y/o
• In mechanics
• In gravitation
Prism—white light to raindbow, rainbow Distribution of mass from axis>moment For every action, there is an equal and
to white light of axis opposite reaction.
Why rainbow to white light? To show Greater moment of inertia the more it
that the rainbow came from light and not from resists changes to the axis Interacting bodies exert forces on each
the prism other
Decomposition—breaking If the sum of the torque is zero, then the Ex.
down/decomposing signal to its components angular momentum is constant Walking
Synthesis—synthesize a product from Rocket launch—particeles hitting rocket
basic components or ingredient Consequences of first law is second law, recoil is third law
For stranslation: Airfoil, beroulli’s principle
“Mathematical principles of natural A force is required to chenage motion Airfoil—shaped almost like a teardrop,
philosophy” (1687) but not to maintain it (in agreement with Mas mabagal ang hangin mas mataas
-classical mechanics Galileo!) pressure, mas mabilis less pressure
Change in translation motion could Greatest speed least pressure
Newtonian Mechanics mean:
Discovering the rational universe Moving faster, moving slower, changing Lower height greater pressure
Three laws of motion diection Higher height low pressure
Universal laws of gravitation For rotation:
External torque is needed to change In vacuum—how do you explain the
First Law of Motion ngular momentum, but not to maintain it motion of a spacecraft in outer space?
Law of inertia How do spacecrafts move in the absence
A body at rest (or in uniform Second law of motion of molecules to push against? How can a rocket
translational motion/const linear momentum p) Law of Acceleration: maneuver or change speed in a vacuum?
will remain in that state, unless acted upon by a Acceleration of an object is equal to the Submit on a ½ sheet of paper,
net external force (p=mv) net force applied to it, divided by its mass explaining how rockets move in outer space.
Net-not zero The acceleration or the change in the
External-not from the object itself motion of an object is completely determined by *Law—not even celestial bodies are
the net force acting upon a mass exempt
If external force is zero, momentum is *Acceleration is a manifestation of force
constant For rotation: Summation of torque=Ia
A=angular motion Gravitation
Likewose.. for angular motion
L= Iw (L=angular momentum, I: Example 2: How can you avoid being
moment of inertia, w:angular velocity) and squashed by an elephant that is running after
torque, you?
Answer: make zig-za g paths
Moment of inertia: I~mr2 Bec. Mr elephant will have difficulty
Measure of the distribution of the mass accelerating (i.e. changing direction)

Inertia translates to mass Third law of motion

Truck>tricycle Law of action and reaction:

Jan Science debate? *you just need to comply,
24 pdf format, PIO Ancient
OVERVIEW Instruments
1. The Earth is not the center
of the universe. Assignment:
(Copernican astronomy) discuss how each of these
2. The universe is a instruments work
mechanism run by rules Exam: kung ano lang nadiscuss
(Newtonian mechanics and sa class
causality) confident we’ve read the
3. Energy is what makes it go. reference/reading
(Concept of energy)
4. Entropy tells it where to go.
(entropy and probability) INTERVAL SHOOTING,
5. The facts are relative but if you can have an interval shoot
the laws are absolute of the night sky.
(relativity) Have something in the frame, one
6. You can’t predict or know object and try to achieve the
everything. (quantum picture/startrail effect
theory) Jan
HOUSEKEEPING Fundamentally, things never 31 REMINDER:
Jan Course Outline change (conservation principles and Ask about citation method sa
17 SCIENCE symmetry) ancient
Diagnostic features of Science TAKE NOTE: instruments written report: no
Caveats about science Seven Important Ideas in Physics particular
interpretations First exam—first two chapters MOVED ON TUESDAY, Feb 5, 12
PHYSICS Spielberg and Anderson 1995 midnight
Descriptions and definitions
Seven important ideas Focus is first 3-4 chapters Science Debates: Science and Art
Frontiers Scientific—arguing based on
technical information
OBJECTIVES Next meeting—astronomy and Even if you don’t subscribe to
Apply diagnostic features of read chapters 1 and 2 of seven ideas the position you are assigned to your
science & caveats group, you still need to argue to the best
Cite examples of physics Jan ASSIGNMENT: of your ability
frontiers 29 Discuss how each instrument
State seven important ideas in works and significance (150 words 1. Validity of proofs that human
physics each, 1 page each, diagram; make own activities significantly cause climate
sketch <digital or traditional drawing, change-Leader Trei
Jan Reminders: First Activity: science artistic rendering> email by Friday, 12 a. Human activities causing global
22 debate midnight) warming-Shieri
b. Solar activities and climatic cycles- Math group emails:
c. Ocean temperature and acidity,
d. Climate models and their,

Feb Pre-debate, platonic solids activity

7 (group pic), notes?


Technology is always going

Next meeting:
Activity about platonic solids
5 platonic solids
arts and crafts

February 12, 2019 Tuesday

Eratosthenes (273-194 BC)

Activity: Calculate the

circumference of the earth

Feb No notes, actual debate, debate

14 meeting?

Feb Exam next Thursday, two meetings

28 from now
Newton is last topic
Last meeting—literally just playing with

Debate Results for Debate 4



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