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1. Are you sexy or classy?

2. Do you really believe that “It’s More Fun in the Philippines?”
3. Do you think that social media has helped or hurt our society?
4. How did you prepare for this pageant?
5. How do you handle people not liking you?
6. How would you balance studies, and your extracurricular activities if you were to
win the title tonight?
7. If I was a genie in a bottle and could grant you any wish what would it be?
8. If you could be any celebrity today who would you be and why?
9. If you could meet anyone from history who would it be and why?
10. If you could meet one celebrity who would it be?
11. If you spend dinner with 3 people, who would you invite and why?
12. List 3 adjectives that best describe you?
13. Name one tourist destination in the Philippines that you would like to promote
to your foreign friends?
14. Should access to Social Media be banned from schools?
15. Should teachers and students be friends on FaceBook?
16. What animal best represents your personality?
17. What do you think are some qualities of an influential leader?
18. What do you think is your greatest accomplishment as of today?
19. What is more important to you, to be liked or respected?
20. What is one thing that you would change about yourself?
21. What is the biggest challenge young people face today?
22. What is the most embarrassing experience that happened to you?
23. What is the most important extracurricular activity you are involved in and why?
24. What is your biggest fear?
25. What makes you different from all the other girls/boys who are competing in this
26. What makes you happy?
27. What would you say to people who do not believe that pageants are a good
influence on teens your age?
28. Which do you prefer, beauty or intelligence?
29. Who is your role model?
30. Why should you be the next Mr. & Ms. Teen International Philippines FilcomKSA

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