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Individual Assignment: Market Segmentation

CEA 1053 Principles & Practice of Marketing Cohort 8

Use a variety of magazine and newspapers to complete this assignment. From those sources, use
4 ads to illustrate 4 different market segments. There must be one from each of the following
segmentations: Psychographic, Behavioural, Demographic and Geographic. Be sure to indicate
which ad is which along with a minimum 250 word description on why this the selected ad fits
within one of the market segments. Be sure to answer the following questions in the text as well:

􀀀 What is the objective of the ad?

􀀀 Who is the target market?
􀀀 What message is the ad trying to communicate?
􀀀 What creative strategies does the ad utilize to get its message across?
􀀀 How does the ad incorporate the different aspects of segmentation into it?

You must include the ads with the assignment. Share magazines (not ads) with each other if you

When handing your assignment in, use a stylish/professional cover.


1) The assignment should be undertaken individually.

2) Provide a brief introduction of the aim of the assignment, literature review on concepts of
market segmentation, critical analysis to answer the questions and conclusion.
3) Please state your references clearly.
4) Word limit is 3,000 words.
5) Submission date: 31th July 2019.

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