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The educational system

Nowadays all the countries have to manage with several problems, but none
as important as the education system problem, in the next article there will
be talking about the comparison between the education system of Colombia
and United States, and how we can improve it.
The number of years that the students have to study in the school on each
country, and how it is distributed is important to find the different range of
ages directly related with the complexity of the lessons given to them.
For example For a long time now people considered the actual teaching
method as being one of the most useful and important, both from schools
and colleges and it may work for some teachers but in the other hand there is
an increase of cases when even a good teacher seems to be unable to impart
their knowledge to their students so in that order of ideas I dare to think that
there are better ways to teach students in each generation, according to with
their information sources.
In the past, I have had an experience with two students that came with me to
ask me for help because they didn’t understand the method used by the
teacher of logic, more specifically one of them who ask me for explain him
the lesson that we saw the previous class a guy who need someone to
explain him a lesson of calculative logic , lo they told me that with the large
amount of subjects that he actually had to manage, the time that he spent
and I have a good reason to use them as example considering that I was one
of the monitors of calculative logic and the way that I taught the students was
simple, first I ask him for the book Guide and the topic that he doesn’t
understand to see where to start with him, then I try to explain to them the
basic concept and the most important things of the topic to know if there are
issues with the previous topic then it was my job try to repair it, and finally
ones that the student made at least 20 exercises I ask him again to make sure
what he learns and what he doesn’t.
From my part, I like to study to prepare the topic that I must see the next
class to be more informed and prepared, in this way I can easily pay attention
to the class without having doubts, also when I know the subject is difficult, I
prepare it with a month before, usually in holidays to have fresh information
and understand better the subject, but there is a limit of information sources
because in the future will be very complex and advanced subjects that you
can't find in internet, so it is important to make use of the monitors and the
teachers that are disposed to teach.

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