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Chris Hemsworth's HIRT Workout


For five total rounds, complete 10 reps of each move with a 30
second rest between moves.
Burpee Curl to Press

Sets: 5; Reps: 10

 Begin standing, feet hip-width and hands holding dumbbells by

your sides
 In one fluid motion, bend down and place your hands and
dumbbells under your shoulders as you jump your feet backwards
to a push-up position
 Complete a push-up before jumping your feet back under your
body, standing back up and raising the dumbbells straight above
your head as you do so
 Lower the dumbbells to the starting position. That's one rep
Walking Planks

Sets: 5; Reps: 10

 Take the plank position with your weight supported on your

forearms and toes, your elbows beneath your shoulders, and your
core muscles engaged (squeeze your glutes and tense your
 Take your right arm from the floor, placing your hand below your
right shoulder. Push up with your right hand while raising your left
arm and placing it beneath your left shoulder
 The top position resembles a narrow push-up. Return to the start
position. This is one repetition
 Complete the next repetition by leading with your left arm, then
Dumbbell Renegade Row and Press-Up

Sets: 5; Reps: 10

 Start in a high plank position – hands positioned beneath your

shoulders, feet apart (the wider they are, the easier the exercise
will be), a straight line from your shoulders to your ankles and a
dumbbell in each hand
 With your core muscles engaged (squeeze your glutes and tense
your abdominals), complete a push-up
 At the top of the push up, row the right dumbbell up and back down
in line with your belly button, then the left. That's one rep
 To reduce the difficulty, perform the exercise on your knees

Dumbbell Bent-over Rear Flys

Sets: 5; Reps: 10

 Take the position by standing with knees slightly bent, and hinge
from the hips to bend so your back is flat and parallel with the
 Hold your dumbbells straight down, touching underneath your
chest and refrain from arching your back
 While tensing your stomach, raise each hand up to the side of your
body at the same time, forming a T shape and not going above
your back
 Slowly lower arms and repeat
Dumbbell Hammer Curl and Reverse Lunge

Sets: 5; Reps: 10

 Stand holding your dumbbells by your sides, with your palms facing
toward your body
 Step your right foot back behind your body and lunge down, your
right knee touching the ground and left knee staying in line with
your ankle
 At the same time, raise both dumbbells up to shoulder height, while
keeping your elbows tucked in
 Lower the dumbbells as you return your right foot to the starting
 This is one rep, complete the next rep with your left leg
Hollow Outs

Sets: 5; Reps: 10

 Lie down flat on your back and hold your arms and legs straight out
from the body, with hands and toes pointed, hovering slightly
above the ground
 The key with this exercise is to tense your abs and glutes to move
with control rather than momentum
 So, with control, slowly begin to rock back and forth – raise your
upper body off the ground as you lower your legs, then rock back
the other way just before your legs touch the ground
 Maintain lower body contact with the ground for the duration of the
 Rock forward, then back – this is one rep. Repeat

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