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Event management is the application of project management to the Creation

and Development of large scale events such as festivals, Wedding ceremonies,
formal parties. People that are need to find or book online event halls and or
willing to see the packages and timing slots online about halls. They will able
to get all this information through this system. To get success in the event
management business, user should have strong network contacts of service
provider. These contacts are essentially providers of specific services who can
be mobilized quickly to participate in any given event. To make an event
successful event Manager needs different service provider like Sound systems
services, Lighting providers, Canteen services, stage construction and so on.
This system helps the event management company to manage their paper work
online and they can also retrieve report of last event they have completed


This system automatically generate certificate and issue it/mail it. System very
efficiently store, maintain and retrieve data from its database and can be used
for further analysis. This system provides latest notification to its user .Time
saving activity. The data in a centralized way which is available to all the event
managers. Easy to manage historical data in database. Participants can register
for any happening event from anywhere. Event manager can keep records of


In a nutshell, it can be summarized that the future scope of the

project circles around maintaining information regarding:

 We can add printer in future.

 We can give more advance software for Event Management System
including more facilities
 We will host the platform on online servers to make it accessible worldwide
 Integrate multiple load balancers to distribute the loads of the system
 Create the master and slave database structure to reduce the overload of
the database queries
 Implement the backup mechanism for taking backup of codebase and
database on regular basis on different servers

The above mentioned points are the enhancements which can be done to
increase the applicability and usage of this project. Here we can maintain
the records of Event and Booking. Also, as it can be seen that now-a-days
the players are versatile, i.e. so there is a scope for introducing a method to
maintain the Event Management System. Enhancements can be done to
maintain all the Event, Booking, Customer, Employee, Enquiry


Development tools and programming language: Microsoft Visual Studio

2008 and VB.NET

We would like to use Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 as our developing

software. Visual Studio 2008 is powerful and flexible developing software, it
allows us to build a good design application with an easy-use drag and drop
controls on our form. We can see the user-friendliness of our application
once we finished drop the control on form.

Visual Basic .NET (VB.NET) is an object-oriented computer programming

language implemented on the .NET Framework. Although it is an evolution
of classic Visual Basic language, it is not backwards-compatible with VB6,
and any code written in the old version does not compile under VB.NET.

VB.NET is implemented by Microsoft's .NET framework. Therefore, it has

full access to all the libraries in the .Net Framework. It's also possible to run
VB.NET programs on Mono, the open-source alternative to .NET, not only
under Windows, but even Linux or Mac OSX.

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Microsoft SQL Server 2008 is the latest version
of SQL Server. Although there is one SQL Server 2008 V2 on the market,
but I found it was under Beta after survey on it. So I decide to use Microsoft
SQL Server 2008 as the database software for my system. In addition, SQL
Server 2008 enables us to copy or move the database to another computer
easily. This is very useful when we developing the Library Management
My SQL is a database management system.
My SQL is based on SQL.
My SQL software is Open Source
The My SQL Database Server is very fast, reliable, and easy to use.
 Features of My SQL:

 Written in C and C++.

 Works on many different platforms.
 Uses multi-layered server design with independent modules.
 Provides transactional and non transactional storage engines.
 Uses a very fast thread-based memory allocation system.
 Executes very fast joins using an optimized nested-loop join


Database: MS SQL Server2000 with Microsoft SQL Desktop Engine installed.

Framework: .NET Framework Version (1.1 only).
Platform: Windows XP/NT Server or Windows2000Server.
Components: Windows Components needs to be updated by Service Packs
(XP/NT/S2K service pack depending upon the system).
Web Server: IIS (present in windows 2000 only) or Web Matrix Server.
The project is tested on Web Matrix Server.
Technology: ASP.Net
Server Side Coding Tool: C#. Net
Library: MSIL
Assembly: System.dll
Browser: Internet Explorer6.0


Name of component Specification

Processor Pentium III 630MHz
RAM 128 MB
Hard disk 20 GB
Monitor 15” color monitor
Keyboard 122 keys


The first step in the system development life cycle is the preliminary
investigation to determine the feasibility of the system. The purpose of the
preliminary investigation is to evaluate project requests. It is not a design study
nor does it include the collection of details to describe the business system in all
respect. Rather, it is the collecting of information that helps committee
members to evaluate the merits of the project request and make an informed
judgment about the feasibility of the proposed project.


The main purpose of this study is to Progress, Prospects and Identify of needs in
Event Management System
This includes:-

 Identify the scope in terms of the service provided by them to consumers.

 Size of the industry
 Study the problems faced by the event management companies.
 Study the type of events which are taking place.
It is proposed to establish a proper and secure channel of communication between
the company persons via the Internet channel domain. Feasibility of proposed
system is evaluated in three dimensions i.e., operational feasibility,
economical feasibility and technical feasibility.

 Operational feasibility
Since the user presumed to use this system are qualified so it is believed that
they have proper knowledge of computers and Internet and hence they will be
able to operate it in a fair manner.

 Economical feasibility
Since we assume that the network on which our system will operate will be
support TCP/IP protocol, hence the software needed are mainly C#. NET
webserver1.1 and the Internet Explorer, which can be got very easily

 Technical feasibility
As mentioned before the organization is assumed to have well equipped
technical persons who are capable of operating the system also have necessary
hardware and can download the software from the internet. Hence proposed
solution is technical feasible.


Event management System deals with a lot of consultancy and sub-

contracting services. It includes proper maintenance of such data in
standard ERP model. Standard software like SAP doesn’t provide us with
any Event management standard module. Hence it is not yet been
scientifically standardized. Therefore there was a need of
implementing such a system using software tools.


The proposed system is a compact Event Management System built to

provide Event Management Companies and the consultancies with the facility
to manage and plan the Events. It will be provided with a comparative
platform of planned accounts and actual accounts. This will further more
be working as an Event Management Index. It will store and manage the
response of an Event as well as challenges in the event


 Data Flow Diagram Zero Level (DFD)

 Data Flow Diagram First Level (DFD)


When the requirement specification is complete, it must be approved by

management. The document is very important, as the new system will be judged on
the basis of it.
The design stage of development should thus not be started until a formal signed
agreement is reached on the requirement specification.

 The purpose of this phase is to determine how to construct the IS to best

satisfy the documented requirements.
 The analyst/designer designs all the required IS outputs, files/databases,
inputs, programs, and manual procedures.
 He/she designs the internal and external controls – manual and computer-
based steps that guarantee the IS is reliable, accurate, and secure.
 The product of this phase is systems specification document. This product is
presented to management and users for their review and approval.

A logical design deals with coming up with a blue-print describing how

the new system works. Logical design is seen in terms of what it
processes i.e. procedures, inputs, outputs, storage and controls the new
system has.

Physical design involves taking the logical design blue-print and turning it
into actual programs, databases and purchasing the hardware and software
necessary for the functioning of the system.

Physically designed systems should meet the following criteria:

 Flexible: A good design enable future requirements of the business

to be incorporated without too much difficult and the system should reflect
business changes.

 Maintainable: A good design should be easy to maintain in order to

reduce maintenance costs.

 Portable: A good design is portable- that is it is cable of being

transferred from one machine environment to another with minimum
amount of effort.

 Ease of use: A good design will result in a system that is user-

friendly-easy to understand..

 Reliable: A good system should be reliable especially in process

control or banking.

 Secure: A good system design is secure. It restricts access to

authorized users only i.e by introducing passwords.

 Cost effective: User needs are met cost-effectively is a well designed



Ladder should be compact and portable
It should be stable on smooth surfaces
Should stand safely without a support
Can be used for house hold requirements
Should be reasonably stiff and comfortable for users
Must be safe and durable
Should be relatively economical should be reduce space requirements
while packing by means of detachable parts
The ladder should be marketable Useful for electrical and maintenance

Objectives are normally expressed as adjectives that capture what the

design should be, as opposed to what the design should do. For example,
saying that a ladder should be portable or lightweight expresses an
attribute that the client wants the ladder to have. These features and
behaviors, expressed in the natural languages of the client and of
potential users, make the object “look good” in the eyes of the client or

Design constraints are limit on freedom to design. They have to be

satisfied/ achieved by the design Failure to meet the constraint makes
design unacceptable.
Constraints are typically framed as a binary yes-or-no choice

 Constraints are important to the design process because they limit

the size of a design space by forcing the designer to meet a well
defined set of requirements

 Constraints enable us to reject unacceptable alternatives, while

objectives enable us to select among design alternatives that are at
least acceptable.


Based on the properties affected by constraints

1. Functional Constraints

2. Safety Constraints

3. Quality Constraints

4. Manufacturing Constraints

5. Timing Constraints

6. Economic Constraints

7. Ergonomic Constraints

8. Ecological Constraints

9. Life-cycle Constraints

10.Aesthetic Constraints
Design techniques are procedures, techniques, aids, or tools for designing. They
offer a number of different kinds of activities that a designer might use within an
overall design process. Conventional procedures of design, such as drawing, can
be regarded as design methods, but since the 1950s new procedures have been
developed that are more usually grouped together under the name of "design
methods". What design methods have in common is that they "are attempts to
make public the hitherto private thinking of designers; to externalize the design
Design methodology is the broader study of method in design: the study of the
principles, practices and procedures of designing.

Complex design techniques are often time-consuming and, well, complex. Some of
these advanced effects can add plenty of depth to designs, but when used in the
wrong place, they do little more than distract viewers from the project’s intended
focus. These effects may be precisely what a design needs to have the impact it
requires, but even in these cases, they should be complemented by simpler effects.
Simple effects and techniques are the building blocks of today’s designs. For
example, what good is a stellar lighting technique if you can’t decide which colors
to use or which text-based effects to use in conjunction with the effect? With a
“less is more” mentality, we’ve selected 10 very simple and impressive design
techniques that can drastically improve the performance and appearance of your
designs. For more techniques, you may want to look at our previous articles:

Complex design techniques are often time-consuming and, well, complex. Some of
these advanced effects can add plenty of depth to designs, but when used in the
wrong place, they do little more than distract viewers from the project’s intended
focus. These effects may be precisely what a design needs to have the impact it
requires, but even in these cases, they should be complemented by simpler effects.
Simple effects and techniques are the building blocks of today’s designs. For
example, what good is a stellar lighting technique if you can’t decide which colors
to use or which text-based effects to use in conjunction with the effect?
With a “less is more” mentality, we’ve selected 10 very simple and impressive
design techniques that can drastically improve the performance and appearance of
your designs.

Database design is the organization of data according to a database model. The

designer determines what data must be stored and how the data elements interrelate.
With this information, they can begin to fit the data to the database
model.[1] Database management system manages the data accordingly.
Database design involves classifying data and identifying interrelationships. This
theoretical representation of the data is called an ontology. The ontology is the
theory behind the database's design.
In a majority of cases, a person who is doing the design of a database is a person
with expertise in the area of database design, rather than expertise in the domain
from which the data to be stored is drawn e.g. financial information, biological
information etc. Therefore, the data to be stored in the database must be determined
in cooperation with a person who does have expertise in that domain, and who is
aware of what data must be stored within the system.
This process is one which is generally considered part of requirements analysis, and
requires skill on the part of the database designer to elicit the needed information
from those with the domain knowledge. This is because those with the necessary
domain knowledge frequently cannot express clearly what their system
requirements for the database are as they are unaccustomed to thinking in terms of
the discrete data elements which must be stored. Data to be stored can be
determined by Requirement Specification.
Once a database designer is aware of the data which is to be stored within the
database, they must then determine where dependency is within the data.
Sometimes when data is changed you can be changing other data that is not visible.
For example, in a list of names and addresses, assuming a situation where multiple
people can have the same address, but one person cannot have more than one
address, the address is dependent upon the name. When provided a name and the
list the address can be uniquely determined; however, the inverse does not hold -
when given an address and the list, a name cannot be uniquely determined because
multiple people can reside at an address. Because an address is determined by a
name, an address is considered dependent on a name. Once the relationships and
dependencies amongst the various pieces of information have been determined, it is
possible to arrange the data into a logical structure which can then be mapped into
the storage objects supported by the database management system. In the case
of relational databases the storage objects are tables which store data in rows and
columns. In an Object database the storage objects correspond directly to the
objects used by the Object-oriented programming language used to write the
applications that will manage and access the data. The relationships may be defined
as attributes of the object classes involved or as methods that operate on the object
The way this mapping is generally performed is such that each set of related data
which depends upon a single object, whether real or abstract, is placed in a table.
Relationships between these dependent objects is then stored as links between the
various objects.
Each table may represent an implementation of either a logical object or a
relationship joining one or more instances of one or more logical objects.
Relationships between tables may then be stored as links connecting child tables
with parents. Since complex logical relationships are themselves tables they will
probably have links to more than one parent.

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