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Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle Spanish

arise arose arisen surgir

be was / were been ser
beat beat beaten golpear
become became become convertirse
begin began begun comenzar
bet bet/betted bet/betted apostar
bite bit bitten morder
bleed bled bled sangrar
blow blew blown soplar
break broke broken romper
bring brought brought traer
build built built construir
buy bought bought comprar
catch caught caught atrapar
choose chose chosen elegir
come came come venir
cost cost cost costar
creep crept crept arrastrarse
cut cut cut cortar
deal dealt dealt dar, repartir
do did done hacer
draw drew drawn dibujar
dream dreamt/dreamed dreamt/dreamed soñar
drink drank drunk beber
drive drove driven conducir
eat ate eaten comer
fall fell fallen caer
feed fed fed alimentar
feel felt felt sentir
fight fought fought pelear
find found found encontrar
flee fled fled huir
fly flew flown volar
forget forgot forgotten olvidar
forgive forgave forgiven perdonar
forsake forsook forsaken abandonar
freeze froze frozen congelar
get got got tener, obtener
give gave given dar
go went gone ir
grind ground ground moler
grow grew grown crecer
hang hung hung colgar
have had had tener
hear heard heard oír
hide hid hidden esconderse
hit hit hit golpear
hold held held tener, mantener
hurt hurt hurt herir, doler
keep kept kept guardar
kneel knelt knelt arrodillarse
know knew known saber
lead led led encabezar
learn learnt/learned learnt/learned aprender
leave left left dejar
lend lent lent prestar
let let let dejar

lie lay lain yacer
lose lost lost perder
make made made hacer
mean meant meant significar
meet met met conocer, encontrar
pay paid paid pagar
put put put poner
quit quit/quitted quit/quitted abandonar
read read read leer
ride rode ridden montar, ir
ring rang rung llamar por teléfono
rise rose risen elevar
run ran run correr
say said said decir
see saw seen ver
sell sold sold vender
send sent sent enviar
set set set fijar
sew sewed sewn/sewed coser
shake shook shaken sacudir
shine shone shone brillar
shoot shot shot disparar
show showed shown/showed mostrar
shrink shrank/shrunk shrunk encoger
sing sang sung cantar
sit sat sat sentarse
sleep slept slept dormir
slide slid slid deslizar
sow sowed sown/sowed sembrar
speak spoke spoken hablar
spell spelt/spelled spelt/spelled deletrear
spend spent spent gastar
spill spilt/spilled spilt/spilled derramar
split split split partir
spoil spoilt/spoiled spoilt/spoiled estropear
spread spread spread extenderse
stand stood stood estar de pie
steal stole stolen robar
sting stung stung picar
stink stank/stunk stunk apestar
strike struck struck golpear
swear swore sworn jurar
sweep swept swept barrer
swim swam swum nadar
take took taken tomar
teach taught taught enseñar
tear tore torn romper
tell told told decir
think thought thought pensar
throw threw thrown lanzar
tread trode trodden/trod pisar
understand understood understood entender
wake woke woken despertarse
wear wore worn llevar puesto
weave wove woven tejer
win won won ganar
wring wrung wrung retorcer
write wrote written escribir

1. Write the correct past form:

buy - come - send - eat -

think - sleep - put - feel -

drink -

2. Can you put the verbs into one of the groups according to their past/past participle

Speak, Freeze, put, cut, fight, steal, find, hit, wake, feel, catch, set, think, break, get, teach,
have, let, build, bring.

end in ght; eg: buy bought bought same as present; eg: cost cost cost

the same; eg: lose lost lost -o- and -o-en; eg: break broke broken

3. Choose the correct form of the verb in each sentence:

1. Have you ______________ your lost dog yet?

find found

2. She spoke too softly. I couldn't ______________ her.

hear heard

3. But we heard everything she ______________ .

say said

4. We went shopping and I ______________ a new pair of jeans.

buy bought

5. Did you ______________ well last night?

sleep slept

6. I used to ______________ a lot of money, but I don't make much now.

make made

7. We were really surprised when we ______________ the game.

win won

8. We thought we would ______________ for sure.

lose lost

9. Have you ever ______________ a movie star?

meet met

10. Mum taught our sisters how to cook, but she didn't ______________ us.

teach taught

4. Are the following forms of the

irregular verbs used
as Infinitive, Simple
Past and/or Past participle
Past participle
1. have → 6. met →

Infinitive Infinitive

Simple Past Simple Past

Past participle Past participle

2. went → 7. say →

Infinitive Infinitive

Simple Past Simple Past

Past participle Past participle

3. slept → 8. put →

Infinitive Infinitive

Simple Past Simple Past

Past participle Past participle

4. come → 9. seen →

Infinitive Infinitive

Simple Past Simple Past

Past participle Past participle

5. do → 10. caught →

Infinitive Infinitive

Simple Past Simple Past

Past participle

Irregular verbs are an important feature of English. We use irregular verbs a lot when speaking,
less when writing. Of course, the most famous English verb of all, the verb "to be", is irregular.

Conjugation for an Irregular Verb

Any verb that does not break down using the rules of tenses like "to walk" is an irregular verb.
That means that the conjugation is not based on the rules of tenses; but rather on the
specific conjugation which is used for the word.

This means that verbal conjugation is a game of memorization. You need to memorize the
specific conjugation for each irregular verb.

Here are a couple verbs that are commonly misspoken to get you started on your irregular

 To Drink: I drink coffee every morning. I drank six cups of coffee yesterday. I have drunk 27
cups of coffee this week.
 To Go: I go crazy when people kick my chair in movie theaters. I went crazy when I ran out of
coffee. I have gone crazy four times this month.
 To Swim: I swim in Lake Erie every summer. I swam through lots of garbage in July. I have swum
through toxic sludge a few times.
 To Have: I have a caffeine addiction. I had caffeine poisoning last month. I have had a caffeine
addiction for seven years.
 To Be: I am addicted to caffeine. I was tired until I found you, dear coffee! I have never been

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