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7 DE JUNIO DE 2019
GROUP: M7C2G17-066
Mi vida en otra lengua
Semana 4
Semana de integración

Proyecto integrador:
a) Answer the questions about your past, present and future. Illustrate
My personal blog each section with a
photograph or image representing that stage of your life.

My past

Where were you I was born and raised in Mexico City

Where did you I live in the Alvaro Obregon delegation. In the colony La
live? conchita.
What were you
doing before I studied the career of styling and beauty culture.
starting Prepa en

My achievements

What were the three most I have finished my styling career.

important achievements in I have decided to enter Prepa on Linea.
your life? Having got a job
Write about an experience When I looked for work, it was difficult. Since I did
in which you have not find any that I liked, but with the advice of my
overcome some difficulty. mother I managed to find one after a while of

Mi vida en otra lengua
Semana 4
Semana de integración

My present and what I want to accomplish

Proyecto integrador:
My personal blog

Describe your school and I work from 7 in the morning to 5 in the afternoon
work routine. from Monday to Friday, and study at night and on
Saturdays and Sundays.
What do you do in your free I like to watch dramas and movies, I also like to go
time? to many concerts and go out with my friends
What new skills or I want to learn to speak English well and other
challenges are you trying to languages such as Korean, Japanese and Chines
Write about any difficulties This year they announced many concerts that I want
in this moment of your life. to attend but it's a lot of money that I have to spend.
What are you doing to I am working overtime to earn more money to
overcome those attend.

My future and my goals and plans

What are your plans after Keep studying, this time a career in which you want
completing Prepa en Línea- to work for life.
Would you like to study for Yes, Languages, I want to enter Nishi school
a degree? Which one?
Which university?

Mi vida en otra lengua
Semana 4
Semana de integración

What would you like to I would like to work as a tour guide.

Proyecto integrador:
work on?
My personal blog
What is your greatest goal? I want to be able to travel and know other parts of
the world.

What challenges will you I will have to study hard while I work at the same
have to face to achieve time to be able to pay for the school I want and to
your goal? fulfill my goals

b) Write a half-page reflection on what you learned during the modules "Mi mundo
en otra lengua" and "Mi vida en otra lengua" and how they contributed to your

What I learned in these modules was the basic knowledge that is required in the
English language. They taught me how to formulate and answer questions, make
descriptions of other people and mine, the importance of our past, how to use the
past, present and future verbs in the right way, among other things. I also learned
that English is not so boring, I even found it funny, now I am more interested in this
language and I want to continue learning it because these modules explained it to
you easily.

For me I contribute a lot in my training, because now I know more about the
language, which if we know how to speak opens more opportunities to find better
jobs because among all languages, English is undoubtedly the most demanded for
being the second spoken language of more than a billion people. For me who want
to study tourism abroad I am aware of the importance of English in the career I want
to study so in these modules I did everything possible to achieve a good level of
understanding and expression both oral and written the language

c) Record the questions and answers of your biography (point a), as well as the
reflection (point b). Save your audio in a cloud and share the link in this space.
Remember do not exceed over than 2 minutes.

My audio or URL
(Copy the URL of your audio here.)

Facilitador, no logre que el audio durara dos minutos esto fue lo mas corto que
pude hacerlo.

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