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Aaron Kent A.




1. Higher compensation – good advice means lucrative compensation, especially if the

consultant is highly respected and trusted in the field of work. But that is on the
discretion of how both the consultant and the client negotiated for the engagement.
2. Learning development – everyday is a learning experience for consultants. Hours and
hours of studying and examining the financial statements and other pertinent
documents, plus the client’s standards could help consultants broaden their scope and
their experience useful to future engagements.
3. Advances in career – consulting especially big entities could be a turning point for a
consultant’s career. It will give them more opportunities to further engagements on
more bigger and powerful entities in the future.


1. Pressure – consultants are subject to pressure from clients to the members of the
consulting team in providing timely and viable information for the engagement partners
decision-making. They should meet certain metrics and specific deadlines while trying to
piece a feasible advice with the help of fellow engagement members.
2. The case for individuality – consultants should note that as part of the engagement
team for the client, a consolidated effort with colleagues is a duty. Since it is an
extensive and comprehensive exercise that requires expertise not just from the main
consultant but also for engagement team members. Individuality will complicate that
role and will force the client to make a shoddy decision that could affect the entity’s
well-being and the partnership between engagement partners.
3. Fewer professional decisions – though consultation involves decisions on the larger
scope, most of the time those decisions do not go along the stride. For example,
budgets could be a factor based on studies from junior members that could affect the
main consultant’s primary decision.
4. Concerns for turnover – not all of the members of your engagement team are
committed for you in eternity. Most want greener pastures. Some consultants leave for
more lucrative industries, others are not a permanent fixture in the first place, and the
end result is that you have more work on your plate without necessarily receiving a pay
boost in return.

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