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Engada Charlene B.

February 10, 2020

At the end of the class the students will be able to:

 Describe Rondo form

 Students will listen and respond with movement to a selected piece
of classical music.
 Students will identify the varying parts of rondo form within the
selected piece of classical music.

A. Theme
“Establish tonal center of the piece”
B. Concept
In this lesson, you will learn about rondo form. You will find out about the
parts of rondo form, how these parts are labeled and organized, and the
definition of theme/refrain and episode.
C. Context
two main parts to rondo form: first, there is the theme, or refrain, and
second, there are the episodes. Let's take a closer look at each of these
parts of a rondo.
The theme, or refrain, of a rondo, our white horse on the carousel, is the
first main melody or musical material that occurs in the piece.

D. Materials
 Musical Recordings of featured repertoire listed below

these pieces are in Sonata Rondo form (ABACABA, where the first B is in a dominant or
relative major):

 Beethoven, Sixth Symphony, last movement

 Beethoven, Eighth Symphony, last movement
 Haydn, "Drumroll" Symphony, last movement
 Mozart, Piano Concerto No. 23 in A major, K. 488, last movement
 Schubert, Death and the Maiden Quartet, last movement
 Mozart, Eine kleine Nachtmusik, K 525, last movement
 Brahms, Piano Concerto No. 2 in B-flat Major, Op. 83, fourth (last) movement
(Allegretto grazioso)
 Mendelssohn, Violin Concerto in E minor, Op. 64, last movement
E. Reference
The students have a knowledge about
The 7-part rondo typically has ABACABA form, although other designs exist.
A diagram for 7-part Classical form is shown below.


A. Review
B. Introduction
1. Discuss the following terms: Form and Rondo.
Form refers to the way a composer organizes musical ideas within a piece. It
is another tool the composer uses to convey the meaning and ideas that
make up his or her music.
Rondo is an Italian word that means round. A rondo is an instrumental form
with a refrain that keeps coming back. Unlike the verses of a song though,
the music in a rondo changes between each repetition of the refrain.

Classical rondo form has at least 3 statements of the refrain (A) and at least 2
contrasting sections (B and C) creating symmetrical patterns such as ABACA,

C. Lesson Proper

Rondo form is a piece of music where the musical material stated at the
beginning of the piece keeps returning. This opening music can be called
either the theme or the refrain; they are the same thing. You can remember
in a 'rondo' that the theme will keep coming back 'around.' Just like a white
horse on a carousel, the theme of a rondo will keep coming around again. It
will establish tonal center of the piece. If we will relate this in our spiritual, I
can say that without Jesus in our life we are useless and making God as our
first priority and putting Him in the center of everything our life will give more
color the same in music. And we know that He is the alpha and omega the
beginning and the end. No matter how sinners we are but still God shows His
steadfast love toward His people. God is the same yesterday, today and

Have students think of a word pattern in standard
rondo form as "passwords" to leave classroom (for example, -pizza-
pizza-hotdog-pizza"); using this as an assessment tool by noting
students who
©Classics for Kids- 2005 - ©Dr. Kay Edwards 2005


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