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The capacity for everyone to be organized is to have an effective leader, a leader which
make his/her members to be a systematic one and doing good such as fixing the problems, do
what is the right thing to be done, have a positive mind which leading the people to the certain
path are parts of what is the leader should have. Another is, to be a leader is to be a good
influencer. It is the possible thing that he/she might offer in order to lead them to happiness and
in morality in justifiable reason.

Leadership, according to dictionary of contemporary English (new edition), it is the

position of being the leader of a group, organization, country and so on. It is also the art of
influencing people to get the necessary support and cooperation in community affair, to maintain
solidarity among people. It is the ability to influence others towards desired goals. It also means
doing the right things. A leader is one who helps or facilitates communities of people, take risk
and envision a better future before his/her group, encourages commitment and helps the people
moved ahead alone in path to accomplish a goal leaders are needed to make decisions to direct
community activities and to speak for the community both in his/her to relation to its internal
organization and its outside relationship.
In this paper the researchers aims to discuss about the leadership of one of the mayors
here in the Philippines which is Mayor of Metro Manila Isko Moreno. In his term he used to give
some solutions to what are the essential things that mostly part of the situations of Manila.
Mayor Isko Moreno does not tolerate the people to do whatever the illegal they used to be, but
instead he leads them to act in accordance with the law and to do what is just in order for them to
achieve the progress in Manila. Acknowledging the progression and aiming to achieve it can lead
the people to be certain on their goals in life, it can be for the sake of happiness and for security
as well.
These mayors in different municipalities of the Philippines realized that the actions of
Isko were appreciated by the people and propelling his popularity in Manila and even in the
national scene, pushing up his political fortune. It even forced Secretary Año of the Department
of the Interior and Local Government to issue an administrative order to all the mayors in the
country to “return the streets and sidewalks” to the people with a warning of possible suspension
of the mayors for non-compliance.1
This person is a well-known politician because of his action and his way of thinking and
he is enjoying his of serving the people. Plato`s viewed that the essential good and evil which
justice and injustice work in the processors of them.


Objective Part

In this part of research, the researchers pursue to expound the issues or problems which
have mentioned in the introduction based on Plato`s notion about morality and happiness.
However, politics is everywhere. It is necessary for those people who are longing behind the
tragedies which may be experienced by one person toward government. The appreciation for
those who were seated on the government reflected either good or bad things that he/she done.
Instead of getting the bad side that the common politicians were. The researchers used to
emphasize the good qualities and the capacity of Mayor Isko Moreno as mayor of Manila,
therefore we can see that he is different from the previous mayors who already been held the city
of Manila. Now, the researchers will provide some evidences which focuses for what Mayor
Moreno have done in Manila.

This was how US Ambassador Sung Kim described Manila Mayor Isko Moreno when
the two met yesterday for the first time after the mayor took office last week. “You bring new
dynamism and energies to your position”, Ambassador Kim told Moreno. Ambassador Kim also
shared his observation on Moreno’s anti-drug campaign where the local chief executive had
expressed support to the Duterte administration while calling on the police authorities to respect
human rights. “We appreciate your approach. You’re dealing with it in a manner that is
consistent with human rights and the rule of law,” said Ambassador Kim. Upon learning that
Moreno participated in the US State Department-sponsored International Visitors Leadership
Program in 2011, Kim said: “We are proud of you being an alumnus. We want to claim that. We
have a good success in identifying future leaders. That is one of the few that we are proud of.”
The two discussed the present status of the city and the mayor’s plans and policies. Moreno
humbly told the ambassador that he is yet to begin working on the present chaotic condition of
the city.2
The Manila mayor fits the bill, who has been dominating the news since he assumed his
post middle of this year, creating waves with his strong and effective leadership style. These
questions were answered when the International Association of Business Communicators
(IABC) Philippines invited Manila Mayor Francisco “Isko Moreno” Domagoso as guest speaker
for its recent 2019 Year-end General Membership Meeting (GMM). Thus, it was quite fitting
that the theme of year-end GMM was “Trust and the Public Servant.” It has been discussed and
tackled approximately the crucial things on what makes a true servant and how he or she can
establish that much wanted after sense of trust with the people. 3

The Manila Mayor Isko Moreno emphasizes the strong and effective leadership style. To
effectively show and practice transparency and gain the trust of the audience, Domagoso
abandoned the scripted proclamation and immediately opened the forum for any and all


questions. He described how to effectively use one’s popularity to set an example for others on
how to communicate, lead and build a stronger sense of trust between you and your people. 4

Communication is the key to strengthen the relationship between people and the
government. That’s the reason why they did the Live Streaming of Mayor Isko to communicate
to other people in using a Facebook Live. It’s not only Live Streaming also a Facebook and
Twitter page for the people of Manila to have a communication wherever they are. In this type of
communication many people was happy on what their mayor did.

In his first day in Manila City Hall as a Mayor, he took to his first Facebook Live to give
a updates to the University of the East for not suspending their classes for the college students
despite of the rain. Filipinos are very active on this kind of media which is to socialize to others
just using this page. All the reports, updates, news and the likes are seeing to Facebook than to
newspaper or in the Television news. According to the experts, the social media platform is only
second to television as a top news source. Hence, there is an effect in the social identity of a
person. Suddenly speaking, people nowadays rely themselves to social media in which they
became ignorant when it comes communication. Globally speaking, internet is so powerful
today. Meaning to say, this is the result of high-tech within the county which there is easily way
to be connected to the families, friends, neighbours, and others even the strangers people.
Wherever you go, wherever you are, you must need how to social with others. But, now, the
question is, does Mayor Moreno becomes happy upon doing those things (in terms of morality)?

The morality and happiness from the book of republic (book II) by Plato stated that the
nature of justice is the injustice itself. This they affirm to be the origin and by nature of justice, it
is a mean or compromise between the best of all, which is to do injustice and no to be punished.
Also he explained that he was surely truly affirm to be a great proof that a just man is just not
willingly or because he thinks that justice is any good to him individually but of necessity. Even
though you`re just or unjust man you can have to do because of your interest (Based on the
argument of Glaucon). However, for Adeimantus, if you want to be just you must take the risk.
The sake of justice is unjust but Adeimantus explained that he acted not because of the sake of
justice, but for the sake of character and reputation. For Plato`s view that morality must give us
happiness by doing good and for the sake of consequences and these are the combinations to
reach morality. According to him, if you`re happy in doing something it would be justice for the
good of morality and we find happiness in doing such good things, you are doing it because you
are happy, no one can will it to you to do good things. So, he concluded that, if you wanted to
reach morality, you must act if it is good for itself and good for the consequences.


Subjective Part

The results of the last loaal elections seemed to manifest that Manila wants to become a
brave new city, one raring to break free from its old problems by waging its fortunes on a new
leader: Francisco Domagoso, more popularly known as Isko Moreno.

The first one hundred days in office of Mayor Isko look impressive. His achievements tend to
make him look like a rock star among media people and citizens, primarily because his actions
during his first few months as Manila`s chief executive had attracted a lot of positive media
attention. What has he specifically done? He has cleared the roads and streets of illegal vendor.
He has intensified regulations against the selling of alcoholic drinks near campuses, and imposed
stiff sanctions on underperforming police station chiefs. He has implanted strict curfews hours
for the youth to prevent juvenile crimes, and has sowed to expand the existing parks in the city.
Mayor Isko`s cleaning operations attracted a lot of attention; President Duterte himself must
have been inspired by the Manila chief`s efforts that the President commanded Metro Manila
mayors to undertake cleaning operations in the National Capital Region. The accomplishments
of Mayor Isko so far are admittedly pedestrian. What he has been basically doing in Manila is
implementing laws effectively; he has done nothing new on monumental yet. Mayor Isko
Moreno`s dynamism, drive for excellence, relentless energy, and enthusiasm are contagious. By
his political drill, passion for excellence, and focus and determination he cleaned up Divisoria
and Quiapo less than a week from assumption, and did what was always believed impossible.

In Plato`s philosophy of morality and happiness, he viewed the good life as the life of
inner harmony, of well-being, of happiness and the keywords of morality namely, virtue and
goodness. For Plato, goodness and virtue are intimately connected with the mode of behaviour
that produced well-being and harmony. Here Plato wanted to show that virtue is the very nature
of the soul and it is the nature of the reason to know and to direct the spirits and appetites.
Reason has a function and reason is good only when it is acting as reason should. Again, virtue
means knowledge and it prior to moral because it is needed to have reason in order to understand
the morality so we can attain justice. Justice then, is the general virtue, which reflects a person`s
attainment of well-being and inner harmony. Now Plato`s applied the nation to consider a
relationship as just. His general argument is that truly moral and just leadership must benefit not
only the leaders but also those who are led. Based on Plato`s account of just leadership; The
researchers could say that Isko Moreno`s leadership is the Mayor at Manila is not far from
execratory the justice in the society through his accomplishments, the researchers can visualize
that he is attaining well-being and harmony within his people. But there is a flow in that could
contradict the nation of just leadership. It is the cleaning operation of vendors in Divisoria and
other parts of the Manila sidewalks where informed workers are forced out of their livelihood
due to beautification campaigns for urban spaces but this manifestation raises the concerns of

welfare of these urban dwellers. Is it still just to do this action for the sake of image ore
reputation of the city on which the welfare of least individuals is at stake?

This bring no back to the crucial point that the aim of leadership is the good of the whole
not the good of the leaders. Plato`s view of leadership, thus, leaders are individuals who value
justice in their interactions with others, whether being a just leaders while managing an
organization or as a proponent of just outcomes through an organization`s work and mission.
Also effective leaders are also temperamentally moderate in their approach and show restraints
in their actions. They are considerate yet decisive. Consequently, it is a problem in the leadership
of Moreno if he equates happiness and common good with the individual satisfaction of all
desires no matter what they are.

Being a leader is an inflexible you need to undergo or to experience many problems. It is

not easy to hold a one municipality especially it’s a well-known place. But mayor Isko doesn’t
care about that. He cares a lot for his people of Manila. Mayor granted all the Manilenyos dream
the clean and safer Manila that leads them to fruition.

According to the Philstar, “The most welcome effect and consequence of Isko Moreno’s
good moves are the heightened expectations of the people and the voting population from their
local government and government officials. The thinking class, which spans from the upper
lower class to the middle upper class, will now expect good governance and performance from
their elected officials. They have seen that politicians will react to positive and negative
feedback. And with an active social and main media, they can make local officials accountable
and worry about their re-election and continuance in office. This will go up to the provincial and
then into the national level so that all politicians will have to deliver on their promises or lose in
the elections.”

Like Mayor Domagoso, he is a lot of positive and negative comments. That’s part of their
life being a politician. This is usual for them receiving a harsh comments or negative thoughts
about them. The other people said that it is injustice, why? He is doing this for his own desire.
He as a politician he is doing this action because for him to have an output or accomplishment.
Many also vendors in Baclaran, Tondo and some parts of Manila who do not agree on what
Mayor did. He cleanses all the vendors along the road that was being disturb and getting so much
space on it.

Plato said that if you are happy in what you are doing then there is no wrong to it. If you
know that you are doing the right thing or the good thing and you are happy on that there is no
wrong. Like Mayor Domagoso all of his work and duty he is doing it with happiness of serving
his manilenyos. He is happy to clean up the Manila. Then there is a justice on it and it is morally
good, because of his action.


In human race it’s implies that doing well and just is a virtuous act that can show to
others. People used to show they care in particular people they know such as relatives, friends or
even companions. In this aspect, there is an assurance of having a connection and understanding
between the one who is interested to be a good model for one country. The researchers are
willing to have analytical about the leadership of Mayor Isko Moreno in the light of morality and
happiness by Plato. He is one of the best leaders in the Philippines when it comes to the politics.
On the other hand, other politicians were so proud for what Mayor Moreno has done in the
society especially President Duterte.

What makes a true and committed public servant? How can he earn the people’s trust and
maintain authenticity in delivering results as a priority before implementing unpopular policies?
Mayor Domagoso also known as Isko Morena is a public servant and he was true in his
propaganda. As a servant in publicity it is important for the people the propaganda you made
specially you vowed. It is important also in a public servant is that you get the weakness of the
people around you. Mayor Isko’s secret on how he gets the attention of the Manilenyos is that he
has a connection between the servant and the people. The first one hundred days of being a
public servant he already did a lot of works. We can see also the consequences on goodness he
did for the Manila. He didn’t forgot to remind people who always visiting Manila to keep the
Manila clean.

Now we are seeing from the photos of Manila that was posted in the social media.
There’s people who are posted before and after of the Manila. There’s an improvement on what
Mayor Isko did. And you will see the happiness of the people visited the Manila again they are
happy on what mayor did for the goodness of the people. The consequence on his act of
goodness is happiness.

Being a leader is an inflexible you need to undergo or to experience many problems. It is

not easy to hold a one municipality especially it’s a well-known place. But mayor Isko doesn’t
care about that. He cares a lot for his people of Manila. Mayor granted all the Manilenyos dream
the clean and safer Manila that leads them to fruition.

Plato viewed the good life as the life of inner harmony, of well-being, of happiness and
the keywords of morality namely, virtue and goodness. For Plato, goodness and virtue are
intimately connected with the mode of behaviour that produced well-being and harmony.

Goodness leads to a better life if you are doing it with happiness. Whatever the
consequences are, whatever the result is the important is you are happy in doing it. And that’s
makes sense.


The researchers are compromised everything just to analyze the leadership of Mayor Isko
Moreno using the Plato`s morality and happiness. The researchers are helping with each other in
order for this research becomes colorful. Despite of lacking time, the sources are only limited to
answer those problems above. In addition, leadership is all about how to be a best servant
between people and one country. If a leader cares for the sake of his members, meaning to say he
will become an effective leader at all his time. The reason for this is leader must act with his
whole heartedly and by his own will.
Doing just is connected to being moral of a person and by this; the reaserchers learned
that happiness complies in doing good and obliged oneself to be just in every aspects of life. The
Mayor of Manila, Mayor Isko Moreno shows his care not only in his name as a mayor of Manila
but also the people in this to have an organize and systematic place which can adopt by his
perseverance to do his task as mayor of Manila. At first, the reaserchers learned that being Mayor
is not as easy as the researchers think; he criticized the policemen, those who are doing nothing
inside the police station instead working and keeping themselves doing their job. He used to
clean the streets where the illegal vendors are. He also constructed an agreement for them, that
they may able to sell their products in the proper places which he gives a consideration to the
people of Manila. He did many things in order for the city of Manila to become productive and
clean, aside from these, he used to have a connection to the people before he implied some
decisions for the sake of the city and for the sake of them as well.

He received some negative reactions and comments to his leadership due to the
misunderstanding of his policies and his governance as mayor of Manila. On the other hand, he
received many praises that came from different people in the different places with a different
status. Some of them are in the authority or inside the government. One of the persons who
believed in him is the president himself, which he extended the operation that mayor isko oblique
to the city of Manila.

In the end, the researchers recognized that Mayor Isko as a leader doesn’t look to a
negative ways in order to build and bring Manila to its new face, but instead, he puts a hope that
everything is possible if there is a passion and desire to do what is moral for the sake of justice
which leads everyone to a contentment that brings to a true happiness.

Primary Sources

B. Jowette, The Republic, Plato. About share Books, EBook, 2003.

Secondary Sources

Cabaya, Itchie. The Journal Online, July 12, 2019. (accessed
February 11, 2020)

Zaldarriaga, Joe. Daily Tribune, November 2, 2019. (accessed February 11, 2020)

Almendras, Ruben. PHILSTAR, August 6, 2019.

freeman/opinion/2019/08/06/1941014/isko-moreno-effects-and-consequences (accessed
February 11, 2020)

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