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Speaking placement November 23, 2019

Part 1

 Where do you live? How long have you been living there? What kind of building do you live in?
Who lives with you? What do you like/dislike about the place where you live?

 Have you been to many other countries? Which ones? Would you like to travel more? Where?
What’s the best place you’ve visited? Why? Which country would you most like to visit? Why?
Describe a journey that you often make.
Part 2

Look at the 2 photographs which show people doing outdoor activities:

 Compare the photographs and say what the people are trying to do.

 Which of the activities would you prefer to do and why?

Now look at the 2 photographs showing people’s rooms:

 Compare the photographs and say what rooms they might be.

 Which of the rooms is most similar to you and in what way?

Parts 3 and 4
Imagine that a local museum is trying to increase visitor numbers. Look at the ideas for special
exhibitions that are being considered by the museum.

 How good each idea is?

 Let’s decide which 2 two would attract the most visitors to the museum.

Going to museums

 Do you like going to museums or art galleries?

 Which of the subjects interests you the most and which interests you the least? Why?

 Do you know any well-known museums or art galleries in Bucharest? What do they have in
them? Have you visited them?

 What kind of things do museums offer to attract young people?

 What is the most interesting museum or art gallery that you’ve been to? Why?

 Which museum or art gallery would you most like to visit? Where is it? What does it have in it?
What would you like to see there? Why?

 Some people think that museums and art galleries are boring. Do you agree?

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