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fl PASUGO “GODS \¥ 2011 » VOLUME 63 + NUMBER 5 « ISSN 0116-1636 BROTHER FELIX Y. MANALO® GOD'S MESSENGER IN THESE LAST DAYS May 10, 1886 - APRIL 12, 1963 PAsUGO GOD'SMESSA MAY 2011 © VOLUME «2 © NUMBERS Features sia Cra ih Rodis ve Near 2 Tosen 24 eae ees i g The life and mission of Brother Felix Y. Manalo, Gods Messenger in these last days, obo A Agu» Narr € Cantor infocus Celerne Galan» Dar Loving 12 Achronicte of faith iis SS ama = é 24 All forGou’s glory edo Kt a a q rare ann rr) | 30 INCGiving Teh ong Articles rs, Quer ity 1107 Pippa Telos (0) ‘Dik Pa a) 98 Enel sat mal 3, ‘Thatno flesh should glory in His presence’ by Dennis C. Lovendino Ang paggalang at pagmamahal 35 nadapat iukol sa magulang bby Mathusatem V. Pareja Recibiendo a los mensajenos de Dios 39 adie por tuem Fisher Departments tease 1,33. EDITORIALS Mio Depp 38 BIBLE STORIES (Our Covers A postait of God's Messenger in hese last days, Brother Fei. Manalo ‘Till we have sealed 3 EDITORIAL §$ % oy the servants of our God’ these last days, May 10 has always been a signifi- cant date, for on this day was born a man who in God's design and purpose was to discharge the task of calling people whom He will recognize as His sons and daughters. To believe in this commission of Brother Felix YY. Manalo as God's Last Messenger is to believe in the work of God. ‘The prophetic word of God written in Revelatis 3, presents to the world a man given the divine auth to lead in preaching the pristine Gospel of salvation. The prophecy articulates, thus: “Then I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God. And he cried with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was granted to harm the earth and the sea, saying, ‘Donotharm the earth, the sea, or the trees fil! we have sealed the servants of our God on their foreheads” (New King James Version, emphasis ours). Because of his office, God presents Brother Felix Y. ‘Manalo in the prophecy as an “angel”. Webster's Third ‘New International Dictionary describes the word “An- gel—literally], messenger. ... 3. one bearing a divine message (as a preacher or prophet). ... 4 BISHOP, PAS ‘TOR «to the ~ of the church in Ephesus—Rev. 2:1 (RSV)>” (page 82), “Authorities of various religions also concur that the term “angel” can be ascribed to a human being. Protes- tants attest that “the highest application of the word an- gel, we find the phrase used of any messengers of God, such as the prophets ... and the rulers of the Christian churches ...” (Smith & Peloubet’s Bible Dictionary, p. 40). The same thing is emphasized by the Jehovah's Wit- nesses by declaring “Angel. This word, both in the Greek and Hebrew languages, signifies a messenger. It denotes office, and not the nature of the agent” (Emphatic Diaglott, p-872). The Lord Jesus Christ Himself even testifies that a man, in this case John the Baptist, is an angel or a mes- senger sent by no less than God (John 1:6, Today's English T: FAITHFUL MEMBERS of the Church of Christ in r 7: Version; Matt. 1:7-10, Douay-Rhveims Bible). This testimony from the Savior Himself would douse cold water to the mistaken notion of others that the word “anget”, which literally means “messenger”, applies only to a spiritual being and not to a human being, God is keenly aware of the proliferation of so many preachers and so-called evangelists at the time His Last Messenger, Brother Felix Manalo, would begin his min- istry. So, God validated the legitimacy of his calling, by depicting him in prophecy as an angel—a messenger— whose preaching is accompanied by the “seal ofthe living God”, to make it known to the world that he is a God-ap- pointed messenger to preach the pure Gospel of salvation. The seal mentioned in the prophecy is the Holy Spirit, as Apostle Paul explained, thus: “In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvar ion; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased posses- sion, to the praise of His glory” (Eph. 1:19-14, NKJV). Those who have listened to the word of truth, the gospel of salvation, as preached by God's messenger and have believed in and adhered to them, were stamped with the seal of the long- promised Holy Spirit. The significance of the Holy Spirit cannot be bolittled inasmuch as It is the guarantee of the promised inheritance from God—a stamp of ownership that people “sealed” with It belong to Him. Brother Felix Manalo was not alone in the work of sealing the servants of God as attested to by the same prophecy that states: “till we have sealed the servants of ‘our God on their foreheads.” The demise of God's Last Messenger on April 12, 1963, after almost fifty years of toiling with unceasing and unfading zealousness, did not terminate the “sealing” function. His companions in the heavenly task of preaching the unadulterated gospel—the ministers and Church workers—carried it through and this resulted in the emergence of more people being rec- ognized by God, by prophetic mandate, as His children. May 2011 Gop’smessace 1 “eer The process of sealing is the same even during the time of the apostles of our Lord Jesus. Apostle Paul, who in his own testimony is a “minister of Jesus Christ to the Gen- tiles, ministering the gospel of God, that the offering of the Gentiles might be acceptable, sanctified by the Holy Spir- it” (Rom. 15:16, Ibid.)—have “fully preached the gospel of Christ” (Rom. 15:19, Revised Standard Version)—which by all accounts and indication resulted in him saying, thus: “have performed this and have sealed to them” (Rom, 1528, Ibid.) the power of the Holy Spirit. The same work of sealing the servants of God, which God allows to continue through the Church Administra- tion (Col. 1:25, Ibid.), was embarked on by the Last Mes- senger until the day of his passing away. Itis very evident that that soulful obsession of the Last Messenger was car- tied on fervently by our late Brother Erafio G, Manalo and is being continued by the present Administrator of the Church, Brother Eduardo V. Manalo—to lead the brethren toGod. God affirmed their preaching function by declaring unequivocally that “I will put my laws in their mind and write them on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people” (Heb. 8:10, bid). The rich indwelling of the Holy Spirit, especially during congregational worship services, truthfully clinches the consoling certainty that we are the heavenly countenanced children of God. The evident successes and remarkable progress of this mission of salvation are plainly seen by observers and reporters of the significant phenomenons taking, place in religious events, as one of them summarily noted: “Inde- pendent churches have sprung into vigorous life in many, if not all, countries in the Third World. One of the largest, ‘wealthiest, and most powerful of these is the rapidly grow ing Iglesia ni Cristo in the Philippines” (lesia ni Cristo: A Study in Independent Church Dynamics, by Arthur Leonard Tugay. p. vii. ‘The same Baptist author further stressed in his book that: “On the world-wide scene its significance is great, primarily, because of its size and wealth. The iglesia ni Cris- 4o is the largest (non-mission related) independent church in Asia” (p. 24, Ibid), In an atticle entitled “The Untold Story of the Iglesia ni Cristo”, another author described the uniqueness of the ‘Church by saying: “But beyond these programs and proj- ‘ects lies the central force to the Iglesia success—its own, unique church doctrines. The Iglesia underlines the abso- lute oneness of God and does not subscribe to the divinity ‘or godhood of Christ and the Holy Spirit, insisting on the 2 May 20m -Goo's MESSAGE Scriptural verity of Christ as its Head and Savior. ... On matters of faith, the Iglesia considers the Bible as the sole authority” (Philippine Panorama, May 31, 1992, pp. 7-8, by Robert C. Villanueva) Another recognized pillar of the Protestants in the Philippines testified about the strength and growth of the Church by declaring: “Awed by the INC’s achievements, Senator Neptali Gonzales, a Protestant pillar, commented, “The success of this God-inspired mission which [Brother Manalo] began in 1914, is all too evident in the fantastic growth of the Church here and abroad. Its grand chapels which dominate our skyline are unequalled in their mag- nificence” (Philippine Graphic, July 29, 1994, “From One-man ‘Mission to Global Church, by Isabelo T. Crisostomo, p. 16). ‘Truly, the Messenger and the ministers in the Church of Christ in these last days, having the seal of the living God, preach God’s words not “in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Spirit” (I Thess. 1:5, Ibi.) —that those who listen to their preaching and fully believe in it are being sealed with the Holy Spirit. For as long as the pristine message of salvation is be- ing preached by God-commissioned preachers, pure and uunalloyed as contained in the Holy Scriptures, the “seal- ing” continues that people far and beyond can be called in service to God, Each individual member, on his part, should fully strive not only to benefit from the grace of salvation brought about by his membership in the true Church of Christ, But also by being instrumental in enjoin- {ng millions of others outside to the purposeful observance of God's will. It may be true that not all, no matter how zealously and passionately we speak of God's Message of salvation, will tum their ear to His call. The sad truth is not all, no matter how many biblical prophecies fulfilled to the let- ter attesting to his God-approved mission be presented to people, will even believe that Brother Felix Manalo is indeed God's Messenger in these last days. But we our- selves, the members of the Church of Christ, are the hall- marks, the offspring, and the living proofs of his divine calling as Apostle Paul, who was God's messenger to the Gentiles, taught: “Even if other people should refuse to recognise my divine commission, yet to you at any rate I shall always be a true messenger, for you are a living proof of the Lord’s call to me” (I Cor. 9:2, The New Testament in ‘Modern English). ® —RICHARD J. RODAS Editor-in-Chief “Why would someone bereft of qualities—uneducated, of modest means, and relatively unknown—be chosen as God’s mouthpiece?” iy eel Ree By DENNIS C. LOVENDINO Pen Brother Felix Y. Manalo was vehemently persecuted and rejected—primarily by his very own town folks and kin —because of his lowly status before the eyes of men. Jo—the man who preached about the Iglesia ni Cristo (Church of CChrist)—is God's Messenger in these last days is a Church's fundamental teaching which has raised not a few eyebrows and has caused some to scowl, others to snicker. While itis un- derstandable that the mere mention of his name may elicit adverse reactions from various quarters—given perhaps their lack of understanding about the biblical bases attesting to his “call- ing’—what is quite interesting and intriguing is the fact that the loudest howls of protest seems to come from people of his own race, particularly those who knew his unimpressive socio-economic background well fore he figured in the nation’s, or the world’s, consciousness. “Why would God appoint as His messenger someone from a country so small in stature and geopoliti- cal significance?” many have asked “And why would someone bereft of qualities—uneducated, of modest means, and relatively unknown—be chosen as God’s mouthpiece?” others have added. ‘Apostle Paul shed light on this when he addressed the first-century Christians in Corinth: “For you see your calling, brethren, that not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, ae called. But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, Ts BROTHER FELIX Y. Mana- 4 Mar 20m -coo's MESSAGE and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty; and the base things of the world and the things which are despised God has chosen, and the things which are not, to bring to nothing the things that are” (1 Cor. 1:26-28, New King James Version). ‘The apostle to the Gentiles taught that “not many” wise, mighty, and noble “according to the flesh” are called by God into His service. In fact, God had chosen what the world considered as foolish, weak, and de- based. The reason: “To put to shame the wise” and “the things which are mighty” so “that no flesh should glory in His presence” (I Cor. 1:29, Ibid.) The noble and mighty put to shame A review of the history of God's peo- ple in the Old Testament times will help us realize how Apostle Paul’s words rang true even then: “And when the Philistine looked around and saw David, he scorned and despised him, for he was but an adolescent, with a healthy reddish color and a fair face. And the Philis- tine said to David, Am Ia dog, that you should come to me with sticks? ‘And the Philistine cursed David by his gods. The Philistine said to Da- vid, Come to me, and I will give your flesh to the birds of the air and the beasts of the field.” (I Sam, 17:42-44, Amplified Bible) Goliath, the nine-footer Philistine warrior, could not resist ridiculing his young and inexperienced chal- lenger, and confidently thought that defeating him was a foregone conclu- sion. But the giant's downfall at the hands of the boy-shepherd had made the former’s name synonymous with “a person or thing of colossal power and achievement” (www.thefreediction: that has been brought low or “put to shame.” Moses—the one commissioned to deliver the Israelites out of bondage in Egypt—although he grew up with earthly privileges as the adopted son of the pharaoh’s daughter, was “slow ‘of speech and slow of tongue” (Exod 4:10, NKJV) which meant he stuttered and stammered (The Message). Imag- ine, the one sent to “speak” to the pha- raoh and convince him to free God's people, had a speech defect! Yet, such infirmity did not hinder him from car- zying out his God-given mission. Similarly, the prophet Isaiah ad- mitted that he was “a man of unclean lips" (Isa. 6:5, NKJV). Jeremiah con fided, thus “I cannot speak, for 1 am a youth” (Jer. 1:6, Ibid.). Yet, no one would dispute that both accomplished their tasks with great distinction, The nation of Israel itself was set apart by God as “a special treasure above all the peoples on the face of the earth” (Deut. 7:6, Ibid.) not be- cause they “were more in number than any other people”; in fact, they were “the least of all peoples” (Deut. 7:7, Ibid.). Yet, despite their numeri- cal and tactical inferiority, Israel was able to vanquish all their opponent nations and successfully set foot on the promised land of Canaan. Indeed, God in several instances had hum- bled the mighty and put to shame the wise and noble. The carpenter and the fishermen Christ our Lord was not spared from ridicule and rejection because people back then “appraised” him in terms of his personal attributes: “The next Sabbath he began teaching in the synagogue, and many who heard him were amazed. They asked, ‘Where did he get all this wisdom and the power to perform such miracles? Then they scoffed, ‘He's just a carpenter, the son ‘of Mary and the brother of James, Jo- seph, Judas, and Simon. And his sis ters live right here among us’ They were deeply offended and refused to believe in him” (Mark 6:2-3, New Liv ing Transtation) Take note that despite theiramaze- ment at the wisdom of Jesus and His ability to perform miracles, those peo- ple—the Lord’s town mates—could not get over with their personal bias against Him, saying He was merely a carpenter and that they knew his fam- ily very well, and so they “refused to believe in Him.” This made our Lord Jesus say that, “A prophet is honored everywhere except in his own home- town and among his relatives and his ‘own family” (Mark 6:4, Ibid) But it was not just the socio-eco- nomic status of Christ that was lowly, ut even His place of origin. Micah prophesied that He would arise from a humble, insignificant place: “The LORD says, ‘Bethlehem, you might not be an important town in the na- tion of Judah. But out of you will come a ruler over Israel for me. His family line goes back to the early years of your nation. It goes all the way back to days of long ago.’ Bethlehem was also called Ephrathah” (Mic. 5:2, New International Reader's Version). The apostles, it is a common knowledge, were mostly fishermen before they were called to be “fishers of men” (Mark 1:17) and entrusted with the knowledge of the mystery of God's kingdom (Mark 4:11-12). Those who heard them preach the gos- pel with power and authority could hardly believe their ears, knowing they were uneducated men: “As they looked on Peter and John so fearlessly outspoken—and also discovered that they were illiterate persons, untrained in the schools—they were surprised; and now they recognized them as having been with Jesus” (Acts 4:13, Weymouth New Testament). The “worm” Jacob Fast forward to our time, Brother Felix Manalo was also. vehemently persecuted and rejected—primarily by his very own town folks and kin in Tipas, Taguig (in the Philippines) where he hailed from—because of his lowly status before the eyes of men. This should not come as a surprise inasmuch as God foretold that His messenger in these last days would be a man of humble repute, someone ‘who would be despised: “You whom I have taken from the ends of the earth, and called from its farthest regions, and said to you, “You are My servant, Thave chosen you and have not cast you away: ‘Fear not, for { am with ‘you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. 1 will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand’... ‘Fear not, you worm Jacob, You men of Israel! I will help you,’ says the LORD And your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel” (dsa 41:9-10, 14, NKIV). These prophetic pronouncements pertain tothe man whom God has called and “taken from the ends of the earth” and was likened to a “bird of prey” who would come from a far country in the east or Far East and would execute God's counsel (Isa. 46:11)—to snatch God's sons and daughters from the “north” and the “south” (Isa. 4335-6). ‘They found fulfilment when Brother Felix Manalo preached the gospel that liberated adherents from Protestant ism and Catholicism to become God’ s servants in these last days—north and south, respectively (The Reformation, (Owen Chadwick, p. 366). Mav aon -GoD's MEssacE 5. Through God's guidance and inspiration, the messenger became instrumental in rescuing multitudes from false faiths and bringing them into the true Church. Take note how God described this messenger as a “worm, meaning de- spised and reproached by men (Ps. 22:6). But notice also how God gave him assurances to “fear not, for | am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God.” Concerning his adversaries, God told him: “Behold, all those who ‘were incensed against you Shall be ashamed and disgraced; They shall be as nothing, And those who strive with you shall perish, You shall seek them and not find them—Those who contended with you. Those who war against you Shall be as nothing, As a nonexistent thing ... Behold, I will make you into a new threshing sledge with sharp teeth; You shall thresh the mountains and beat them small, And ‘make the hills like chaff” (Isa. 41:11- 12, 18, NKJV). The worm who threshed the mountains True to His word, God fulfilled His promises to Brother Felix Manalo. Just like David, the Iglesia ni Cristo in these last days faced “Goliaths” in the form of religious giants that strove to arrest the growth and ex: pansion of this Church. But through God's guidance and inspiration, the messenger undauntedly preached the gospel and in the process became instrumental in rescuing multitudes from false faiths and bringing them into the true Church. Although pow- erful individuals and organizations 6 — Mara0n -6o0's messace ganged up to stop the Church from spreading, much to their dismay, their efforts proved futile, for God Himself declared: “Yes, from the time of the first existence of day and from this day forth Iam He; and there is no one ‘who can deliver out of My hand. I will work, and who can hinder or reverse it?” (sa, 43:13, AB) As of this writing, God’s work of salvation in these last days that Broth- er Felix Manalo began has already expanded to reach six continents— more than 90 countries and territories worldwide. Church demographics comprise more than 100 races and ethnic groups. Multitudes continue to be added to the fold with no signs of abating. Hundreds of new houses of worship are being built yearly to ca- ter to the ever-growing needs of the brethren. For the last one and a half years lone, hundreds of ministers had been ordained to shepherd the ever- growing flock and guide them toward spiritual maturity and ultimately, salvation. No doubt, the Church that Brother Felix Manalo preached has emerged from a persecuted, degraded flock to become a global phenomenon. ‘A messenger is known by his work The Lord Jesus declared, “But I have as My witness something greater (weightier, higher, better) than that of John; for the works that the Father has appointed Me to accomplish and finish, the very same works that I am now doing, are a witness and proot that the Father has sent Me” (John 5:36, Ibid.) If Brother Felix Manalo were not the fulfillment of the man called from the “ends of the earth” in the Far East, who would snatch would-be God’s people from Protestantism and Ca- tholicism, and whose work would ex- tend to the Far West (Isa. 59:19; 43:5, ‘Moffatt Translation), then who is? His work itself gives testimony to his God-entrusted mission and authority. The handiwork of God As the Iglesia ni Cristo commemo- rates the 125th birth anniversary of God's Messenger in these last days and approaches its centennial, mem- bers throughout the world bow their heads in all humility before the Lord Almighty. For they acknowledge full well that if the Church of Christ in these last days has reached a glorious posture, it is definitely not because the man who started this last mission of salvation and the leaders who suc- ceeded him are considered wise, noble and mighty according to the flesh—on the contrary, many still look down on them as lowly and insignificant— but simply because this is the Lord’s handiwork: “That they may see and know, And consider and understand together, That the hand of the LORD has done this, And the Holy One of Is rael has created it” (Isa. 41:20, NKJV). Glory and honor belong solely to God Almighty! © REMEMBERING BROTHER FELIX Y. MANALO (ON Fils 125TH BIRTH ANNIVERSARY) The Lord looked down from heaven To see ifthere were those who did understand; But people had long, been wallowing tn.sin, Darkness had long swallowed up the land. Loving and merciful that He is, The Almighty lets the davon shine; And so He sets the godly to Himself To lead a life sublime Thus from the Far Bast God called = ‘AMessenger from the ends of the earth; Starting with those from the isles of the sea — ‘Men learned of a heavenly abode, of eternal mirth Thus an angel seen ascending from the sun's rising Having the seal ofthe living God; Now awed of the Eternal, men, the world over, Eagerly wait forthe promixed glorious life above. And the Messenger toiled nearly halfa century ~ For the elect fo receive their full reward; Guiding them with divine wisdom ~ In their journey heavenvard. For this, we are truly gratefud— God called us through His Messengers Now we vow t0 remain steadfast in the faith — Till we nieet, face-to-face, our Maker. On this, the one huridred and twenty-fifth year Of the birth of God's Messenger in these tast days; We, the elect, remember him with fondness — Thanking the Almighty, vowing to,fnish our race. Nicanor P, Tiosen Quezon City, Philippines May 2011 - GOD'S MESSAGE 7 88617 L Birth of Brother Felix . ‘Manaio to Mariano Ysagun ‘and Bonifacia Manalo at Sitio Calzede, Taguig, Rizal, His ‘name literally means “hapoy victor. 1886-1896) ‘At young age, Brother Felix ‘was taught by his mother to love and have reverenca for God, When old enough, Brother Felix was taught by Maestrong CCario to read and vit. He leamed carabao herding and fishing. jee Death of his father. 1898" He apprenticed ina photography studio owned by his uncle Manvel Manalo in Manila 1900 Brother Felix and his cousin Modesto stayed with theit priost relative Marieno Bora ing parish house in Samal, 8 May aon ‘cop's message, Manila. This was where he started reading the Bible and ciscovered that many ofthe Catholic doctrines could not be found init a ened the Colom movement Joined the Methodist Chive oS Enterod the Methodist Theological Seminary in Calon, Fea where ho became ¢ pastor atthe age ore Somatie sterwars, Brother Felis meter ced. He took his mothers sumame ot of fis great etfecton for hor 1907 ee After the Methodist “heclogical Seminary a the PresbyteranElinwood Bible Tani School merged tbecome the Union Theologica Seminay, Brother Fei was made @ pastor of the Presbyorian Gach Soon he ciscovered that many of the Presbyterian doctrines ould also nat be found inthe The Life and Mission of Brother Felix Y. Manalo God's Messenger in these Last Days [Ta oan = Married Honorata de Guzman. For thes days and three rights, Brotier Felix Manalo stayed in his room and studied the words of God. Brother Felix. Manalo began preaching about the Iglesia. i Cristo (Church of Chr) at the Atiantic Gulf & Pactic Company (AG) Compound in Punta, Sta, Ana, Mania The fitst baptism ofthe Church which was conducted in Pasig River First worship service held in ‘the house of Engracia and ‘Apoiinario Rarios. Because ofthe fast increasing umber of Church members, the worship service had to be transferred tothe house of Brother Atanacio Marte wher the frst Holy Supper was also hele Brother Felix continued to xopagate the gospel in ‘various forums and tained the Chureh members in missionary Ck Birth of rother Fei’ first chil Sister Par which means ‘pilla’) Menlo. She ‘would become the fst choi directress ofthe Church, es Official registration of the Igiesia ni Cristo (Church of Christ inthe Philippines concurrent withthe ‘outbreak of World Wr Establishment of the local congregations of Punta, Sta ‘Ane end Tis. ‘A PREPARATION FOR THE MISSION: As willed by God, Brother Felix Manalo became e member of vanioUs religious organizations before stating the mission ‘ivan te hi by Goa. 8. ILLUMINATION: God reveals his uth to Hs ‘Messenger in these ist days. July 27, 1914 Ms C. PREACHING THE TRUTH: Brother The Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church of Christ) Felix Manalo stars the mission that Gaderiused wht | __ was officially registered in the Philippines. . THE FULFILLMENT OF cone eos : f ie POLL concurrent with the outbreak of ORDINATION OF mmsTERS: ) World War I. God's Messenger tined and . ‘raainod misstors to propagate the gospel an to ect the ‘members ofthe Church of Crist. 924 Establishment of the nga rathorFalic madi his frst 1915 |o16-1918 Despite the intense ‘The first propagation missions persecution, the brethren in the provinees of Bulacan, ‘overseas journey to the oclesiactical cisvict of ‘ctvely participated in Nueva Eeja, and Pampenge US to continue his studios Pampanga, the first distiet of propagation and edification ‘wero started, and gather more reference the Church of Chit. ‘campaigns ofthe Church. As a result the local congregations (of Pateros end Buting were fetablished; Tondo aleo bacare the sito for the Churoh’s office and th taining of ministers called Ang Kiase (The Clas} Brother Felix preeched in public plazas and participated in telgious discussions and debates, resulting in tho rapid ‘growth of Church membership, “The first Church of Christ main office was established | Recognition was given to books on the Bible another religions th of Brother Eran G 1920101 Manalo | e | | 1918 “The first house of worship was bull at Gabriela Steet, Tondo. It was mado of bamboo, ‘swell and pawid or cogon Established the first Chicren's Worship Service to teach God's words tothe children cof Chureh members through an easy question-andanswor method. as260 IT 1921 Z ——a a ‘child — Brother Salvador (which Esaee iment ouih Establishment of the Church's second ecclesiastical cistict in Taig. 1928 fe Establishment of the Church's third ecclesiastical citric in Laguna: 71929) Brother Folic instituted the first committee prayer 2 Deodato Stee, Tondo. ft Brother Fale as an oustancng would later be transferred ‘evangelist by the Misyon {0 Tondo (18171, then to Kstvene, The svard was Azcarage, Mania 1917-1920, | ghen to him et Teavo Glo, to Gogoianain, Tondo (1921- Tondo, Mania, 1822) end te Sampoc, Mania _ (1922-1923). 188) Fist ordination of ministers. ae of Nueva Eci. 1917 ARY Included among th 1923 The Church's Central Office ith of Brother Felis socond | ordained by Brother Felix The Cental Office was ‘was moved to New Manila child Sister Avelina which Manalo were Brothers Justine | transfered to Riverside, Sen until 1936. means ‘ability Casanova end Federico Juan, Rizal where it stayed Uni 1920, aa Mayon cop'sMessacz 9 with the tle Mastor of Biblo- Science, Honoris Causa by the Genius Divnicel College ‘of Meni, It was @ recognition siven to him by nonmembers. [1987 Establishment of the ccclesiastial cists of Zambales, 1932 aT | Estabishment of the cocesiasteal districts of Cavite, Bulscen, anc Bataan | 1934-19420 Establishment of more cosasstiea distros Pangesnan (1934), Quezon (1896), Botnges 1830), Cebu (1937) locos Nore (1938, Fea (1839), Nueva Vizcaya (1939), rienal indore (1340) and Manila 1942). =a ‘During the first election for the Officials of tha Commonwealth ‘government of the Phiippines, the Church members cast their votes in unity ae | 10 May 201 -Gop’s message Sera Birth of Brother Bienvenido, the youngest son of Brother Felix. Brother Bien currently ‘vorsees the INC Engineering and Construction Department. Sic wis careers Establishment of Tambuli ng Siisngan —a Christian family ‘organization forthe young 1936-1938 Because of the growing needs of the Church, Brother Felix had to transfer the Church's Central Office to Leyba Building, Dasmariias St Manila t would be moved 2 few more times before the frst Central Office was constructed in San Juan, Fizal 57 ae Publication ofthe Church of Christ nyranbock: w- AUGUST | Journey to the US to undergo medical treatment. (SSS Publeaton of Pasug, the Church’ ofl magazine with Brother Fela it st Ecitori-Che. error SeETEVCER World War i broks at After the Japenese invasion ‘of Pear! Harboe, Vania W708 declared an open city, Just a few weeks late, the Japanese ‘Occupation ofthe Philippines began. Consolidation of al choir unit, Brother Felix essigned Sister Pilar Manalo, his aldest chil, ‘© consolidate the choir of al the Church's congregations. | 1942-19450 Oreination of ministers, ‘Ari wa, the ordinations of ‘ministers held in 1940 ana 1941 were succeeded by mote ordinations held in 1943, 1944, and 1848. Estabighment of the ccclosistcalcistit of La Union. JULY 14 ‘Announcement ofthe Libertion of the Philippines from Japanese Occupation After the Liberation of the Phlippines, al ofthe Chureh’s local congrogations held special worship services, ‘thanking end praising God for his guidance and protection, Altar the war, @ Filipino ‘communist group Hukbalahao (Hukbo ng Bayan Laban sa apon or People's Amy, Against the Japanese] tied to kal Bother Fol. Thay planned toessassinate the Church leader in Lubao, Pampange The plan did nt succeed ‘whan Brother Feln’s revel pans were changes. ea Establishment of the seclesiasticl trict of Cotabato. SaNAL Ordination of Brather Erafo G. Manalo as a minister. Brother Felix ordained Brother Eaio inthe house of worship of the ‘Tayuman Congregation in Mania, masa Establishment of the ‘ecclesiastical district of Cagayan 1948) First concrete worship bulging ‘of the Church, Dadication of the worship building of the local Congregation of Washington, Sampalee, Manila Establishment of the Scetosiastical dstricts of ll, locos Sur, Albay, and Camarines Note ‘The Hukbalahep made another failed ettempr to kil Brother Fel 1949) Establishment ofthe ecclesiastical districts of Marirciuque, Layte, Negros Occidental na Mindoro Cocidenal 4950 i Establishment of the ecclesiastical districts of Catanduanes and Negros Oriental | 1951 ‘Asxa, Masbate, Rombien, ‘and Sorsogon districts were estabished, RESALE Dacisaton ofthe worship building ofthe lal congregation of Riverside (ow F Manslo)in San Juan. HOSSAIN Election of successor. In a rmoeing of citret ministers, thy unanimously elactod Brother Erano G. Manaio asthe future Exeevtve Minister of the Church 1953) Establishment of te encisiastioal disviet of Davao | 195: = Pastoral Visitation to Cebu. (HOSSIees Birth of Brother Eduardo LV. Manalo, Brother Falix’s of Brother Era, 1965 US for a medical treatment. Establishment of the Establishment of an ecclesiastical district in Mountain Province, 1957 Establishment of the ecclesiastical district of Surigao 1960 E Estabishment of an ‘ecclesiastical detictin Zamboangs del Surtpland Camarines Nore Establishment of the ‘ecclesiastical cstct of Capi, Misamis Oriental, and Palawan, | | : | | ‘grandson and the eldest child Brother Felix raturned to the ecclesiastical district of Samar, Misamis Occidental, and Bohol “M. Brother Felix arrives in the Philippines after his medical ‘treatment in the United States. _N BELOVED CHURCH LEADER: Brethren ine yp to tke a last olence (of Brother Fel during the wake in the Ioealcongrecaion of San Francisco dal ‘Mente in Guszon City. The Messenger of God in these last ‘days: Brother Felix ¥. Manalo 1962 ois Establshmant of an ecclesiastical district in Zamboanga del SurPagadian Tre Church continued to construct concrete and roe hauses of worship with Unique INC architectural design, hich was conceptvatzed by Brother Fox him. Before he passed away, he approved ‘and instructed the plan to build the worship buiging of Bago Bantay in Quazon City Philippines On his sickbed, Brothar Flix sent for is grandson, Brother Edvardo, and placos his hands ‘ver the childs head and blossed him in front of several ean Establishment of Buklod, the Cristian Family Organization for marrid members ofthe Church, 1963). Death of Brother Fol ¥ Maral. cov'smessacz 11 Ma 2011 IN FOCUS ==, A Chronicle of Faith Brethren’s accounts of the Executive Minister’s Pastoral Visitations in the United States and Canada 25,750 miles or 41,440 kilometers (at the least) was the lance traveled by the Executive Minister, Brother Eduardo V. Manalo, to officiate 11 worship services, dedicate four houses of worship, and inaugurate wo district offices di ing his pastoral Saturday, 26 March - The dedication of Los Angeles, Cali- fornia Congregation’s newly constructed house of worship was held today—but the excitement started! much, much ear- lier. During the previous months, brethren throughout the Southern California District prayed to our Almighty God for its success. The week before the dedication, brethren could not help but ask one another: “Where will you attend?” By Friday, it was simply all anyone could talk about. ‘The worship service was broadcasted live via satellite to other sites—three in California (Anaheim, Long Beach, and. South San Diego), the Central Temple in Quezon City, and. eight others in the Philippines. In his homily, Brother Eduar- do, brought to mind the many calamities and financial hard- ships that are common today. He reminded us that regardless of how dismal this world may be, or how far geographically we are from the Church Administration, today we behold God's great love. After the worship service, the 1,800 brethren who attend- cd the dedication in Los Angeles inside the main sanctuary of the house of worship as well as in a tent set up to accom modate the overflow of attendees waited patiently to greet Brother Eduardo by standing in a line winding around the ‘compound. He greeted them, crowd to crowd, shaking hands while many brethren walked away with tears of joy. Hours after the service was finished, countless brethren still lingered around the house of worship, simply too happy to leave. Brother Hector de Leon, from San Gabriel Valley, wait- ‘ed four hours to be among the members who attended in Anaheim, said, “The Church will always have a bright fu- ture as long as God is with us. It's inspiring to know that in this house of worship our prayers will be answered.” We shall always remember the day that our Executive Minis- ter strengthened our faith by teaching us in person of the power of prayers humbly uttered in a house of worship of the true Church of Christ. (Naomi Pellien-De La Cruz) fations in the United States and Canada from March 26 to May 1 of 2011. ‘Thursday, 31 March — Today was the second day in a row that large sections of Central Florida were placed under tor- nado warning, The heavy rain shower that started about 10, hours earlier had not withdrawn and was punctuated fre- quently by roaring rumbles of thunder. How could anyone sleep? For a select few in the southeastem region of the coun- try, sleep would still have been non-existent even if it were peaceful. One of them was Brother Paulin Jolly who came al the way from the Dominican Republic. He flew two hours into Miami and then drove with the brethren three hours to Orlando. It was not sleep that would recharge them but a ‘yearning rooted deep within the soul—the pastoral visit of our beloved Executive Minister, Brother Eduardo V. Manalo. By 10:30 am, already ubiquitous were rain puddles, ve- hicles, umbrellas, people, and excitement at the Orlando Congtegation’s compound. The worship service was not scheduled to begin until 4 p.m., but brethren piled up out- side the entrance to the overfiow tent to ensure a spot inside the sanctuary. In a very short time, no seat was left unoceu- pied, even the seats unfortunately positioned within the rain puddles that seeped in undemeath the tent had grateful oc- cupants. “It’s the faith. We're doing God's will and alittle bit of weather isn’t going to stop us,” explained Brother David Shank of Biloxi, Mississippi. In his homily, Brother Eduardo encouraged the brethren not to be afraid of the troublesome occurrences foretold by ‘our Lord Jesus Christ that would signal that the end of the world or that His Second Advent would be at hand. Sister Laura Johnson from Atlanta, Georgia shared: “[As] officers in the Church, we know that [Judgment Day] is o close and our Executive Minister truly touched [on] that the more we need to be of service to God.” He reminded the brethren of the power of prayer and how itis our most valuable weapon in the fight for our faith. “Blessed are those who live in your house. They are always praising you.” “How happy are those who live In your house; they never cease fo praise you!” Psalm 84:4, God's Word; Complete Jewish Bible “Dealing with persecution, you've got to believe and like [what] Brother Eduardo said—{keep] the faith; what- ever problems you do have, as long, as you're faithful and you're keep- ing God's commands—I know God is going to bring me out victorious,” declared Sister Martha Pinnix of the ‘Winston-Salem, North Carolina. He called on the youth, especially, tobe extra careful. Many of them knew exactly what he was referring to when he preached about the importance of obeying God despite the unbiblical beliefs and practices prevalent in the ‘world today. Sister Maricel Soliven of Charleston, South Carolina said, “(We] are facing a lot of temptations in high school. That lesson is very helpful [It] will always echo in the back of my mind every time Ihave to make a decision.” After the service, the Executive Min- ister personally greeted the brethren. “I know that he keeps the congregations within his heart and tries to reach out to us so that we receive the words of God,” said Brother Jeff Beasley of At- lanta. Sister Rose Anne Parker of Char~ lotte, North Carolina remarked, “His visit makes me feel that he cares about us.” And Brother Farhan Ali of Orlando said, “This visit all the more enhances my faith and makes me want to help those who have weaker faith—remind them especially [what] was preached tous today.” (Stephanie Smith-Cariete) Sunday, 3 April - Many brethren throughout Northeastern Seaboard. District and beyond traveled to Temple Hills, Maryland in order to attend a special worship service led by the Executive Minister, Brother Eduardo V. Manalo. Sister Jingle Aben, from Washing- ton, D.C. said, “Today is my first-year wedding anniversary and we made sure we were here to see and listen to the Executive Minister.” Sister Sugar Isip, from Pearl Harbor, HI. “I felt like hhe was personally advising me on how to take care of my children.” “Hie encouraged me to hold tight ly to my faith for just a while longer, which is what I really needed to hear,” remarked Sister Amore Villarama who lives far from her family. And Sister Elvia Garcia, a deaconess from Tem- ple Hills, MD recalled, “When T had to ‘work in Venezuela, Brother Eduardo took care of me and my family’s faith by sending a minister to us and we held worship services in my home.” Later that day, Brother Eduardo inaugurated the office of the North- eastern Seaboard District, which is lo cated at 518 C Street NE Washington, D.C, steps away from the US. Capi- tol. Whether in Temple Hills, MD or in Washington, D.C, what was uttered repeatedly by the brethren was “Thank you, Brother Eduardo,” Itis simple, yet it comes from a profound sense of love, respect, and gratitude for the Executive Minister—for visiting us even though we are far away; for nurturing our spiritual needs; and for never tiring in administering the Church of Christ. (Leilani Ignacio-Larkin) Wednesday, 6 April The Executive Min- ister, Brother Eduardo V. Manalo, led a special worship service to dedicate the newly purchased and renovated house of worship of the local congregation of Fort Worth, Texas in the Southern Mid~ ‘west District. Hours before the special worship service, brethren were already lined up behind velvet ropes, eagerly waiting tobe seated inside the sanctuary. Undier the bright Texas sun, the en- thusiasm of the brethren was palpable. They came from the vast reaches of the Southern Midwest District. Some traveled for many hours, and others took time off work or schoo! to attend this blessed gathering. “This is a very holy occasion for all Church members, especially [the brethren] in our district, that our Executive Minister came here to dedicate this chapel,” said Sister Luz Lawler who drove 13 hours from Colo- rado Springs. In his homily, Brother Eduardo em- phasized the importance of building houses of worship for the glory of God even in times of economic hardship and calamities. The members of the Church of Christ understand that the temple is God's dwelling place, where His chosen people can properly offer prayers and praises to Him, “You can take this chap- el or take another [Church of Christ} chapel from the Philippines, both have the same teachings, the same hymns. it's special and that’s why he (Brother Eduardo) came halfway across the world to come and dedicate it for us,” said Brother Joseph Bass, a youth group leader of Dallas, Texas Congregation. It was not only the brethren who ‘marveled at the newly renovateci house of worship. Also in attendance was Mr. Will Norther, a realtor from Fort Worth. “This is one of the most beauti- ful things I've ever seen. The building itself is fantastic. It looks better than anything I could have ever imagined. If you could have seen it before, it was in rough shape, but itlooks like a brand new wonderful place to worship, and just seeing all these people here from all across the country is a positive thing,” said Mr. Northern. (Jerson Ramos) Sunday, 10 April — It was raining 50 hard that others would have stayed in. But not the members of the Church of Christ who gathered in Scarborough, Canada. As early as 6 am. they lined up, hoping to secure a seat in the house of worship where Brother Eduardo V. Manalo would officiate a worship serv- ice. It was scheduled to start at 4 p.m. = The brethren knew that the Executive Minister would preach a message from God and deliver to them His wonderful blessings. And so, when Brother Edu ardo entered the main hall, the breth- ren not justin the house of worship but also in other venues in the compound felt the outpouring of the Holy Spirit “The blessings that God had in store for us were really felt by the members and the [Church] officers so that is definitely an experience that will be with me for the rest of my life,” said Brother Bryon Singh. ‘Thankful for the message received, especially for the youth, Sister Joan Palabasan said, “[Brother Eduardo] was admonishing us to always have self-discipline to stay strong members.” “Brother Eduardo [pointed out} that we are living in difficult times,” said Brother Jeremiah Flores. “[The Church Administration] has always been stress- ing unto the youth of the Church to put their complete trust in our Father in heaven.” Brother Zachary Sese, another young ‘Church member, said, “What I took from it was the understanding that there's nothing—that there's no tral or tempta- tion—that could overcome me as long as Thave faith in God. And that I should al- ways be prayerful.” He added, “(Brother Eduardo] really stressed obedience. As Jong as I stay obedient know I can over come anything in this world.” After the worship service, Brother Eduardo inaugurated the office of the Eastern Canada District, located at 3321 MeNicoll Avenue, Scarborough, in the greater Toronto area. Brother Dennis and Sister Clarissa Collantes said, “To be visited by Brother Eduario [coming] from the far east is quite humbling and a special moment in our lives, “The cou- ple added, “Even though we are very far from him we feel very connected to him. [His vist] strengthens our faith and the faith of our loved ones. It means alot to us; it has touched our lives; and we'll remember it forever.” (James Raiz and Jarelte Gabison) Wednesday, 13 April—As early as7a.m, members of the Church of Christ from the Norther Midwest District gath- ered in Illinois for the dedication of the Bloomingdale Congregation’s house of worship. God's work was evident throughout the month-long renovation. However, His blessings did not end there, On this unforgettable Wecinesday, they were led by the Executive Minister, Brother Eduardo V. Manalo, in worship- ing and in thanking the Lord God. From the first line of the first hymn, God’s immense power was already present and only intensified during the processional hymn and the opening prayer. The history of the Bloomingdale Congregation was read by its resident minister, Brother Cristobal Salanga, J Afterwards, Brother Mariano Nucup, the district minister of Northern Mid- west, along with the ministers assigned to this ecclesiastical district, led the congregation in a prayer adapted from that of Solomon, in his dedication of the Temple to God. During the sermon, Brother Eduardo encouraged the brethren to continue serving God no matter what happens and to earnestly pray in the house of worship during times of trouble. He also expressed his deep concer for the youth, advising them not to become corrupt or immoral like the people of this world. The power of the Holy Spirit overwhelmed the brethren as the Executive Minister begged God to always remain with His people. Brother Adam Smith from Cincin- nati, Ohio remarked of this memorable experience, “We as a Church are also a family.” He went on saying that family ‘means “let nothing ever come between you.” And much like loved ones being there for us when we need them, Broth- er Eduardo journeyed across countries and time zones to personally show his love and care for the brethren around the world. Brother Rodney Ousley, from St. Louis, Missouri, said that he had “never had this experience” in his former religion. “Family” was his first impression of the Church: “When I came in, I was already at home.” Indeed, as the household of God, _membersof the Church of Christ are close to the heart oftheir beloved brother as he leads the entire Church onward to meet the Lord Jesus Christ Who will bring, them to their true home, where there is only perfect joy and life everlasting, in the presence of the Heavenly Father. (Erica Mae Yabes and Mark Gabatino) Sunday, 17 April Well before the break of dawn, families and individuals em- barked on a special type of journey. As they arrived at the Forest Hills, New York house of worship, a sense of ex- citement filled the air that culminated when the message they had been wait ing for was finally delivered. The souls of the brethren, both young and old, ‘were deeply touched. It was a moment that future generations will hear about time and time again For weeks on end, Brother Eduardo V. Manalo’s arrival to the New York Preseli area was highly anticipated by the brethren in the Northeastern Seaboard District. By no means did this eager ness die down in the final hours lead- ing up to this occasion. “We stayed in the car. We talked, we prayed and we laughed, we slept a lit- tle bit. We were here all night so that ‘we would not miss this wonderful oc- casion,” said Sister Sandra Eaddy from Bellmore, NY Congregation. “This was actually a special day. ve taken two trips to the Philippines hoping that I would meet the Executive Minister, but it didn’t work out that way. To finally get the chance to see him in our District be part of a worship service that he led and shake his hand, there are no words to describe my feel- ings right now. It leaves me speech- less,” said Brother Engelbert Rosario from Elizabeth, NJ Congregation. For one sister, being a part of this gathering reminded her of the many ways the Church Administration dem- onstrates their genuine concern for the brethren, Having lived through a pe- riod when there were no established lo- cal congregations in this area, it moved her heart to see that their love for the brethren has not diminished over time. “Thad the chance to meet the late Executive Minister when he visited New York in 1968. The memory of that time in my life is what keeps my faith strong even till this day. Since then, it has always been in my prayers for my children to be blessed with the same kind of experience that I had years ago. And I'm just so glad that I'm alive and well enough to witness the visit of cour current Executive Minister here in New York and share this moment with my daughters,” said Sister Norma Su- ‘mague from Forest Hills, NY Congrega- tion. Throughout Brother Eduardo’s preaching, brethren saw how every gesture and every word spoken re- flected a sense of love that only God's chosen leader could possess The brethren could not have asked for more than what they received from this moment. It reached even greater heights as the brethren took their places in line and prepared to shake the hand of the Executive Minister. “Living in America we don’t always see, nor can we really feel, everything that leaders like the President is doing But with our Executive Minister, we feel his presence in our lives through his pastoral letters and visits like this. It shows how much he cares for every single one of us and for the Church as a whole,” said Brother Jay Navoa from New York, NY Congregation ‘Though this gathering eventually came to a close, this significant time in their lives will forever stand still in the minds of the brethren. They end their day knowing that God's love for them will always be found in a man whose leadership brings hope for every mem- ber of the Church of Chrtist in these last days. (Noreen May Sumague) Thursday, 21 April ~ Ws was a chilly morning, but at the Burnaby Congre- gation’s compound warmth radiated from activity and anticipation. The street leading to it was lined with cars, and even at 10 hours before the start of the scheduled worship service, there ‘were many brethren already, some hav- ing traveled great distances. All of them were waiting patiently for the pasto- ral visitation of the Executive Minis- ter, Brother Eduardo V. Manalo, in the ‘Western Canada District. Whata great blessing to this new dis- trict! For the first time Brother Eduardo would be here to strengthen the breth- ren’s faith by preaching the words of God. Brother Nel San Pedro, from Ed- monton, Alberta, said, “It's so nice to get the spiritual blessing brought about by the presence of the Executive Minis- ter” Many members made great sacri- fices in order to attend this special wor- ship service. One of them was Brother Rene Ramos, from Calgary, who shared his experience, “I begged my employer to give me a day off from work.” In his homily, Brother Eduardo called the brethren’s attention to the current state of this world. Earthquakes and civil “unrest are rampant, while economies con tinue to struggle. Many people are suffer ing from illnesses, many are losing their jobs and because of these things, many are also losing their faith. However, that should not be the case for the members of the Church of Christ because the things that are happening now only prove that Judgment Day is truly near. The Executive Minister said that if there were 100 steps to the Holy City, we would now be on the 99th step. Thus, we should continue to persevere and. be strong in our conviction. Surely this pastoral visitation strengthened all those who listened to the words of God. "It [the words of God] gave me great ‘motivation and faith to continue in my services to God,” said Brother Aeson Chiu, from Burnaby. Brother Eduardo spoke also of how important it is that both parents and children remain members of the Church and continue fulfilling their duties to God. Those whe continue will be the blessed ones who will be saved. when the Lord Jesus Christ returns Brother Vernon Miranda, a youth Church member from Surrey, Canada, said, “I'm inspired to perform my duty to the [best] of my ability.” ‘The brethren were very thankful to feel the Holy Spirit during the preach- ing of the Executive Minister. “It was really the most different feeling I've ever experienced. It was so special, so solemn,” said Sister Elaine Barron, from Burnaby. “It encouraged me to remain strong and active in the Church espe- cially in my duty. I's a reminder that the day of Judgment is coming soon so we have to hold on to finish our race,” said Sister Myrtle Alegado, from Surrey. After the worship service, our be- loved Executive Minister took the time to greet approximately 1,500 brethren. Happy faces were all that could be seen as brethren waited in line for their turn to shake hands with Brother Eduardo. At the end of the day, brethren could be heard saying, “This is a day I will never forget.” (Aimee Maglaya) Sunday, 24 April ~ Looking sharp in his Sunday's best, four-year-old Noah Chauncey Stout stood outside the Iglesia ni Cristo house of worship in Sac- ramento, California. He had driven up with his family from San Jose for this very special occasion. "My daddy helped put my attire together, but I picked out the tie my- self,” Brother Noah said. Four months ago, he was diagnosed with a brain tu- mor and given 12 or 14 months to live. ‘Today, he had his mind on more posi- tive and farther-reaching thoughts: He would pray for wellness so that, when he grows up, he could serve as a Church officer Today was a sunny Sunday morn: ing, hundreds of cars lined the streets of this quiet neighborhood in the state capital. Church members from all over Northern California had flocked to the newly acquired and renovated place of worship that was to be dedicated to the Lord God by the Executive Minister, Brother Eduardo V. Manalo. Little Noah, his parents holding each of his hands, didn’t seem to mind standing in line for hours—even before the chapel doors opened. Said his mother Sister Michelle, “We've made sure to get good seats so Noah could see the Exeeutive Minister well and listen to his sermon.” The meeting would be a fi for Brother Noah, but not for Sister Fortunata Urbano, She had met Brother Eduardo in the Philippines several years ago, when he was still Deputy Executive Minister. Even so, she was sure today would be an exceptional experience—her first time to meet Brother Eduardo since he became Executive Minister, and on the day that her congregation's house of worship would be dedicated! Sister Fortunata is 86. She confi dently made her way into the packed venue in her wheel chair. “Idon't mind the crowd,” she said, “and being old and gray is no excuse to miss this very solemn gathering. My body may be weak, but my spirit is so much strong- cer than these wheels that transport me everywhere.” Thevenuehadbeen filled tocapacity at 9 am. though the main activities were scheduled at 4 pm. Thus, the special worship service commenced much Ministers’ families, delegates from congregations across Northern California and members of the Sacramento Congregation sgathered in the main sanctuary. Those who didn’t make it inside the chapel were accommodated in a covered tent equipped for a live feed of the service. Brother Herminio Vispo, head dea- con of the Sacramento Congregation, earlier, proudly and thankfully declared: “This day alleviated all the hard work that our members put into the preparations. Day and night we were here, making sure every comer of this property would be spotless and perfect for this event. We want the Lord God to be pleased with us, and also to feel how grateful we are, because despite the long wait, we are now blessed with this magnificent house of prayer, where we can praise His Name any time of day.” Having Brother Eduardo himself dedicate the chapel was “so much more than we hoped for,” added Brother Hez- minio, “We are elated beyond words. This will always be a day that we can look back on when the congregation faces challenges.” In his very moving and upliting sermon, Brother Eduardo reminded the brethren , “God will especially listen to His children’s prayers if they are made in His temple. And if we realize that our only hope is our Father, then He will al the moze answer our pleadings.” After the service, the brethren lined up, row by row, to shake the Executive Minister’s hand and bid him farewell. He was to continue his pastoral visits to other districts, “He held my cheek and told me to be strong,” Sister Fortunata said. “That would last me many more years of service to the Father.” Little Noah, along with his parents, had patiently edged his way towards the front in sweet anticipation of his first interaction with Brother Eduardo. His positive mindset was validated. “He shook my hand and asked one of the ministers to anoint me with oil be- cause I am sick.” Noah has lifted up his wish in a prayer made in God’s temple: “Please heal me, so I can be baptized and grow up to be an officer in the Church.” The brethren left with smiles on their faces and warmth in their hearts. Just like Sister Fortunata, Brother Her- miniano, and Brother Noah, they had offered their prayers with unwavering hope that God would answer each one in His perfect time. (Eliza Gonzales- ‘Manglicmot) Wednesday, 27 April - I have been standing for about eight hours straight in the cold, but it was worth it... oh so worth it, Our beloved Executive Minis- ter, Brother Eduardo V. Manalo, visited our district of Pacific Northwest. I be~ lieve that “grateful” will be the operat- ing word of the day because the entire experience was such a great blessing. ‘Today there was 70 percent chance ofrain in Everett, Despite the skies were gray, the wind was blowing, and it was unusually cold for spring in Western Washington, you could see in the eyes of the brethren that they did not care. Many of them stood in line since dawn. ‘And when the Executive Minister arrived, the skies miraculously cleared. Brethren took their seats wherever they could: every nook and cranny in the worship building and every folding chair in large tents with television sets at the parking lot. [was not able to get a seat, s0 I stood curing the entire serv- ice, What exactly would happen during the special worship service led by our beloved leader? | finally saw his face ‘on the TV screen. And when he began preaching the gospel, I felt a change within me. Brother Eduardo preached about how important it is for us to be more like Christ and how we should not ‘waste our being called by God in the true Church, He spoke of hope, to nev- er give up in our service to the Lord de- spite overwhelming odds. Everyone I spoke to said that they felt the love and concern of our Executive Minister. And that feeling was compounded when everyone was able to meet him and shake his hand after the service. At the end of the day, it rained again, but we did not mind. In a way, it is like the struggles that come and. go in our life every day. We do not mind them, too, because of our faith, which was all the more strengthened in this pastoral visitation. And for that we are ever grateful to our Lord God, to our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the Church Administration, (Rex Dulay) Sunday, 1 May ~ Today is almost 43 years after the late Brother Erafio G. “Manalo officiated the first worship serv- ice in the West in a small house in Ewa Beach, Hawaii. Among the worshipers on that day was Brother Ernesto Ferrer. Back then, he was just a young chi now, he is one of the head deacons of Honolulu Congregation, wherein today the present Executive Minister, Brother Eduardo V. Manalo, officiated a wor- ship service. Brother Ernesto's story isa familiar one in the Church—parents bequeath- ing to their children, and their chil- dren’s children a legacy of faith that in- ‘lucies love for the Church and loyalty SS ue Lt S i “Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether | come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, | will know that you stand firm in c as one man fo - Philippians to and respect for the Church Adminis tration. I asked my two young daugh- ters Adara and Kayla why they were so excited to meet Brother Eduardo. They said, “Because he is our leader.” Wanting my children to see beyond that, I told them, “He is the leader of the Church because God chose him to :27, New International Version be, and it is God who will support him all the way.” Brother Kevin Marin of Waipahu said of the Executive Minister, “The fact that he came all the way from the Philippines just to visit us, it truly shows that he cares for us that he really tries to show that he loves us and that the Church Administration is there for us and I really want to feel that love.” Likewise Brother David Casipe, Jn. of Waipahu, stated, “I am completely ex- cited, almost speechless. I feel special, I feel loved and I can’t wait to see him and tell him ‘thank you’ for showing me what's the right thing to do as a ‘member. I worked almost everyday the past week just so I could get a day off today.” As early as 6 am, many brethren were already waiting for his arrival al- though the worship service was sched- uled at 4 p.m. Brethren did not want to miss the opportunity to listen to the Executive Minister preach God's words and to thank him personally for his love to the whole Church. According to Sis- ter Lilian Corpuz, Licudan of Lahaina, Maui, as soon as she heard of Brother Eduarcio's visit, she and her family im- mediately checked for flights to Hono- lulu, made arrangements at work, and held devotional prayers. In his homily, Brother Eduardo spoke of his deep concern for the spirit- ual welfare of the brethren. He assured them that whatever happens to this world with all the calamities and wars, a true and faithful servant of God will always find joy, peace, and security. He encouraged the young people and the parents to keep the faith and to remain in the Church, He called on the Church officers, especially the ministers, to ful- fill their duties to the best of their abil ties so that every Church member will be worthy to meet the Lord. When asked what struck her the ‘most in Brother Eduardo’s lesson, Sis- ter Shannon Cristobal of Maili, said, “The troubles of the youth and the young parents are going through in these times—he really inspired me with how he said to never give up and to continue to strive forward in our du- ties; and so as a choir member, I plan to do that—no matter what happens 1 will continue to perform my duty.” Sister Susie Lauricio of Lahaina, Maui explained what needs to be done now after she heard the lesson, “We have to hold tight to the words of God so that wwe will continue receiving the guid- ance, the blessings, and protection from our Lord God no matter what happens in this world to be able to go on serving Him.” (Theda Pilar-Pineda) @ (CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS: RONALD ACEVEDO, CHRISTOPHER ALIGNAY, ELGIN DOMINE, RONALD HAMILTON, CGERNIE LIBOZADA, FELMAR SERRENO, SEAN SIVANESAN, and JOAN SOLITARIOL All for Gop's GLory States and Canada, the Executive Minister, Brother Eduardo V. Manalo, led the dedication of the houses of worship of the local congregations of Los Angeles, California; Fort Worth, Texas; Bloomingdale, Mlinois; and Sacramento, California. In addition, the Executive Minister inaugurated the district offices of Northeastern Seaboard situated in Washington, DC. and of Eastern Canada in the greater Toronto area D URING HIS PASTORAL visitations in the United NORTHEASTERN SEABOARD. Cae OF CHRIST) With assistance from: INC Engineering Contributing photographers: Ron fission Office Tearra, Markjel Serreno, May 201 GoD's Message 29 By ALIW GARCIA PABLO WEEK AFTER the Los Angeles [ites eects Ee cated, members of the Iglesia ‘ni Cristo (Church of Christ) in the local congregation of Los Angeles prepared for another big event. This time, the whole neighborhood was in- vited to take partin activities for kids, health screenings, family photos, food, live entertainment, and special tour of the new house of worship at Union Avenue. All free of charge. “Neighborhood Appreciation Day” is a community service outreach pro- gram that is part of the INC Giving, a project launched by the Executive Minister, Brother Eduardo V. Manalo. ‘The mission of the INC Giving Project is to extend the presence of the Chusrch ‘of Christ members to their community. It is part of a global initiative to share their faith through acts of kindness by meeting people's everyday needs, 30 May 20n -Gop's wessace engaging thousands of members in supporting local neighborhoods and strengthening the bond with their communities. Residents of this Los Angeles neighborhood have seen the process of the construction of the new house ip. The Church of Christ held “Neighborhood Appreciation Day” as a way to say thank you to the residents of the area for being patient with all the construction and noise that came with it “Since the chapel is finally fin- ished and everything, it’s like the neighborhood has transformed with it also. Because i's become more quiet, more serene, the community seems like it’s better in tune. I can’t wait for tomorrow to get here, going to my first service in the new chap- el,” said Angelia Harper, a resident in the neighborhood. Reaches into th “Neighborhood Appre: during Over 525 adults and children from the community came out to "Neighborhood Appreciation Day” and some even went back home and told the rest of their families to come ut to the event. After taking part in the chapel tour, many of them came to the worship service the next day, which was Sunday, to learn more about the Church. A few weeks later, other local congregations also followed suit and held their own “Neighborhood Appreciation Day.” In Sacramento, California, also a week after their new house of worship was dedi- cated, over 250 people went to the Church of Christ chapel grounds to take part in the free services being of- fered by medical professionals in the Church such as diabetes screening, blood pressure check, eye health, and dental assessment. Neighbors also learts of Communities tion Day" makes a difference ne of need received free family photo portraits, as well as free arts and crafts for kids and free food and live entertainment. "1 think more churches should start doing something like this in their neighborhoods, their commu- nity—that way people can just get to- gether, can get to know one another,” Irene Sanchez, a long time resident of Sacramento. “Most communities do not have free stuff and some people around here in this neighborhood, cannot afford to buy food ... $0, this little event going around here, I think it’s, fun for the kids and they get to inter- act with their own childhood friends and stuff and the food is free and the activity is free.” Other local congregations such as Fort Worth, Texas and Bloomingdale, Illinois which re- cently just dedicated their houses of worship also held a “Neighbor- hood Appreciation Day,” along with Scarborough, Canada, Temple Hills, Maryland, Honolulu, Hawaii, Jacksonville, Florida and Norwich, Connecticut. These events attracted both broadcast and print media at- tention and were featured in local TV newscasts and newspapers in different parts of the United States and Canada. No matter what the venue or free services to the community were, the reaction seems to be the same feeling of gratitude and appreciation. Toron- to City Councilor, Ward Glenn De- Barermaeker attended the Scarbor- ough “Neighborhood Appreciation Day” and expressed the impact such an event can make. “I think what ex- cited me about today's event was the fact the church opened up it's doors literally to the entire community. So it was come one, come all, come and learn about our church, we want you to know that you're welcome to ‘come into our church, into our place of worship, and I thought that was a really great thing because the world needs more peace and serenity, and 1 think there are some churches that would say, great we have a beautiful church, we have a beautiful congre- gation, and that’s great, and that’s, that’s the end of it.I think this church is literally opening itself up to lots of people who may have questions, who might be curious, and who might be looking for a place to come worship. I think this is wonderful.” © Contributing Researchers/Writers: Renezen Benedicto, Lois Paula Versoza, INC TV Production Bureaus May 2011» GOD'S MEssacE 31 Dinamin malilimot Salamat po, Ama, Thaw ay putin’ Nilulavvathari Ika ay samba = = gAng lyong biyava'yaniingsascanbitn, il A atang paglingap Mo ay guauita Bago parmagwakas ay di Ka pumas nna di Mo hanapin ang Basin Mong livag. Sa Bazan Mong hirang hvong inthavag ang Iyone pag-ibig at sagananig habag! Sa dulong Silangan, sa malayong lupa ‘Mga pulo ng dagat dakong simula, ‘Mea huling araw, ang panahong takda, Bayan Mo’y hinanap, hindi nagpabaya Ang kinasangkapa'y thong Mandaragit Upang ang katwiran ay ‘Yong maitapit Kaya't nakalaya sa pagkakapit, Ngavo'y Kaligtasan sa amiy sasapitt Ang Sugo’ nagsakit, nagits, nagpagal: kahit pings-usig, kahit may sagabal. Tiinagiiyod nya ang, tuna na arah, ang dalang, pasugo'y tanyang itinanghal. ‘Hoidi ialtimor ang Iyong Sinugo, Fic ad ay Ezzard R. Gilbang Metto Manila, Philippines 32) Mavaoil 'Gon's MEssAGe “FILIPINO SECTION® FILIP TNO SHGiaL@ON f e “Orso PANGULONG TUDLING ‘Hanggang sa aming matatakan ... ang mga alipin ng ating Dios’ ARA SA MGA tapat na kaanib ng Iglesia ni Cristo sa ‘mga huling araw na ito, ang Mayo 10 ay namama- laging isang mahalagang petsa, sapagkat sa araw na ito isinilang ang lalaking sa panukala at layunin ng Diyos ay kakasangkapanin sa pagtawag sa mga taong Kaniyang Kikilalanin bilang mga anak na lalaki at babae sa panahong malapit na ang pagparitong muli ni Cristo. Ang sampalata- yanan ang pagsusugong ito kay Kapatid na Felix Y. Manalo ay katumbas ng pagsampalataya sa gawain ng Diyos. ‘Ang mga pahayag ng hula na nakasulat sa Apocalipsis 72-3 ay nagpapakilala sa daigdig ng isang lalaking pinagkalooban ng Diyos ng banal na karapatan sa pangangaral ng dalisay na cbanghelyo ng kaligtasan. Isinasaad ng hula na, “At nakita ko ang ibang anghel na umaakyat mula sa sikatan ng araw, na taglay ang tatak ng Dios na buhay: at siya'y sumigaw ng tinig na malakas sa apat na anghel na pinagkaloobang maipahamak ang lupa at ang dagat, Na nagsasabi, Huwag ninyong ipahamak ang lupa, kahit ang dagat, kahit ang mga punong kahoy, hanggang sa aming matatakan sa kanilang mga noo ang mga alipin ng ating Dios” (amin ang pagdiriin), Dahil sa kaniyang tungkulin, ipinakilala ng Diyos si Kapatid na Felix Manalo sa hula bilang isang “anghel”. Sa Webster's Third New International Dictionary ay ganito binigyang-pakahulugan ang salitang ito: “Anghel—sa literal na pakahulugan, sugo ... 3. sinumang nagdadala ng banal na pasugo (gaya ng isang tagapangaral o propeta) 4. OBISPO, PASTOR ‘sa ~ ng iglesia sa Efeso—Apoc. 2:1 (RSVp" (p. 82, isinalin sa Filipino). ‘Ang mga awtoridad ng iba’t ibang relihiyon ay sumasang-ayon din na ang terminong “anghel” ay maaaring ikapit sa isang tao. Pinatutunayan ng mga Protestante na “ang pinakamataas na paggamit ng salitang angel, makikita natin na ang parirala ay ginagamit upang tumukoy sa sinumang sugo ng Diyos, gaya ng mga propeta, at ng mga tagapangasiwa ng mga iglesia Cristiana ” (Smith & Peloubet’s Bible Dictionary, p. 40, isinalin sa Filipino). Ganito rin ang binigyang-diin ng mga Saksi ni Jehova, sa pamamagitan ng kanilang pahayag na “Anghel. ‘Ang salitang ito, sa wikang Griego at maging sa Hebreo, ay ‘FILIPINO SECTION* nangangahulugang sugo. Tinutukoy nito ang tungkulin, at hindi ang kalikasan ng isinugo” (Emphatic Diaglott, p. 872, isinalin sa Filipino). Mismong ang Panginoong Jesucristo ang nagpatotoo na ang isang tao, katulad ni Juan Bautista, ay maaaring maging isang anghel 0 sugo ng Diyos (Juan 1:6, Magandang Balita Biblia; Mat, 11:7-10, Douay-Rheims Bible). Ang patotoong, ito mula sa mismong Tagapagligtas ang tila malamig na tubig na papatay sa liyab ng maling paniniwala ng iba na ang salitang “anghel,” na sa literal na kahulugan ay “sugo”, ay ‘tumutukoy lamang daw samganilalang nanasa kalagayang espiritu at hindi sa tao. Lubos na nababatid ng Diyos ang paglipana ng maraming mge tagapangaral at tagapagturo sa panahong magsisimula ang Kaniyang sugo, si Kapatid na Felix Manalo ng kaniyang ministeryo. Dahil dito, binigyan ng pagpapatibay ng Diyos ang kaniyang Kahalalan sa pamamagitan ng paglalarawan sa kaniya bilang isang anghel—o sugo—na ang pangangaral ay may kalakip na “tatak ng Diyos na buhay,” upang maalaman ng lahat sa daigdig na siya ay isang sugong inihalal ng Diyos upang ‘mangaral ng dalisay na ebanghelyo ng kaligtasan. ‘Ang tatak na binanggit sa hula ay ang Espiritu Santo, gaya ng ipinaliwanag ni Apostol Pablo, na “Kayo ma’y aging bayan ng Diyos nang kayo'y manalig sa kanya matapos ninyong marinig ang salita ng katotohanan— ang Mabuting Balita na nagdudulot ng kaligtasan. Kaya’t ipinagkaloob sa inyo ang Espiritu Santong ipinangako ng, Diyos bilang tatak ng pagkahirang sa inyo. Ang Espiritu ang katibayan ng mga pangako ng Diyos sa ating mga hinirang hanggang kamtan natin ang Iubos na kaligtasan. Purihin natin ang kanyang kadakilaan!” (Efe. 1:13-14, MB). Ang mga nakarinig ng salita ng katotohanan— ang ebanghelyo ng kaligtasan na itinuro ng sugo—na pagkatapos ay nanalig at sumunod dito, ay tinatakan ng Espiritu Santo na ipinangako, Hindi maaaring maliitin ang kahalagahan ng Espiritu Santo yayamang ito ang “katibayan ng mga pangako ng Diyos”—ang katunayan na ‘ang mga natatakan nito ay Kaniyang mga hinirang. 33 May 2001 - GOD'S MESSAGE Cky, 2, *% “llalagay ko ang aking mga kautusan sa kanilang pag-isip, Atsa kanilang mga puso’y aking isusulat ang mga ito. Atako’y magiging Dios nila, Atsila'y magiging bayan ko.” Hebreo 810, Hindi nag-iisa si Kapatid na Felix Manalo sa gawaing. ito ng pagtatatak sa mga hinirang ng Diyos, gaya rin ng isinasaad sa nasabing hula na, “hanggang sa aming ‘matatakan ... ang mga alipin ng ating Diyos.” Sa pagpanaw. ‘ng Sugo ng Diyos sa mga huling araw noong Abril 12, 1963, ay hindi nawaksan ang gawaing pagtatatak. Ang kaniyang ‘mga kasama sa banal na gampaning pangangaral ng dalisay na ebanghelyo—ang mga ministro at manggagawa—ay naging kasangkapan din sa pagtawag ng mga tao na ayon sa hula ay kikilanlin ng Diyos na Kaniyang mga anak ‘Ang gawaing pagtatatak na ito ay katulad din ng ginawa sa panahon ng mga apostol ng ating Panginoong Jesus. Si Apostol Pablo, na ayon sa kaniyang, sariling, pahayag ay isang “ministro ni Cristo Jesus sa mga Gentil, nna nangengasiwa sa evangelio ng Dios, upang ang mga Gentil ay maging kalugodlugod na handog, palibhasa’y pinapaging banal ng Espiritu Santo” (Roma 15:16)—ay “ipinangaral na lubos ang evangelio ni Cristo” (Roma 15:19)—at ang naging bunga nito ay, ayon sa kaniyang patotoo, na “kung maganap ko nga ito, at aking matatakan za sa kanila” (Roma 15:28) ang kapangyarihan ng Espirit Santo. ‘Ang ganito ring pagtatatak sa mga lingkod ng Diyos na ipinahintulot ng Diyos na ipagpatuloy ng Pamamahala, ng Iglesia (Col. 1:25), ay sinimulan sa mga huling araw. na ito ng Sugo hanggang sa siya ay papagpahingahin ng Diyos. Hayag na hayag na ang marubdob na hangarin ng Sugo na ang tao ay mailapit sa Diyos ay buong giting na itinaguyod ng Kapatid na Erafio G, Manalo at itinataguyod ng kasalukuyang Tagapamahalang Pangkalahatan ng Iglesia, ang Kapatid na Eduardo V. Manalo, Pinagtibay ng Diyos ang kanilang karapatan sa pangangaral nang Kaniyang ipahayag na, “Ilalagay ko ang aking mga kautusan sa kanilang pagviisip, At sa kanilang ‘mga puso'y aking isusulat ang mga ito. At ako'y magiging Dios nila, At sila'y magiging bayan ko” (Heb, 8:10). Ang masaganang pagdaloy ng Espiritu Santo, lalo na sa panahon ng mga pagsamba, ang matibay na nagpapatotoo na tayo nga ang mga pinagpalang anak ng Diyos. Ang hayag na pagtatagumpay at_makabuluhang. pagsulong ng gawaing ito ng kaligtasan, ay binigyang- pansin ng mga nagmamasid at nag-uulat ng mga 34 Mav 201 -GoD's MESSAGE mahahalagang pangyayari sa larangan ng relihiyon: “Ang, mga nagsasariling Iglesia ay masiglang umusbong sa ‘marami, kung hindi man sa lahat, ng mga bansa sa Ikatlong, Daigdig. Ang. isa sa pinakamalaki, pinakamayaman, at pinakamakapangyarihan sa mga ito ay ang Iglesia ni Cristo sa Pilipinas na napakabilis na lumalaganap” (Iglesia ni Cristo: A Study in Independent Church Dynamics, ni Arthur Leonard Tuggy, p. vii, isinalin sa Filipino). Binigyang-diin ng nasabing manunulat-Protestante sa kaniyang aklat na: “Sa pandaigdig na larangan ang kahalagahan nito ay dakila, unang-unana dahil sa kaniyang laki at kayamanan, Ang Iglesia ni Cristo ang pinakamalaki (non-mission related) na nagsasariling Iglesia sa Asia” (p. 224, Ibi, isinalin sa Filipino). Sa isang pitak na may pamagat na “The Untold Story of the Iglesia mi Cristo,” inilarawan ng may-akda ang Iglesia, na; “Subalit higit pa sa mga programa at proyektong ito ay ang tunay na lakas ng pagtatagumpay ng Iglesia ni Cristo— ang kaniyang kakaibang mga doktrina. Binibigyang-diin ng Iglesia ang pagiging isa ng Diyos at hindi naniniwala sa pagiging Diyos ni Cristo at ng Espiritu Santo, at naninindigan sa nakasulat sa Banal na Kasulatan ukol sa pagiging Ulo at Tagapagligtas ni Cristo ... Sa mga bagay na ukol sa pananampalataya, itinuturing ng Iglesia ang Biblia bilang tanging saligan” (Philippine Panorama, May 31, 1992, p.7-8, ni Robert C. Villanueva, isinalin sa Filipino). Isang kinikilalang haligi ng Protestantismo sa Pilipinas ay nagpatotoo ukol sa lakas at paglago ng Iglesia: “Bunsod ng labis na paghanga sa mga nagawa ng Iglesia ni Cristo, si Senador Neptali Gonzales, isang haligi ng Protestantismo, ay nagsabing, “Ang pagtatagumpay ng gawaing ito na Kinasihan ng Diyos, na sinimulan ni Kapatid na Felix Manalonoong 1914, ay totoong hayag na hayag sa kahanga- hhangang paglago ng Iglesia dito at sa ibayong dagat. Ang, malalaki at mariringal na gusaling sambahan nito na nakapamamayani sa ating skyline ay hindi mapapantayan sa kanilang karangyaan” (Philippine Graphic, July 29, 1994, “From One-man Mission to Global Church" ni Isabelo T. Crisostomo, p. 16, isinalin sa Filipino). ‘Tunay ngang ang Sugo at ang mga ministro ng Iglesia ni Cristo sa mga huling araw na ito, na taglay ang tatak ng, Diyos na buhay, ay nangangaral ng Salita ng Diyos “hindi 8a salita lamang” kundi “may kapangyarihan at patoloo ng Espiritu Santo” (I Tes. 1:5, MB)—anupa’t ang nakikinig sa kanilang pangangaral at lubos na nananalig ay tinatatakan ng Espiritu Santo, Habang patuloy na ipinangangaral ng mga sinugo ng Diyos ang dalisay na balita ng kaligtasan na mababasa sa Banal na Kasulatan, ang “pagtatatak” ay magpapatuloy Sunn sa pahina 37 ‘FILIPINO SECTION $?Magulang Sinulat ni MATHUSALEM V. PAREJA SFILIPINO SECTION: sabihing ang mabuting anak ay hindi lamang kaligayahan kundi kayamanan ng magulang. Sa pagbuo ng mga mapagmahal na anak ng kanilang mga pangarap, kasama roon ang kanilang mga magulang. Subalit sa ganang iba ay naging paksa ng mga pagtatalo kung dapat 0 hindi dapat Kalingain at tingnan ang kapakanan ng magulang lalo pa at matatanda na sila, Ang katotohanan, anumang lahi, kultura, at pananampelatayang panrelihiyon ang taglay ng mga tao, ang paglingap at pagmamalasakit sa Kani-kanilang magulang ay hindi lamang isang Kagandahang-loob 0 kabutihan kundi pananagutan nila sa kanilang magulang. Ito ay nakasalig sa kalooban ng Panginoong Diyos. \ fy ARAHIL AY WALANG TUTUTOL kung Ma 2888) GOD'S MESSAGE ‘Ang aral ng Diyos sa mga anak Aral ng Diyos na itinuro ng mga apostol na igalang ang magulang gaya ng mababasa sa Efeso 6:2-3: “Igalang mo ang iyong ama at ina. Ito ang unang utos na may kalakip nna pangako; ganito ang pangako: ikaw ay giginhawa at lalawig ang iyong buhay rito sa lupa” (Magandang Balita Biblia). Ang katumbas ng sinabing, “Igalang mo ang inyong ama at ina” ay “Honor your father and mother.” Natupad sa maraming mga anak ang pangako ng, Diyos na pagpapala at kaginhawahan dahil sa kanilang paggalang at pagmamahal sa magulang. Ang salitang honor ayon sa Webster’s New World Dictionary of the American Language ay nangangahulugan ng “High regard or great respect given”. Matas na pagkilala at respeto ang dapat na iukol ng mga anak sa kanilang magulang. Ang sgumagalang sa magulang ay hindi magsasalita ng masama © manunungayaw sa kanila sapagkat may ibinababalang, sumpa ang Diyos sa gayong mga lapastangang anak (Mat. 15:4). Kung paanong natupad ang pangakong pagpapala ng Diyos para sa mga anak na gumagalang sa kanilang magulang gayundin natupad at matutupad sa mga lapastangang anak ang sumpa ng Diyos sa kanila. Kahit noon sa panahon ng dating Israel ay sinusumpa ng Diyos ang mga anak na naninirang puri sa kanilang magulang (Deut. 27:16). Papatayin ang ilaw 0 magdidilim ang anak na sumusumpa sa magulang (Kaw. 20:20). Sa kabilang dako, nakatitiyak namang, pagpapalain ang anak na gumagalang sa magullang sapagkat ang gayon, ay kinalulugdan ng Panginoong Diyos (Col. 3:20). Subalit masasabi ba nating iginagalang at minamahal natin ang May a0n -GOD'S MESSAGE ating magulang kung hindi natin sila kinakalinga lalo nasa panahonng kanilang katandaan at walang kakayahan pang makapaghanapbuhay? Nakakalungkot isipin na mayroong sa halip na kalingain ang kanilang mga magulang ay inilalagak at pinaaalagaan na lamang sila sa ibang mga tao © institusyon na nangangalaga sa mga matatanda katulad ng home for the aged sapagkal ito raw ang advice o payo ng ibang tao sa kanila. Katanggap-tanggap siguro ito kung wala na silang nabubuhay na kamag-anak o anak. Tandaan sana nating lagi na anumang payo ng kahit na sino na jumalabag sa kautusan ng Diyos ay hindi makabubuti, sa halip ay makasasama Malimit nating marinig ang ganito: “Kung hindi dahil sa ating mga magulang ay wala tayo ngayon.” Kaya, hindi ba tama lamang na kalingain natin sila gaya ng pinatutunayan sa I Timoteo 5:4: “Kung ang isang balo ay may mga anak 0 mga apo, matuto muna ang mga ito na tumupad ng kenilang tungkulin sa sariling mag-anak at gumanti ng utang na loob sa kanilang magulang. Ito ay Kaluygud-lugod sa mata ng Diyos” (Abriol). Utos ng Panginoong Diyos na gumanti ng utang na Joob ang mga anak sa kanilang magulang at to ay kalugud lugod sa Kaniya ‘Ang mga idinadahilan ng ayaw alagaan ang magulang: "Wala akong dapat na tanawing utang na loob sa magulang ko Aahil hindi naman naging mabuti ang magulang ko sa akin.” Kung sa pakiwari man nila ay wala silang dapat na tanawing utang na locb sa magulang dahil sa hindi naman ito naging mabuti sa kanila ay dapat nilang maisip na hindi ito katanggap-tanggap lalo pa at siyam na buwan na dinala sa sinapupunan ng isang ina ang kaniyang anak Iningatan, inalagaan, at binantayan hanggang sa isilang ang kaniyang sanggol. Hindi ba’t malinaw na katunayan ito ng pagmamahal? Iyon ngang tao na meaaring noon lamang natin nakita 0 nakilala ay dinamayan at ginawan natin ng “Igalang mo ang iyong ama atina. {to ang unang utos na may kalakip na pangako; ganito ang pangako: ikaw ay giginhawa at lalawig ang iyong buhay rto sa lupa.” —Fieso 82:3, Magandang Bibi ‘FILIPINO SECTION* mabuti noong siya ay nangailangan ng tulong, geano pa ang ating magulang na hindi maikakaila na totoong malaki ‘ang naging puhunan sa atin? Pano kung ipinipilit pa rin ng, isang anak na wala siyang dapat na tanawing utang na loob sa magulang? Isang katotohanan na mayroon tayong dapat na tanawing utang na loob sa Panginoong Diyos dahil Siya ang sa mula’t mula pa ang may malaking pagmamalasakit at puhunan sa atin, Kung totoong tumatanaw tayo ng utang nna loob sa Diyos ay sundin natin ang Kaniyang mga utos. Hindi ba't malinaw na utos Niya na sundin at igalang nati ang ating magulang? Lalo na siguro kung magulang na rin ‘ang isang anak. Ipakikita ba natin sa ating mga anak ang cold treatment sa magulang? Values ang pinag-uusapan dito. Paano leung sabihin ng isang anak na ang kaniyang ibibigay na tulong sa kaniyang magulang ay ihahandog na lamang niya sa Diyos? Ang gayon ay niwawalang kabuluhan ang mga salita ng Diyos (Mat, 155-6). At ang anak na nagpapalayas o hindi kumukupkop sa magulang ay anak na kahiya-hiya ayon naman sa Kawikaan 19:26, Subalit iminamatuwid ng, iba na hindi naman daw nangangahulugan na hindi nila mahal at hindi nila iginagalang ang kanilang mga magulang kung inilagak sila sa isang institusyon na nangangalaga sa ‘ania, Mas maaasikaso nga raw sila roon dahil may titingin sa kanila at hindi kagaya nila na abala sa trabaho at hindi ‘matitingnan ang kapakanan ng magulang, Sa biglang tingin ay tila baga may punto ang may genitong pangangatuwiran, Subalit hindi ba dapat na ang direct supervision 0 tuwirang pag-aasikaso at pagtingin sa kapakanan ng magulang ay sa mga anak manggaling? Mas maaasikaso sila kung sila ay nasa ating sariling tahanan, Mas magiging madali para sa atin na sila ay masubaybayan anumang oras. Walang masama kung ibayad natin sila ng makakatulong nating mag-aalaga sa kanila, Subalit tandaan sana natin na iba ang pag-aalaga at pagmamalasakit ng kadugo tulad ng anak, Sana maalaala nating lagi ang sinasabi sa aklat ng Kawikaan 23:22 at 25 na: “Pakinggan mo ang iyong ama na pinagkakautangan mo ng buhay, at huwag hahamakin ang iyong ina sa kanyang, katandaan. ... Sikapin mong ikaw ay maging karapat-dapat ipagmalaki ng iyong mga magulang at madudulutan mo rg Kaligayahan ang iyong ina’ (MB) ““Kapos po ako sa pangangailangang pinansiyal kaya hindi ko po maanlogaan nang husto ang aking magutang. Se pamilya ko lang po ay hindi na magkasya ang kinikita ko.” Gaya ng nabanggit sa unahan, may pangako ang Diyos na pagpapala at kaginhawahan sa mga gumagalang, at nagmamahal sa kanilang mga magulang. At kung dumarating pa rin ang kakapusan sa pangangailangan may ipinapayo si Apostol Pablo sa Filipos 4:6 at 19 na ganito: “Huwag kayong mabalisa tungkol sa anumang ‘FILIPINO SECTION® bagay. Sa halip ay hingin ninyo sa Diyos ang lahat ng inyong kailangan sa pamamagitan ng panalanging may pasasalamat. ... At buhat sa kayamanan niyang hindi ‘mauubos, ibibigay niya ang lahat ng inyong kailangan sa pamamagitan ni Cristo Jesus” (Ibi) Lahat ng ating pangangailangan ay kayang-kayang punan ng Panginoong Diyos kahit sabay-sabay tayong humingi sapagkat ang sabi ng Biblia ay hindi mauubos ang Kaniyang kayamanan, Kaya, hindi marapat na mabalisa ang sambahayan ng mga hinirang ng Diyos kapag dumarating ‘ang mga kakapusan sa buhay. Hindi megpapalimos ng tinapay ang mga hinirang ng Diyos na sumusunod sa Kaniyang mga utos. Manelangin ang marapat nating gawin ‘upang hingin sa Diyos ang Kaniyang mga pagpapala, @ “Hanggang sa aming ..’ mula sa palina 34 | | upang marami pang mga tao sa malalayong dako | ang matawag sa paglilingkod sa Diyos. Ang bawat | isang kaanib’ ng Iglesia ay marapat na magsikap hindi lamang upang matamo ang gantimpalang. kaligtasan kundi maging kasangkapan din sa ‘paghikayat ng milyun-milyon pang mga tao na nasa Jabas ng Iglesia na sundin ang kalooban ng Diyos, Maaaring hindi lahat—gaano man ang ating maningas na hangarin na masalita sa kanila ang uukol sa kaligtasan—ay makikinig sa panawagan ng Diyos. Nakalulungkot din na hindi lahat ay sasampalataya na si Kapatid na Felix Manalo ay tunay ngang sugo ng Diyos sa mga huling araw— gaano man karami ang mga pahayag ng hula na natupad at nagpapatotoo sa kaniyang kahalalang mula sa Diyos. Subalit tayo mismo, ang mga kaanib ng Iglesia ni Cristo, ang siyang matibay na katunayan, ang mga naging bunga at buhay na mga saksi ukol sa kaniyang kahalalang mula sa Diyos, gaya rin ng, itinuro ai Apostol Pablo na sugo ag Diyos sa mga Gentil noon na nagsasabing: “Hindi man kilalanin ng ibang mga tao ang aking banal na kahalalang mula sa Diyos, subalit ako ay namamalaging tunay nna sugo para sa inyo, yayamang Kayo ang buhay na katunayan ng tawag ng Panginoon sa akin” (I Cor. 9:2, The New Testament in Modern English, isinalin sa Filipino). @ RICHARD J. RODAS Editor-in-Chief May 2011 Gop'smessace 37 Aaron's wooden rod HEN THE LORD SAID TO iiss tit pl that each of their tribal chiefs is to bring you a wooden rod with his name inscribed upon it. Aaron's name is to be on the rod of the tribe of Levi. Put these rods in the inner room of the ‘Tabernacle where I meet with you, in front of the Ark. I will use these rods to identify the man Ihave chosen: for buds will grow on his rod! Then at last this murmuring and complaining against you will stop!” 38 May 2011 -Gon's messace So Moses gave the instructions to the people, and each of the twelve chief (including Aaron) brought him a rod. He put them before the Lord in the inner room of the Tabernacle, and when he went in the next day, he found that Aaron’s rod, representing the tribe of Levi, had budded and was blossoming, and had ripe almonds hanging from it! When Moses brought them out to show the others, they stared in disbelief! Then each man except Aaron claimed his rod. The Lord told Moses to place Aaron's rod permanently beside the Ark as a reminder of this rebellion. He was to [bring it out and show it to the people again] if there were any further complaints about Aaron's authority; this would ward off fur- ther catastrophe to the people. So Moses did as the Lord commanded him. @ (Excerpted from Numbers 17:1-11, Living Bible) SPANISH SEC PION : ee Ml | PACT Ie Boh Claas Pe Mctbe y cree en el mensajero enviado por Dios? verdaderamente de suma importancia. Por medio de tales mensajeros, se nos son revelades las palabras y ‘mandamientos de Dios. La Biblia dice: “Pues Ios labios del sncerdote deben guariar ta sabiduria, y los hombres deben buscar ta instruccién de su bora, porque él es el mensajera del SENOR de los ejércitos” (Mal. 2:7, La Biblia de las Américas). E: PAPEL DE LOS MENSAJEROS de Dios es La piedra de tropiezo Sin embargo, es lamentable que los mensajeros que Dios envia sufren de rechazamiento. Moisés, quien Dios ensié para liberar 1 Israel de Egipto, fe desdeniado y ridicultzado por tos mismos Israelites cuando os persuadia a salir de Egipto. Los apdstoles de Cristo fueron burlados y meuospreciados por ta gente. El mismo spéstol Peblo fue cusaido de estar aco (Heh. 26:24-25). ‘Alems, nuestro Seftor Jesucristo mismo no fue salvade por Tos judios quienes Le rechazaron. Sus vecinos del pueblo no Le putieron aceptar puesto que Le conocis como carpintero (Me. 62:3). En estos dltimos dis, ef Hermano Félix ¥. Manato fue Imenospreciado en ruumerosas ocasowes por aquellos que estaban enterndos de sic humniite educacidn y que vera de une familia pobre Escogiendo lo débil del mundo Los mensajeras que Dios enoin para desemperiar tareas especsfi- ‘as fienen caracter(ieasdstntivas gue atestiguan respectoa su oreo de predicar el mensaje de Dios. Sin embargo, hay gente ie rechaza e ignora la eutoridad que Dios les ha otorgado, Anmenudo Dios escoge fo que el muido despreciay considera insignifcante para avergonzar al sabioy al orgulloso. El apéstol Pablo aj. “Hermanos, consideren su propio lnmamiento: No nuchos de ustedes son sabies, segtin eriterios meramente hunuanos; ni son muchos fos poderesos ni muctios los de noble cine, Pero Dios escogi6 Jo insensato del mundo pare avergonzar a fos sabios, 1 escogis lo débil del mundo para avergonzar a los poiterosos. También escogié Dios lo mis bajo y despreciado, y lo que no es nuda, para anlar to que es.” (I Cor. 1:26-28, Nueva Versi6n internacional) El propdsito de Dios en escnger to que el mundo considera insignificante es cov el fir de que la gente acepte Sus palabras ‘no como resultado de ser perstadido por wi ser hianano sino por ‘meio de Sw poster: “No tes hab niles prediqué con palabras snbias yelocuentes sino con demostracion del poder del Espiritu, para que In fe de ustedes no dependiera de fa sabiduria Inemana sino del poder de Dios.” (1 Cor, 2:45, Ibid.) El apésto! Pablo pudiera haber persundida a la gente usando sabidurfa humana, Pero lo que hizo fue reconocer el poder de Dios ef cual debe ser lo que guia al hombre al enteniniento correcto de Sus palabras La aceptacién que merece el mensajero ‘Nuestvo Seftor Jesucrisio ensefia como el mensajero de Dios debe ser reconocido, Et dijo: “Y quien dé siquiera tin vaso de agua “Fresca a uno de estos pequerios por tratarse de wo de mis discrpu- Tes, les aseguro que no perdera su recompensa” (ME. 10:42, thi). El Serfor Jesueristo dice as en referencia de Sus discfputes 0 de los que envid. El dice: “Quien los recibe a ustedes, me recibe 1 mi, y quien me reibe a mi, recibe al que me exis” (Mt. 10:40, Ibi). Ast que, los mensajeros de Dios y de nuestro Seftor esucristo eben ser bienvenitos de acuerdo can su divina autoridad =por ser enviados de Dios {Cuil es la prueba mas firme de que un predicador es ‘verdaderamente enviedo por Dios? Nuestro Seftor Jesucristo ‘habla al respecto de le prucha de que El es verdaderamente cenindo del Padre “Pero tengo a mi ftvor un testimonio més valiso que el de Tuan. Lo que yo hago, que es lo que et Padre me encargs que hhciera, comprueba que de cveras el Padre me ha envindo, Y Los que verdaderamente reciben al mensajero enviado por Dios, le escuchan y siguen lo que el mensajero predica. 40 May 2011 “GOD'S MESSAGE “SPANISH SECTION® Los que no reciben al mensajero de Dios no lo escuchan, sino que al contrario, rechazan lo que {anit el Pade, que me ha enciao, da testionio w mi favwr, a pesar de que ustedes nua haw offo sw 02 i to haw vist.” (fn 5:36:37, Dios Habla Hoy) Nuestro Serio Jesucristo dice que Ins obras que Su Padre Le eneargé para que las cupiera prueba gue El verduleramente fue ening de Dios. Asf que, no cualquiera que predica tas polabras de Dios est en posicién de reclamar que es erroindo de Dios. Debe primero mostrar evidencia que testifique que su autoriad viene de Dios. Aquellos queen verdad sow ewvidos de Dios, eben tabi ser reconocides, uo por lo que son sho por J autoridad que Dios les ha dosado, {imo estamos supuestos ua veeibir a los mensajeros de Dios? {Cuil es tn prucha que el honbre recibe y cree en el mensajero ‘eoiata por Dios? Nuestra Sear Jesticristo os prove la respuesta “Mis ovejas reconocen mi voz, y yo tas comozco ¥ ellas me siguen. Yo les doy vida eterna, y jams perecenin ni nadie mie les quilars.” (ju, 10:27-28) Los queverdaderanienterecien al nensajero enciado por Dios, Jeescuchan y siquen fo que el mensajera predica porque ellos creen ‘que las palabras que éluablaofenen de Dios. Atcontrario, fos que 10 recibn al meiesmero de Dios no lo escuchan, sito que al contrario, reclnzan to que el mrensajero predica, Desofortunadamente, al hacer esto, ellos nechazan no solo al mensajero te Dios sina a Dios iis y Fambign al Setar Jescrist: “ET que a vosotros oye, a mii me oye; y et que a vosotras ech; y ol que me desecha a mi, desecha al que me enti6,” (Le. 10:16, Reini-Vatera 1960) De otra manera, tos que reciben al mensajero que Cristo cena tambien reciben a Cristo y a Dios. Esto fo asegura Crist “De cierto, de cierto os digo: El que recite al que yo enviaré, me recite @ mi; x el que me recibe w mi, recibe al que me envi.” (J. 13:20, Ibid.) Si los que Dios lia envindo 10 son aceptados, eso 10 disminuye su eutoridad como mensajeros de Dios, Aquellos que desecho, a mime “SPANISH SECTION® el mensajero predica. no reconocen a tos mensajeros de Dios soi ellos mismos los que sure la perdi, Este es el caso de fos que se relulsan a escuchar 8 Cristo a quienes Et es dice lo siguiente: "Jess es contest —Ya se la dijea ustedes, y no me creyeron. Las cosas que yo hago con ta autoridad de mi Padre,todenuestran claramente; pero ustedes 1 creen, porque no som de mis oogjas.” (Jn, 10.25-26, DHE) Nuestro Seitor fesucristo aceniué gue los que no Le aceptaris como mensojero de Dios vo son sts oxejas 0 m0 Le pertenecer, ¥ sabemos que, por conseeuencia, los que no Le perteisecen a Cristo estdn sin esperanza (Ef. 2:12). El mensajero de Dios en estos iltimos dias Li fglesia de Cristo cree que Dios vial Hermaro Félix Manalo para predicar ls palabras de verdad escritas en la Biblio, ELes el cumplimiento del iegelprofetizado o mensnjero del nciniento ‘el so! (Apoc, 72-3) 0 del Lejono Oriente (ls. 43:5-6, Trauc- cibn de Moffat); oviginé de las Filipinas, y es en este pats ‘que estd en el Lejano Oriente (Asin and the Philippines, p. 168) {que ln Iglesia le Crisho emergié en estos ttimos dias. El es ef cuumpliniento el siervo de Dios quien El lamarta de los “con- “fines de ta fierra” (Is, 41:9-10), el tiempo al cual se refieren las profecias biblcas que concurren con ef tiempo en que esl In Primera Guerra Mundial el 27 de julio de 1914 (Mt. 24:3, 33, 6-8; World History, pp. 478-879) Y por eso, to nos sorprenndemos cuando nos encontramos con geiite que Wo cree que Dios exis al Hermano Félix Manafo coma Su meusajero en estos tltimos dts. Ojalt que puedin ver la verdad @ fin de que fengan la oportunidad de beneficiarse espiritualmente de sw comisionado en estos ‘ihimos dies. @ (A translation of the article “Receiving God's Messengers” by Noel I. Ilan published in God’s Message in May 2003) 41 May 2011» GOD'S MESSAGI GEMTV links you to the essentials of fi ron Mc Maey et unites the people in the community, and draws persons closer to God, GEM offers programming that will enrich your spiritual life eto ana Nd ay (ci) Connecting lives, GEM is featured on DIRECT TV Channel 2068 and available by subscribing taany of the international package which inelde GEM as a bonlis channel ‘To view GEM, you must first subscribe to DIRECTY BASIC international package FSW eady ocr sais Onier ub) iate Greet, Itllan-SkyTG24, Caribbean, et. Tosubscribe to DIRECTV log on totheinWebsiteat or call 1-800-DirecIVi(]=800-34723283)

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