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Eyes are a vital part of our body. Some of the effective ways of taking care of eyes include
protecting from the sun, opting for a healthy diet and staying hydrated, quitting smoking,
sufficient sleep, and using protection gears. If these measures do not work or if your eye
health is affected to the next level, then you need to consult an eye specialist in Delhi.

It is said that eyes show through the soul of an individual. We can see the beautiful world
because of the ability of the eyes to provide proper vision regularly. Eye health can get
deteriorated due to several reasons. So, it is essential to receive timely diagnosis and go
ahead with the treatment of the same.
If you want to make sure that your eyes function well without any problems for the rest
of your life, then you need to take the right measures to take care of your eyes. These
measures aim to make sure that proper vision is present. Here are some of the expert tips
which ensure that every individual improves eye health and maintains it for the rest of
the lives.

 Protect eyes from the sun: Most of us get to hear that we need to protect our
body from the ultraviolet rays coming out from the sun. We need to follow the same
rule for our eyes. Sunglasses, hats, and caps not only add glamour factor to our
personality but also lead to safeguarding of the eyes from harmful rays of the sun.

 Develop hygiene habit: If you want to make sure that your eyes stay healthy and
sharp, then you need to take care of the hygiene of your hands. Proper hygiene habits
will provide the best results in keeping the eyes healthy. It is because most of the
individuals have a habit of rubbing their hands again and again. It transmits dirt from
hands to eyes that affect eye health in the long-term. So, it would help if you also
made to control your habit of eye-rubbing.

Keep yourself hydrated: Drinking the required amount of water will help not only the
body but also the overall health of the eyes. This will prevent dryness of eyes and even
keep irritating effects at bay. Make sure you drink at least two liters of water every day to
reap the benefits of this natural fluid.

 Get rid of smoking: Smoking is known to impact the human body to a great extent.
Macular degeneration and cataract are commonly seen occurring in individuals who
smoke frequently. Smoking affects the optic nerves severely, which impacts the vision
of the respective individual.
Opt for a balanced and healthy diet: Right from the start of the life, it is crucial to opt
for healthy foods comprising of Vitamin A, C, Beta-carotene, Vitamin E, and Lycopene. It
would help if you made sure that the foods you eat in your daily diet consist of sufficient
amounts of these nutrients.

 Get adequate sleep: Sleep is an integral part of our routine. It is essential to sleep
for 6 to 8 hours every day and follow a systematic routine regularly. This eye
shut-down time will ensure that you do not strain your eyes at all. Also, it will help
you and your eyes to stay energized daily. It would be highly beneficial if you opted
for the right routine, which will motivate you to sleep well and get up early on the
next day. Choosing for meditative techniques will help individuals to sleep well and
have a smart mind.

 Use smart vision towards devices: In the present times, number of individuals is going
for increased usage of devices such as smartphones and laptops. This affects the eye
vision of the respective individual. After every 20 minutes, you need to look away
from the screen for at least 20 seconds. This relaxes the muscles of the eyes and helps
to recover from the deteriorating eye health. Working hard on your laptop is worth
appreciating, but you also need to take care of your eyes right from the start.

 Choose makeup with care: Makeup is a part of the entire personality of women. Even
men go for makeup sessions during occasions. Makeup should be properly removed
from the face and eyes. Otherwise, allergic reactions or bacterial build-up occurs
around the eyes and skin related to it. Also, makeup brushes need to be cleaned
regularly and changed from time to time. This will prevent the occurrence of any
reactions or allergies.

Use eye protection gears: In our day to day lives, it is important to make sure that our
eyes are protected during different activities. Some of these common activities include
gardening, swimming, participating in sports, and performing DIY projects. This will help
you to possess the right precaution for the health of the eyes.
Thus, these eye care tips will help in bringing in the best results on the eye health of every
individual irrespective of their gender and age. If it is too late, then you need to consult
eye specialists and seek the right treatment for the desired results.

Author Bio (Dr. Amit Gupta)

Friends Eye and Child Care Centre offers various eye treatments, including eye check-up,
Cataract Surgery, Dry eyes treatment, diabetic retinopathy, retinal detachment surgery,
glaucoma workup, squint treatment, paediatric ophthalmology treatments. Dr. Amit
Gupta, an expert eye specialist in Delhi and his team, offer world-class technologies in
treating eye disorders in patients of different ages. Visit here for more

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