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Keloids and hypertrophic scars do not usually cause symptoms,

but they may be tender, painful, or pruritic or they may cause a
burning sensation. In addition to symptomatic relief, cosmetic
concern is the primary reason patients seek medical intervention.

Physical Examination
Origins of lesions
Keloids manifest as exaggerated growths of scar tissue, usually in
areas of previous trauma. Keloids extend past the areas of
trauma, projecting above the level of the surrounding skin, but
they rarely extend into underlying subcutaneous tissue.
Hypertrophic scars remain limited to the traumatized area and
regress spontaneously within 12-24 months, although regression
may not necessarily be complete.
Clinical findings in lesions
Keloids range in consistency from soft and doughy to rubbery and
hard. Studies have demonstrated how to differentiate and classify
keloids according to how they feel. Early lesions are often
erythematous. Lesions become brownish red and then pale as
they age. Lesions are usually devoid of hair follicles and other
functioning adnexal glands. Note the images below.

Keloid. Courtesy
of Dirk M. Elston, MD.
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Keloid. Courtesy of Dirk M. Elston,
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Keloid. Courtesy
of Dirk M. Elston, MD.
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Once lesions occur, the clinical course varies. Most lesions
continue to grow for weeks to months and others grow for years.
Growth is usually slow, but keloids occasionally enlarge rapidly,
tripling in size within months. Once they stop growing, keloids do
not usually cause symptoms and remain stable or involute slightly.
Keloids on the ears, neck, and abdomen tend to be pedunculated.
Keloids on the central chest and extremities are usually raised
with a flat surface, and the base is often wider than the top.
Most keloids are round, oval, or oblong with regular margins;
however, some have clawlike configurations with irregular
borders. Keloids overlying a joint can contract and restrict
Most patients present with 1 or 2 keloids; however, a few patients,
especially patients with spontaneous keloids, have multiple
lesions, as do patients who develop keloids as a consequence of
acne or chickenpox.
Keloids may be distinguished from hypertrophic scars by their
clawlike projections, which are absent in the hypertrophic scar.
Frequency of lesion sites
In white persons, keloids tend to be present, in decreasing order
of frequency, on the face (with cheek and earlobes
predominating), upper extremities, chest, presternal area, neck,
back, lower extremities, breasts, and abdomen.
In black persons, the descending order of frequency tends to be
earlobes, face, neck, lower extremities, breasts, chest, back, and
In Asian persons, the descending order of frequency is earlobes,
upper extremities, neck, breasts, and chest.

The increased prevalence of keloids paralleling increased
cutaneous pigmentation suggests a genetic basis or, at least, a
genetic linkage. Trauma to the skin, both physical (eg, earlobe
piercing, surgery) and pathological (eg, acne, chickenpox), is the
primary cause identified for the development of keloids. The
presence of foreign material, infection, hematoma, or increased
skin tension can also lead to keloid or hypertrophic scar formation
in susceptible individuals. Transforming growth factor-beta and
adiponectin are implicated in the pathogenesis. [2]

Differential Diagnoses
 Dermatofibroma
 Lobomycosis
Laboratory Studies
Diagnosis is usually based on clinical findings. Biopsy may
confirm the diagnosis in equivocal cases.

Other Tests
There is no objective method or reliable device to measure and
assess the physical properties of keloids and hypertrophic scars,
and they have generally been assessed subjectively using the
Vancouver burn scar scale. A novel device, the Vesmeter, was
recently studied by Niyaz et al for the quantification of the physical
properties of keloids and hypertrophic scars. [3] Simultaneous
automatic assessment of 6 physical properties were made (ie,
skin elasticity, viscosity, viscoelastic ratio, penetration depth,
relaxation time, hardness) is performed while the sensor is in
contact with the lesion. Data are transmitted to a personal digital
assistant (electronic handheld information device) via Bluetooth.
The most important advantages demonstrated of the Vesmeter
were its ability to measure the physical properties of keloids and
hypertrophic scars at any point during the clinical course and
digitalize the data and its capability to evaluate clinical
improvement or deterioration after a given treatment. Vesmeter
was demonstrated to be sensitive and can detect very slight
changes in skin hardness and elasticity.

Histologic Findings
Formation of collagen in keloids and hypertrophic scars in the
inflammatory stage takes much longer than usual in healing
wounds. Collagen fibers in granulation tissue are arranged in a
whorled pattern. In keloids, the nodules demonstrate thick,
hyalinized bands in the central portion of the nodule. Note the
images below.
Histology of keloid
demonstrating central zone of hyalinized collagen (hematoxylin
and eosin stain). Courtesy of Dirk M. Elston, MD.
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Histology of keloid
demonstrating thick hyalinized collagen bundles (hematoxylin and
eosin stain). Courtesy of Dirk M. Elston, MD.

Medical Care
No single therapeutic modality is best for all keloids. The location,
size, and depth of the lesion; the age of the patient; and the past
response to treatment determine the type of therapy used.
Prevention is key, but therapeutic treatment of hypertrophic scars
and keloids includes occlusive dressings, compression therapy,
intralesional corticosteroid injections, cryosurgery, excision,
radiation therapy, laser therapy, interferon (IFN) therapy, 5-
fluorouracil (5-FU), doxorubicin, bleomycin, verapamil, retinoic
acid, imiquimod 5% cream, tamoxifen, tacrolimus, botulinum toxin,
hydrogel scaffold, and over-the-counter treatments (eg, onion
extract; combination of hydrocortisone, silicon, and vitamin E).
Other promising therapies include antiangiogenic factors,
including vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) inhibitors (eg,
bevacizumab), phototherapy (photodynamic therapy [PDT], UVA-
1 therapy, narrowband UVB therapy), transforming growth factor
(TGF)–beta inhibitors, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)–alpha
inhibitors (etanercept), recombinant human epidermal growth
factor (rhEGF), and recombinant human interleukin (rhIL)–10,
which are directed at decreasing collagen synthesis.

Prevention is the first rule in keloid therapy. Avoid performing
nonessential cosmetic surgery in patients known to form keloids;
however, the risk is lower among patients who have only earlobe
lesions. Close all surgical wounds with minimal tension. Incisions
should not cross joint spaces. Avoid making midchest incisions,
and ensure that incisions follow skin creases whenever possible.

Standard Treatments
These include occlusive dressings, compression therapy, and
intralesional corticosteroid injections.
Occlusive dressings
Occlusive dressings include silicone gel sheets and dressings,
nonsilicone occlusive sheets, and Cordran tape. These measures
have been used with varied success, and overall the quality of the
studies has been suboptimal. [4] Antikeloidal effects appear to
result from a combination of occlusion and hydration, rather than
from an effect of the silicone.
Previous studies have shown that in patients treated with silicone
occlusive sheeting with pressure worn 24 h/d for up to 12 months,
34% showed excellent improvement, 37.5% showed moderate
improvement, and 28% demonstrated no or slight improvement.
Of patients treated with semipermeable, semiocclusive,
nonsilicone-based dressings for 8 weeks, 60% experienced
flattening of keloids, 71% had reduced pain, 78% had reduced
tenderness, 80% had reduced pruritus, 87.5% had reduced
erythema, and 90% were satisfied with the treatment.
Cordran tape is a clear surgical tape that contains flurandrenolide,
a steroid that is uniformly distributed on each square centimeter of
the tape, and it has been shown to soften and flatten keloids over
Compression therapy
Compression therapy involves pressure, which has long been
known to have thinning effects on skin. Reduction in the
cohesiveness of collagen fibers in pressure-treated hypertrophic
scars has been demonstrated by electron microscopy.
Cellular mechanoreceptors may have an important role of
compression therapy. Mechanoreceptors induce apoptosis and
are involved in the integrity of the extracellular matrix. An increase
in extracellular matrix rigidity produced by compression garments
leads to a higher level of mechanoreceptor activity and therefore
more cellular apoptosis. Migration, proliferation, and differentiation
of cells has been shown to be affected by rigidity; therefore, the
rigidity caused by compression may also inhibit the differentiation
and proliferation of scar fibroblasts in vivo. [5, 6]
Compression treatments include button compression, pressure
earrings, ACE bandages, elastic adhesive bandages,
compression wraps, spandex or elastane (Lycra) bandages, and
support bandages. In one study, button compression (2 buttons
sandwiching the earlobe applied after keloid excision) prevented
recurrence during 8 months to 4 years of follow-up observation.
Other pressure devices include pressure earrings and pressure-
gradient garments made of lightweight porous Dacron, spandex
(also known as elastane), bobbinet fabric (usually worn 12-24
h/d), and zinc oxide adhesive plaster. Overall, 60% of patients
treated with these devices showed 75-100% improvement.
Corticosteroids, specifically intralesional corticosteroid injections,
have been the mainstay of treatment. Corticosteroids reduce
excessive scarring by reducing collagen synthesis, altering
glucosaminoglycan synthesis, and reducing production of
inflammatory mediators and fibroblast proliferation during wound
healing. The most commonly used corticosteroid is triamcinolone
acetonide (TAC) in concentrations of 10-40 mg/mL administered
intralesionally with a 25- to 27-gauge needle at 4- to 6-week
Intralesional steroid therapy as a single modality and as an
adjunct to excision has been shown to be efficacious in various
studies. Response rates varied from 50-100%, with recurrence
rates of 9-50% in completely resolved scars. When combined with
excision, postoperative intralesional TAC injections yielded a
recurrence rate of 0-100%, with most studies citing a rate of less
than 50%. Complications of repeated corticosteroid injections
include atrophy, telangiectasia formation, and pigmentary
A standardized corticosteroid therapy protocol has been shown to
reduce the recurrence of keloids and hypertrophic scars after
excision. Intralesional TAC injection was performed after removal
of the sutures and then once every 2 weeks (total of 5
treatments). In addition, patients were instructed to apply
corticosteroid ointment twice daily for 6 months to the wounds
after suture removal. Only 3 (14.3%) of 21 keloids and 1 (16.7%)
of 6 hypertrophic scars recurred. [7]
Aradi et al studied 21 earlobe keloids that were treated using
keloidectomy with core fillet flap and given intraoperative
intralesional steroid injections. This study showed an efficacy of
87.6%. Immediate recurrence was 9.5%, with an average of 29.9
months of follow up and with few complications encountered.
Subjectively, 82.3% of patients were satisfied. [8]
Published data show molecular-based evidence of the clinical
benefits of adding 5-fluorouracil to a steroid injection for improved
scar regression and reduced recurrence of keloids. 5-
Fluorouracil–induced G2 cell-cycle arrest and apoptosis may be
associated with p53 activation and p21 up-regulation. 5-
Fluorouracil significantly affects the treatment when combined
with triamcinolone, leading to more significant cell proliferation
inhibition, apoptosis, Col-1 suppression, and MMP-2 induction. [9]

Current and New Treatments

Current treatments for keloids and hypertrophic scars include
intralesional IFN; 5-FU; doxorubicin; bleomycin; verapamil;
retinoic acid; imiquimod 5% cream; tacrolimus; tamoxifen;
botulinum toxin; TGF-beta3; rhIL-10; VEGF inhibitors; etanercept;
mannose-6-phosphate inhibitors (M6P); onion extract; the
combination of hydrocortisone, silicon, and vitamin E; PDT;
intense pulsed light (IPL); UVA-1; combination butyrate and
docosahexaenoic acid [10] ; and narrowband UVB.
IFN therapy, including IFN alfa, IFN beta, and IFN gamma, has
been demonstrated in in vitro studies to reduce keloidal fibroblast
production of collagen types I, III, and VI mRNA.
IFN alfa and IFN beta also reduce fibroblast production of
glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), which form the scaffolding for the
deposition of dermal collagen. IFN gamma enhances GAG
IFN alfa, IFN beta, and IFN gamma have been shown to increase
collagenase activity. Studies have shown that IFN gamma
modulates a p53 apoptotic pathway by inducing apoptosis-related
genes. p53 is a protein synthesized following DNA damage. Once
damage is repaired, p53 is degraded. Mutations of this protein are
believed to predispose cells to hyperproliferation, possibly
resulting in keloid formation. In addition, p53 is a potent
suppressor of interleukin (IL)–6, a cytokine implicated in
hyperproliferative and fibrotic conditions.
IFN injected into the suture line of keloid excision sites may be
prophylactic for reducing recurrences. Berman and Flores
reported statistically significant fewer keloid recurrences in a study
of 124 keloid lesions after postoperative IFN alfa-2b injection
treatment (5 million U, 1 million U injected per cm of scar) into
keloid excision sites (18%) versus excision alone (51.1%) and
TAC treatment (58.4%). [11]
Tredget et al showed a significant increase in the rate of scar
improvement compared with the control period of time (P = .004)
after injecting 9 patients with hypertrophic scars with 1 X 106 units
of human recombinant IFN alfa-2b subcutaneously, daily for 7
days, and then 2 X 106 units administered 3 times per week for 24
weeks in total. [12] Scar assessment (P< .05) and scar volume (P<
.05) also improved after 3 months of treatment. No recurrences
were reported after stopping IFN therapy.
Conejo-Mir et al reported that 66% of keloids (n = 20) did not recur
after 3 years of follow-up after treating 30 keloids with ultrapulse
carbon dioxide laser ablation followed by sublesional and
perilesional injections of 3 million IU of IFN alfa-2b 3 times per
week. [13]
In a 2008 prospective study, Lee et al reported decreases in depth
(81.6%, P = .005) and volume (86.6%, P = .002) treating 20
keloids with a combination of intralesional TAC and IFN alfa-2b
compared with only a nonsignificant improvement (P = .281
and P = .245, respectively) obtained in 20 keloids treated with
TAC alone. [14]
Notably, however, several studies have failed to demonstrate the
efficacy of IFN alfa-2b for the treatment of keloids and
hypertrophic scars, including a case series of 5 patients treated by
Wong et al, [15] a case series by al-Khawajah of 22 patients with
keloids using lower doses of IFN alfa-2b than in prior
studies, [16] and a prospective randomized clinical trial by Davison
et al in which 50 patients with keloids received intraoperative
intradermal injections of IFN alfa-2b at 10 million U/mL or TAC at
40 mg/mL, both receiving an extra injection 1 week later. [17]
Hypertrophic scar intralesional injections of human recombinant
IFN gamma at 200 mcg (6 X 106 U) per injection for 4 weeks have
been reported by Pittet et al to be effective for relieving the
symptoms in 6 of 7 patients and decreases in redness, swelling,
firmness, and lesion area in 7 of 7 patients. [18] At week 16, the
reappearance of symptoms was minimal in only 2 of 7 patients
and a small increase in the lesion area occurred in 4 of 7 patients,
although these lesions remained smaller than the original area.
5-FU, a pyrimidine analogue with antimetabolite activity, inhibits
fibroblastic proliferation in tissue culture and is believed to reduce
postoperative scarring by decreasing fibroblast proliferation. Its
efficacy and safety have been reported when used as a
monotherapy or when used in combination with other drugs (eg
TAC) for the treatment of other fibrosing conditions, including
infantile digital fibromatosis, knuckle pads, rheumatoid nodules,
and adverse foreign body reaction and sarcoidal granulomatous
complications after soft tissue filler injection. Some data suggest
that 5-FU is effective in the treatment of hypertrophic scars and is
somewhat effective in small keloids. Several studies have shown
the effectiveness of 5-FU.
In a retrospective study of 1000 patients with hypertrophic scars
and keloids over a 9-year period, the most effective regimen was
found to be 0.1 mL of TAC (10 mg/mL) and 0.9 mL of 5-FU (50
mg/mL) up to 3 times a week.
A total of 85% of keloids showed more than 50% improvement in
an open study by Kontochristopoulos et al in which 20 keloids
were treated once weekly with intralesional 5-FU (50 mg/mL) for
an average of 7 treatments, with a recurrence rate of 47% within 1
year of the treatment. The Ki-67 proliferative index was
significantly reduced (P = .0001) after treatment. [19]
Nanda and Reddy treated 28 patients with multiple keloids in a
prospective, randomized, uncontrolled clinical trial with weekly
intralesional injections of 5-FU at 50 mg/mL and reported almost
80% of the patients showing more than 50% improvement.
Regression from the periphery and flattening occurred in all
patients. In 22 of 28 patients, the symptoms completely
disappeared, while the rest showed a good response. Decrease in
size was reported in 70% of the patients. [20]
5-FU in combination with other therapies significantly increases
the efficacy over single modalities.
In a double-blind randomized study, 40 patients with keloids or
hypertrophic scars received 8 weekly intralesional injections of
TAC 10 mg/mL or a combination of TAC 4 mg/mL plus 5-FU 45
mg/mL. At week 12, both groups showed improvement; however,
the lesions in the TAC plus 5-FU group had significantly greater
pliability and less erythema, height, length, and width (P< .05)
than the TAC group compared with baseline
In a randomized clinical trial by Asilian et al, 69 patients with
keloids and hypertrophic scars were treated with a combination of
5-FU (50 mg/mL), TAC (40 mg/mL), and a 585-nm flashlamp-
pumped pulsed-dye laser (PDL) at 5-7.5 J/cm2, showing that it
was more effective than the TAC and TAC plus 5-FU. [22] At week
12, a statistically significant reduction in length, height, and width
was observed in all groups compared with baseline (P< .05). In a
randomized clinical trial, Manuskiatti and Fitzpatrick found a
statistically significant clinical improvement in keloidal and
hypertrophic sternotomy scars using these 3 modalities separately
and a combination of TAC and 5-FU compared with baseline. No
difference was found between the 4 treatment modalities. [23]
5-FU was used to treat a patient with keloids and hypertrophic
scars post facial dermabrasion. The patient received 6
intralesional injections of 5-FU with silicone sheets applied
afterwards over a 3-month span. During 7 months of follow up, a
significant improvement in the size, color, and texture of the scars
was noticed. In addition, the pain and itching had fully resolved. [24]
Sadeghinia et al compared the use of intralesional TAC 40 mg/mL
at 20 mg/cm2 of lesion and 5-FU (50 mg/ml) tattooing in a double
blind study. Forty patients were randomized into 2 groups, which
received the treatment every 4 weeks for 12 weeks. At week 44,
both groups showed improvement in all parameters (erythema,
pruritus, height, surface, and induration), but improvement was
more significant in the 5-FU group (P< .05). [25]
Although some studies have shown good results, it appears
triamcinolone is a better-tolerated and less toxic alternative to 5-
FU in the management of keloids. [26]
Doxorubicin (Adriamycin)
Doxorubicin (Adriamycin) is a commonly used chemotherapeutic
agent that irreversibly inactivates prolyl 4-hydroxylase in human
skin fibroblasts and has been shown to inhibit collagen alpha-
chain assembly.
Sasaki et al showed through sodium dodecyl sulfate-
polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) analysis that
doxorubicin, at a clinically therapeutic concentration of 12.5 µm,
inhibits the assembly of collagen triple-helical molecules.[27] SDS-
PAGE analysis of control cultures showed a large fraction of
[3H]proline-labeled procollagen polypeptides in triple-helical
conformation; however, after the addition of doxorubicin at 12.5
µm, a very small amount of intact alpha-chains were found. These
results suggest that the impaired wound healing observed in
cancer patients who receive doxorubicin may result from the
inhibition of prolyl 4-hydroxylase.
Another mechanism of doxorubicin-induced inhibition of collagen
synthesis includes the inhibition of the enzyme prolidase, which is
key in the process of collagen resynthesis, cleaving
imidodipeptides containing C-terminal, and making proline
available for its recycling and further generation of new collagen.
Muszynska et al demonstrated this process in cultured human
skin fibroblasts, also suggesting that this inhibition is a
posttranslational event. [28, 29]
Other agents such as doxycycline, other nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs (ie, acetylsalicylic acid, sodium salicylate,
phenylbutazone, indomethacin), daunorubicin, gentamicin,
netilmicin, anthracycline) [30] are also capable of inhibiting
prolidase in cultured human skin fibroblasts. Further studies are
warranted to determine if doxorubicin or any of the above-
mentioned agents can be useful to treat patients with excessive
Bleomycin injections cause necrosis of keratinocytes with a mixed
inflammatory infiltrate. Several studies have demonstrated that
bleomycin can be used effectively to treat keloids and
hypertrophic scars.
Bleomycin was given at a concentration of 1.5 IU/mL to 13
patients using the multiple-puncture method. Bleomycin was
dripped onto the lesion, and then multiple punctures were made
on the lesions using a syringe. Seven patients had complete
flattening, 5 patients had highly significant flattening, and 1 patient
had significant flattening. Likewise, Espana et al also reported
complete flattening in 6 of 13 patients, highly significant flattening
in 6 of 13 patients, and significant flattening in a single patient.
Two patients presented a recurrence as a small nodule 10 and 12
months after the last infiltration. [31]
In another study of 31 keloids, patients were treated with 3-5
infiltrates of bleomycin within a 1-month period. Total regression
occurred in 84% of the keloids, and both keloid volume and
functional impairment were reduced.
Bodokh and Brun reported complete flattening in 69.4% of 36
patients with keloids and hypertrophic scars. [32] Saray et al
obtained complete flattening in 73.3%, highly significant flattening
in 6.7%, and moderate flattening in 6.7% of lesions after the
administration of jet intralesional injections of bleomycin in 15
patients. [33]
In the only randomized clinical trial using the tattooing technique,
with which smaller amounts of the drug are absorbed, thus
minimizing systemic adverse effects, Naeini et al reported
significantly better results with intralesional bleomycin compared
with the control group (ie, combination of cryotherapy and TAC) in
lesions larger than 100 mm2 (P = .03). [34] Local complications,
such as hyperpigmentation, were observed in 75% of the patients.
Fifty patients with keloids and hypertrophic scars were treated
with intralesional bleomycin. Three applications were given at 15-
day intervals, and a fourth and final application was given 2
months after the third application. Complete flattening was
observed in 44%, significant flattening in 22%, adequate flattening
in 14%, and no flattening in 20%. Pruritus was relieved completely
in 89% of patients. [35]
Manca et al have found that electroporation in combination with
bleomycin is an effective treatment for keloids or hypertrophic
scars or for those who are nonresponders to other treatments. In
their study, 20 patients with keloids or hypertrophic scars had a
median reduction of 87% in volume and 94% of the lesions
showed volume reduction of more than 50%. Scar pliability and
erythema scores were also significantly reduced. Less pruritus
was observed in 89% of patients and pain was reduced in 94%. [36]
The combination of bleomycin and intralesional steroids such as
triamcinolone has repeatedly shown good results. More recently,
Camacho-Martinez et al designed a two-part study. They used
0.375 IU of bleomycin and 4 mg of triamcinolone acetonide to 1
cm2 and it was considered an acceptable procedure for the
treatment of keloids. The best results were obtained in keloids
larger than 1 cm2 or when divided into 1-cm2 square areas. [37]
Verapamil is a calcium channel blocker that blocks the synthesis
and secretion of extracellular matrix molecules (eg, collagen,
GAGs, fibronectin) and increases fibrinase.
In a study of 22 patients with keloids, patients were treated with
surgical excision in combination with reconstruction with W-plasty
or skin grafting and injection of verapamil (5 treatments of
verapamil at 2.5 mg/mL-varying doses from 0.5-5 mL), depending
on keloid size) over a 2-month period and were evaluated at 2-
year follow-up. Two patients had keloids that decreased in size
from the original lesion, 2 patients had hypertrophic scars, 4
patients had pruritus, and 1 patient had a keloid on the donor site
(skin grafting site). The case series reported an average of 6.4 in
patient satisfaction on a scale from 1 to 10. [38]
D’Andrea et al, from a case-control comparative study, reported
resolution in 54% of the patients who had their keloids treated by
a combination of surgical excision, silicon sheeting, and
intralesional verapamil versus 18% in the control group without
intralesional verapamil. [39] The recurrence rate was 36% in the
active group after 18 months of follow up.
In a case series, Skaria reported complete resolution of 4 of 6
keloids and 1 of 2 hypertrophic scars at 1-year follow-up after
surgical removal of the scar and further intralesional injection of
verapamil at doses of 2.5 mg/mL. [40]
Lawrence reported 55% cured earlobe keloids in 52% of the
patients after the combination of surgical excision, intralesional
verapamil, and pressure earrings after an average of 28 months of
follow-up. [41]
In a randomized clinical trial, Margaret Shanthi et al compared
intralesional verapamil and intralesional TAC for the treatment of
keloids and hypertrophic scars, reporting a reduction in
vascularity, pliability, height, and width in both groups after 3
weeks of treatment. This result was maintained at 1 year after
stopping the treatment. Although the rate of improvement was
faster in the TAC group, overall, no difference was noted between
the 2 groups. [42]
Ahuja et al studied 40 patients (48 scars) and compare the effects
of triamcinolone and verapamil injections. This group concluded
that even though the criterion standard first-line treatment is still
triamcinolone, verapamil is almost equally effective, with very few
adverse effects, and offers a therapeutic option to treat larger and
recalcitrant scars. [43]
Retinoic acid
Retinoic acid decreases normal tonofilament and keratohyalin
synthesis, increases the production of mucoid substances and the
epidermal cell growth rate, and inhibits DNA synthesis in vitro.
In a clinical trial involving 21 patients with 28 keloids and
hypertrophic scars, topical retinoic acid was applied for at least 3
months twice daily and showed favorable results in 77-79% of the
lesions. This includes a decrease in the size and symptoms of the
scar. [44]
In addition, because retinoids affect collagen metabolism, another
study involving 9 females and 2 males with keloids treated with
0.05% tretinoin topically for 12 weeks showed a significant
decrease in weight (P< .04) and size (P< .01) of the keloids when
comparing the status of the lesions at the beginning of the study
and at week 12. [45]
In vitro studies have demonstrated that retinoids can modulate
collagen production and the proliferation of normal and keloidal
fibroblasts. In vivo applications of 0.05% topical retinoic acid can
lead to a reduction of hypertrophic scars in 50-100% of patients
and of keloids in less than 20% of patients. The most common
adverse effects reported have been photosensitivity, irritant
contact dermatitis, and skin atrophy.
Retinoids can be used also as a preventive treatment. Kwon et al
compared silicone gel and tretinoin cream use after studying 44
scars post surgery. They found that after 24 weeks of treatment,
both therapeutic modalities were equally effective in preventing
hypertrophic scars and keloids compared with the control
group. [46]
Imiquimod (1-[2-methylpropyl]-1H-imidazo[4,5-c]quinolin-4-amin)
belongs to the family of imidazoquinolines. Imiquimod induces
TNF-alpha, IFN-alpha and IFN-gamma, IL-1, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-8,
and IL-12 and alters the expression of markers for apoptosis.
In one study, 13 keloids were treated with excision in combination
with nightly applications of imiquimod 5% cream for 8 weeks. Ten
patients with 11 keloids completed the 6-month study, and no
keloids recurred after 6 months. Mild irritation was experienced
with the application of imiquimod, and some patients needed a
vacation period from the medication. Hyperpigmentation was
experienced by more than half of the patients in the study. [47]
In 2 different pilot studies, imiquimod 5% cream was applied on
postshaved or totally excised earlobe keloids. It was
demonstrated that the recurrence rate on postshaved keloids was
0% after 12 months of follow-up and 75% recurrence-free after 24
weeks of parallel keloid excision. Although the presence of local
adverse events did not affect the treatment, a resting period was
needed. [48, 49]
In a different study, 15 patients with hypertrophic scars 2 months
after breast surgery were treated with either petrolatum or
imiquimod 5% cream. At 24 weeks, almost all the scars treated
with imiquimod scored better after assessment with standardized
scales. The results demonstrated that imiquimod treatment
improved scar quality and color match after surgery. [50]
More recently, in study by Chuangsuwanich et al, 45 patients with
excised keloids were treated with imiquimod 5% cream 2 weeks
after the operation, on alternate nights, for 8 weeks. [51] After a
follow-up period of 6-9 months, 10 of the keloids recurred (28.6%
overall recurrence rate), with adverse effects found in 13 patients
(37.1%). Interestingly, the keloids localized on the pinna had the
lowest recurrence rate (2.9%) compared with those at the chest
wall or neck (83.3% and 14.3%, respectively).
Tacrolimus is an immunomodulator that inhibits TNF-alpha. Gli -1,
an oncogene, has been found to be overexpressed in fibroblasts
of keloids. Inhibition of this oncogene may restore the natural
apoptosis process and decrease proliferation of the ECM
protein. [52] Rapamycin, a close analogue of tacrolimus, was used
in an in vitro study and was found to inhibit the gli -1 oncogene,
thus giving a rationale to initiate clinical trials of topical tacrolimus
and rapamycin.
In an open-label pilot study, 11 patients used tacrolimus 0.1%
ointment twice daily for 12 weeks on their keloids. Although the
results were not statistically significant, the study showed a
decrease in induration, tenderness, erythema, and pruritus for
most patients. [53]
Kim et al observed the resolution of a keloid in a patient during a
course of topical tacrolimus for atopic dermatitis. [52]
Sirolimus is an inhibitor of the mammalian target of rapamycin
(mTOR), a serine/threonine kinase that regulates collagen
expression. By inhibiting mTOR, sirolimus blocks the response to
IL-2 and decreases ECM deposition. [54] Similar to rapamycin,
sirolimus inhibits Gli -1 signal transduction. mTOR kinases form 2
distinct multiprotein complexes, mTORC1 and mTORC2. In an in
vitro and ex vivo study, 2 compounds, KU-0063794 and KU-
0068650, were demonstrated to be potent and highly selective
competitive inhibitors of mTORC1 and mTORC2 compared with
rapamycin, which inhibits mTORC1 alone. The compounds have
shown promising antifibrotic activity, with apparent no toxicity in
vivo. [55]
A higher concentration of VEGF and higher blood vessel density
has been found in the basal layer of the epidermis of keloidal
tissue in comparison to normal skin. In co-cultured keloid
keratinocytes and fibroblasts exposed to sirolimus, VEGF
expression has shown to be down-regulated in a dose-dependent
manner. Through inhibition of VEGF, sirolimus may control the
expression profile of underlying dermal fibroblasts.
Tamoxifen, a synthetic nonsteroidal antiestrogen used to treat
breast cancer, has been shown to inhibit proliferation of keloid
fibroblasts and their collagen synthesis in monolayer cultures. Hu
et al demonstrated that tamoxifen exhibits a dose-dependent and
reversible inhibition of contraction of adult human dermal
fibroblast in vitro. [56]
Tamoxifen has also been shown to reduce TGF-alpha, and its
isoform TGF-alpha1, production by keloid fibroblasts in vitro.
Mikulec et al have shown that keloid fibroblasts have significantly
lower TGF-alpha1 production when exposed to 16 µmol/L of
tamoxifen at day 2 of culture when compared with control keloid
fibroblasts (P = .05). [57]
Botulinum toxin A
Botulinum toxin A (BTA) is a neurotoxin that causes a flaccid
paralysis of the local musculature and reduces skin tension. This
reduction in the skin tensile force during the course of wound
healing may represent a novel therapeutic target for treating
In an in vitro study, 64% of cultured fibroblasts were found to be in
the G0-G1 phase of the cell cycle when exposed to BTA, while
35.4% were in the proliferative phases (ie, G2, M, S). In
comparison, cultured fibroblasts that were not exposed to BTA
had the following distribution: 36% (G0-G1) and 64% (proliferative
phases). [58] The effect of BTA on the cell cycle distribution of
fibroblasts may indicate that BTA can improve the eventual
appearance of and inhibit the growth of hypertrophic scars and
In a prospective, uncontrolled study evaluating the effects of BTA
in the treatment of keloids, 12 keloids were injected intralesionally
at a concentration of 35 U/mL, with the total dose varying from 70-
140 U per session. Injections were given at 3-month intervals for a
maximum of 9 months. At 1-year of follow up, the therapeutic
outcomes were excellent (n = 3), good (n = 5), and fair (n = 4),
with no patients failing therapy or showing signs of recurrence. [59]
Nineteen patients with hypertrophic scars received intralesional
injections of BTA (2.5 U/mL at 1-mo intervals) for 3 months. All
patients showed acceptable improvement of the scars at 6 months
of follow up. The erythema, pruritus, and pliability scores were
significantly lower post-BTA injections compared with baseline. [60]
In a case series, 12 patients (n=10 whites, n=01 Chinese, and
n=01 South Asian) with keloids in different parts of the body (n=9
presternal; n=3 neck, thigh, and cheek), previously treated with
conventional modalities, received between 20 and 100 units of
BTA on each visit over the past 5 years (no frequency specified).
Eight patients had concurrent alternating intradermal
triamcinolone injections. Complete flattening of the keloids was
obtained after a range of 2-43 months of repeated injections. Two
of 12 patients had recurrences adjacent to previously treated
areas. One patient developed atrophy, leading to ulceration and
further recurrence. [61]
Intramuscular injections of BTA along with scar revision
techniques on the face may help to reduce the development of a
wider scar. [62]
Larger, randomized, controlled studies are warranted to determine
the role of BTA in the treatment of keloids and hypertrophic scars.
TGF-beta and isomers
TGF-beta and its isomers have been shown to play a central role
in fibrotic disorders characterized by excessive accumulation of
interstitial matrix material in the lungs, kidneys, liver, and other
organs. TGF-beta1 and TGF-beta2 have been shown to stimulate
fibroblasts to produce collagen and have a direct and independent
effect on the contraction of fibroblasts in vitro. However, TGF-
beta3 may prevent scarring.
A study by Shah et al demonstrated that exogenous addition of
TGF-beta3 reduces fibronectin and collagen types I and III
deposition in the early stages of cutaneous rat wound healing and
in overall wound scarring. [63]
A new antifibrotic product, avotermin (Juvista, Renovo;
Manchester, United Kingdom) has been extensively studied.
Avotermin is derived from human recombinant TGF-beta3. This
product has shown promise in a phase I trial and 2 phase II trials
completed in the United Kingdom. In these studies, wounds
treated with avotermin showed a statistically significant
improvement in scar appearance, with a response rate of greater
than 70%. After analyzing safety data on more than 1500 human
subjects, avotermin does not seem to have safety or tolerability
issues for use in the prevention or reduction of scarring.
In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, within-patient,
phase II trial to investigate the safety and efficacy of 200 ng per
100 μL per linear cm of wound margin of avotermin when
administered twice following scar revision surgery, the overall
analysis showed that the primary endpoint (ie, photographic
evaluation by a lay panel over a period from week 6 to month 7
postsurgery using a visual analogue scale) was met (P = .038).
Investigator assessment at 7 months postsurgery using a visual
analogue scale also obtained statistical significance (P = .036).
Approximately 75% of the 7-month scars assessed from
avotermin-treated wounds were considered to have a structure
more like normal skin compared with the placebo in the
histopathological analysis. [64]
Bush et al evaluated 71 subjects (aged 18-45 y) who received
avotermin at 50 or 200 ng/100 μL/linear centimeter of wound
margin. Incisional wounds on the inner aspect of each upper arm
were randomized to receive the following: no injection (standard
wound care only), 1 intradermal injection of avotermin or placebo
(immediately before surgery), or 2 injections of avotermin or
placebo (immediately before surgery and 24 h later). Avotermin at
200 ng/100 μL/linear centimeter, administered once or twice,
achieved significant improvements in scar appearance compared
with controls (P< .02 for all comparisons). The 50-ng dose,
administered twice, achieved significant improvements in scar
appearance versus placebo (P = .043). Treatment was well
tolerated. [65]
A double-blind, randomized study (ie, RN1001-0042) evaluated
the efficacy and safety of 4 doses of avotermin given once. A total
of 156 patients undergoing bilateral surgery to remove varicose
leg veins by saphenofemoral ligation and long saphenous vein
stripping were studied. Four different doses of avotermin were
administered (5, 50, 200 or 500 ng per 100 µL, at 100 µL per
linear cm of wound margin). The primary efficacy variable was lay
panel Total Scar Score (ToScar) assessed between 6 weeks and
7 months. Avotermin 500 ng significantly improved groin scar
appearance compared with placebo (mean lay panel ToScar
difference 16·49 mm; P = .036). Avotermin 500 ng per 100 µL per
linear cm of wound margin given once is well tolerated and
significantly improves scar appearance. [65, 66, 67,68, 69]
TGF therapy is currently being studied in ongoing clinical trials for
use as an adjuvant treatment following excision of earlobe
keloids. [70, 71, 72]
Epidermal growth factor
Epidermal growth factor (EGF) is a growth factor produced by
platelets, macrophages, and monocytes and is activated by
binding with the EGF receptor present on keratinocytes and
fibroblasts. [73] It acts by stimulating keratinocyte proliferation and
altering fibroblast activity, resulting in reduced healing time and
improved tensile strength of scars. [74, 75] It has been found to be
involved in wound healing. It is up-regulated early in the fetal
period and is thought to be an important cytokine in scarless fetal
healing. [76]
The role of recombinant human EGF (rhEGF) in scars is being
investigated. In a murine full-thickness wound model, rhEGF
decreased TGF-beta1 expression, suppressing collagen
deposition and reducing cutaneous scars. [77]
rhEGF has also been studied in human studies. Shin et al
evaluated the effects of rhEGF for scar prevention post
thyroidectomy. The total Vancouver Scar Scale (VSS) was
significantly lower in the treatment compared with the control
group, although erythema, pigmentation, elasticity, and hydration
were not significantly different. [78]
Hydrogel scaffold
Hydrogel scaffold is approved for used in Europe for improvement
of wound healing and scarring and is available as an injectable
porcine gelatin-dextran hydrogel scaffold. [79] Its approval is for
injection of incisional sites immediately prior to closure. It is
thought to function as a lattice for fibroblast adherence, leading to
more regulated and organized distribution, with improved wound
healing outcome.
Hydrogel scaffold has also been studied in the treatment of
keloids. Berman et al studied 19 subjects with 26 ear keloids.
They were treated with excision followed by injection with 3 mL of
the scaffold per 2.5 cm of wound margin, along with wound
margin approximation and closure. [80] At 12-month follow-up, the
recurrence rate was 19.2%, and each of the recurrences
measured less than 15% of the original volume, with 60% of the
recurrences measuring less than 5%. As well, the average patient
scar satisfaction on a scale of 1-10 was 9.9.
Other potential targets
Potential therapeutic targets include decapentaplegic homolog
(Smad)3, high-mobility group box protein-1, and
calcimycin. [113, 114, 115]

Surgical Care
Surgical treatments include cryotherapy, excision, laser therapy,
and other light therapies.

Cryosurgical media (eg, liquid nitrogen) affects the
microvasculature and causes cell damage via intracellular
crystals, leading to tissue anoxia. Generally, 1, 2, or 3 freeze-thaw
cycles lasting 10-30 seconds each are used for the desired effect.
Treatment may need to be repeated every 20-30 days.
Cryotherapy can cause pain and permanent depigmentation in
selected patients. As a single modality, cryosurgery led to total
resolution with no recurrences in 51-74% of patients after 30
months of follow-up observation.
Newer methods of application of liquid nitrogen include the
insertion of a lumbar puncture needle through the long axis of the
keloid, from one side to the other, passing the liquid nitrogen with
an intravenous drip set for 2 freeze-thaw cycles of 20-30 seconds
each for 5-10 sessions. Flattening was achieved in 75% of the
patients. [81] A single treatment with an intralesional cryoprobe was
used to treat 10 earlobe keloids in 10 white patients, obtaining a
statistically significant reduction in the scar volume of 67.4% after
18 months of follow up compared with baseline measurements.
Zero recurrences were reported. Other scar parameters also
improved. [82]

Apply basic soft tissue handling techniques at primary wound
repair sites. Carefully plan the closure with minimal tension,
paralleling the relaxed skin tension lines. Use buried sutures,
when necessary, for a layered closure and to reduce tension.
Whenever feasible, apply pressure dressings and garments
during the immediate postoperative period to wounds in patients
in whom hypertrophic scars and keloid formation occur.
Decreased recurrence rates have been reported with excision in
combination with other postoperative modalities, such as
radiotherapy, injected IFN, or corticosteroid therapy. Excisional
surgery alone has been shown to yield a 45-100% recurrence rate
and should very rarely be used as a solitary modality, although
excision in combination with adjunct measures can be curative.
Most studies in which excisional surgery was combined with
injected steroids reported a recurrence rate of less than 50%.
Surgery followed by adjunctive radiotherapy has obtained
recurrence rates of 0–8.6%. [83, 84, 85]
The authors have studied the effects of topically applied
imiquimod 5% cream (Aldara) on the postexcision recurrence
rates of 13 keloids excised surgically from 12
patients. [47, 86] Starting the night of surgery, imiquimod 5% cream
was applied for 8 weeks. Patients were examined at weeks 4, 8,
16, and 24 for local erythema, edema, erosions, pigment
alteration, and/or recurrence of the keloid. Of the 11 keloids
evaluated at 24 weeks, none (0%) recurred. The rate of
hyperpigmentation was 63.6%. Two cases of mild irritation and
superficial erosion cleared with temporary discontinuation of
imiquimod. Both patients completed the 8 weeks of topical therapy
and the final 24-week assessment. At 24 weeks, the recurrence
rate of excised keloids treated with postoperative imiquimod 5%
cream was lower than recurrence rates previously reported in the
Laser Therapy
Ablative lasers
Carbon dioxide, argon laser, and Nd:YAG laser (1064 nm)
Ablation of keloids and hypertrophic scars using a carbon dioxide
laser (10,600 nm) can cut and cauterize the lesion, creating a dry
surgical environment with relatively minimal tissue trauma. When
used as a single modality, the carbon dioxide laser was
associated with recurrence rates of 39-92%, and when the carbon
dioxide laser was combined with postoperative injected steroids, it
was associated with recurrence rates of 25-74%.
A Korean study included 30 patients with hypertrophic scars
treated with a combination of 3 different therapeutic modalities:
10600-nm ablative carbon dioxide laser (AFL), copper bromide
laser (CBL), and intralesional TAC. At the end of the study, CBL
achieved better outcomes for vascularity and pigmentation. AFL
and AFL plus TAC were especially effective with regard to
thickness and pliability. AFL produced epidermal resurfacing due
to collagen remodeling. CBL plus TAC did not aggravate
vascularity and pigmentation, suggesting that CBL may
compensate for the erythema resulting from TAC. In conclusion,
the combination of CBL, AFL, and intralesional TAC may provide
a new treatment option for hypertrophic scars. [87]
Erbium:Yttrium aluminum garnet laser(Er:YAG)
Er:YAG laser showed a decrease of 51.3% in redness, 50% in
elevation, and 48.9% in hardness of keloids in one study after
treating 21 keloids. The recurrence rate was not reported. [88]
Similar to the carbon dioxide laser, the argon 488-nm laser can
induce collagen shrinkage via generation of excessive localized
heat. The argon laser has demonstrated recurrence rates of 45-
Nonablative lasers
Pulsed-dye laser (585 nm)
The 585-nm PDL provides photothermolysis, resulting in
microvascular thrombosis. Beginning in the 1980s, authors noted
that scars became less erythematous, more pliable, and less
hypertrophic after treatment with the 585-nm PDL. The findings
were later confirmed using objective measurements of erythema
by reflectance spectrometry readings, scar height, and pliability
measurements. Because of its efficacy, safety, and relatively low
cost, the PDL remains the laser treatment of choice for
hypertrophic scars. Multiple publications have continued to
confirm the role of the 585-nm PDL for the treatment of keloids
and hypertrophic scars.
In a randomized clinical trial, Manuskiatti et al treated 10 keloidal
or hypertrophic median sternotomy scars with a 585-nm
flashlamp-pumped PDL at fluences of 3, 5, and 7 J/cm2, and one
segment was left untreated as a control. [23] They showed
consistently better results in the treatment groups over the control.
A trend was obtained towards lower fluences having more rapid
onset of benefits and enhanced resolution of erythema, induration,
and elevation of the scar. Multiple treatment sessions achieved
greater clinical improvement.
Alster treated 44 bilateral, symmetric hypertrophic breast-
reduction scars with a 585-nm PDL at 4.5-5.5 J/cm2 alone or in
combination with intralesional TAC at 10-20 mg/mL injected
immediately after the PDL irradiation. [89] All scars showed clinical
improvement. The average pliability scores decreased by 50%
after 2 sessions in both groups. The concomitant use of TAC
reduced symptom scores by 70% compared with PDL alone
In a prospective, randomized clinical trial, Nouri et al treated 11
patients with 12 postoperative scars with 585-nm PDL at 3.5
J/cm2 versus no treatment. [90] The average overall improvement
scores after one treatment was superior to the control (P = .0002).
Vascularity improved 54% in treated halves, compared with 8% in
controls. (P = .002). A total of 38% of halves returned to normal
vascularity, compared with 0% in controls. Pliability improved 64%
versus 1%, respectively (P = .002). A total of 62% of halves
returned to normal pliability compared with 0% in control halves.
The cosmetic appearance score was significantly better for the
treated halves than for the untreated controls (7.3 vs 5.2; P =
In contrast, Wittenberg et al found in a prospective, single-blinded,
randomized, controlled study an overall reduction in blood flow
(P = .001), volume (P = .02), and pruritus (P = .005) over time
after a follow-up period of 4 months after treatment
discontinuation, but no differences were noted among treatment
and control groups treating hypertrophic scars with a 585-nm
flashlamp-pumped PDL at 6.5-8 J/cm2 or silicone gel sheeting, or
no treatment. [91]
Pulsed-dye laser (595 nm)
Two studies have demonstrated that the 585-nm PDL has more
effectively cleared port-wine stains than the 595-nm PDL at the
same settings. Murine studies determined that the beneficial effect
of lasers inhibiting the scar tissue growth decreased as the
wavelength of the laser was increased from 585 to 600 nm.
Further studies are necessary to obtain similar conclusions in
human tissue. However, longer wavelength (eg, 595 nm) is an
alternative vascular-specific laser for dark-skinned patients, with
higher amounts of epidermal melanin, which absorbs more readily
the 585-nm wavelength, causing nonspecific damage to
pigmented epidermis. Currently, 595-nm PDL systems incorporate
in the handpiece a cryogen-spray cooling device, which permits
safe and effective treatment of hypertrophic scars by raising the
threshold for epidermal damage, avoiding the resultant epidermal
necrosis when the skin surface temperatures exceeds 70°C
immediately after PDL exposure.
In a prospective randomized clinical trial, Conologue et al treated
16 patients with postoperative scars immediately after suture
removal with a 595-nm cryogen-cooled PDL at 8 J/cm2 and
showed significant improvement (60%) versus the untreated
control (-3%) in the average sum of all clinical parameters
measured. [92]Improvement was noted in vascularity (69%) versus
the control (0%) (P = .53) and in pliability (67%) compared with
the control (-8%) (P = .337).
In order to compare the 0.45-millisecond (short) pulse width with
the 40-millisecond (long) pulse width, Manuskiatti et al treated 19
patients with keloidal and hypertrophic sternotomy scars in a
prospective randomized clinical trial, with a 595-nm PDL at 7
J/cm2 and a cryogen spray cooling device. [93] The short pulse
width demonstrated greater overall improvement (P = .046) and
scar pliability. Both pulse widths significantly reduced scar height
compared with baseline; however, no differences were found
between the groups. No effects were noted on scar erythema with
either treatment. Both treatments were safe and effective in dark-
skinned individuals.
Bellew et al randomly treated 15 hypertrophic scars with a 595-nm
long-pulsed PDL at 7 J/cm2 with a concomitant skin-surface
cooling device or with an IPL system with a 570-nm cut-off filter
and a fluence of 40-45 J/cm2 and a triple pulse, reporting a mean
improvement in the long-pulsed PDL group of 80% compared with
65% in the IPL group. [94] However, no statistical difference was
noted between the 2 groups. Both systems are equally effective in
improving the appearance of hypertrophic surgical scars. IPL
minimizes the risk of purpura.
In contrast, however, Alam et al found no beneficial effect on
clinical scar appearance at 6 weeks post treatment versus
untreated control, after treating 20 patients with postoperative
scars in a prospective, randomized, controlled trial using a 595-
nm PDL at 7 J/cm2 and a 30-millisecond dynamic cooling
spray. [95]
Neodymium:Yttrium, aluminum, garnet laser (1064 nm) (Nd:YAG)
Several studies, mostly case series, have been published on the
Nd:YAG laser (1064 nm). A case series showed persistent
flattening of keloids or hypertrophic scars in 5 (22.7%) of 22 scars
12 months after Nd:YAG treatment. [96] A clinical trial obtained a
reduction in the size of the scars of 10% or greater in 8 (36.4%) of
22 patients treated with Nd:YAG at 3- to 4-week intervals. [97] The
Nd:YAG laser appears to improve the cosmetic appearance of
keloids and may be a superior treatment modality than PDL
lasers. [98]

Light Therapies
Photodynamic therapy
Chiu et al studied the in vitro effect of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA)
and 635-nm diode laser irradiation on keratinocyte-fibroblast co-
culture (Raft model), determining that 5 J/cm2 reduces tissue
contraction and collagen synthesis and preserves fibroblast
viability. [99] The authors hypothesized that ALA-PDT may be used
as an adjuvant therapy postsurgical excision of keloids.
The clinical evidence for PDT is limited. A case series reported
the use of red-light MAL-PDT in 20 patients with keloids divided in
3 groups: (1) existing keloid scars (scar of no more than 2 mm in
height), (2) postsurgical debulking (keloid scars of any size
reduced/debulked to a keloid scar of at most a height of 2 mm),
and (3) post-total surgical excision (of any size scar, which was
removed in total). Patients received 3 PDT treatments at weekly
intervals with an incubation time of 3 hours. After 9 months of
follow up, all but one patient developed recurrence. [100] Other
limited case series and case reports using ALA- or MAL-PDT
have shown similar promising results. [98]
Ultraviolet A-1
UVA-1 (340-400 nm) has been reported as an effective treatment
for morphea and systemic sclerosis through induction of
collagenase I (matrix metalloproteinase I) produced by fibroblasts.
Asawanonda et al reported clinical improvement in one keloid in
addition to the histological reappearance of normal-looking
collagen and elastic fibers, while others have not reported as good
clinical results. [101]
Animal models have shown a significant decrease in dermal
thickness and collagen content in scars irradiated postsurgically
with UVA-1 at 110 J/cm2. UVA-1 exposure to hypertropic scars in
rabbits after epithelialization may lead to softening of the scar,
thinning of the skin, and a decrease in collagen content. However,
immediate irradiation with UVA-1 after wounding could not prevent
the development of hypertrophic scarring in rabbits. [102]
Two German studies have evaluated the efficacy of UVA-1
irradiation for the treatment of skin conditions with altered dermal
matrix, including keloids, scleroderma, scars, granuloma annulare,
and acne keloidalis nuchae. The studies are complete, but results
are not yet published. [103, 104]
Narrowband UVB
Narrowband UVB in the wavelength range of 310-315 nm (peak at
312 nm) has demonstrated for more than 20 years to be less
potent than broadband UVB for erythema induction, hyperplasia,
edema, sunburn cell formation, and Langerhans cell depletion
from the skin. Studies on human skin fibroblasts by Choi et al
have demonstrated that narrowband UVB reduces type I collagen
synthesis by down-regulating TGF-beta1 expression at both the
mRNA and protein levels and promoting the release of MMP-
1. [105] Oiso et al reported flattening of a hypertrophic scar after
treating a patient with vitiligo and a Koebner phenomenon with
low-dose narrowband UVB (ie, 300 mJ/cm2) once a week for 4
months. [106]
Broadband UVB
Broadband UVB (290-320 nm) at high doses (up to 320 mJ/cm2)
has also been theorized to improve fibrosing skin conditions,
including keloids, hypertrophic scars, scleroderma, acne keloidalis
nuchae, old burn scars, and granuloma annulare, among other
related conditions with altered dermal matrix, safely through
collagenase-mediated removal of excess dermal collagen via
activation of MMP-1 pathways in patients with increased skin
pigmentation. [107]
High keloid incidence is found among individuals with high
melanin content in their skin. Since melanin serves as a UVB light
absorber, lack of UVB light penetration may play a role in keloid
etiology. Wirohadidjojo et al evaluated the effect that UVB
irradiation to monolayer keloid fibroblasts has on cell proliferation,
collagen deposition, and TGF-beta1 production. Keloid fibroblasts
were cultures and exposed to various dosages of UVB irradiation.
Collagen depositions and TGF-beta1 production were measured.
UVB 100 and 150 mJ/cm2 were able to suppress keloid fibroblast
viabilities and collagen accumulation significantly (P< .01).
Significant suppression of TGF-beta1 production required UVB
irradiation of 150 mJ/cm2 (P< .01). UVB irradiation with a minimal
dosage of 150 mJ/cm2 is possible therapy for keloid prevention
and treatment. [108]
Intense pulsed light
Bellew et al obtained equal effectiveness improving the
appearance of hypertrophic surgical scars with IPL compared with
595-nm long-pulsed PDL. [94]IPL minimized the risk of developing
postlaser purpura, frequently seen in patients treated with long-
pulsed PDL.
Cartier reported that IPL was effective in treating and improving
inflamed hypertrophic scars in 3 patients. [109]
Other studies have suggested that IPL is effective for improving
the appearance of hypertrophic scars and keloids, regardless of
their origin, and in reducing the height, redness, and hardness of
scars. Erol et al evaluated hypertrophic scars in 109 patients
(including keloids) after treatment using an IPL (Quantum) device,
administered at 2- to 4-week intervals, with patients receiving an
average of 8 treatments. [110] Overall clinical improvement was
seen in the appearance of scars, and reductions in height,
erythema, and hardness were seen in the majority of the patients
(92.5%). Improvement was excellent in 31.2% of the patients,
good in 25.7%, moderate in 34%, and minimal in 9.1%. Patient
satisfaction was very high.

Trauma to the keloid may predispose the lesion to erosion and
localized bacterial infection.

Long-Term Monitoring
Because of the high rate of recurrence, a follow-up period of at
least 1 year is necessary to fully evaluate the effectiveness of
therapy. Close follow-up monitoring is vital during immediate and
aggressive treatment of subsequent keloid formation.
Noncompliant patients who are lost to follow-up care for months
often return for further evaluation long after further adjunct
treatment would have been most beneficial.
Preoperative evaluation is critical to assess a patient's motivation
for treatment and to assess the patient's ability to participate in
long-term care and follow-up visits.

Medication Summary
The goals of pharmacotherapy are to reduce morbidity and prevent

Class Summary
These agents have profound and varied metabolic effects. They possess
anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive properties. The most
commonly used corticosteroid is triamcinolone acetonide (TAC).

Triamcinolone (Aristospan, Kenalog-10)

 View full drug information
Triamcinolone decreases inflammation by suppressing the migration of
polymorphonuclear leukocytes and reversing capillary permeability. It is
approved by US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in keloids.

Class Summary
This is a family of glycoproteins produced mainly by eukaryotic cells when
induced by viral and nonviral triggers. Antiviral properties include induction
of 2'-5' A synthetase, ribonuclease L, and protein kinase P1.
Antiproliferative properties include induction of 2'-5' A synthetase,
inhibition of growth factors, enhancement of p53, and down-regulation of
c-myc, c-fos, and certain c-ras. Immunoregulatory properties include
induction of class I and II MHC antigens, increase of natural killer cells,
and inhibition of the production of TH-2 cytokines.
Interferon alfa-2b (Intron-A)
 View full drug information
This is a protein product manufactured by recombinant DNA technology.
Its mechanism of antitumor activity is not clearly understood; however,
direct antiproliferative effects against malignant cells and modulation of
host immune response may play important roles. Its immunomodulatory
effects include suppression of tumor cell proliferation, enhancement of
macrophage phagocytic activity, and augmentation of lymphocyte
cytotoxicity. It is not approved by the FDA for use in hypertrophic scars
and keloids.

Interferon beta 1a (Avonex, Rebif)

 View full drug information
This is a protein product manufactured by recombinant DNA technology.
Its mechanism of antitumor activity is not clearly understood; however,
direct antiproliferative effects against malignant cells and modulation of
host immune response may play important roles. Its immunomodulatory
effects include suppression of tumor cell proliferation, enhancement of
macrophage phagocytic activity, and augmentation of lymphocyte
cytotoxicity. It is not approved by the FDA for use in hypertrophic scars
and keloids.

Interferon alfa-n3 (Alferon N)

 View full drug information
Interferon alfa is a protein product either manufactured from a single-
species recombinant DNA process or obtained from pooled units of
donated human leukocytes that have been induced by incomplete
infection with a murine virus.
The mechanisms by which interferon alfa exerts antiviral activity are not
understood clearly. However, modulation of the host immune response
may play an important role.

Peginterferon alfa 2b (PEG Intron, PegIntron

Redipen, Sylatron)
 View full drug information
PEG-IFN consists of IFN alfa-2b attached to a single 12-kd PEG chain. It
is excreted by the kidneys. PEG-IFN has sustained absorption, a slower
rate of clearance, and a longer half-life than unmodified IFN, which permits
more convenient once-weekly dosing and significantly improves quality of
life for patients.

Pegylated interferon alfa-2a (Pegasys)

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PEG-IFN alfa-2a consists of IFN alfa-2a attached to a 40-kd branched
PEG molecule. PEG-IFN has sustained absorption, a slower rate of
clearance, and a longer half-life than unmodified IFN, which permits more
convenient once-weekly dosing and significantly improves quality of life for

Calcium Channel Blockers

Class Summary
Treatment of keloids and hypertrophic scars with verapamil has shown a
reduction in vascularity, pliability, height, and width of the lesions.

Verapamil (Isoptin, Calan, Verelan PM)

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Verapamil blocks the synthesis and secretion of extracellular matrix
molecules and increases fibrinase. It is not approved by the FDA for use in
hypertrophic scars and keloids.

Antineoplastic Agents
Class Summary
These agents inhibit cell growth and proliferation.

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Injections cause necrosis of keratinocytes. It is not approved by the FDA
for use in hypertrophic scars and keloids.
Fluorouracil topical (Adrucil)
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Fluorouracil is a pyrimidine analog that inhibits fibroblastic proliferation in
tissue culture and is believed to reduce postoperative scarring by
decreasing fibroblast proliferation. It is not approved by the FDA for use in
hypertrophic scars and keloids.

Doxorubicin (Adriamycin)
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Doxorubicin irreversibly inactivates prolyl 4-hydroxylase in human skin
fibroblasts and inhibits collagen alpha-chain assembly. It is not approved
by the FDA for use in hypertrophic scars and keloids.

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Tamoxifen competitively binds to estrogen receptors, producing a nuclear
complex that decreases DNA synthesis and inhibits estrogen effects.

Retinoid-like Agents
Class Summary
These agents decrease normal tonofilament and keratohyalin synthesis,
increase the production of mucoid substances and the epidermal cell
growth rate, and inhibit DNA synthesis in vitro.

Tretinoin topical (Retin-A, Retin-A Micro, Renova)

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Although the exact mechanism of action is unknown, retinoids decrease
the cohesiveness of abnormal hyperproliferative keratinocytes, modulate
keratinocyte differentiation, and have anti-inflammatory properties. It is not
approved by the FDA for use in hypertrophic scars and keloids.

Class Summary
These agents inhibit immune processes that promote inflammation.

Tacrolimus ointment (Protopic)

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Tacrolimus suppresses release of cytokines from T cells. It also inhibits
transcription for genes that encode interleukin 3 (IL-3), IL-4, IL-5,
granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), and tumor
necrosis factor–alpha (TNF-alpha), all of which are involved in the early
stages of T-cell activation.
Additionally, tacrolimus may inhibit release of preformed mediators from
skin mast cells and basophils and may down-regulate expression of high-
affinity IgE receptor (FCeRI) on Langerhans cells. It is not approved by the
FDA for use in hypertrophic scars and keloids.

Topical Skin Products

Class Summary
The agent imiquimod has been reported to show some efficacy.
However, the mechanism of action of imiquimod cream in treating
keratosis is unknown.

Imiquimod (Aldara, Zyclara)

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Imiquimod is an immune response modifier currently approved for
the treatment of genital and perianal warts. It is capable of
inducing IFN-alpha, TNF-alpha, IL-1, IL-6, and IL-8. Studies using
5% cream in mice showed significant induction of IFN-alpha at the
application site occurring as early as 2 hours after treatment. At 4
hours after application, increases in IFN-alpha mRNA levels were
found, indicating an increase in transcription. It is not approved by
the FDA for use in hypertrophic scars and keloids.

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