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Regulation of Transpiration to Improve Crop Water Use

Article  in  Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences · November 2009

DOI: 10.1080/07352680903173175


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4 authors:

Chan Yul Yoo Heather E Pence

University of California, Riverside Dow AgroSciences


Paul M Hasegawa Michael Mickelbart

Purdue University Purdue University


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Regulation of Transpiration to Improve Crop Water Use

Chan Yul Yoo a; Heather E. Pence a; Paul M. Hasegawa a; Michael V. Mickelbart a
Center for Plant Environmental Stress Physiology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA

Online publication date: 10 November 2009

To cite this Article Yoo, Chan Yul, Pence, Heather E., Hasegawa, Paul M. and Mickelbart, Michael V.(2009) 'Regulation of
Transpiration to Improve Crop Water Use', Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, 28: 6, 410 — 431
To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/07352680903173175


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Critical Reviews in Plant Science, 28:410–431, 2009
Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 0735-2689 print / 1549-7836 online
DOI: 10.1080/07352680903173175

Regulation of Transpiration to Improve Crop Water Use

Chan Yul Yoo, Heather E. Pence, Paul M. Hasegawa, and Michael V. Mickelbart
Center for Plant Environmental Stress Physiology, Purdue University, 625 Agriculture Mall Drive, West
Lafayette, IN 47907-2010, USA

Table of Contents

I. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 410

II. PHYSIOLOGY OF PLANT WATER USE ......................................................................................................... 412

A. Stomatal Transpiration ................................................................................................................................. 412
1. Stomatal Number (Density) ................................................................................................................... 413
2. Stomatal Aperture ................................................................................................................................ 414
B. Cuticular Transpiration ................................................................................................................................. 415
C. Boundary Layer Conductance ....................................................................................................................... 416
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D. Nighttime Transpiration ................................................................................................................................ 416

III. GENETICS OF WATER USE ............................................................................................................................ 417

A. Genetic Variation for WUE ........................................................................................................................... 417
B. Genes That Regulate Water Use Efficiency ..................................................................................................... 421
C. Determinants That Regulate Transpiration and May Improve Water Use Efficiency ............................................ 422
1. Stomatal Density Determinants ............................................................................................................. 422
2. Stomatal Aperture Determinants ............................................................................................................ 423
3. Nighttime Transpiration Determinants .................................................................................................... 425

IV. CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................................. 425

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ........................................................................................................................................... 425

REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................................................... 425

transpirational water loss occur predominantly through stomatal

Decreasing fresh water supplies and increasing agricultural pores, it is not surprising that genes involved in stomatal devel-
drought threaten sustainable worldwide crop production. Conse- opment and stomatal opening/closing impact WUE. Furthermore,
quently, there is a global priority to develop crops with higher water loss- and gain-of-function genetic screens have identified genes that
use efficiency (WUE): biomass production or yield per unit of wa- regulate transpiration and WUE by yet undetermined mechanisms.
ter used. Water use efficiency varies substantially among species This review will discuss the genetic determinants that regulate tran-
and genotypes within a species, and a major effort is now underway spiration and WUE in the context of the modern agricultural goal
to identify the genetic determinants of WUE. Today, it is known of improving WUE while sustaining biomass and yield.
that genotypes in primary gene pools exhibit allelic variation for
WUE through mechanisms that regulate transpiration, which is the Keywords water use efficiency, stomatal transpiration, cuticular
conductance of water through stomata, the cuticle, and the bound- transpiration, boundary layer, nighttime transpiration,
ary layer. Because of the differential diffusion properties of water stomatal movement, stomatal density, water availability,
and carbon dioxide (CO2 ) through these pathways, it is feasible drought, water conservation
that WUE could be improved by decreasing transpiration without
a concomitant reduction in CO2 uptake. Since CO2 uptake and

Address correspondence to Michael V. Mickelbart, Center for Plant

Environmental Stress Physiology, Purdue University, 625 Agriculture
Mall Drive, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2010. E-mail: mickelbart@ Fresh water availability has shaped human population de- velopment and distribution throughout history (Jackson et al.,


2001). Today, population growth and sustainability are threat- and CO2 uptake is referred to as the transpiration ratio (water
ened by limited availability of water that is satisfactory for hu- transpired/CO2 assimilated) or water use efficiency (WUE: CO2
man consumption and/or agriculture (Vörösmarty et al., 2000). assimilated/water transpired) (Lawes, 1850; Briggs and Shantz,
Current worldwide water consumption may be beyond the ca- 1913; Farquhar and Sharkey, 1982).
pacity of the geological recycling process to provide adequate Plant WUE can be improved by increasing carbon as-
supplies of fresh water (Jackson et al., 2001). In 1995, insuf- similation relative to transpiration or reducing transpiration
ficient water availability adversely affected about 2.3 billion relative to carbon assimilation (Chaves et al., 2004). Re-
people, which was 41% of the world population. This number cent reviews detail how crop yield has been improved by
will likely increase to about 3.5 billion (48% of the population) genetic traits that enhance photosynthetic efficiency, nitro-
by 2025 and to almost 7 billion (75% of the population) by 2050 gen assimilation, seed yield, source-sink balance, and radi-
(Rosen, 2000; Hightower and Pierce, 2008). ation use efficiency (Sinclair et al., 2004; Sharma-Natu and
Water shortages are limiting crop production, which jeopar- Ghildiyal, 2005; Long et al., 2006; Zhu et al., 2008). Data
dizes adequate food production and socioeconomic well-being from numerous studies suggest that phenotypic traits that re-
(Falkenmark, 1997; Rockström, 2007). Furthermore, industri- sult in a slight reduction in transpiration can increase WUE
alization and urbanization are reducing availability of arable because instantaneous water loss is reduced slightly, long-
land for cultivation (Ramankutty et al., 2008). Consequently, term water loss is reduced greatly, and CO2 uptake is not
agricultural production is relocating to more arid areas, which altered.
will likely reduce productivity because crops are not adequately It may be feasible to improve WUE in plants by decreas-
adapted to these environments. Global warming associated with ing daytime or nighttime transpiration, as demonstrated by an
Downloaded By: [Purdue University] At: 14:51 19 January 2010

increased greenhouse gas emissions alters microclimates, and experiment conducted by Smith and Mickelbart (unpublished).
appears to be the basis for recent recurring drought episodes in Seedlings of four Cucumis sativus cultivars with similar biomass
the middle and lower latitudes, which are major cereal produc- had different transpiration rates. The cultivars ‘Muncher’ and
tion regions (Kerr, 2007). An imperative objective is to develop ‘Double Feature’ had higher WUE than ‘Pickalot’ and ‘Lemon’
crop germplasm that is more efficient at utilizing water while due to significantly lower daytime and nighttime transpiration,
sustaining food and biomass production (Howell, 2001; Araus respectively (Figure 1). Other studies have suggested that slight
et al., 2002; Polly, 2002). decreases in daytime transpiration resulting in greater WUE
Plants require water for biochemical reactions and cell expan- may also occur at the crop level (Sinclair et al., 2005). The re-
sion, which is necessary for growth and development (Nobel, lationship between nighttime water loss and WUE is less clear,
1999). However, up to 97% of water absorbed by plants is although there does appear to be some relationship between
transpired to the atmosphere through stomata (Taiz and Zeiger, these traits (Pence and Mickelbart, unpublished). In crop plants,
2006; Gosney and Mickelbart, unpublished). Transpirational flowering time is also critical. If a given genotype has lower
flux is critical to the maintenance of plant water status, suitable instantaneous or even daily WUE, but flowers later than higher
leaf temperatures, and essential mineral element uptake from WUE genotypes, there may be no crop-level increase in WUE.
soils. Stomatal pores are also responsible for the bulk of carbon This review will focus on the physiology and associated ge-
dioxide (CO2 ) uptake that is necessary for carbon assimilation netic determinants of WUE, specifically as a result of reduced
into biomass and yield. The relationship between transpiration transpiration.

FIG. 1. Diurnal transpirations in four cultivars (‘Muncher’, ‘Pickalot’, ‘Double Feature’, and ‘Lemon’) of Cucumis sativus. Transpiration of four cultivars was
measured gravimetrically under a 12 hour photoperiod. All cultivars had similar total dry weight (1.56 ± 0.43 g). However, lower daytime transpiration was
observed in ‘Muncher’ compared to ‘Pickalot’, and lower nighttime transpiration was observed in ‘Double Feature’ compared to ‘Lemon’. Shaded arrows indicate
differences in daytime (A) and nighttime water loss (B) between paired cultivars.
412 C. Y. YOO ET AL.

Various expressions of WUE in plants
WUE Instantaneous WUE Integrated WUE

Abbreviation WUEi WUEB WUEY

Carbon assimilation CO2 assimilation (µmol CO2 m−2 s−1 ) Biomass (g) Biomass (g)

Water use Transpiration (mmol H2 O m−2 s−1 ) Water use (kg) Water use (kg)

Unit µmol mmol−1 g kg−1 g kg−1

II. PHYSIOLOGY OF PLANT WATER USE 1976; Rosenberg et al., 1983; Timlin et al., 2008). Net CO2
WUE is expressed by various units based on how CO2 assim- assimilation generally increases linearly at lower conductances,
ilation and transpiration are assessed (Jones, 2004; Tambussi et but saturates at higher conductances due to nonstomatal limita-
al., 2007) (Table 1). Instantaneous WUE (WUEi ) is determined tions such as ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate regeneration (Figure 2;
from the simultaneous measurement of net CO2 assimilation von Caemmerer and Farquhar, 1981; Stuart et al., 1985; Mans-
(µmol CO2 m−2 s−1 ) and transpiration (mmol H2 O m−2 s−1 ) field et al., 1990; Radin et al., 1994; Liu et al., 2002; Medrano
of a leaf or whole plant at a given point in time. WUEi can et al., 2002; Thompson et al., 2007). As stomatal conductance
Downloaded By: [Purdue University] At: 14:51 19 January 2010

also be expressed as the ratio of net CO2 assimilation rate to increases from near zero, CO2 assimilation increases at a very
stomatal conductance of water vapor (mol H2 O m−2 s−1 ), that rapid rate, so WUEi increases, but only if nonstomatal water
is, the diffusion rate of water vapor through the stomatal pore loss is negligible. However, as nonstomatal limitations to CO2
(Jones, 2004). Integrated WUE is the ratio of carbon dry matter assimilation occur (C’), WUE decreases.
gained per unit water lost (g kg−1 ) and is measured over a pro-
longed period. Integrated WUE may be expressed as biomass
accumulation (WUEB ) or yield (WUEY ) per unit of water used.
An understanding of these relationships and how they can be
improved should begin with an understanding of the primary
processes that affect long-term carbon assimilation and water
loss in plants: leaf level CO2 and H2 O gas exchange.
Transpiration is determined by the vapor pressures of water
inside and outside the leaf, and the resistances (the reciprocal
of conductance) to the movement of water from the inside to
the outside (Farquhar and Sharkey, 1982). Resistances to water
movement include stomatal, cuticular, and boundary layer resis-
tances (Farquhar and Sharkey, 1982; Nobel, 1999). The primary
route of water and CO2 movement along this pathway is via
the stomata. Beyond this primary route, the plant cuticle and
the boundary layer provide resistances that may influence WUE
(Nobel, 1999). For most plants, stomatal opening and closing
follows a diurnal cycle associated with light and dark periods,
respectively (Figure 1; Shimazaki et al., 2007). The bulk of tran-
spirational water loss (70–95% depending on the species) occurs
during the day in C3 and C4 plants. Nighttime transpiration also
contributes (5–30%) to the total diurnal water loss. FIG. 2. Relationship among transpiration, net CO2 assimilation, and WUE.
Illustration indicates how instantaneous WUE (WUEi , bar) is influenced by
stomatal conductance through differential responses of net CO2 assimilation
(closed square), and transpiration (open square) (Jones, 1976; Rosenberg et al.,
A. Stomatal Transpiration
1983; Mansfield et al., 1990; Radin et al., 1994; Liu et al., 2002; Medrano
Daytime transpiration begins with stomatal opening pro- et al., 2002; Thompson et al., 2007; Avola et al., 2008; Timlin et al., 2008).
cesses in response to blue and red light specifically (Shimazaki Transpiration rate increases linearly with stomatal conductance. Net CO2 as-
et al., 2007), increasing stomatal conductance, resulting in in- similation also linearly increases with stomatal conductance, but saturates at
creased water loss (Nobel, 1999; Jones, 2004). Transpiration higher conductance. WUEi increases with stomatal conductance at low stom-
atal conductance because the slope of net CO2 assimilation is steeper than the
increases linearly with stomatal conductance assuming the fol- slope of transpiration. A reduction in stomatal conductance from A to B will
lowing conditions: 1) vapor pressure deficit (VPD) is constant improve WUE because transpiration is reduced (A′′ → B′′ ), but the reduction
and 2) boundary layer resistance is nearly zero (Figure 2; Jones, of net CO2 assimilation is minimized (A′ → B′ ).
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FIG. 3. Cellular division and morphogenesis leading to stomatal complex development. Stomatal development processes include entry, amplifying, and spacing
divisions, and guard cell differentiation (reprinted from Bergmann and Sack, 2007 with permission from Annual Reviews).

High WUE is observed when stomatal conductance is lower (entry division) that produces a guard cell meristemoid and a
than the potential maximum for a genotype (Figure 2; A → sister cell. Then, the meristemoid may directly produce a guard
B)—for example, under low water availability (Thompson et al., cell pair by a symmetric division (see reviews by Bergmann,
2007). However, at very low stomatal conductances (A → C), 2006; Bergmann and Sack, 2007; Figure 3). Alternatively, the
net CO2 assimilation is also lower (A’ → C’), which results in sister cell may undergo asymmetric division producing another
reduced growth (Blum, 2005). Therefore, higher WUE is often meristemoid and a sister cell, i.e., two meristemoids and one
associated with low crop production (Condon et al., 2002; Blum, sister cell (Figure 3). In Arabidopsis, at least one epidermal
2005). cell separates guard cell pairs, a phenomenon known as the
It should be possible to improve WUE without substantial one cell spacing rule (Bergmann, 2006). The sister cell eventu-
limitation of CO2 assimilation (Figure 2). At high stomatal con- ally differentiates into an epidermal cell. A third possibility is
ductances (A → B), net CO2 assimilation is nearly saturated that the meristemoid may undergo further asymmetric cell divi-
(A′ → B′ ), while the increase in transpiration rate is still linear sions (amplifying division) to produce additional sister cells that
(A′′ → B′′ ) (Jones, 1976; Geber and Dawson, 1990; Martin and differentiate into epidermal cells (Figure 3). Finally, the stom-
Ruiz-Torres, 1992; Radin et al., 1994; Franks, 2006; Thompson atal complex is formed by cellular morphogenesis and pore
et al., 2007; Avola et al., 2008). Consequently, WUE can be im- formation.
proved by reducing water use through the mechanisms that reg- Stomatal number in leaves is determined by regulation of
ulate or determine stomatal conductance to water vapor, which guard cell differentiation, the asymmetric division of guard cell
involves stomatal number (density), stomatal aperture, the cuti- meristemoids, or epidermal cell expansion (Bergmann, 2006;
cle, and the boundary layer. Bergmann and Sack, 2007). If the differentiation of a meriste-
moid to a guard cell is arrested, the frequency of asymmetric
1. Stomatal Number (Density) division of meristemoids or MMC is decreased, or if epider-
Stomata are pores on the surface of leaves formed as a re- mal cells expand and do not divide, stomatal density will de-
sult of the anatomy of two identical specialized epidermal cells: crease. In Arabidopsis, nuclear DNA content in all guard cells
the guard cells. Guard cell development is initiated by differ- is 2C (1C indicates the DNA content of the haploid genome),
entiation of a postprotodermal cell to a meristemoid mother whereas other epidermal cells (including trichomes) have 2C to
cell (MMC) followed by subsequent asymmetric cell division 32C (Melaragno et al., 1993; Traas et al., 1998). DNA content
414 C. Y. YOO ET AL.

increases with DNA replication without cell division through density of Vigna sinesis in response to water deficit occurred
a mechanism called endoreduplication, which is generally as- only in phosphorous sufficient conditions, but not in phospho-
sociated with cell size (Sugimoto-Shirasu and Roberts, 2003). rous deficient conditions (Sekiya and Yano, 2008). However, it
This suggests that endoreduplication may increase epidermal is likely that factors that slightly reduce stomatal density with
cell size, thereby increasing the distance between guard cells and respect to “normal” stomatal density under optimal conditions
decreasing stomatal density (De Veylder et al., 2002; Bergmann, for a given genotype, without nutrient limitations, will decrease
2004). transpirational water loss while maintaining sufficient CO2 up-
Stomatal density has the potential to affect plant water loss take to sustain biomass and yield.
because the total pore area represents the principal diffusion
pathway for the movement of water vapor, which is driven 2. Stomatal Aperture
by VPD between the leaf and the atmosphere. Reductions in Several recent reviews detail the signal transduction cas-
stomatal density are sometimes correlated with reduced tran- cades and effectors that mediate stomatal opening and closing
spiration (Miskin et al., 1972; Monson and Grant, 1989; Lake (see reviews by Outlaw, 2003; Roelfsema and Hedrich, 2005;
and Woodward, 2008). A positive correlation between stomatal Nilson and Assmann, 2007; Pandey et al., 2007; Shimazaki
density and transpiration was observed in seven barley popu- et al., 2007; Sirichandra et al., 2009). These reviews describe
lations; there was no correlation between stomatal density and the critical mechanisms in guard cell turgor pressure regulation
photosynthesis in these populations (Miskin et al., 1972), thus that ultimately control stomatal aperture. In stomatal opening,
implying that WUE may increase with reduced stomatal den- stimuli such as light, low CO2 concentration, and high humid-
sity only to the minimum number that is necessary for sufficient ity promote stomatal opening processes (Outlaw, 2003). Blue
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CO2 uptake. This notion is supported by evidence showing that light induces a cytosolic Ca2+ increase and activates the plasma
stomatal density was negatively correlated with WUEi in 29 membrane H+ -ATPase, which couples energy from ATP hy-
genotypes of poplar (Monclus et al., 2006). Genetic (discussed drolysis to vectoral transport (cytosol to apoplast) of H+ , re-
later) and environmental interactions also regulate stomatal den- sulting in membrane hyperpolarization. Hyperpolarization ac-
sity (Woodward et al., 2002; Bergmann, 2006; Bergmann and tivates inward-rectifying K+ (K+ in ) channels for electrophoretic
Sack, 2007; Casson and Gray, 2008). Higher light intensity K+ uptake into guard cells that results in a lowering of os-
and lower CO2 concentration both increase stomatal density motic potential, water uptake into the guard cell, and a subse-
in leaves that develop under these conditions, an effect that is quent increase in turgor pressure. The resulting change in guard
presumed to be an adaptive response that reduces the CO2 limi- cell volume mediates stomatal opening. Blue light also induces
tation of photosynthesis (Lake et al., 2001; Thomas et al., 2004; starch degradation, which is necessary to synthesize malate2− ,
Casson and Gray, 2008). Exposure to UV-B radiation (Dai et al., a critical counter-ion for K+ accumulation in guard cells. Red
1995; Visser et al., 1997; Gitz et al., 2005), elevated tempera- light promotes CO2 fixation, which decreases intercellular CO2
tures (Beerling and Chaloner, 1993; Luomala et al., 2005), and concentration (ci ). Guard cells perceive a decrease in ci and
elevated salinity (Romero-Aranda et al., 2001) all reduce stom- deactivate anion channels, a process that also contributes to
atal density. These reductions might be necessary to maintain membrane hyperpolarization. The accumulation of sucrose in
leaf water status. A reduction in stomatal density due to UV-B the guard cells during the afternoon period is also implicated in
treatments decreased transpiration and increased WUEi overall stomatal opening.
(Dai et al., 1995; Gitz et al., 2005). Muchow and Sinclair (1989) Stomatal closure is promoted by darkness, high CO2 concen-
suggest that stomatal density may affect cuticular water loss be- tration, low humidity, high temperature, and abscisic acid (ABA)
cause water loss occurs from guard cell teichodes, even when (Outlaw, 2003). Generally, the processes that induce stomatal
stomata have minimum apertures. However, the relationship be- closure are the reverse of those processes that promote open-
tween stomatal density and transpiration was not examined in ing. To induce closure, H+ pumps are inactivated and anion
this experiment. efflux channels are activated, resulting in membrane depolar-
Water deficit conditions also alter stomatal density in sev- ization. Membrane depolarization activates outward rectifying
eral species, although the relationship between water deficit and K+ (K+ +
out ) channels resulting in K efflux and subsequent loss
stomatal density is not clear. Higher stomatal density was ob- of turgor pressure via water efflux; this reduction in guard cell
served in leaves of nonirrigated vs. irrigated apple trees (Elias, volume results in stomatal closure (Fan et al., 2004). ABA acti-
1995) and Pseudoroegneria spicata also exhibited an increase in vates signal transduction pathways that mediate stomatal clos-
stomatal density in response to decreased water supply (Fraser ing in diurnal and water deficit–induced stomatal movements
et al., 2009). Severe water stress reduced stomatal density, but (Fan et al., 2004; Tallman, 2004). ABA binding to ABA recep-
moderate stress increased stomatal density in leaves of the xe- tors initiates signal cascades through several signaling cascades
rophilous grass Leymus chinensis (Xu and Zhou, 2008). In- which involve changes in cytosolic pH, Ca2+ , reactive oxygen
creased stomatal density in response to drought stress may act to species (ROS), and nitric oxide (NO), followed by posttransla-
increase transpiration to promote an increase in nutrient uptake. tional modifications such as phosphorylation of proteins in these
This notion is partly supported by the fact that reduced stomatal signaling pathways (Fan et al., 2004).

Plants have evolved the capacity to control WUE via the regu- which has an astomatous adaxial surface. In this study, conduc-
lation of stomatal opening and closing in response to various en- tance of CO2 and H2 O was measured after sealing the abaxial
vironmental changes (Abdulrahman and Williams, 1981; Ball, (bottom) surface with silicone vacuum grease. Although some
1988; Flanagan and Jefferies, 1988; Mobley and Marini, 1990; exchange of CO2 does occur through the cuticle, CO2 conduc-
Marcelis and Van Hoojidonk, 1999; del Amor and Marcelis, tance through the cuticle constitutes only 6% of H2 O vapor
2006). For example, in environments with a sufficient amount conductance in leaves of Vitis vinifera and was undetectable in
of water, high water loss is not detrimental to plant growth Impatiens coralfutura, suggesting that cuticular conductance
and/or survival, and may facilitate other processes such as evap- is more critical for water loss than CO2 uptake. However,
orative cooling and nutrient uptake; thus, WUE is typically low. the amount of cuticular water loss in stomatous leaves is still
Water-limited conditions cause a reduction in stomatal con- unknown.
ductance, due to ABA accumulation in guard cells. This is a Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for variation in epicuticular
water-saving strategythat enhances plant survival and increases wax production in rice (Oryza sativa L.) co-locate with shoot
WUE, but often causes decreased plant growth and yield overall and root drought resistance traits (Srinivasan et al., 2008). Sev-
because total plant CO2 assimilation may decrease substantially eral mutants with altered wax and/or cutin accumulation and/or
(Martı̀nez et al., 2003). composition were also reported to have altered transpiration.
However, the correlation between altered cuticular traits and
transpiration is weak in these mutants (Jenks et al., 2002; Kosma
B. Cuticular Transpiration and Jenks, 2007). The total wax amount decreased with the wax2
The surface of most plant tissues is coated with a thin cuticle mutation (Chen et al., 2003b) and was increased in the shn mu-
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layer consisting of a polymer matrix (cutin) and lipids (cutic- tation (Aharoni et al., 2004). However, both mutations resulted
ular waxes) (Riederer and Schreiber, 2001). Cuticle structure in reduced transpirational water loss from detached leaves; this
and thickness, and wax amount and composition are variable may be due to reduced stomatal density rather than altered wax
among plant species from different habitats, which may result accumulation in both mutants (Chen et al., 2003b; Aharoni et al.,
in varying cuticular transpiration (Schreiber and Riederer, 1996; 2004). Overexpression of Medicago truncatula WXP1 (wax pro-
Riederer and Schreiber, 2001; Burghardt and Riederer, 2006). duction) in Medicago sativa and Arabidopsis thaliana increased
The existence of a “tortuous” hydrophilic pathway through the total wax accumulation, altered wax composition, and resulted
larger lipophilic pathway of the cuticle is thought to be the route in reduced water loss (Zhang et al., 2005, 2007a). Similar results
for cuticular water loss (Popp et al., 2005). However, the rela- were also obtained by overexpression of Medicato truncatula
tionship between cuticle composition or structure and cuticular WXP2 in Arabidopsis thaliana (Zhang et al., 2007a). A mutation
transpiration has not been established (Riederer and Schreiber, in the very-long-chain fatty acid elongase β-ketoacyl-CoA syn-
2001; Jenks et al., 2002; Burghardt and Riederer, 2006). thase decreased n-alkanes and aldehydes in cuticle very-long-
The most common method for estimating cuticular transpira- chain aliphatics, and resulted in increased cuticular transpiration
tion is to measure water loss from plants under dark conditions in tomato fruit (Vogg et al., 2004). Ristic et al. (2002) showed
or dry-down curves of detached leaves or shoots. Steady-state that the maize line ZPL 389 had higher concentrations of C32
water loss rates from plants in darkness or from detached leaves aldehydes and C32 primary alcohols and had increased tran-
after the initial rapid decrease in water loss rate (due to transpi- spirational water loss from detached leaves in the dark. These
ration through stomata) are assumed to be representative of cu- studies showing the possible influence of altered cuticular traits
ticular transpiration. However, studies of water loss under dark on transpiration have not demonstrated the impact of cuticular
conditions and after desiccation have not excluded the possibil- transpiration on WUE to date.
ity of water loss from incomplete stomatal closure (Kerstiens In some species, the surface of the substomatal chamber is
et al., 2006). covered by a cuticle layer. Some leaves have a stomatal or cutic-
Cuticle permeability is estimated by the rate of chlorophyll ular ridges that consist of cuticle and cell wall at the outer rim of
extraction in an organic solvent, e.g., 80% ethanol. However, the stomatal pore (Field et al., 1998; Kosma and Jenks, 2007).
wax itself can dissolve in an organic solvent and the solvent can These cuticular characteristics may affect stomatal transpira-
infiltrate into nearly closed stomata, which also affects perme- tion. The wax2 mutation results in a reduction of the stomatal
ability (Kersteins et al., 2006). Furthermore, water molecules ridge as well as the reduction of cutin monomers and disruption
are much smaller than chlorophyll, so a direct relationship be- of cutin ultrastructure. This genotype also has increased daytime
tween permeability of the two molecules with respect to move- transpiration (Chen et al., 2003b; Kosma and Jenks, 2007).
ment through the cuticular layer cannot be assumed (Kosma and Cuticular transpiration may play a more significant role dur-
Jenks, 2007). ing the nighttime portion of the diurnal transpiration cycle,
The amount of water loss due to cuticular transpiration is when stomatal conductance is lower or negligible and cutic-
not clear, largely because of measurement limitations, although ular water loss is a larger portion of water lost (Dawson et al.,
Boyer et al. (1997) reported that cuticular conductance ac- 2007); however, this hypothesis has yet to be experimentally
counted for ∼2–30% of total conductance in Vitis vinifera, tested.
416 C. Y. YOO ET AL.

C. Boundary Layer Conductance creased boundary layer resistance. Lobes and serration in leaves
The final resistance associated with water vapor movement reduce the boundary layer resistance as compared to leaves
from the leaf to the bulk air is the boundary layer, which is de- with smooth margins (Baker and Myhre, 1969; Gottschlich and
fined as an air layer adjacent to the leaf surface where wind speed Smith, 1982; Schuepp, 1993).
is reduced by surface friction, creating a resistance to diffusion Leaf surface roughness also influences boundary layer con-
of gases (Schuepp, 1993). The boundary layer thickness is in- ductance. In Populus, air over the rough abaxial leaf surface
creased in larger leaves and under low wind speed conditions was more turbulent than the air over the smooth adaxial leaf
(Nobel, 1974, 1999). Consequently, a reduction of the boundary surface, resulting in an increased boundary layer resistance
layer conductance may decrease transpiration. This resistance is (Grace and Wilson, 1976). Therefore, leaf surface ultrastruc-
not likely to be important in many field crop species (e.g., corn, ture such as epicuticular wax structures or trichomes can influ-
soybean, etc.), but may be important in some species that are ence boundary layer, and subsequently, water loss from the leaf.
grown in more protected environments (e.g., coffee, tea, etc.), Epicuticular wax layers may decrease the boundary layer con-
or under cover (e.g., greenhouse crops). ductance by increasing surface friction (Pritchard and Amthor,
Any increases in boundary layer resistance will limit tran- 2005), or may provide a smooth surface that allows for the
spiration, but may also result in an increase in leaf temperature development of a substantial boundary layer. Reicosky and
because of the effect of boundary layer on heat conduction from Hanover (1976) analyzed wax height and calculated the bound-
the leaf to the surrounding air (Gates, 1968; Nobel, 1999). How- ary layer, concluding that the height of leaf surface waxes of
ever, this is likely to be a problem only in extreme environments, Picea pungens was too small to influence the boundary layer.
since most metabolic enzymes are stable at relatively high tem- However, since very few direct measurements have been made,
Downloaded By: [Purdue University] At: 14:51 19 January 2010

peratures (Sage and Kubien, 2007). CO2 movement from the the effect of surface waxes on boundary layer conductance is
air to the leaf is also influenced by the boundary layer conduc- unresolved.
tance. However, the stomatal and mesophyll resistance to CO2 Trichomes have been understood theoretically and experi-
are usually greater than the boundary layer resistance to CO2 , mentally to decrease water loss by either increasing light re-
suggesting that the boundary layer is not a limiting factor on flection or decreasing boundary layer conductance in some
total conductance of CO2 (Farquhar and Sharkey, 1982; Nobel, species (Ehleringer, 1984; Schuepp, 1993). Kenzo et al. (2008)
1999). Because marginal reductions of instantaneous water loss demonstrated a slightly higher midday maximum transpiration
may lead to significant water savings over a longer period of rate in depilated leaves compared to hairy leaves of Mallotus
time, decreasing boundary layer conductance has the potential macrostachyus, while stomatal conductance and photosynthesis
to improve WUE by reducing transpiration without affecting were not altered, resulting in lower WUEi . Benz and Martin
CO2 uptake, but most likely only in a few specific crops and (2006) examined the transpiration and CO2 uptake in 12 species
situations. of epiphytic Tillandsia ranging in leaf trichome size and dis-
The impact of the boundary layer conductance on transpira- tribution. Although trichomes increased the thickness of the
tion is dependent on stomatal conductance. If the boundary layer boundary layer and decreased the boundary layer conductance
conductance is greater than the stomatal conductance, overall based on theoretical calculations, there were no differences in
transpiration is determined mainly by stomatal transpiration as- transpirational water loss (Benz and Martin, 2006). The authors
suming that cuticular transpiration is negligible. However, if the concluded that this might be due to other factors contributing
boundary layer conductance is smaller than the stomatal con- to transpiration such as stomatal and cuticular components that
ductance, VPD near the leaf surface will be decreased, which de- mask the small differences of boundary layer conductance (Benz
creases overall transpiration (Meinzer and Grantz, 1991). Jarvis and Martin, 2006). Furthermore, the structure of trichomes in
and McNaughton (1986) described this effect by the decoupling the Bromeliacea are highly specialized (Benzing et al., 1976;
coefficient ("); decreased boundary layer conductance will de- Pierce et al., 2001); the specialization of these structures likely
couple the vapor pressure between the leaf surface and the bulk affects water uptake and loss in ways other than changes to
air. the boundary layer (Schmitt et al., 1989; Reinert and Meirelles,
Boundary layer conductance in plants is primarily deter- 1993).
mined by leaf size and shape and leaf surface roughness
(Schuepp, 1993). The boundary layer increases with leaf size
(Nobel, 1999). For example, boundary layer conductance was D. Nighttime Transpiration
lower in the larger leaves of Acer pseudoplatanus than the Nighttime transpiration occurs in most C3 and C4 plants
smaller leaves in Quercus robur (Stokes et al., 2006), and was (Mickelbart, unpublished; Musselman and Minnick, 2000; Sny-
very low in large leaves of timber species (Grace et al., 1980). der et al., 2003), and accounts for approximately 5–30% of total
Geller and Smith (1982) modeled the effect of leaf size on diurnal water loss (Richards et al., 1986; Green et al., 1989;
boundary layer conductance using leaf and microclimatic pa- Benyon, 1999; Bucci et al., 2004; Gosney and Mickelbart, 2006;
rameters from field measurements. Their model predicts that Caird et al., 2007a, b). Several studies have suggested that night-
increases in leaf size reduce transpiration, possibly through in- time water loss is primarily due to incomplete stomatal closure

(Howard and Donovan, 2007; Caird et al., 2007b), although ac- transpiration and to determine the extent to which nighttime
tual stomatal aperture was not assessed in these studies. The transpiration affects overall plant WUE.
physiological necessity, if any, of nighttime transpiration in
plants is not known. Since nighttime water loss can be a sig-
nificant percentage of total water loss, a reduction in nighttime
Genetic variation for the transpiration ratio (reciprocal of
transpiration has the potential to increase WUE without dimin-
WUE) was determined almost 100 years ago in a survey of
ishing biomass and/or yield.
62 different plant species (Briggs and Shantz, 1913). Subse-
The majority of studies on the functional role of nighttime
quently, research has established that genetic variation for WUE
water loss have focused on the relationship between nighttime
exists among genotypes within species, indicating that WUE
transpiration and nutrient uptake and assimilation (Caird et al.,
can be improved by genetic introgression (Alonso-Blanco and
2007a, 2007b). Holbie and Colpaert (2004) demonstrated that
Koornneef, 2000). The genomics era has led to the compilation
WUE was correlated with nitrogen availability. Therefore, sup-
of numerous genetic determinants involved in photosynthesis
pressing nighttime transpiration to reduce water loss may not
and transpirational water loss. It is now feasible to link genetic
result in increased WUE if nighttime transpiration is neces-
determinants to physiological mechanisms that are involved in
sary for sufficient N uptake. Snyder et al. (2008) found that
transpirational water loss. In this section, we summarize evi-
plants with suppressed nighttime stomatal conductance exhib-
dence of genetic variation for WUE and discuss genetic determi-
ited consistent patterns of decreased N uptake. Ludwig et al.
nants that are or may be regulators or effectors of transpirational
(2006) showed that in Helianthus anomalus, fertilization de-
water loss.
creased both daytime and nighttime stomatal conductance and
Downloaded By: [Purdue University] At: 14:51 19 January 2010

transpiration. However, Howard and Donovan (2007) found that

in Helianthus, nutrient limitations resulted in reduced shoot and A. Genetic Variation for WUE
reproductive biomass and leaf N concentration, but no signif- Reported values of WUE in different groups of plants are
icant change in nighttime conductance. Likewise, Christman consistent with their carbon assimilation mechanisms: mean
et al. (2009a) showed that altering VPD to reduce nighttime values of WUEB reported in the literature of C3 and C4 plants
conductance had no effect on N, Ca, or K uptake at both high are 3.9 and 5.7 g kg−1 , respectively (Table 2). C4 plants have
and low N levels. However, Ealson and Richards (2009) showed consistently higher WUE because they are generally more
that increased nighttime conductance was associated with in- efficient with respect to CO2 fixation (Ogren, 1984; Nobel,
creased accumulation of nitrate and leaf starch in Vicia faba 1999; Leegood, 2002). The mean WUEB of crassulacean acid
under short day conditions. The long-term effects of selecting metabolism (CAM) species is 12.4 g kg−1 , two to three times
for reduced nighttime transpiration as a means for improving higher than other species, due to very low daytime transpiration,
overall WUE, especially with respect to nutrient flux, are not as stomata are closed during the day and open at night for CO2
known. fixation (Chaves et al., 2004).
When water is limited, substantial water loss at night could However, our survey of published results (Table 2) revealed
lead to a decrease in WUE (Caird et al., 2007b). Similar to day- that reported WUEB values of some C3 plants (e.g., Glycine max
time conditions, water loss at night increases with VPD (Oren and Phaseolus vulgaris) are higher than those of some C4 plants
et al., 2001; Gosney and Mickelbart, 2006), and when VPD (e.g., Amaranthus tricolor, Miscanthus sacchariflorus, Miscant-
is high, substantial crop-level nighttime water loss can occur hus sinensis, and Sorghum bicolor) as well as some CAM plants
(Snyder et al., 2003; Caird et al., 2007a, 2007b). This would be (e.g., Euphorbia tirucalli, Kalanchoë daigremontiana, Kalan-
true if nighttime water loss was the result of incomplete stomatal choë pinnata, and Sedum nuttallianum). This deviation from
closure and/or if cuticular water loss is significant. Incomplete expected values may be the result of comparisons that were
stomatal closure also results in nighttime ozone exposure and made under different environmental conditions or could be the
could result in lower WUE because of ozone injury and dam- result of adaptations that improve WUEB (Monson et al., 1986;
age that is significant during the night due to the lack of ROS Liang et al., 1989; Gravatt and Martin, 1992). The higher pho-
detoxification through photosynthetic electron transport (Re- tosynthetic capacity of C4 plants appears to exist only at higher
ich and Lassoie, 1984; Matyssek et al., 1995; Musselman and temperatures and adequate water availability (Monson et al.,
Minnick, 2000). Daley and Philips (2006) found that of three tree 1986; Liang et al., 1989; Ripley et al., 2007). For example,
species (Betula papyrifera, Quercus rubra, and Acer rubrum) net CO2 assimilation in C4 plants is similar to C3 plants under
grown in the same environment (e.g., same VPD), B. papyrifera drought conditions; this similarity is mainly due to metabolic
had markedly different nighttime conductance, as estimated by limitations rather than stomatal limitations (Ripley et al., 2007).
nocturnal sap flux. Discrepancies in the literature, specifically A comparison of Sedum species concluded that WUE of S. ter-
independence (or dependence) of regulatory mechanisms for natum (C3 ) is similar to S. wrightii (CAM), and higher than
daytime and nighttime stomatal conductance, illustrate the need S. telephioides and S. nuttallianum (both CAM cycling) under
for further research to identify the major physiological and ge- both well-watered and drought-stressed conditions (Gravatt and
netic determinants responsible for the regulation of nighttime Martin, 1992). Orthonna opima (C3 ) also had similar WUE
418 C. Y. YOO ET AL.

Natural genetic variation for water use efficiency.
Species WUEB WUEY WUEi Agea Locb Ref
C3 Herbaceous
Abutilon theophrasti 4.3 4.7 4 GH (1)
Anoda cristata 4.0 4.2 4 GH (1)
Arabidopsis thaliana 2.1 (31) 10 GC (2)
Cassia obtusifolia 4.0 4.4 4 GH (1)
Cucumis sativus 10.0 12 GH (3)
Datura stramonium 4.4 4.2 4 GH (1)
Glycine max 16.7 4.9 12 GH (4)
5.3 (4) 5 GH (5)
1.3 12 F (6)
4.0 3.6 4 GH (1)
Gossypium hirsutum 1.9 27 F (7)
5.0 8 GC (8)
3.0 9 GH (9)
Helianthus annuus 1.8 23 F (7)
Phaseolus vulgaris 8.7 (6) 3 GC (8)
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v 15 F (10)
Sida spinosa 4.8 3.8 4 GH (1)
Solanum lycopersicum 4.5 4 GH (11)
15.4 24 F (12)
Sonchus arvensis 11.2 6 GH (13)
Thellungiella halophila 3.4 (4) 12.7 (6) 8 GC (14)
Vicia faba 4.8 (3) — F (15)
Xanthium pensylvanicum 1.8 12 F (6)
4.4 3.9 4 GH (1)
C3 Non-herbaceous
Annona squamosa 2.4 2y GH (16)
Atriplex canescens 2.3 (3) 16 GH (17)
Atriplex halimus 1.4 (2) 13.8 (2) 12 GH (18)
Carica papaya 5.7 8 F (19)
Coffea ! rabica × C.canephora 2.5 13.7 — GH
C. ! rabica × C. racemosa 1.7 14.5 (20)
Malus domestica 14.0 (2) — GH (20)
Picea glauca 17.0 2y F (22)
Populus simonii 5.9 12.2 1.5y GH (23)
Populus davidiana 4.5 28 GH (24)
Populus × euroamericana 2.5 10.2 — GH (25)
Prunus persica 8.4 (2) 2y F (26)
Pseudotsuga menziesii 2.5 11.8 2.5y GH (25)
Salix burjatica × S. dasyclados 4.9
S. schwerinii × S. viminalis 5.3 24 F (27)
S. viminalis 6.3
S. schwerinii × S. viminalis × S. aegyptiaca 6.7 24 F (27)
Solanum muricatum 8.1 24 F (27)
Swietenia macrophylla 3.9 24 GH (29)
Tectona grandis 2.7 20 GH (29)
Vitis vinifera 6.6 (2) 10y F (30)
C3 Grasses
Avena fatua 1.2 — F (31)
Hordeum vulgare 2.8 12 GH (32)
2.3 (6) 20 F (33)
Oryza sativa 3.8 (34) 12 GH (34)

Natural genetic variation for water use efficiency. (Continued)
Species WUEB WUEY WUEi Agea Locb Ref
Pascopyrum smithii 1.7 9 GH (35)
Solanum tuberosum 6.2 13 F (36)
Triticum aestivum 2.3 (12) 1.9 (12) 21.4 (7) 32 GH (37)
2.6 1.0 36 F (38)
2.7 1.1 29 F (39)
1.1 (3) — F (40)
Triticum turgidum 3.3 (2) 5 F (41)
3.1 (2) 8 F (41)
3.0 (2) 10 F (41)
2.5 (2) 14 F (41)
C4 Grasses
Amaranthus tricolor 3.3 8.3 4 GH (42)
8.7 14.6 4 GH (1)
A. hypochondriacus 4.9 7.6 4 GH (42)
A. cruetus 5.0 7.6 4 GH (42)
Bouteloua gracilis 3.1 9 GH (35)
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Digitaria ciliaris 9.3 4 GC (43)

Echinochloa crus-galli 8.7 4 GC (43)
Eleusine indica 9.8 4 GC (43)
Miscanthus × giganteus 2.1 12 GH (36)
M. sacchariflorus 4.1 12 GH (44)
M. sinensis 2.9 12 GH (44)
Panicum virgatum 5.3 (11) 11 GH (45)
Sorghum bicolor 3.8 24 F (7)
Zea mays 2.6 12 F (46)
2.1 (4) — F (47)
C3 Succulent
Sedum integrifolium 9.7 — GH (48)
Sedum ternatum 15.0 — GH (48)
CAM Succulent
Aloe vera 18.5 40 GH (29)
Ananas comosus 15.9 12 GH (29)
Euphorbia tirucalli 9.5 36 GH (29)
Kalanchoë daigremontiana 9.2 40 GH (29)
Kalanchoë pinnata 9.4 32 GH (29)
Sedum telephioides 11.0 — GH (48)
Sedum nuttallianum 8.9 — GH (48)
Sedum wrightii 16.9 — GH (48)
Values for WUE (WUEB , WUEY , and WUEi ) of plant species grown in well-watered conditions are summarized as C3 (herbaceous, non-
herbaceous, grass, succulent), C4 (grass), and CAM (succulent) photosynthesis. All units are converted to g kg−1 . Numbers in parentheses after
respective WUE values indicate the number of ecotypes or cultivars used to calculate the average WUE.
Abbreviations: Ref, reference; GC, growth chamber; GH, greenhouse; F, field.
Age is given in weeks, except where y indicates years.
Location (Loc) where plants were grown and measured.
(1) Patterson and Flint, 1983; (2) Nienhuis et al., 1994; (3) Janoudi et al., 1993; (4) Rosadi et al., 2007; (5) Gitz et al., 2005; (6) Geddes et al.,
1979; (7) Perniola, 1994; (8) Hoffman and Phene, 1971; (9) Plaut and Federman, 1991; (10) Muñoz-Perea et al., 2007; (11) Thompson et al.,
2007; (12) Oliveira et al., 1996; (13) Zollinger and Kells, 1991; (14) Gosney and Mickelbart, unpublished; (15) Avola et al., 2008; (16) Marler
and Zozor, 1996; (17) Glenn and Brown, 1998; (18) Martı̀nez et al., 2003; (19) Clemente and Marler, 1996; (20) Dias et al., 2007; (21) Massonnet
et al., 2007; (22) Wang and Zwiazek, 1999; (23) Liang et al., 2006; (24) Zhang et al., 2004; (25) Ripullone et al., 2004; (26) Glenn et al., 2006;
(27) Wikberg and Ögren, 2007; (28) Chen et al., 1999; (29) Winter et al., 2005; (30) Medrano et al., 2003; (31) Van Wychen et al., 2004; (32)
Grumet et al., 1987; (33) Ouda et al., 2007; (34) Impa et al., 2005; (35) Morgan et al., 1998; (36) Liu et al., 2006; (37) Górny and Garczy~ñski,
2002; (38) Xue et al., 2006; (39) Zhang et al., 1998; (40) Fan et al., 2008; (41) Richards et al., 1986; (42) Omami et al., 2006; (43) Patterson,
1986; (44) Clifton-Brown and Lewandowski, 2000; (45) Byrd and May, 2000; (46) Kang et al., 2000; (47) Massinga et al., 2003; (48) Gravatt
and Martin, 1992.
420 C. Y. YOO ET AL.
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FIG. 4. Relationships between CO2 assimilation, transpiration, and WUEB . Plots demonstrate the relationship between CO2 assimilation or transpiration rate
and WUEB among 10 cultivars of Triticum aestivum (A and B; Van den Boogaard et al., 1997) and 34 diverse germplasm accessions of Oryza sativa (C and D;
Impa et al., 2005). (Adapted and modified from Van den Boogaard et al., 1997 with permission from Blackwell Publishing Ltd and reprinted from Impa et al.,
2005 with permission from Crop Science Society of America).

to Cotyledon orbiculate (CAM) at certain periods (Eller and bred lines (Nienhuis et al., 1994), Glycine max cultivars and
Ferrari, 1997). These data suggest that predicted WUE based inbred lines (Hufstetler et al., 2007), Oryza sativa accessions
on photosynthetic pathway (C3 , C4 , and CAM) is not always (Impa et al., 2005), Panicum virgatum cultivars (Byrd and May,
consistent with actual WUE under certain environmental con- 2000), Salix inbred lines (Wikberg and Ögren, 2007), Thel-
ditions, especially water-deficit stress. lungiella halophila ecotypes (Pence and Mickelbart, unpub-
Genetic variation for WUE exists in both natural and agri- lished), and Triticum aestivum cultivars (Górny and Garczyński,
cultural populations as demonstrated by studies on various 2002; Chen et al., 2003a).
species, accessions, ecotypes, cultivars, and hybrids (Takeda Evidence supports the notion that adaptive variation for WUE
and Matsuoka, 2008). WUEB of Triticum aestivum cultivars is correlated with plant water loss in some plant species. A neg-
ranged between 9.7 to 11.7 g kg−1 (Van den Boogaard et al., ative correlation between WUE and transpiration, and a lack of
1997) and WUEi of Sorghum bicolor inbred lines ranged from correlation between WUE and CO2 assimilation have been re-
2.91 to 3.49 mmol mol−1 (7.11 to 8.53 g kg−1 ) (Balota et al., ported in Cicer arietinum and Vigna unguiculata (Udayakumar
2008). Natural genetic variation for WUE has also been docu- et al., 1998), Oryza sativa (Figure 4D; Impa et al., 2005), Thel-
mented in Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes and recombinant in- lungiella halophila (Pence and Mickelbart, unpublished), and

Genes regulating WUE under well-watered conditions. Genes that are linked to WUE and related physiological traits such as
transpiration (E) and net CO2 assimilation (A).
Gene Function Modification WUE E A Phenotypes Ref
Stomatal opening/closing, ABA biosynthesis/signaling
MRP5 ABC transporter null mutation ↑i ↓ - DT (1)
ABP9 bZIP TF overexpression ↑i ↓↓ ↓ ↑ABA (2)
NCED1 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid deoxygenase overexpression ↑B ↓↓ - ↑ABA (3)
Stomatal density, drought-tolerant determinants
ERECTA LRR-like kinase null mutation ↓B ↑gs ↓ ↑SD (4)
HDG11 Homeodomain-ZIP TF overexpression ↑B ↓ ↑ DT, ↓ SD (5)
GTL1 trihelix TF null mutation ↑B ↓ - DT, ↓ SD (6)
DREB1A AP2/EREB TF inducible expression ↑B ↓ - DT (7)
HARDY AP2/ERF-like TF overexpression ↑i ↓ ↑ DT (8)
ESB1 unknown null mutation ↑B ↓ ↓↓ DT (9)
Abbreviations: gs , stomatal conductance; E, transpiration; A, net CO2 assimilation; DT, drought tolerance; SD, stomatal density; Ref,
reference; TF, transcription factor; i, instantaneous WUE; B, biomass WUE.
Downloaded By: [Purdue University] At: 14:51 19 January 2010

(1) Klein et al., 2003; (2) Zhang et al., 2008b; (3) Thompson et al., 2007; (4) Masle et al., 2005; (5) Yu et al., 2008; (6) Yoo et al., 2008; (7)
Bhatnagar-Mathur et al., 2007; (8) Karaba et al., 2007; (9) Baxter et al., 2009.

Triticum aestivum (Figure 4B; Van den Boogaard et al., 1997). mutation resulted in reduced stomatal opening in response to
These results indicate that crops, at least in some plant species, light, in addition to insensitivity to ABA-induced stomatal clo-
exhibit genetic variation for WUE that involve adaptations that sure. Overall, these changes resulted in higher WUEi because
regulate plant water use (Blum, 2005) and that mechanisms exist stomatal conductance and transpiration in mrp5-1 were approx-
in plants to improve WUE by modifying transpiration. imately 22% less than the wild type; net CO2 assimilation un-
der saturating intensities was not changed in mrp5-1 plants
compared to wild type (Klein et al., 2003). Stomatal closure
B. Genes That Regulate Water Use Efficiency facilitated by ectopic induction of ABA biosynthesis also im-
The existence of natural genetic variation within species has proved WUE, apparently by reducing transpiration. The enzyme
provided the basis for identification of QTLs responsible for im- 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase (NCED) catalyzes the rate-
portant agricultural traits, including WUE (Mitchell-Olds and limiting enzyme in ABA biosynthesis. Overexpression of NCED
Schmitt, 2006; Shindo et al., 2007; Takeda and Matsuoka, 2008). in Solanum lycopersicum led to increased ABA accumulation
QTLs linked to WUE have been identified in different species and decreased stomatal conductance and transpiration, but did
such as Arabidopsis thaliana (Hausmann et al., 2005; Juenger not appreciably affect CO2 assimilation and biomass accumula-
et al., 2005; Masle et al., 2005), Brassica oleracea (Hall et al., tion, resulting in higher WUEB (Thompson et al., 2007). Over-
2005), Glycine max (Mian et al., 1996, 1998), Hordeum vul- expressing NCED in Arabidopsis thaliana (Iuchi et al., 2001)
gare (Teulat et al., 2002), Solanum lycopersicum (Martin et al., and Nicotiana plumbaginifolia also reduced transpirational wa-
1989), and Stylosanthes scabra (Thumma et al., 2001). Ara- ter loss, but CO2 assimilation or biomass accumulation was
bidopsis ERECTA, which encodes a putative leucine-rich repeat not reported (Qin and Zeevaart, 2002). Overexpression of the
receptor-like kinase (LRR-RLK), was the first published gene ABA-responsive element-binding protein 9 (ABP9) in Arabidop-
that regulates WUE to be identified by QTL mapping (Masle sis moderately increased ABA levels and resulted in increased
et al., 2005). A loss-of-function erecta allele increases stomatal WUEi (Zhang et al., 2008b). These reports indicate WUE can be
conductance due to increased stomatal density and decreased improved by genetic manipulation of stomatal regulation that re-
photosynthetic capacity due to a reduced rubisco carboxyla- sults in moderately reduced transpiration without inhibiting net
tion rate, which results in decreased WUE (Masle et al., 2005). CO2 assimilation (Figure 2).
Eight other genes have been reported to directly regulate WUE The Arabidopsis homeodomain (HD)-START transcription
in different species (Table 3). factor 11 (HDG11) regulates stomatal density, which is associ-
Other loci that regulate stomatal function have been linked to ated with reduced transpiration and increased carbon assimila-
alterations in WUE. The Arabidopsis ABC-transporter MRP5 tion, thereby increasing WUE (Yu et al., 2008). Overexpression
mediates stomatal regulation through ABA-, Ca2+ -, and auxin- of AtHDG11 in tobacco reduced stomatal density and improved
dependent pathways, although the mechanisms involved are not WUEB , indicating that the function of HDG11 is conserved in
understood (Klein et al., 2003). An mrp5-1 loss-of-function Arabidopsis and tobacco and, perhaps in crop species. HDG11
422 C. Y. YOO ET AL.

overexpressing tobacco plants also exhibited water-deficit stress C. Determinants That Regulate Transpiration and May
tolerance that was attributed to changes in root architecture, ac- Improve Water Use Efficiency
cumulation of ABA and proline, and increased oxidative stress Forward and reverse genetic approaches have led to the iden-
tolerance. HDG11 seems to enhance both drought tolerance and tification of numerous determinants involved in the regulation
improved WUE, at least partially due to reduced stomatal den- of transpiration (Nilson and Assmann, 2007). Candidate genes
sity. The Arabidopsis GT2-like 1 (GTL1) transcription factor for improving WUE are those involved in regulation of stomatal
is a member of the GT-2 family that contains two separate, but density, stomatal opening or closure, and nighttime transpira-
similar, trihelix DNA-binding domains (helix-loop-helix-loop- tion. Since these genes were selected with the possibility of
helix) (Kuhn et al., 1993). The null mutation in AtGTL1 (gtl1) improving WUE, any mutants having severe growth defects or
reduces stomatal density and transpiration, without a propor- unreported biomass or leaf area are excluded from this review.
tional reduction in biomass, which results in improved WUEB Genes regulating cuticular transpiration or affecting boundary
(Yoo et al., 2008). Together, these results indicate that a small layer conductance are also not included because their impact on
reduction in stomatal density can reduce transpiration and im- transpiration by genetic regulation is not clearly understood.
prove WUE (Yu et al., 2008; Yoo et al., 2008). Presumably,
lower stomatal densities caused by gtl1 and hdg11 result in a re-
duction of transpiration over the range where CO2 assimilation 1. Stomatal Density Determinants
is near saturation (Figure 2; A → B). There are numerous genes regulating stomatal development
Other transcription factors (TFs) have been implicated in processes, including entry divisions, amplifying divisions, spac-
the regulation of plant WUE. The Arabidopsis dehydration re- ing divisions, differentiation, and cell cycle/division (see re-
Downloaded By: [Purdue University] At: 14:51 19 January 2010

sponsive element-binding protein (DREB1A) regulates drought views by Bergmann and Sack, 2007; Nadeau, 2009). The vast
tolerance (Shinozaki and Yamaguchi-Shinozaki, 2000). Stress- majority of identified mutants exhibit extreme division and spac-
induced expression of AtDREB1A in peanut, driven by the ing pattern phenotypes such as clusters of stomata (e.g., er,
RD29A promoter, reduced stomatal conductance and transpi- yoda, and tmm) or few functional stomata (e.g., flp, fama, spch,
ration, and increased WUEB under well-watered conditions and mute) (Bergmann and Sack, 2007). It may not be possi-
(Bhatnagar-Mathur et al., 2007). However, constitutive expres- ble to manipulate genes involved in fundamental developmental
sion of DREB1A in Arabidopsis caused severe growth retarda- processes without substantial negative effects on growth and
tion (Liu et al., 1998). These contrasting examples highlight development. However, mutations in genes listed here cause
the fact that regulated expression of genes (e.g. temporally or a marginal reduction in stomatal density and no reduction of
spatially, hormonal or environmental induction, etc.) that confer growth, implying that these genes may be appropriate candi-
drought tolerance may result in higher WUE. dates for improving WUE.
transcription factor, positively regulates the production of mes- locus encodes a subtilisin-like serine protease that is expressed
ophyll cells and secondary and tertiary roots (Karaba et al., in stomatal precursor cells and regulates stomatal differenti-
2007). A gain-of-function hardy mutation increased mesophyll ation and pattern formation (Berger and Altmann, 2000; von
cell layers and secondary and tertiary roots, all of which were Groll et al., 2002). SDD1 overexpression decreased stomatal
linked to increased drought and salt tolerance in Arabidopsis. density by ∼40% due to repression of stomatal divisions and
HRD overexpression in rice increased WUEB and WUEi , due arrest of meristemoids and guard mother cells (GMCs) (Büssis
to reduced transpiration and increased carbon assimilation and et al., 2006). The sdd1-1 null mutation increased stomatal num-
biomass production (Karaba et al., 2007). Although the phys- ber 3-fold without the one-cell spacing rule (von Groll et al.,
iological mechanisms through which HARDY regulates these 2002). Taken together, these studies indicate that SDD1 is a
processes are not fully understood, reduced transpiration might negative regulator of stomatal density. Leaf area or plant size
be beneficial to maintain leaf water content and decrease overall is unchanged in SDD1 overexpression lines. Stomatal conduc-
water use, leading to drought tolerance and improved WUE. tance in SDD1 overexpression lines was decreased only under
The enhanced suberin (esb1) mutant also results in improved high light conditions, but transpiration was not reported. In-
WUEB through reduced stomatal aperture and transpiration, terestingly, stomatal aperture in SDD1 overexpression lines in-
with only minor effects on overall biomass (Baxter et al., 2009). creased by 40–47%, suggesting that plants may compensate for
esb1 mutants have higher root suberin content than wild type a reduction in stomatal density by increasing stomatal aperture
plants, which limits water and ion transport, resulting in re- (Büssis et al., 2006).
duced stomatal aperture, transpiration, and leaf accumulation EPIDERMAL PATTERNING FACTOR 1 (EPF1) encodes
of ions such as Ca and Fe. Increased suberin may cause en- a small secretory peptide that is expressed in stomata and
hanced hydraulic resistance to water transport from root to stomatal precursor cells (Hara et al., 2007). Overexpression
shoot, which may lead to leaf development result in lower wa- of EPF1 represses asymmetric cell division, decreasing stom-
ter potential than normal, leading to the decreased stomatal atal density relative to the expression level of EPF1. High
aperture. expression of EPF1 resulted in a complete repression of stomatal

Genes regulating transpiration or transpiration-related phenotypes.
Gene Protein Modification Phenotype Ref
Stomatal opening – photoreceptor/signal transduction/channel
PHOT1 serine/threonine kinase double mutation ↓E, SA (1)
CRY1 flavoprotein double mutation ↓WL, SA DT (2)
MYB60 R2R3 MYB TF null mutation ↓WL, SA DT (4)
MYB61 R2R3 MYB TF overexpression ↓gs , SA (5)
ROP2 Small G protein constitutive expression ↓SA (6)
KAT1 inward-rectifying K+ channel dominant negative ↓WL, SA (3)
Stomatal closure – ABA signaling/Ca2+ signaling
ABF3 ABRE-binding bZip TF overexpression ↓WL (7)
ABH1/CBP80 Cap-binding protein null mutation ↓gs , SA (8)
ABI1 Protein phosphatase 2C null mutation ↓WL, SA DT (9)
CBP20 Cap-binding protein null mutation ↓gs DT (10)
ABO1/ELO2 a subunit of holo-Elongator null mutation ↓WL DT, ↓ SD (11)
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HAB1 Protein phosphatase 2C null mutation ↓WL, SA DT (9)

MYB44 R2R3 MYB TF overexpression ↓WL, SA DT (13)
RGS1 Regulator of G-protein signaling overexpression ↓WL, SA DT (14)
SDIR1 RING finger E3 ligase overexpression ↓WL, SA DT (15)
SNAC1 NAC TF overexpression ↓E, SA (16)
CBL1 CBL9 Calcineurin-B like protein double mutation ↓WL, SA DT (19)
CIPK23 CBL-interacting protein kinase null mutation ↓WL, SA DT (19)
CPK23 Calcium-dependent protein kinase null mutation ↓SA DT (20)
Stomatal regulation – ABA catabolism/biosynthesis
CYP707A3 Cytochrome P450 monooxygenase overexpression ↓E DT (17)
NCED3 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid deoxygenase overexpression ↓E (18)
Abbreviations: TF, transcription factor; gs , stomatal conductance; WL, water loss; SA, stomatal aperture; DT, drought tolerance; SD, stomatal
(1) Kinoshita et al., 2001; (2) Mao et al., 2005; (3) Cominelli et al., 2005; (4) Liang et al., 2005; (5) Jeon et al., 2008; (6) Kwak et al., 2001;
(7) Kang et al., 2002; (8) Hugouvieux et al., 2002; (9) Saez et al., 2006; (10) Papp et al., 2004; (11) Chen et al., 2006a; (12) Saez et al., 2004;
(13) Jung et al., 2008; (14) Chen et al., 2006b; (15) Zhang et al., 2007b; (16) Hu et al., 2006; (17) Umezawa et al., 2006; (18) Iuchi et al., 2001;
(19) Cheong et al., 2007; (20) Ma and Wu, 2007.

development changes, but did result in severe growth defects, 2. Stomatal Aperture Determinants
while mild expression of EPF1 resulted in a 10–20% decrease Forward and reverse genetic approaches have led to the iden-
in stomatal density without any morphological defects (Hara et tification of numerous determinants involved in the regulation
al., 2007), again suggesting that a slight decrease in stomatal of stomatal opening and closing (Chaerle et al., 2005; Nilson
density may improve WUE by sustaining net CO2 assimilation and Assmann, 2007; Shimazaki et al., 2007; Sirichandra et al.,
and decreasing transpiration (Figure 2; A → B). 2009). Table 4 summarizes the modification of genes regulating
The α subunit of GTP-binding protein (GPA1) in Arabidopsis stomatal opening through mechanisms including photorecep-
modulates epidermal cell proliferation by regulating cell divi- tion, signal transduction pathways, activation of channels, and
sion. A null mutation in AtGPA1 (gpa1) resulted in reduced cell stomatal closing through mechanisms including ABA signaling,
division but increased cell expansion, leading to similar or even Ca2+ signaling, and ABA catabolism/biosynthesis.
greater leaf size compared to the wild type (Ullah et al., 2001). PHOTOTROPIN 1 and 2 (PHOT1 and PHOT2) are ser-
Stomatal density and index and water loss were all reduced in ine/threonine protein kinases that function as blue-light recep-
gpa1 mutant lines (Zhang et al., 2008a). These reports suggest tors for stomatal opening (Kinoshita et al., 2001). In the double
that GPA1 is another target to decrease stomatal density and mutant phot1 phot2, stomata do not open in response to blue
improve WUE. light, which results in reduced transpiration (Kinoshita et al.,
424 C. Y. YOO ET AL.

2001). Since phot1 phot2 grew similarly to wild type plants the overexpression of ABF3 may reduce stomatal aperture to an
under white light (70 µmol m−2 s−1 ) (Takemiya et al., 2005), extent that limits CO2 uptake as well as transpiration. However,
phot1 phot2 may improve WUE due to reduced transpiration by overexpression of another ABRE-binding factor (ABF4) causes
inhibiting stomatal opening. CRYPTOCHROME 1 and 2 (CRY1 severe growth retardation with ABA hypersensitivity (Kang et
and CRY2) are also blue-light receptors, both of which encode al., 2002); thus, manipulation of ABF4 is likely not suitable for
flavoproteins that are homologous to microbial DNA photolyase improving WUE. ABA hypersensitive 1 (ABH1) and cap-binding
(Ahmad and Cashmore, 1993; Lin et al., 1995; Mao et al., 2005). protein 20 (CBP20) encode subunits of the nuclear mRNA cap-
Mutations in CRY1 and CRY2 exhibited reduced water loss in binding complex. Null mutations in ABH1 (Hugouvieux et al.,
detached leaves and reduced stomatal aperture in response to 2002) and CBP20 (Papp et al., 2004) resulted in ABA hyper-
blue light. The double mutation cry1 cry2 exhibited even lower sensitivity, leading to reduced stomatal conductance. A simi-
water loss and decreased stomatal aperture over either of the lar phenotype was observed in a null mutation in ABO1/ELO2
single mutations (Mao et al., 2005). Any growth defect of cry1, that encodes a subunit of holo-Elongator (Chen et al., 2006a).
cry2, or cry1 cry2 was not reported. The existence of multiple Similarly, overexpression of RGS1 that encodes a regulator of
photoreceptors makes it feasible to control marginal reductions G-protein signaling (Chen et al., 2006b), MYB44 that encodes
in transpiration, which would allow for a similar net CO2 as- a R2R3 MYB transcription factor (Jung et al., 2008), SNAC1
similation and thus, an improvement in WUE. (Stress-responsive NAC 1) that encodes a member of the NAC
AtMYB60 and AtMYB61 are members of the R2R3 MYB (NAM/ATAF/CUC) transcription factor family (Hu et al., 2006),
transcription factor family in Arabidopsis. A T-DNA insertional and SDIR1 that encodes a RING finger E3 ligase (Zhang et al.,
mutation in AtMYB60 (myb60) results in reduced stomatal aper- 2007b) all lead to reduced stomatal conductance. Induced stom-
Downloaded By: [Purdue University] At: 14:51 19 January 2010

ture that is not due to increased ABA sensitivity. The myb60 mu- atal closure by enhancing ABA signaling is a useful modification
tant showed reduced water loss in excised leaves and increased to reduce water loss and increase drought tolerance. However,
drought tolerance (Cominelli et al., 2005). Morphological or de- the application of these genes to improve WUE should be care-
velopmental abnormalities were not observed. Overexpression fully examined due to the possibility of growth inhibition.
of AtMYB61 resulted in reduced stomatal aperture and stom- ABI1 (ABA-insensitive 1) and HAB1 (Hypersensitive to
atal conductance, independent of ABA signaling (Liang et al., ABA1) encode protein phosphatases 2C that function as neg-
2005). Reduced plant size or any observed growth defects were ative regulators of ABA signaling (Gosti et al., 1999; Saez et
not reported in these overexpression lines. AtROP2 encodes a al., 2004). Null mutations in ABI1 (abi1-2 and abi1-3) or in
small G protein that functions as a negative regulator of light- AtHAB1 (hab1-1) resulted in reduced water loss during water-
induced stomatal opening, potentially to prevent excessive water deficit stress. This phenotype was additive in the double mutants
loss (Jeon et al., 2008). Constitutive activation of ROP2 causes hab1-1 abi1-2 and hab1-1 abi1-3 (Saez et al., 2006). These sin-
a reduction in stomatal aperture, suggesting that transpiration gle and double mutant plants were hypersensitive to ABA for
might be reduced by the activation of ROP2. stomatal closure (Saez et al., 2006). These results suggest that
Repressing K+ in channels can decrease stomatal aperture by ABA signaling is finely controlled by a combination of many
depressing K+ accumulation necessary for stomatal opening. genetic components.
A dominant negative mutation in KAT1 in Arabidopsis reduced Disruption of ABA catabolism by AtCYP707A3 (Umezawa
K+in current magnitudes, which inhibited stomatal opening and et al., 2006) or overexpression of ABA biosynthesis by NCED3
transpirational water loss in detached leaves (Kwak et al., 2001). (Iuchi et al., 2001) resulted in ABA accumulation, which in-
Stomatal opening is not completely blocked in kat1 due to re- duced stomatal closure, thereby reducing transpiration. How-
dundant functional K+ in channels (Szyroki et al., 2001), which ever, shoot growth is also affected by ABA levels (Saab et al.,
may explain the similar plant size of kat1 to wild type. There- 1990). It is possible that the regulation of constitutive ABA ac-
fore, WUE is likely increased in kat1. cumulation to moderate levels would result in the reduction of
Since ABA is a key hormone that induces stomatal closure, stomatal closure where carbon assimilation is less affected than
increased sensitivity to ABA signaling results in reduced tran- transpiration, leading to an increase in WUE. Increasing ABA
spiration. ABA induces the expression of many genes having the biosynthesis or reducing ABA catabolism with a water deficit
ABA-responsive element (ABRE) in their promoters. Transcrip- conditional promoter might also be a plausible alternative for
tion factors that bind to ABREs have been identified in order improving WUE with minimal impact on yield stability.
to understand the transcriptional network of ABA signaling. Ca2+ signaling mediates stomatal closure during drought
ABRE-binding factor 3 (ABF3) encodes a bZIP transcription stress adaptation processes (Himmelbach et al., 2003). ABA in-
factor and functions as a positive regulator of ABA signaling duces transient changes in cellular Ca2+ concentrations, which
(Kang et al., 2002). Overexpression of ABF3 caused hypersen- are sufficient to initiate ABA responses, including stomatal clo-
sitive response to ABA treatment, which resulted in reduced sure (Luan, 2002). Calcineurin B-like proteins (CBL) are Ca2+
detached leaf water loss and drought tolerance. Mild growth binding proteins that signal the CBL-interacting protein kinase
retardation was observed in transgenic plants, indicating that (CIPK) family (Luan, 2009). Double mutations in CBL1 and

CBL9 caused additive effects on reduced water loss, stomatal WUE is often negatively correlated with transpiration, but not
aperture, and drought tolerance (Cheong et al., 2007). A null with CO2 assimilation. This suggests that plants have physiolog-
mutation in CIPK23, which functions downstream of CBL1 and ical mechanisms for improving WUE by reducing transpiration
CBL9, also resulted in reduced water loss and stomatal aperture that are under genetic control. Therefore, improving WUE can
(Cheong et al., 2007). A mutation in the calcium-dependent pro- be achieved by introgression of genetic determinants that regu-
tein kinase 23 (CPK23) also exhibited a reduction in stomatal late the physiological mechanisms affecting transpiration. The
aperture and improved drought tolerance (Ma and Wu, 2007). major mechanisms that affect water loss include those anatom-
Although biomass of these transgenic plants was not reported, ical and physiological traits that control daytime and nighttime
their morphological phenotypes based on photos are very sim- transpiration, primarily through the stomata. While the cuticle
ilar to the wild type, suggesting that genes involved in Ca2+ likely plays a role in reducing water loss from leaves, the signif-
signaling may contribute to the regulation of WUE in plants. icance of this water loss pathway is still unclear. Furthermore,
while leaf boundary layer resistance also affects the loss of wa-
3. Nighttime Transpiration Determinants ter from individual leaves, it is likely a minor factor in most
A significant genetic correlation between nighttime and cropping situations.
daytime stomatal conductance was shown in 12 Arabidopsis There are other factors that may affect overall WUE that we
thaliana accessions (Christman et al., 2008). However, there is have not covered in this review, such as water absorption through
often only a weak correlation between daytime and nighttime the epidermis, respiration, and root and leaf hydraulic conduc-
water loss in a large number of species (Mickelbart, unpub- tance. Ultimately, any factor that affects the amount of carbon
lished). Stomatal regulation at night does not have a direct sequestered as biomass or yield or the amount of water lost in
Downloaded By: [Purdue University] At: 14:51 19 January 2010

effect on daytime photosynthesis. This assumption is based that process can affect WUE on a crop level, and all of these
on observed daytime and nighttime stomatal conductance physiological factors should be considered. We also recognize
in Arabidopsis near isogenic lines (NILs) and their parental that increases in individual leaf or even whole plant WUE will
lines (Christman et al., 2008), and differential responses of not have large effects if flowering time is also considered when
daytime and nighttime conductance to environmental stress breeding or engineering crops for improved water loss. How-
such as salinity (Christman et al., 2009b). Genetic variation for ever, our knowledge to date suggests that the primary means
nighttime water loss is known to exist among species (Caird of greatly affecting WUE may be through minor alterations of
et al., 2007a, b; Snyder et al., 2003; Bucci et al., 2004; Daley transpiration, which will lead to large water savings over the
and Philips, 2006), and among genotypes within a species course of a season or cropping period.
(Christman et al., 2008; Caird et al., 2007b; Mickelbart,
unpublished). The only report of a specific gene related to ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
nighttime water loss is FRIGIDA (FRI), which is an activator National Science Foundation awards MCB-0424850 and
of the central floral repressor FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC) IBN-0416773 supported research in the laboratory of PMH.
(Michaels and Amasino, 1999). The FRI-Col line with an active Purdue Agricultural Research Programs supported research in
FRI allele showed lower nighttime stomatal conductance than the laboratory of MVM. We thank Robert Heath, Matthew
the Col-0 Arabidopsis ecotype, but similar daytime stomatal Jenks, Richard Meilan, Tom Sharkey, and Tom Sinclair for their
conductance (Christman et al., 2008). WUE of these genotypes thoughtful reviews of this manuscript.
was not quantified. Despite growing evidence for genetic pro-
cesses unique to nighttime transpiration, common regulatory
mechanisms for daytime and nighttime transpiration cannot be REFERENCES
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