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“Procedure text is a text that is designed to describe how something is
achieved through a sequence of actions or steps”

Communicative purpose of procedure text is describe that something
done in accodance with the rules through a clear and orderly step.

C. Forms of procedure text

Procedural Text can be used in the form of recipes / cookbooks, craft
instructions, game rules, science experiments / reports,

D. Types of Text Procedures

 Procedure text that explains how something works or how to use manual
instructions / operations, for example, how to use a computer, how to
record a video. how to use plaroid camera.
 Text procedures that instruct how to do certain activities, for example,
how to make a noodle, how to dance, how to play basketball.
 Text procedures relating to human behavior, for example, how to
succeed, how to live happily, how to be a good person.

E. linguistic characteristics of procedure text

 Imperative: command sentences such as cut the vegetables, pour the
water, etc.
 Simple present tense: use the first form of verbs (present), such as serve,
pour, place, and others.
 Action Verbs: verbs that indicate physical activities, for example mix,
put, turn,
 Connective of sequences: connectors that connect one step to another,
such as then, while, next, after that,
 Numbering: numbers that indicate the sequence of activities, for example
first, second, third, and others.
 Use adverbials (adverbs) to state in detail time, place, and accurate ways,
for example for five minutes, 2 hours
F. Generic Structure of Procedure Text

 Goal: provides information about the purpose and objectives of the

procedure and predicts a conclusion.
 Materials: contains a list of materials or materials needed to carry out a
procedure or steps.
 Steps: list the sequence of instructions / activities to reach the destination
in the correct sequence of steps.
 Result: The result of a series of steps that have been carried out.

G. Example.

“How to Make a Pancake”


 3 – 4 spoonful of flour
 2 eggs
 1 ½ (250 ml) of milk
 1 stick of butter


 1 mixing bowl
 2 table spoons
 2 cups
 1 small pan


 Put the flour in the bowl.

 Put milk in a cup.
 Make sure it’s 250 ml of milk.
 Put the milk in the bowl.
 Break the 2 eggs into the bowl.
 Mix it with a spoon.
 Heat up the pan and put the butter
 Put the mix in the pan.
 Let the pancake mix cook about 5 minutes
 Flip pancake over when the top is brown.
 Your pancake its ready to be serve

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