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1 every human person has a freedom and it means that we have to respect one's another freedom.

have to be responsible for our acts to the extent that it is voluntary and within our will. We are rhe
clearest reflection of God among us. So our right of freedom must be witin the limits of the common
good and public orders which means lets not do anything that can harm others or badly effect someones
freedom. Freedom that doesnt respect boundaries is irresponsible, thats why when we cross boundaries
laws justice and authority enter the picture

When we value this it shows our love for others. Just like when valjean revealed himself at the court for
the sake of the accused person.

2. Only man is able to know and love his creator. God created everything for us, but in return it is our
purpose and duty ti serve him, love hin and others and to take care of all his other creations. Because
we are the only one whose capable to think, to achieve something and to share it with the community. It
is the phrase that tells that human beings is someone, rather than just something or a person rather
than just animal. We are called to existence to live for the vocation of love, to love and to be loved. We
must freely give and receive. Fulfilling this vocation, we respect of who god is and become like him.

3. Work is of fundamental importance to the fulfillment of the human being, development of society and
the source for him to live. Thus, it must always be organized and carried out with full respect for human
dignity and must always serve the common good. At the same time, he must not be overwhelmed to
work so hard just to acquire diff. material things in this world because this is not the true meaning of
work. Man should not forget his calling from the very beginning that he is called to work to subdue the
earth because as the "image of God" he is a person who is capable of acting in a planned and rational
way and man was the only one among the creation who can take care of God's creation. To conclude,
work is for man and not man for work.

4. The earth belongs to everyone not just to the rich. The excess of the rich must fill up the deficiency of
the poor. It is not giving gift what is yours to the poor but it's giving back what is his. Richmen have been
appropriating things that are meant to be for the common good of everyone that's why we have to share
equally what is given to us by God and to love our neighbor as one's self. If we do not help the people
dying of hunger, it is also equivalent of killing them. Let's not forget the image of god that reflects within
us, who always have a kind heart. We must also have this because we are his children and we should
love one another. If we see our brothers in need let's open our hearts for them and help even in a
simple way.

5. The life and words of Jesus and the teaching of his Church called us to serve those in need and to work
actively for social and economic justice. As a community of believers, we know that our faith is tested by
the quality of justice among us, that we can best measure our life together by how the poor and the
vulnerable are treated. We people started to care when justice is not present. For example, the issue
about ejk, we catholics weren't approve of it because where is the justice if we humans kill other
humans. Some were not given the chance to prove their innocence and yet they were killed. That's why,
we and the church started to support each other for the good of the community and for the peace of our
country. charity and justice are complementary. Love for society and commitment to the common good
are outstanding expressions of a charity which affects not only relationships between individuals but also
macro-relationships, social, economic and political ones.

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