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Control theory Hirschi/social bonding theory- wind rush generation low crime rates (religion)- but
then generations passed down have no religion therefore commit crimes

Hidden figures of crime, white collar crime is the most hidden

Catch- police can catch drug dealers in action for example: Selective Policing


Self-fulfilling prophecy

Anti-social or deviant behaviour

Social inequality

Status frustration

‘drift’ into crime, not many people go out to commit crimes to prove themselves or play the system,
but when people are in a rough situation it may happen naturally like stealing

People may commit crimes for the thrill and excitement or the buzz of it (knife crimes)


Prisons- risk taking activities

Marx’s view that crime is everywhere its only that some is caught, and some isn’t

Causes of crime with not much inequality:

Multicultural societies may mean more crime? Due to discrimination and racist systems

Better Quality of life

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