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climate changes have occurred. Why on the beach there is a high rab.

Parangtritis Beach always

has high waves whereas it never happened before. "It's only happened lately," he explained.

He explained that there were indications of weather changes.

The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) states that 90 percent of

disasters occurring along 2018 are hydrometeorological disasters or those
affected by weather factors. This is the impact of climate change.

When there is a 1 degree increase in climate in the equator, there is a 4 degree

increase in the polar regions, causing an increase in sea waves and higher

"Then the change in rain patterns and seasons. Rain is unpredictable. Once a
tornado was a strange event, but now it has become frequent to meet

Perkembangan perkotaan dinilai berpengaruh terhadap perubahan iklim.

Perubahan yang dominan terjadi meliputi suhu udara dan bencana alam. Saat
ini diperkirakan 40 persen kota di dunia mengalami perubahan iklim.
Termasuk wilayah perkotaan Yogyakarta.

Kota Yogyakarta merupakan wilayah yang dipadati bangunan. Sementara

tutupan vegetasinya sedikit. Akibatnya, suhu udara terus mengalami
peningkatan. “Distribusi suhu tinggi ada di pusat kota yogyakarta. Terutama
pada tutupan lahan bangunan permukiman padat yang ada di daerah
pinggiran dan juga terdapat pada lahan terbuka kering, Perubahan tutupan
lahan di daerah perkotaan ternyata mempengaruhi suhu permukaan obyek di
perkotaan yang pada akhirnya akan berpengaruh terhadap suhu udara secara
mikro. Perubahan suhu udara merupakan parameter iklim yang dapat
langsung dirasakan.

Urban developments are considered influential on climate change. Dominant changes occurred
include air temperature and natural disasters. At present an estimated 40 percent of cities in the
world experience climate change. Including the urban area of Yogyakarta.
The city of Yogyakarta is a region full of buildings. While the vegetation cover is small. As a
result, air temperatures continue to increase. "The high temperature distribution is in the center
of Yogyakarta. Especially in the land cover of dense residential buildings in the periphery and
also in dry open land, changes in land cover in urban areas apparently affect the surface
temperature of objects in urban areas which will ultimately affect the air temperature in a micro.
Changes in air temperature are climate parameters that can be directly felt.

Situasi itu menggambarkan dampak perubahan iklim yang berimbas pada

kesehatan, pertanian, perekonomian. Situasi tersebut membutuhkan aksi
dan ketegasan. Aksi cepat diperlukan untuk menahan kenaikan suhu global
di bawah 1,5 derajat Celcius, ini muncul dalam Perjanjian Paris 2015 yang
ditandatangani oleh hampir 200 negara anggota PBB.

Para ilmuwan mengatakan dunia harus menghilangkan karbon sebelum

Salah satu persoalan dasar yang perlu terus didorong oleh masyarakat
adalah terkait
kebijakan energi global yang masih didominasi dan mengandalkan pada
sumber-sumber energi fosil, batubara, gas, minyak. Indonesia kecanduan
energi fosil. Ini ditandai dengan proyek pembangkit listrik tenaga fosil seperti
batubara dan gas. Proyek itu di antaranya PLTU Batang (2 x 1000 MW)
maupun PLTGU (2 x 880 MW), PLTU dan PLTGU Indramayu 2 (1000 MW),
Cirebon 2 (1000 MW), Riau (275 MW), Semarang (779 MW).
There is such high population entering Jogjakarta. Currently the population 3,8 million people

Ending :

Climate change is threatening with very real impacts. Although we can’t avoid and stop the climate
change, we can do something to postpone it before it gives a big impact. We must work together to
confront it. If we don’t do something about it now, there will likely be disasters in the future. Let’s
start from ourself, by reducing the usage of personal transportation and replace fossil fuel with

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