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Mariaed Sheena J.


20 Realizations

1. Always thought of art as boring, arts and craft but it’s than what I’ve
imagined, never thought it subject would be this fun! I had a blast!
2. In doing something, focus on the process not the result.
3. Listen to discussions, it helps a lot!
4. Use mnemonics or make a storyline out of your lessons, it retains things and
help you out in exams.
5. College will deprive you of the sleep you never thought you need. I should’ve
slept more if I only knew this would happen.
6. It’s not about getting high grades, it’s about surviving and passing the
7. Manage your time properly to avoid cramming which I always do and I still
need lots of improvements regarding this matter.
8. Always reach out for help if happen to need any.
9. There is no place like home, it has always been true for me.
10.Always wonder and ask questions, it enhances your capacity to construct and
think of the best possible question to ask.
11.Lend an ear and shoulder for anyone who needs it.
12.People will either lift you up or drag you down but mostly drag you down, it’s
a Filipino thing and not something to be proud of.
13.Do not be sorry for what you stand in life, as long as you won’t cause any
harm to anybody.
14.Learn to be independent – eating alone, doing stuff alone because your
friends are not always there and available for you.
15.Make the most out of everything because it’s temporary.
16.You never stop learning.
17.Trying to figure out what you want to do for the rest of your life isn’t so easy.
18.I still have a lot to learn and improve.
19.Make sense in the world and the people around.
20.Quality time with family one in a while is a must!
Essay “We are shaped by the things we shape”

Our existence is full of choices we make every minute of the day, from the choice to
get up from bed, what to wear, what to eat, whether to ditch classes or not, and
etc. The choice is always yours and that choice shaped who you are today. “We are
shaped by the things we shape” from my understanding, the quote means, the
choices you make and your thoughts molded you to become the person you always
wish for. Thoughts are powerful, your thoughts can become actions, your actions
can become habits and then becomes your character which will make a great
impact on your life. Whatever you perceived as yourself will become you, whether
you want to be someone who inspires others by teaching, someone who defends
others from their actions or someone who saves life, it’s you who decides, however,
with each decision you make comes with great responsibilities and consequences,
but it’ll be worth it when that perception of yourself becomes a reality.

People always tend to say “I don’t have a choice” but the truth is you always do, no
matter what circumstance you’re facing. It’s always in your hand to choose for the
best possible choices for yourself to be the best possible person you’d never
thought you’d be.

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