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Robotic Process Automation

Complete Overview
[Tools,Vendors,Jobs etc.]
Robotic Process AutomationTutorial (RPA)
What is Robotic Process Automation:
Robotic Process Automation or RPA (now a days for everything there is an acronym)
in simple words means:

“robots are going to do the tasks which are now performed by humans”.

Don’t worry not literally as in the below pic

Let me now go in detail:

 When I say robots are going to do the human tasks that doesn’t mean physical
robots are going to sit infront of the computer and do the tasks, it means a
software application that will replicate the actions or tasks exactly the way
how a human does.
 RPA will automate low value clerical activities performed by humans. Most
importantly RPA is only for clerical process automation and not for all human
Now this would have suddenly rang a bell – humans are going to lose jobs!??

Answer is Not Exactly!

Ofcourse there will be some changes in the way how we have been working so far.
RPA is going to open up new opportunities for human workers. Robotic Process
Automation is a way of Artificial Intelligent workers performing the tasks.
We should be smart enough to identify those new opportunities and prepare ourselves
to grab it as and when it arises (Infact now is that right time).

Why to automate repetitive tasks/process:

When a job gets monotonous people lose interest but not robots!, then why do humans
have to do those monotonous, low value adding, repetitive jobs?

Humans can do much better interesting jobs!

When something is delivered without interest, chance more for errors. In case of
robots there is no such complications as robots doesn’t have interests unlike humans.

Industrial experts substantiate the automation for below reasons:

1. To avoid human errors and to reduce human efforts.

2. To saves time and improve productivity, accuracy and consistency.
3. Enhance the business analytics and easy standardization of workflow.
4. To have a frictionless delivery of tasks.
5. Complete Audit trail for any kind of compliance purposes.
6. Cost reduction.

Two examples from the past:
Ok! now think it in this way, when computers were introduced
there were objections from many group of people around world. People were saying
“computers are going to take away the human jobs” but was it so??
One of the biggest revolutions that has ever happened in the history was ‘Books to
Computers’. Now I don’t have to explain anything more about the billions of
opportunities computers created. How computers have changed the word!
People who were smart and fast enough to adapt to computers grabbed the
opportunities while others were busy protesting.
Opportunities didn’t stop there, it was keep following form then.

So what I’m trying to make you understand is Robotic Process

Automation is one such golden opportunity!
Now lets come out of that era of Excel Formulas, Macros and VBA, world has gone
further from there!
For example who likes to sit and process 100s of invoices everyday throughout their
life?? No-one right!! So what next??

RPA is going to be that change. Robots will do those kind of jobs exactly the way
how a human does.

That’s why I was saying don’t worry it’s not you and me going to lose the job; it’s a
bell ringing for people who are tired of doing monotonous clerical jobs. Its time for
them to prepare themselves for the new opportunities.

So now you might be thinking what are those new opportunities that I’m keep saying
and how to find those opportunities.

Before we get to discuss about the opportunities that RPA going to create, its required
to clearly understand –
How Robotic Process Automation works!

First let me say the good news – RPA is Code Free! Hurrah! Yes RPA doesn’t need a
single piece of code or need any programming skills to automate a process.
Then how does RPA work? – RPA works using Demonstrative Steps.
As I mentioned above it’s a way of Artificial Intelligent or rather virtual workers
performing the activities as exactly as human does.
Lets take a business process example, when a new joiner comes in the team how
he/she gets trained to perform a task, the same way these virtual workers also need to
be trained step by step.

Who are the best people to train the new joiner? ofcourse not the IT engineers!

Its the SMEs and Process Experts.

Similarly the best people to train the RPA robots also are the Business operations
people. The subject matter experts and the process experts.

And the best part with virtual workers are Once trained then lifetime permanent
worker, no attrition unlike human workers
Below is an example of how Robotic Process Automation works in an Order
Management Process.
Process experts with no programming skill can become RPA experts in few weeks. As
per studies, few weeks of training on RPA tools can make operations people to
independently automate process.
List of Robotic Process Automation Tools

Below are some of the leading Robotic Process Automation vendors providing the
RPA tools to automate the processes.

1. Blue Prism
The term Robotic Process Automation was invented by Blue Prism, that itself proves
they are the pioneers in Robotic Process Automation software development. Blue
Prism has been recognized by the American IT research and advisory
company Gartner, Inc. They already have more than 100 customers around the world
and partnered with biggest giants like NHS, Accenture, Hexaware, Hewlett Packard
Enterprise, Capgemini, IBM etc.
 Blue Prism

Highly recommended to download the Free Brochure on Blue Prism product

2. UiPath
They are one of the most leading RPA vendors in the industry, already providing
robotic process automation solutions to companies like SAP, EY, J.P.Morgan,
Deloitte, Accenture, Capgemini, BBC etc.

Below are 3 Robotic Process Automation products provided by UiPath:

 UiPath Studio
 Front Office and Back Office – UiPath Robots
 UiPath Orchestrator
Contact UiPath for Trial
Automation Anywhere is another top RPA vendors providing powerful and user-
friendly robotic process automation tools to automate tasks of any complexity. They
are partnered with companies like EMC2, KPMG, Deloitte, Accenture, Genpact,
Infosys etc.

Below is the robotic process automation product by Automation Anywhere:

 Automation Anywhere Enterprise

Contact Automation Anywhere for Demo
4. Softomotive
Softomotive is one of the leading Robotic Process Automation providers offers sharp
business solutions, premium support and professional services that organisations need
to get the most out of their enterprise automation. They been trusted by more than
6,000 companies worldwide, (Intel, IBM, SIEMENS, Accenture, Vodafone, pwc,
Adobe, Xerox, Cognizant etc).
Softmotive has been operating for more than 10 years in the software automation
market, and they offers the most reliable and scaleable automation solutions, bridging
the gap between best-of-breed technology and continuous innovation to deliver true
business transformation.

They are the same Company created the most powerful and easy to use Desktop
Automation Solution – WinAutomation, for individuals and small teams.
Revolutionizing the automation market since 2005.
Softomotive has developed a Robotic Process Automation Product exclusively for
enterprises, which will dramatically reduce the operational costs, increase efficiency,
improve productivity and accelerate performance. These software robots are name as:

 ProcessRobot
Schedule your live ProcessRobot product demo
5. Pega
Pegasystems is a software company develop strategic applications for sales,
marketing, services and operations. They have a wide variety of products designed for
different industries like Financial Services, Insurance, Healthcare, Communications,
and Government etc.

The advantage with Pega’s robotic process automation tool is that, they already have
industry leading BPM (Business Process Modeling) platforms and recently acquired
OpenSpan RPA software company. Which makes Pega a complete solution,
enterprises no longer have to choose between automation vs. digital transformation.
 Robotic Automation & Intelligence
Request a Demo
6. KOFAX from Lexmark
Kofax is a leading software company owns the trademark for “First Mile” of customer
They have a Robotic Process Automation and Web Data Integration product called
Kofax Kapow. Which is highly scalable and flexible to provide any kind of robotic
automation and artificial intelligence capabilities.

 Kofax Kapow
Request a Trial
NICE is a leading RPA solutions providers in the industry having solid 6 customer
success stories. Their Free ebook on Robotic Process Automation Case Studies and
RPA Infographics provides more insights about the company and RPA.

Get in Touch with NICE
8. G1ANT
Another pretty straight forward and a new Robotic Process Automation vendor who
operates on 3 simple steps automation.

Performance audit, Work automation and Technology Transformation.

Watch how G1ANT robot works
9. Novayre Solutions
Novayre Solutions is a Spanish software company specialized in software
development, integration and automation. They have been providing business
intelligence and automation solutions since 2008. Novayre Solutions developed a
Robotic Process Automation with a unique name called Jidōka, which means
“automation with a human touch” in Japanese. The whole idea behind this RPA tool is
to replicate the human behavior using computer applications.
 Jidōka
Request a Jidōka demo
WorkFusion is a software company committed to develop AI powered software
products to transform the work. Company headquartered on Wall Street in New York
city with branches in India, US and Europe. Key concepts or focus are of WorkFusion
are Robotic Process Automation, Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Automation.

WorkFusion is already partnered with companies like Deloitte, Cognizant, HCL

Technologies, EY, L&T Infotech, TATA, Virtusa, FIS™ and Wipro.

 WorkFusion
Know more about WrokFusion RPA
Now that we know some of the leading Robotic Process Automation vendors, the next
step is to decide which tool to choose. Its a hard decision! since all most all the RPA
vendors are providing the similar automation solution.

Robotic Process Automation Tool selection Checklist:

1. Technology
First and foremost is the technology in which RPA tool has been built, like Microsift
.NET, IBM Mainframe, Java, web etc. The tool has to be platform independent,
considering many of the organizations perform their day to day tasks outside the local
desktop using Citrix or Virtual machines etc. So the automation solution should be
able to support any application and platform.

2. Interface
Next most important feature is the RPA tool’s user interface. A complex user interface
will delay the process of implementation and increase the learning curve and
adaptability. A more user friendly interface like drag and drop, auto capture, image
recognition etc. would be better.

3. Management
It is important to know how effectively and easily the robots can be managed
considering these robots are going to be replacing your human workforce. There
should be a high level of visibility and control in terms of process monitoring, process
change, development, re-use etc.

4. Security
I would say security is one of the most important factor to be considered. How safe
are the robots when compared to the humans? After all robots/RPA tools are also a
piece of software, so how much more security controls can be implemented, test the
code rigidly and lock it up, the better. Automation solutions that supports the
compliance process (like HIPPA – For Healthcare industry, SOX – Financial
Sector, PCI DSS – Credit card related organization etc.) are some of the factors to be
considered in terms of security.
Different Robotics Process Automation Jobs

Robotics Process Automation jobs cab be broadly classify into 3 major categories.

1. RPA Developers/Architects
2. Robotic Process Automation Consultants/Specialists
3. RPA Leads/Managers
You can find more relevant RPA jobs and job descriptions here
There are many more topics related to RPA are on the way to be published, like the
ones below.

Let me conclude this RPA section in simple words “Give robots’ job to robots and
humans’ jobs to humans”

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