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Moreover, we should learn to reward ourselves even for the tiniest victories.


can be given for getting started on a task, for completing it, or for working on it in general.

For example, we can reward ourselves with a slice of cake after finishing a difficult task on

time. We must notice that we got the good feeling in finishing something. Besides, the reward

given need to allow us to work on the progress, at the same time, it motivates us in the short-

term. The types of rewards such as snacks, entertainment, or socializing will depend on the

individual. It is better not to choose a reward with a high likelihood of further distracting us

like playing video games (Gillihan, 2019). (120 words)

The last method to overcome procrastination is to break tasks into smaller parts. This

is meant by breaking the big amount of work down into a series of little doable steps so you

can stay focused on next little task and plan out how long you expect each steps will take. We

can cross out the small tasks day by day so we could have the feeling of accomplishment and

feel more empowered. This will definitely spare us from getting overwhelmed and to avoid

situation of burning the midnight oil to complete heavy workloads at one go. As a results, we

will have sufficient time to sleep and neither feel lethargic next day to do a new task

(Lombardo, 2017). (118 words)


Lombardo, E. (2017). 11 Ways to Overcome Procrastination. Retrieved 28 September 2019,



Gillihan, S. (2019). Why It's Easy to Procrastinate—and 7 Ways to Break the Habit.

Retrieved 3 October 2019, from


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