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Background of the Study

Traffic congestion has become a serious problem in many cities as most of their Central

Business Districts (CBD) are located in the city centers (Chauhan et al., 2017; Kumar and

Sivanandan, 2017). In line with this, traffic congestion denotes to the way the movement of

vehicles is delayed by one another because of limited road capacity (Rahane & Saharkar, 2014).

Accordingly, it affected the people in every aspect. Furthermore, it was found that traffic

congestion induces a high level of stress and frustration in commuters, especially drivers, as they

are required to be more attentive and focused while driving in challenging conditions (Vencataya, 2018). Also, excessive traffic congestion has significant costs, such as lost time, driver

stress, vehicle costs, accidents and elevated pollution (Kerner, 2009; VDM, 2013). As a result,

during mornings, there are much stress on passengers going to work due to delays caused by

traffic congestion. In addition, the afternoon rush hour is again a frustrating time because the

workday is done and people want to get home for relaxation (Gabr, 2018).

In the Philippines, indeed, increase in number of private and public vehicles in both urban

and rural areas. In the last three decades, urban areas have experienced an extraordinary increase

in the number of vehicles plying their streets, while at the same time they have sprawled into

adjacent areas forming vast megalopolises, with their skyline pushed upwards with the

construction of many high-rises (Boquet, Y., 2013). Undeniably, excessive traffic congestion in

urban areas are observable. Whereas, traffic congestion in rural areas is caused by vehicles from

farms and mines. Typically, rural transport needs to include farm-to-market or mine-to-plant

connections and the intermittent challenges associated with rural service delivery (Chakwizira,

J.,, 2014). Wherefore, traffic congestion is flourishing in every area.

One of the well-known cities in the Philippines is the City of Baguio. A prime tourist

destination in northern Luzon and summer capital of the country. The city boasts several tourist

attractions, including historical landmarks, cultural heritages, natural, religious, and man-made

features (Estoque, R., 2011). Due to this, arrival of private and public vehicles owned by either

locals or tourist anytime of the year. Furthermore, a series of consultations with the stakeholders

in Baguio City, indicates that one of the most pressing concerns with regard to transport is the

congestion and vehicle population increase resulting from increasing tourist arrival and the

capacity of the population to buy private vehicles (Rañosa, L.,, 2017). Moreover, A study

conducted by Certeza Infosys Corp., an industry leader in providing Geographic Information

System (GIS) solutions to various industries in the Philippines and abroad, shows that the

daytime population of Baguio City is 700,000 people. It goes on to add that the city’s roads can

only support 145,416 individuals (2.4 kilometers per 1,000 people). This means Baguio’s 349-

kilometer road system is good for 42% of the population or serves only 20% of the daytime

population (MMDA, 2019). Indeed, traffic congestion is visible due to its limited space in

catering the entrance and exit of people and vehicles.

Undeniably, anomalous number of vehicles entering and exiting an area specifically the

City of Baguio is a major cause of traffic congestion. To support this, most of literatures have

focused on the interaction between vehicles and other vehicles, or pedestrians and other

pedestrians thus, having direct relationship while human factors on vehicles have rarely been

discussed (Li, X.,, 2014). Pedestrian’s behavior specifically crossing has an impact to

traffic congestion either positive or negative. Moreover, it is one of the most important factors

affecting traffic capacity. (Guo, F.,, 2014). However, to possibly solve this, the City of

Baguio implemented numerous ordinances to minimize the impacts of pedestrians in traffic

congestion for both vehicles and pedestrians. Accordingly, government of the City of Baguio

implemented an ordinance know as Anti- Distracted Walking Ordinance. Further, it prohibits

pedestrians from using any distractive mobile device while passing sidewalks and crossing the

street. One of the proponents of this ordinance Eriko Coscolluela said that pedestrians using

mobile devices while walking not only lose awareness and get into accidents, but also tend to

slow down and affect the pace of other pedestrians around them (Grecia, L. 2019). Additionally,

in the city it is noticeable that building overpasses and pedestrian lanes affected the traffic

congestion positively. However, pedestrian’s hostile behavior is also noticeable. For example,

instead of patiently waiting at the curb, most pedestrians would prefer to cross a road in

unauthorized places, even if it raises anxiety (Zhuang and Wu, 2011). Undeniably, studies have

shown that many pedestrians will not use an overpass or underpass if they can cross at street

level in about the same amount of time.

In this paper, we are proposing a guarded facility to ensure the safety and the

convenience of the pedestrians. The metro of the city of Baguio have multiple overpasses and

pedestrian lanes that separated people and vehicles. However, we are proffer to have underpasses

than overpasses. To support this, a study noted that there are obstacles that causes the hostile

behavior of the pedestrians. In the same vein, the major obstacles stated in the aforementioned

statement are the traffic lights and the stairs to be climbed in the overpass (Glozman, O., 2017).

Similarly, traffic lights and stairs require too much time and energy of the person. If this

alternative facility will be applied, there will be footpaths connecting at least two transits and it

will shorten the waiting time of the people (Brosseau, 2013). Moreover, the travel time will

be reduced by 0.8 minutes due to the increased speed of crossing the ramp relative to the existing

overpasses which have stairs (Glozman, O., 2017). Furthermore, it requires less vertical
separation and thus, fewer steps (Pedestrian Underpass, n.d.). Additionally, it can cater every

person because it is wheelchair and hand crutches accessible than overpasses which generally

results in long ramps on either end. Visibly, underpasses provide a more secured place for the

people to cross thus, ensuring the safety of the people and disparage the occurrence of accidents

(Manen, F., 2010). Generally, underpass is one of the solutions to reduce traffic congestion,

accidents thus, ensuring the safety and valuing the time of the people.

Statement of the Problem

With the aforementioned existing studies and set of literatures, to date, little is known

about researches focusing on building underpasses in the city of Baguio. Thus, this research

study is conceptualized. Specifically, it attempts to answer the following questions 1.) What are

the major implications of pedestrian congestion in the area; 2.) What is the most preferred

method in determining the flow of the pedestrian crossing in the different sections: direct counts

and surveys, manual counting using sheets, manual counting using clickers or manual counting

using video cameras; and 3.) How can traffic congestion be reduced in upper session road,

especially during peak hours?

Statement of the Objectives

With the mentioned problems accumulated from various studies and literatures, the

objective of the research is to design an underpass that will aid the people in crossing the roads

and to ensure their safety.

Significance of the Study

The purpose of this study is to better understand the pedestrian crossing behavior and the

ways on how to improve the traffic flow at the circle of Upper Session Road in the city of

Baguio. Furthermore, the findings of this study will serve as a tool to verify whether there is a
need for an underpass for pedestrians and to allow the researchers to determine the factors

affecting the flow of the traffic during rush hours. In addition, a clear and thorough investigation

using volume count of pedestrians and vehicles during rush hours will help the researchers to

support this study. Moreover, the result of this study will benefit the pedestrians, motorists and

the government of the city of Baguio to prevent accidents, to ensure their safety and to improve

the traffic flows.

Scope, Limitations and Delimitations of the Study

The main focus of this project study is to propose a more convenient and effective

pedestrian facilities for the people traversing the Session Road specifically at Upper Session Road,

along the roundabout, which is the construction of underpass. Moreover, the scope of the study

considers the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the vehicle volume, pedestrian volume and

pedestrian perspective. Accordingly, quantitative analysis, such as the present volume count and

present pedestrian volume while on qualitative analysis, the pedestrian perspective, if they are

willing to use the underpass, if it’s already built. However, the research study is limited to the

reduction of shockwave effect of the pedestrian to the flow of traffic and to provide a more reliable

pedestrian configuration for the safety of pedestrian traversing such a busy road. Additionally, the

delimitation of this research study considers factors, such as aesthetics and realistic design, so the

pedestrians will be attracted to use the said proposed underpass and to ensure them that the usage

of the underpass will be comfortable and safe for them.

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