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Name : Bobby Mandala Putra

Nim : 29318304

Knowledge Management (KM) (Resume)

Why need Knowledge management

Who don’t want to changes, are welcome to leave the life (business, Government, Individual and
a. KM as a personnel
b. KM as an organization engine
c. KM as an economic economics
Why organization need KM?
Adaptable for the changes.
The new era management/economics based on knowledge

Knowledge Management (KM) and the characteristic

The definition of knowledge is the information that can change someone as reference to the act,
or can create people to work effectively (Peter F. Drucker, the new realities).
Ikujiro Nonaka (1994) divide the knowledge become two categories:
1. Tasit Knowledge
Conceptual, not documented
2. Explicit Knowledge
Applied, work guidelines and documented.
Related between information and knowledge

Analysis Insan

Change Process
Adult Information
policy technology and

Create Value

Process KM to create value and knowledge

1. Knowledge Identification (mapping knowledge)
2. Knowledge Storing/ Searching
3. Knowledge Sharing/ transferring
4. Knowledge applying
5. Knowledge creating/ developing

The purpose of knowledge

1. The new knowledge (innovation)
2. Fix the business process
3. Create innovation
4. Develop culture Knowledge intensive
5. Create infrastructure knowledge

Paradigm and principal knowledge management

1. Industry change to services
2. Agriculture Era (physical strength based) behavior human
3. Manufacturing Era (work skills based)
4. Knowledge Management Era (knowledge based)
30 adjustment paradigm for KM
1. Whatever can improve the value, it’s called Capital
2. Human Capital improves when used
3. Human Capital can’t duplicate
4. External Knowledge can be explore and managed (KM managed Tasit and External
5. Health Company has bigger intangible asset
6. Learn is responsibility and personal discipline
7. Organization will die if don’t want to learn
8. Learn with practical more effective than with learn in class
9. Remove the expired thinking
10. Emotional more important than intellectual intelligent (IQ)
11. Knowledge create value when share and used
12. Knowledge is information with higher Octane
13. Tasit Knowledge is the highest step from knowledge
14. Knowledge network can create and multiple knowledge value (sharing knowledge with
each members)
15. Managed Tasit Knowledge is the challenge
16. KM can see the difficulty for understanding Explicit Knowledge
17. KM use the knowledge for create maximum value
18. KM can change the Tasit Knowledge Individual into Explicit Knowledge Organization
19. Collective intelligent transform from individual
20. To defend in the competitive area
21. Build network knowledge
22. The power is knowledge
23. Build the future capability organization
24. Knowledge sharing
25. Personal mastery
26. The combination management style top down and bottom up
27. Mentality
28. Culture (knowledge sharing)
29. Multiple use and benefit collective intelligent
30. Effective communication
The framework of the KM work model, each of which has a different focus. This KM working
model can be used as a reference for book readers to implement KM initiatives in an
In general, the KM framework covers three main things, namely

 People,
 Technology
 Process.

The Jaan model framework (the author of the book) is one of the frameworks described in
the subsections of this book.

Jaan Model Framework

In the KM Model Jaan framework, it is shown that the foundation or foundation of an
organization that will implement KM is trust, culture, and also learning discipline. To realize
an initiative and effective Learning Organization, two pillars are needed, namely Human
Capital that has good skills and knowledge, and also facilities that support learning such as
easy access to information, organizational structure, and reward systems. To synchronize
Human Capital and also learning facilities
It takes the role of a leader with good leadership skills so that the two pillars can be
sustainable and create an effective Learning organization. Next to the next stage the
organization must be able to learn and change quickly to create sustainable learning habits.
To realize this, two pillars are needed namely the KM Method and Information Technology.
Both pillars explain the importance of the quality and quantity of learning systems and
facilities. The KM Method and Information Technology are connected with the KM Process.
If a good KM process has been created, the ability to learn and change intelligently will be
realized, so that the realization of Premium Value Creation (Innovation).

Asian Productivity Organizational (APO) Model

Besides that, the APO Model Framework is also explained. The APO Framework which
prioritizes the identification of knowledge, creating knowledge, storing knowledge, sharing
knowledge, and applying knowledge in the framework it carries.
After determining the frame of mind of what will be used in the KM implementation strategy
in an organization, the organization's readiness in running KM is also assessed.
KM Readiness
To measure organizational readiness in implementing KM. Besides that, the concepts of
knowledge mapping, and social network analysis to map KM are also discussed. To implement
KM, there are three approaches that can be used.
1. Proses Approach
 Knowledge Codification through process technology
 Tasit become Explicit
2. Practice Approach
 Assume big part of knowledge still in tacit
 Focus to develop social environment
3. Best Practice Approach
 Adopted other method that already success

Measure KM Readiness
Readiness defines as the early condition that need to own by Company (especially employee) to
success make changes impact implemented KM.

 Organization factor
 Individual factor

Conceptual KM Readiness
Knowledge Mapping
Knowledge mapping is process to help organization to categorize and identify knowledge capital
the organization.
1. Explicit Knowledge
2. Tasit Knowledge
3. Infrastructure
4. Organization

Process Knowledge Management

Create and
Create or
Knowledge Store develop Knowledge
identification Knowledge knowledge application

The strategic of implementation KM

The process of implementation of KM:
1. Preparation implementation
Start from sub unit as pilot project that is peoples that exist in sub unit ready for
implementation KM, further the KM Implementation has to have purposes or target
clearly and specific.
2. Identification context
The program of introduction context purposes to know the level of preparation the
3. Create the habitat of KM
Habitat of KM is a psychology condition (organization climate) that feel by the employee
and conducive for KM Implementation.
4. Implementation of KM
5. Evaluation KM
Evaluation of KM is the process for complete and fix the component of KM that is people,
process and technology.
Strategy formulation implementation KM
The principal that need to obey by the KM Planner is “KM is a management tool for reach the
goals of organization with effectively”
Step to formulation the KM
1. Create vision and the target of implementation KM
The ability and KM role to achieve the organization vision
2. Implementation KM
 Vision
 Employee
 People, process and technology
 Strategic to implementation KM
(Motivation, Network, Knowledge, analysis, codification, distribution, target)

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