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So… Once upon a time in - high school - I think it was… sophomore year. Um.

I had a crush on

this guy who was in band and he played bass and um. I was gonna sing in the black history show

and I needed a band so he played bass for me and that’s when I started liking him. And, um. And

we were obviously talking a lot because we were in this band together and we were - he’s like a

funny guy and we were friends. And it was fine. But then. I took it upon myself. To just tell him

how I felt for him like really randomly I don’t even remember why I did this cause I don’t think

he liked me. I think I just needed to tell him that I liked him so that I could move on. Um. And so

I walked up to him, in the middle of the hallway. I don’t even remember how I phrased it. I think

I said like… um… I think I just said like I like you… um… And then he didn’t say anything and

I was like alright so. Um. If. If you feel the same way now is the time to say something. Or

something like that. And then he didn’t say anything. He just looked at me. Or I don’t I don’t.

Okay honestly I don’t remember exactly how it planned out. I just remember that I opened the

door for him to say something and he did not take it. And then I walked away. And it was really

really awkward. But then I felt like really empowered. And yeah.

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