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Resolution: The factors that influenced Wat Tyler and his followers to rebel was justified.

Me and my partners stand against the resolution.

Contention #1: The Magna Carta was a choice of the people

The Magna Carta was created as a way to limit the power of the king. This standing up to
power was a rebellion of its own made by the people. Because they themselves did this,
they subjected themselves to the ruling of the Magna Carta. Which is why Wat Tyler’s
rebellion is unjustified, if the Magna Carta was unfair, and it was the very same people
rebelling right now, how can they trust themselves not to create a Magna Carta 2.0.

Contention #2: Equality goes against their belief of God.

God did not create us equal, which is why a feudal system has been imbedded into us since
our creation. The feudal system is part of the people and because God is all-knowing, and all
mighty there must be a reason he made un unequal. If he didn’t it would be going against
the very same religion the community is based. That is why kings rule, peasants work, and
there is a difference of stature.

Equality is unfair

Do you think its ok to kill people?

How do you know there is a misusage of taxes?

And you think the people know best?
Then why do they go against the Magna Carta if they themselves made it?
Why do you think the feudal system exists?
Why are you against it if God made it?

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