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Third, How to handle them, They are assisting with search and rescue and clean-up

efforts. Fire crews are using a combination of aircraft and land-based equipment to fight the
fires. They include helicopters, fixed-wing aircraft and larger air-tankers, most of which can be
used to "firebomb" water onto fires or drop retardant from the sky above. Many agencies come
to help and look after the affected animals.

To summarize, today I covered 3 point

First, Cause of wildfires
- Because in that area there is a high temperature, Arid weather and Eucalyptus trees
which cause fires by themselves are difficult to control
- Now 28 people have died, more than 3000 homes, Area 110,000 sq km and half a billion
animals have been affects by fires.
- There are staff to control both the ground and air. In order to control the increasing
number of forest fire areas and help take care of both people and animals affected by
- Thank you for your attention

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