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Jenni – inglés – 3

Someone was trying to comit a robbery
At my neighbor’s house
A few months ago (may).
The robber, my other neighbor’s dog, my parents and I
Audible, persisted, trouble, proximity, mysterious, confused, passage
Cleft: “What I need to do was to get help…”, ”what we needed to do was to be
alert…”, and “What I do now…”
While I was doing homework I heard a dog barking, I couldn’t concentrate and It
began to look like the sound was getting closer
I noticed a man was trying to comit a robbery at my neighbor’s house, I got scared
but I reacted and ran to my parents bedroom.
My parents called the police and we received information and instructions in case it
happened again
Many people wouldn’t believe the importance of sounds, or the importance of
having a dog. I learned both one night, a few months ago. It was a saturday night
and while I was doing homework I began to hear a very audible dog barking. As
time passed by I noticed the sound of the barking persisted and I was having
trouble concentrating. Then It started to sound closer. I could tell it had some
proximity to my bedroom. Suddenly I noticed a mysterious sound, I glanced
through the window and I saw a tall man dressed all black reaching for the
neighbor’s window. I freaked out and at first I was confused but then I realized that
what I need to do was to get help, so I ran to my parents bedroom and told them
what I saw. They called the police but when they camed, the robber was gone and
the window hadn’t been opened. The police said that the robber could have
reached so far because of my neighbor’s passage on his garden and they also
said that my neighbor was lucky that my other neighbor’s dog kept barking at the
robber. Before they left my house, the police man said that what we needed to do
was to be alert in case he came back before my neighbor.
In conclusion, if the dog hadn’t been barking so loud, I wouldn’t have heard it, and I
wouldn't have realized that somebody was trying to rob the neighbor’s house and
perhaps, when he returned from his journey, he would have discovered that his
belongings had been stolen. From this experience I learned that the sounds we
hear can be very important. What I do now is that whenever the dog begins to bark
I glance to see what he is barking for.

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