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Submitted By:
Almerino, Arianne V.
Araneta, Junelisa C.
Bequillo, Legan R.
Donor, Zya Ashley D.
Dumayac, Rebeca A.

Submitted To:
Dr. Jeanet Parreño
Executive Summary

Stop, Sip and Shake develop products that are relate to the current trend of health

and fitness. This marketing plan illustrates out market segments ans the strategies and

promotions wer employing to get customers and create a solid sales stream. The unique

characteristics of Stop, Sip and Shake is its ability to provide customers the healthy

benefits that each product inherent. Customers are after the benefits they receive not the

product itself.

Stop, Sip and Shake, develop strategies and tactical promotions and strategies to

provide developing opportunities both for the company and customers. With these, it will

establish a stronger place for the company and loyalty from the customers.

Stop, Sip and Shake is a small business company owned by group of

friends (Almerino, Araneta, Bequillo, Donor and Dumayac). It was established on

November 12, 2018 located at Guerrero St. Malate, Manila. Its primary products

are smoothies such as mango float, oreo float, and ice cream and ice candies. The

owners came up to the idea of making smoothie as their primary product because

of their target market. Their target market is millennial people who like to drink

cold and sweet beverages. They also want their food to be appealing in their eyes

so we come up to sell smoothies. This business is operating as of now in the micro

environment aspect but it strives to expand and be a part of macro environment as

a big a popular smoothie shop.


It is required for the business to have goals or objectives that they want to

achieve. For the Stop, Sip and Shake, even it is a small business enterprise, it is

also have objectives that worth striving for. It includes:

 It tends to improve the customer satisfaction through good quality of the

product and services.

 It strives to achieve good quality of product through innovation.

 To ensure that the product to be served will be fresh and healthy for the care

of the consumers.

 To maintain its uniqueness in terms of product value and services of the

employees that will differentiate from local smoothie shops.

 To improve this small business into a big and popular smoothie shop.

 To ensure the total satisfaction in its service through a team of happy,

motivated, dedicated and responsible associates.

Marketing Environment

Stop, Sip and Shake is a small business that sells smoothies such as float,

ice cream and ice candy. It covers a small capacity of market but it strives to

expand on its daily operations. It is in the micro environment of a business with an

appropriate amount of customers to satisfy. When it comes to competitors, even

though we are just starting this small business, we already have big and popular

establishments to compete with like D.Q, Zagu and many more.

Internal Environmental Factors


 To earn profit.

 Reach customer satisfaction

 Product quality

 Product cleanliness

 Product uniqueness

 Improvement of the business


 Good communication among the owners (employees) with their customers.

Quality of Human Resource

 Good and approachable staff.

 Skillful and multitasker.

 Clear details of the job.

External Environmental Factors


 The purchasing power of the customer.

 The environment of the market in local aspect.


 The consumer’s preference in smoothies.


 Competitors’ sufficient technologies.

 The company’s equipment.


 Climates that may change the season.


Male Female



Below 10 10 - 25 26 - 30 Above 30

8% 13%



The gender of our consumer and potential consumer are almost equal. In the

age aspect, we can see that the highest possible consumer of Stop, Sip and Shake

are millennial people ages 10 – 25.

Analysis of issue



This section analyse the SWOT analysis of the company. In the Strength

aspect, Stop, Sip and Shake have the strength of affordability, unique taste and

the amount per serving. Some smoothies on the big establishments are very

expensive; it feels like you are buying the brand and not the product itself. Stop

Sip and Shake ensure the cleanliness and taste that suits to the consumer’s wants

even though it is just small business and started to operate.


 Affordability

 Unique taste

 Amount per serving


Most of small businesses has a one common problem and that is popularity.

Stop Sip and Shake is just starting to operate so it is not well known yet by the

target market. It needs to undergo a very good promotion that will make its product

popular to the consumer.


 Unpopularity

The opportunities are the ones that can make the company successful. In the

case of Stop, Sip and Shake, it needs to grab the attention of the millennial by

getting their attention using the attractiveness of the product because it can be a big

part of the promotion of the product. Millennial people like to take pictures of what

they eat and post it in the social media. Stop, Sip and Shake needs to grab that

opportunity by making the product appealing not only in the taste of the customer

but also in the eyes.

We can also be innovative in terms of listening to the feedbacks of our

customer that may serve as stepping stone of the improvement of the company.


 Attractiveness of the product that gains the consumers’ interest.

 Consumers’ habit of posting in social media.

 Innovating the product.


Threats are the things that may cause the business fail. The threats of Stop,

Sip and Shake can be shortage of consumer that may cause loss to the profit of the

business. It may not be patronize by the consumers. The competitors may also have

the ability to gain more attention of the consumer and potential consumers. These
threats need to be minimized and eliminated by the company no matter how big or

small it is.

 Shortage of consumer

 Cannot be patronize by the consumer

 Competitors may gain more attention

Marketing Strategy



Stop Sip and Shake implements the rule of product quality. It values the

quality of the smoothies that will be served on the consumers by maintaining its

taste and cleanliness. It ensures that the ingredients that will be used are clean and

fresh. The methods of making the product will be very fast yet careful to avoid dirt

and germs that may mix on the smoothies. We also value the customers’ nutrition

by let them choose how many cups of sugar they want in their smoothie.

We will also be open to comments and suggestions of the customer. Stop

Sip and Shake will be innovative as time goes by in terms of flavors. We will

listen to the customers’ feedback if they want something to add to our product or

they want a certain flavour. Stop Sip and Shake is not a perfect shop yet but we

will be improved by innovating its product while operating every day.


Price is a major contributing factor to the overall success of the business.

Before Stop, Sip and Shake can open; it will first have to make investments

including the stall in which it will work out, equipment and supplies needed for the

business. Stop, Sip and Shake maintain the regular prices of fruit smoothies.

Customers will be persuaded by the benefits they will gain from availing the

products instead of paying attention to the prices.


Our first place will be in the owners place located at Guerrero St. Malate,

Manila beside St. Paul University and near UP manila. Since our target market is

millennial people or students, it is very good to put up the business on that place.

We cite the place and there’s no one who sells mango floats or smoothies aside

from us so the competition is not at the high level. Our place is easy to see and it is

surrounded by canteens so after the students eat, our product will be a great dessert

for them.


Social Media is the very efficient way of promoting something. Stop Sip

and Shake will use this platform to promote its products less cost and effort. It is

easy to create an account on facebook, twitter and instagram that will be the great

bridge of promoting the product.

We will also conduct free taste to the people that can be a possible customer.

It is for them to know what the taste of our product is. We will also encourage

them to invite their friends to come on our stall and try our products.

These kinds of promotions need less effort and cost in terms of advertising.


This business is being managed by the owners itself because it does not have

the ability to hire employees yet. The owners are the one who make the products

and serve to the customers. The owners are very down on earth and approachable.

They are friendly and easy to communicate with. Even though they are the owners,
they are very hands-on to serve customers. The business will strive to hire

employees but for now, the servers are the owners themselves. We also believe that

the owners need to experience the work of an employee.

Market Research Evaluation

Stop, Sip and Shake do market research to identify which drink is most

popular and identify any improvements it could do to improve product acceptance

amongst customers. The key metrics in the various market research and surveys

would be Stop, Sip and Shake brand awareness, recognition, quality, availability

and reliability. Giving survey questionnaires would be good to get valuable

feedback from customers.

Positive potential customer feedback along with evidence showing that the

company can produce their product or service at the price set in the financial

calculations and customer will purchase at that price, are the best in building

confidence in the business.

Smoothie Consumption

The survey of Stop, Sip and Shake shows that the smoothie drinkers were

generally more likely to be students, those aged under 25 years old.

Fig. 1

Above 30 Below 10
8% 13%

26 - 30

10 - 25

Fig. 2

Mango Strawberry Oreo Orange



Majority of Stop, Sip and Shake respondents likes mango flavor. They like

mango smoothie it’s filled with such a sweet fruit. Mangoes are nutritious, and

they have a creaminess about them that works so well in a smoothie recipe.
Fig. 3

Taste Health reason Brand Affordability



Majority of the respondent of Stop, Sip and Shake who spends Php 50.00

to 60.00 because of affordability. They drink four times a week for the main reason

of the taste and health reasons.

Perception about smoothies

Strongly agree Agree Disagree Don't know


23% 58%
Majority of Stop, Sip and Shake respondents strongly agree that the

smoothies are low calories.

A summary of the key outcomes of this research are provided below:

 Smoothies are more popular among students, the younger age group and this

is our target market.

 Majority of respondents like mango flavor.

 Those who drank smoothies did so predominantly because they liked the

taste, followed by a desire to be healthy in some way, be it to increase their

fruit intake or increase their consumption of ‘natural’ foodstuffs

 Smoothie drinkers were much more firm in their views regarding smoothies

including their health value, and their sugar and calorie contents.
Projected Income Statement

This is the projected income statement of Stop, Sip and Shake as of

December 31, 2018.

Stop, Sip, and Shake

Income Statement
as of December 31, 2018

Sales: 50,160.00
Cost of Sales Operating Expense:
Beginning Inventory (456pcs. each) 35,996.64
Purchases 4,500.00
Ending Inventory (300pcs. each) - 23,759.00 16,737.64
Gross Profit: 33,422.36
General Administrative Expense:
Advertising 500.00
Water and Power 7,500.00
Travel Expenses 5,000.00
Repairs and Maintenance 500.00 13,500.00
Net Income Before Tax 19,922.36
Tax - -
Net Income After Tax: 19,922.36

Ingredients and measurements

Recipe of Mango Shake: Price: Quantity: Recipe of Mango Ice Cream Price: Quantity:

2pcs. Mango 104.00 1 pack of Nestle Cream (250ml) 54.00

3 cups of
1/2 of Evaporated Milk (140ml) 5.63 1pc. Mango 52.00 Ice Cream
4 cups of
4 cups of Crushed Ice 22.50 Shake 1 condensed milk (250ml) 13.18

1/2 of 1/4 Sugar 10.00 Total 119.18

1 cup of Crashed Grahams (200g) 15.75

Total 157.88

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