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Brushing teeth

The purposes of brushing teeth?

 To avoid germs
 To make your mouth feel fresh
How many times we brush our teeth in a day?
3 times a day
The best time to brush your teeth?
 Before sleeping at night
 After eating sweets
 After waking up in the morning
Duration: 5-10 minutes
Place: in the ward
 Tooth brush
 Tooth paste
 Dental plate
 A pack of tissue
 Straw
 A glass of water
 Rubber mat
 Towel

Pre action:
N: good morning, excuse me may I come in?
P: sure nurse
N: my name is … today I’m going to take care
of you from 7 am to 2 pm. Could you mention
your name and date of birth?
P: my name is (full name) I was born on may
22nd 1998
N: can I check you ID bracelet?
P: Yes nurse
N: how are you feeling this morning?
P: I’m good. I had a good breakfast / meal.
N: good to hear that. Because you just
finished eating, it’s time to brush your teeth
to avoid germs and make your mouth fresh.
It’ll take 5 minutes and we’ll do it here. Do
you agree?

P: Sure nurse/ yes, I do / okay.

N: I’ll go back to the nurse station to prepare
the equipment.
(few minutes later)
(1) N: okay ma’am / sir. Can you sit?
P: yes nurse, but I need you to help me to
N: sure, I’ll help you.
(2) N: okay ma’am / sir. Can you sit?
P: No, I can’t.
N: okay you can lay down and I’ll help you
to brush your teeth. Excuse me
ma’am/sir, I’ll lift up your bed. Are you
P: yes, nurse it’s enough.
N: ma’am / sir, do you bring your tooth brush
and tooth paste?
P: yes, I do / yes, nurse I bring them.
N: do you need help to brush your teeth?
(1) P: no, I don’t
(2) P: yes, I do
N: it’s okay, I’ll help you.
N: excuse me ma’am / sir, gargle please.
Now, throw it here.
Can you say eeeeee and brush your front
teeth up and down slowly / carefully.
Now, say aaaaa and brush your teeth at back
slowly / carefully.
Now, brush your tongue using the back of your
tooth brush slowly / carefully.
Okay, now gargle again and throw it here.
Now, we’re done. How do you feel?
P: I feel much better / I fresh, thanks nurse.
N: you’re welcome/ my pleasure. Do you need
anything else?
P: no, I’m good.
N: okay then, I’ll come back to your room at 8
to check vital sign. If you need anything, just
press the bell and a nurse will come to your
room. Excuse me and have a nice day.
P: Thanks nurse
N: You’re welcome / my pleasure.

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