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IoT based Heartbeat detection Minor Project- (16MCA46)

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Preamble

Heart rate, body temperature and blood pressure monitoring are very important
parameters of human body. Doctors use various kind of medical apparatus like
thermometer for checking fever or body temperature, BP monitor for blood pressure
measurement and heart rate monitor for heart rate measurement. The accuracy of the
armed sensor is much more than the regular stethoscope. This will help the doctor to
analyze the patient's pulse rate precisely.

In this project, we have built an Arduino based heartbeat monitor which displays the
graph of pulse rate. Here we have used a heartbeat sensor module which senses the pulse
rate using armed sensor. The components used to develop this project would be Arduino
UNO Rev3, I/O Expansion Shield for Arduino, Armed Heart Rate Sensor, Resistors,
Arduino IDE, Thing Speak API.

The main aim of the project is to detect the heart rate using sensors and this data is
collected and viewed in the form of graph on the monitor. The graph generated can help
the doctor to know the heart rate of the person.

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1.2 Literature Review

● Deeksha Srivastava, Awanish Kesarwani, Shivani Dubey in the paper has

discussed about the step wise instruction to use arduino and Armed sensor and
the demonstration of the heartbeat detection project[1].
● Ghosia Miraj Saima Zafar, Rajaa Baloch discusses about real time data analysis
of the pulserate data using cloud [2].
● Robbi Rahim, Ketut Sudarsana, R Manikandan has put an effort to discuss the
impact on education caused by IOT[3].
● K.Kishore Raju, G.P Saradhi Varma , A Akhil Varma has discussed how IoT
allows communication between devices, commonly referred to as Machine -to-
Machine communication. With this possibility, physical devices can communicate
to people letting them know their temperature and send them mail.[4]
● Homera Durani ,Mitul Sheth, Madhuri Vaghasia,Shyam Kotech in his paper has
include functionality of Arduino uno are connected with either of above given
sensor and hosting online with web server.[5]
● Himanshu Singh ,Vishal Pallagani ,Vedant Khandelwal ,U. Venkanna This paper
provide us to develop a new solution which controls some home appliances like
light, fan, door cartons, energy consumption, and level of the Gas cylinder using
various sensors like LM35, IR sensors, LDR module, NodeMCU ESP8266, and
Arduino UNO. The proposed solution uses the sensor and detects the presence or
absence of a human object in the housework accordingly.[6]
● Ravi Kishore Kodali,Kopulwar Shishir Mahesh in this paper discusses about low
cost implementation with the creation of the Android app that provides graphical
user interface supports two options to control appliances: (i) the user can use
icons or graphical buttons created for respective sensor and (ii) they can use
specific voice commands to control those home appliances using Android Smart
● Harsh Vardhan Bhatnagar, Praveen Kumar ,Seema Rawat Tanupriya Choudhury
show how to integrate with Arduino Uno as the controller and also as the module
for wireless communication. Various sensors like Armed sensor, MQ6, MQ 135,

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DHT 11 etc. have been used to take reading of the environment around the house
and to keep a watch on it. Also Firebase has been used as the database to keep
record of readings of the various sensors.[8]
● Majid Al-Kuwari, Abdul Rahman Ramadan, Yousef Ismael, Laith Al-Sughair,
Adel Gastli in this paper presents and discusses the design of an IoT based
heartrate detection which is integrated via Arduino IDE.[9]
● L. Sanchez et al., describes about the melting point between future internet
research and experimentation and the smart cities. [10]
1.3 Problem Statement and Scope of the project

Includes development of the system which reduce the time lag in between actual
requirement and service treatment and to an effective healthcare system using IoT and
cloud platform by using arduino and various health monitoring sensors.

Problem with existing system

● The existing system was not power efficient

● There was no Feature to implement real-time heartbeat rate
● No provision was available for personalized graph generation

Scope of the Project

● To efficiently monitor heartbeat rate of an individual

● To reduce the problem of physically appearing to an specialist.
● To give a graphical view to the end user about their heartbeat rate

1.4 Methodology adopted in the project

The project has developed using an incremental approach to deploying IoT in an indoor
environment with a goal of placing it in a place where it is actually needed and the
programming approach is Top-Down and guaranteeing the network connectivity with
good link quality. Making use of iterative methodology slices the system functionality
and incremental development is implemented for each of these components. In each
increment, a slice of functionality is delivered through cross-discipline work, from the
requirements to the deployment. The Unified Process groups increments/iterations.[2]

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Figure 1.1 Operational Flow of Incremental Development

The Figure 1.1 describes the unified process of incremental development in relation to
Internet of Things (IoT).

● Our Inception identifies project scope, requirements (functional and non-

functional) and risks at a high level but in enough detail that work can be
● Our Elaboration delivers a working architecture that mitigates the top risks and
fulfills the non-functional requirements.
Our Construction incrementally fills-in the architecture with production-ready
code produced from analysis, design, implementation, and testing of the
functional requirements.[3]
● Our Transition delivers the system into the production operating environment.

1.5 Technical Features

Some of the key features of the project are as follows
● Sensing the pulse rate of an individual
● Real-time pulserate or heartrate monitoring

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● Generating graph for the detected pulserate

● Analysis of sensed pulserate

This IoT application makes use of Arduino Uno is an open source IoT platform. Its
feature of microcontroller uses simple LUA based programming language. [2]

The use of Pulse sensor to continuously capture the temperature deviation of various
devices. It will be built upon an open-source Arduino Software (IDE) which makes easy
to write code and upload it to the board. [4]

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Chapter 2: Project Description

The project titled “IoT Based Pulse Rate Detection” is based on internet of things(IoT).
This project helps you to monitor pulse rate of an individual and generate respective
graph for that particular pulse rate. Other advantages include cost effective method of
detecting the pulse rate of an individual and generating the required graph for it. With the
rapid increase in the number of internet users over the past decade has made it a part and
parcel of life with intelligent devices being the latest emerging technology.

The project is developed using an incremental approach for software model development
with the goal of placing where it is actually needed and the programming approach is
Top-Down . This IoT application will be using low cost Arduino Uno which is an open-
source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software.

Arduino Uno is a micro controller board on the ATmega328P(datasheet). It has 14 digital

input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz
quartz crystal, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header and a reset button.

It is developed upon an open-source Arduino Software (IDE) which makes easy to write
code and upload it to the board.

The outcome of this project will be helpful for analysis of medical data through sensors
to cloud. From the analysis of results using arduino platform, efficiency of this system is
high and also time reduces while measuring medical parameters of a patient With the
help of IoT and Thing Speak Technology, real-time monitoring, and storage of data.

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Chapter 3: Software Requirement Specification

3.1 Introduction

A software requirements specification (SRS) is a description of a software system to be

developed, it is defined after business requirements specification also called stakeholder
requirements specification. The Software Requirement Specification defines and
illustrates the overall project and its requirements that is both functional and non-
functional requirements. In addition to that, the SRS also defines the users and their
respective characteristics as well as that derives constraints to develop the lineup that has
been identified. The format of the SRS document will address the overall project and
include various functions.

3.2 Hardware and Software Requirements

Software requirements

● IDE’s: Arduino IDE 1.8.5 for Arduino Uno part of the coding and Processing 3
for graph generation
● Programming Languages: C language for the coding part of the Temperature rate

Hardware Requirements

● Arduino can sense the environment by receiving input from a variety of sensors
and can affect its surroundings by controlling lights, motors, and other actuators.
The microcontroller on the board is programmed using the Arduino programming
language (based on Wiring) and the Arduino development environment (based on
● Pulse Sensor Amped adds amplification and noise cancellation circuitry to the
hardware. It's noticeably faster and easier to get reliable pulse readings. Pulse
Sensor Amped works with either a 3V or 5V Arduino. Lastly, the Pulse Sensor

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creators have also streamlined and improved the Processing visualization software
and Arduino code that comes with this hardware.
● Breadboard has 2 power buses on either side for carrying power lines. The
connection between the power line is broken in the middle, like most breadboards.
It has a total of 64 columns and 10 rows of holes. The gap between the rows
enables even ICs to be plugged in. The board accepts wire sizes in the range of

● Power Supply: The USB port of the Arduino Uno can be connected to a
desktop/laptop. The current supplied to the board is 500mA at 5V.
● Connecting wires: Jumper wires are used for making connections between items
on your breadboard and your Arduino header pins.

3.3 Functional Requirements

Functional aspects of the system would be the functioning of the DHT11 sensor to
capture the temperature deviation and humidity of various devices and let the end user
know about their devices available through email notification.[9]

● Heartrate Monitoring

Input: Readings that are given Armed pulse sensor. Arduino Uno is used to take
the analog readings given from the pulse sensor.

Processing: The readings collected from the pulse sensor is collected by the
Arduino and converted to digital data.

Output: Efficiently monitors the pulse rate and let the end user know about their
pulse rate.

● Display of heartbeat rate

Input: The sensed value from the pulse rate sensor.

Processing: The analog value sensed is converted to digital form and is passed to
view on the serial monitor.

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Output: Display of readings onto the serial monitor wizard

● Graph Generation

Input: Sensed pulserate is given as input to this module.

Processing: Analyses the pulserate and generates the live graph for the readings .

Output: A graphical representation is displayed on the monitor which tell about

the detected pulserate of an individual.

3.4 External Interfaces Requirements

Hardware Interface

Figure 3.1 Interfacing pulserate Sensor With Arduino Uno

Figure 3.1 shows the interface between pulserate sensor and Arduino Uno through
jumper wires.

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Software Interface

Figure 3.2 Interface Of The Arduino Ide

In Figure 3.2 The Arduino Software (IDE) allows you to write programs and upload them
to your board.

3.5 Performance Requirements

● A working Pulse sensor

● An Arduino Uno Microcontroller
● A well assembled circuit board
3.6 Design Constraints
● Constant power supply
● Needs time to display the accurate results

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Chapter 4 : System Design Specification

4.1 Architectural Design
The software needs the architectural design to represents the design of software. IEEE
defines architectural design as “the process of defining a collection of hardware and
software components and their interfaces to establish the framework for the development
of a computer system.” The software that is built for computer-based systems can exhibit
one of these many architectural styles.[6]
4.1.1 Problem Specification
Now-a-days health problems like cardiac failure, lung failures & heart related
diseases are arising day by day at a very high rate. Due to these problems time to
time health monitoring is very essential. A modern concept is health monitoring
of a patient wirelessly. It is a major development in medical arena. Health
professionals have developed a brilliant and inexpensive health monitoring
system or providing more comfortable living to the people suffering from various
diseases using leading technologies like wireless communications, wearable and
portable remote health monitoring device. As visits of doctors to the patients
constantly are decreased as the information regarding patient’s health directly
reaches to doctor’s monitor screen from anywhere the patient resides. Also, based
on this doctors can save many lives by imparting them a quick & valuable

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4.1.2 Block Diagram

Figure 4.1 Block Diagram Of IoT based heartrate detection

Figure 4.1 depicts how the workflow of the project from the pulse rate sensing to the
graph generation.
4.1.3 Module Specification
● Heartbeat rate detection
Take readings from pulse Sensor using Arduino Uno.
● Display of Heartbeat rate
Collect analog data from the sensor and convert it digital data and display the
● Graph generation
The data captured by the sensor will be sent to the serial plotter to generate a
graph for that particular readings.
4.2 System Design
System design is the process of designing the elements of a system such as the
architecture, modules and components, the different interfaces of those components and
the data that goes through that system. Object-oriented design is the process of planning a
system of interacting objects for the purpose of solving a software problem. It is one
approach to software design. There are three stages of object-oriented design.[5]

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4.2.1 Object Modeling

Object modelling develops the static structure of the software system in terms of objects.
It identifies the objects, the classes into which the objects can be grouped into and the
relationships between the objects. It also identifies the main attributes and operations that
characterize each class.[6]
Class Diagram
The class diagram is the main building block of object-oriented modeling. It is
used for general conceptual modeling of the systematic of the application, and for
detailed modeling translating the models into programming code. Class diagrams
can also be used for data modeling. The classes in a class diagram represent both
the main elements, interactions in the application, and the classes to be
programmed. In the diagram, classes are represented with boxes that contain three
● The top compartment contains the name of the class. It is printed in bold and
centered, and the first letter is capitalized.
● The middle compartment contains the attributes of the class. They are left-aligned
and the first letter is lowercase.
● The bottom compartment contains the functions of the class. They are left-aligned
and the first letter is lowercase.

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Figure 4.2 Class Diagram Of IoT based heartrate detection

Figure 4.2 shows the relational dependencies among the module tables and the structure
of the system by showing the attributes involved in the classes. Pulse sensor associated
with Arduino Uno. The relationship between arduino and sensor is n to one and between
arduino and doctor/user is one to one.

4.2.2 Dynamic Modelling

The dynamic model represents the time–dependent aspects of a system. It is concerned
with the temporal changes in the states of the objects in a system.
Use case Diagram
A use case diagram at its simplest is a representation of a user's interaction with
the system that shows the relationship between the user and the different use cases
in which the user is involved. A use case diagram can identify the different types
of users of a system and the different use cases and will often be accompanied by
other types of diagrams as well.[8]

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The purpose of a use case diagram in UML is to demonstrate the different ways
that a user might interact with a system. Create a professional diagram for nearly
any use case using our UML diagram tool.

Figure 4.3 Use Case diagram Of IoT based heartrate detection

In Figure 4.4 the use case diagram tells us how the user and different component interact
with the system.
Sequence Diagram
Sequence diagrams are those which shows interaction between actors and the
system and between system components. This diagram describes the interaction
between the object that shows how objects operate with one another and in what

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Figure 4.4 Sequence Diagram Of IoT based heartrate detection

Figure 4.5 gives us a brief overview of how the request and response sequence are being
handled by the project. The sequence is discussed below:
1: Sending pulse rate data from sensor to Arduino
2: Displaying the sensed values in digital format
3: Generating the graphical view for the data sensed

Activity diagram
Activity diagrams are graphical representations of workflow of stepwise activities
and actions with support for choice, iteration and concurrency. In the Unified
Modelling Language, activity diagrams are intended to model both computational
and organizational processes (i.e., workflows), as well as the data flows
intersecting with the related activities. Although activity diagrams primarily show
the overall flow of control, they can also include elements showing the flow of
data between activities through one or more data stores.[3]

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Figure 4.5 Activity Diagram Of IoT based heartrate detection

Figure 4.5 shows us how the activity control flows from one function to another.

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4.2.3 Functional modelling

Data flow diagrams
● DFD Level 0

Figure 4.6 Data Flow Diagram for 0 level

Figure 4.6 shows the overall system flow from the pulse rate capturing phase from pulse
sensor giving it to Arduino board and the data being monitored by the Arduino IDE.
● DFD Level 1

Figure 4.7 Data Flow Diagram for DFD Level 1

Figure 4.7 shows the data flow from one module to the other.

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● DFD Level 2

Figure 4.8 DFD Level 2 Of IoT based heartrate detection system

Figure 4.8 shows the interaction between the pulse rate capturing and graph generation

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Chapter 5: Implementation
The project’s current status is that we are able to fetch the pulse rate data from the pulse
sensor. The sensor is able to convert the analog data to digital data through Arduino. The
interface of the IDE let’s the end user to interact with system in more simple and friendly
manner. The IDE is able to generate the graph for sensed values.

Source Code


int pulsePin = 0;
int blinkPin = 13;
int fadePin = 5;
int fadeRate = 0;

volatile int BPM;

volatile int Signal;
volatile int IBI = 600;
volatile boolean Pulse = false;
volatile boolean QS = false;

static int outputType = SERIAL_PLOTTER;

void setup(){

void loop(){

serialOutput() ;

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if (QS == true){

fadeRate = 255
QS = false;


void ledFadeToBeat(){
fadeRate -= 15;
fadeRate = constrain(fadeRate,0,255);

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Figure 5.1 Arduino IDE Programming Interface

Figure 5.1 depicts the code when it is build and compiled by the compiler.

Figure 5.2 Uploading Code to Arduino Uno

Figure 5.2 depicts the code being uploaded to the Arduino Uno board once the code is
uploaded pulse sensor starts sensing pulse rate.

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Figure 5.3 Graphical view of detected pulse rate.

Figure 5.4 depicts the graphical view of detected pulse rate in the serial plotter wizard

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Chapter 6:Testing

6.1 Unit testing

Table 6.1 Unit Test Case Table

Test Description Input Expected Actual Remarks

case id output Output

u1 Arduino Uno The cable Yellow light Yellow light Pass

connected to the should be should blink if blinks that
system or not connected to proper shows the
the correct port connection is connection is
done done

u2 Pulse Sensor is Jumper cable is Continuous red Continuous Pass

working properly connected to light should red light will
or not the exact pin blynk blynk if
board connected

u3 The port is Settings is The COM3 port The code Pass

working properly changed in the should not give should
or not arduino IDE any error compile
message without any

u4 Sensor is able to The pin is Within 1-2 Pulse rate Pass

catch the analog correctly second the data data will be
data connected should be displayed

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u5 Sensor is able to On click of The data should The serial Pass

convert the analog serial monitor be displayed on plotter will
data into digital the data should the monitor. reflect the
format display data

Table 6.1 consists of all the unit test case where smallest part of individual unit /
component (called unit) is tested to determine if they are fit for use based on the
caparison of expected output and actual output.

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6.2 Integration Testing

Table 6.2 Integration Test Case Table

Test Description Input Expected Actual Output Remarks

case id output

I1 In Arduino On click of the project file the project file Pass

IDE the project file should open should open
project is which means which means
opening or not the system and the system and
app has been app has been
integrated integrated

I2 Code On click of No error No error Pass

uploaded to Compile should occur should occur
the circuit and Upload during during
should work compiling compiling

I3 The circuit is Check the The values The value lies Pass
displaying the serial should lie within the
values monitor within the range
properly range

I4 The graph Open the The graph The graph is Pass

should be Serial should formed
generated plotter immediately according to
properly wizard start forming the data

Table 6.2 consists of integration test case which will test the interaction of two
component and interface between them.

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Chapter 7: Conclusion and Future Enhancement

IoT-Based heartrate detecting system provides an efficient and definitive system for real-
time monitoring of an user’s heartbeat rate. The proposed system is accurate with respect
to the results obtained. The major advantage of the built circuit is that it’s cost-efficient
and less time consuming. It requires less power and the time taken to display the
heartbeat rate is less comparatively to what most of the doctor’s use. It also generates a
graph corresponding to the bpm obtained of a user.

It is easy to use as it contains only one armed pulse sensor. Even the patient himself can
use it and know his heartbeat rate.

The results show that the proposed system has good feasibility. It reduces the cost of
monitoring system at the same time. This system is a crucial step in understanding the
IoT applications development and implementation and serves as a building block for a
number of useful innovations in this direction.

Future Enhancement
• The system can also be developed where it can implement an application on
Android platform for doctors and patients.

• It can be developed where it can detect abnormalities if any in the monitored heart
rate and reports the abnormalities to the concerned person through message, E-
mail and WhatsApp.

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[1] Varun Goel, Sharad Srivastava, Dharmendra Pandit, DhirendraTripathi, Pankaj Goel,
“Heart Rate Monitoring System Using Finger Tip through IOT”, International Research
Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) Volume: 05 Issue: 12e-ISSN: 2395-
0056 pp-ISSN: 2395-0072.

[2] Sufiya S Kazi, GayatriBajantri, TruptiThite, “Remote Heart Rate Monitoring System
Using IoT”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
Volume: 05 Issue: 12 e-ISSN: 2395-0056 pp-ISSN: 2395-0072.

[3] Beniel Wellington, “Real Time Pulse Rate Monitoring System using Arduino Uno
and GSM Technology”, International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in
Engineering and Technology (IJARTET) Vol. 4 ISSN 2394-3777 (Print) ISSN 2394-
3785 (Online)

[4] T. S. Arulananth, B. Shilpa, “Fingertip based heart beat monitoring system using
embedded systems”, 2017 International conference of Electronics, Communication and
Aerospace Technology (ICECA), Electronic ISBN: 978-1-5090-5686-6Print ISBN: 978-

[5] Heartbeat Sensor using Arduino “


[6] Arduino and Processing 3 “



[8] D.GurvinderSingh,G.Balram, “IoT-Temperature and Heart Beat Detection” ,

International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering
(IJERCSE) Vol 5, Issue, ISSN (Online) 2394-2320

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[9] Heart Beat Monitoring over Internet using Arduino ,


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