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Trying to be mature……..

As I open my Facebook account, a quote captures my attention – it says “Don’t let

stupid things, break your happiness’. Then a realization ring in my mind, which I shouldn’t mind
everything that is happening around us because there are a lot which are worth of our energies
and worries.

My mind and conscience trying to think like a mature one, saying and understanding
what are really up to us that we are now adolescents. There are a plenty of things that may
affect us positively and negatively especially now that we are living in a high tech era. There are
so many expectations and pressures that either we like it or not we should face the rapid
changes coz if we won’t then we will be left behind. But let’s not consume ourselves too much
by this, by everything we see in social medias, by the new trends (new fashion sense, new
gadgets, what is “in or patok or trending’), what other people might say or think, what are the
ideal one, what should be - but instead lets enjoy, savor while learning coz being young may
pass through. We should take things slowly and appropriately, if we commit mistake then at
least we try and learn from it.

Now days, the society sets an images of ideologies. You are rich if you are like this. You
are pretty if you look like this. You are “in” if you have this. Then you are happy if you have a
love life. You are smart and tend to succeed if you top in your class. Then, there such thing as
travel goals and more. We acquire and assume those things through televisions, what we see
and read online because almost everything are being televised and posted in the internet. Our
not so fully developed understandings tend to compare and base ourselves with such ideals and

We are being judge if we don’t conform to such things. Unfortunately some of us are
once bullied, pressured or questioned. Some of us look down their selves and feeling belittle
and upset. Many of us are seeking the approval and validation of others, faking, trying and
spending beyond our means and the capacity of our parents to sustain us just to feel good. We
are trying to create a new image and casting away the reality just to fit in the society. Let’s not
forget that there are many things that matters most and have a high impact. Some of us feel
upset and frustrated by the things that it can be shrugged off. As what I’ve said, “Don’t let little
things, break our happiness’. If you watch Meteor Garden of today episode, Shan Cai said “The
status of a person in the society, does not define his real worth.” If we are less today or we
don’t enjoy like those fortunate teenagers have then let’s not look our lives by that. Let’s
change our mindset. Enjoy, worry less and act accordingly. Life doesn’t evolve by just today and
those standards. Now, we are just youngster but who knows someday we may have a better
and different story.
We are now in a generation which has a lot of things to offer. Almost is possible. It does
just depend on us, on how we grasp this high tech and competitive era. We can take the road
differently; we do have choices and ways, let’s not just take this too seriously. Let’s drive our
focus on our priorities as children, students, and youth of this society. Let’s have a clean fun
while also achieving our dreams and forming our future. We may tend to be vulnerable,
demure, gullible, commit mistakes, reprimanded sometimes coz we do have that meager
understanding due to our limited experience and exposure. We may encounter that, felt pain,
challenged, struggled, and failed – maybe it’s just a prerequisite to be a better “YOU”. It’s just
equipped us to the bigger challenges that await us when we become adults. I don’t limit you to
experience what this world can offer but know the precautions and be accounted by your
actions. Let us know and dig deeper what really matters coz this may help us not to break the
happiness of today but also of tomorrow. Lastly, let me end this by sharing this:

“An amazing thing happens when you stop seeking approval and validation: You find it.
People are naturally drawn like magnets to those who know who they are and cannot be
shaken!” - Mandy Hale.


“Do right, and public approval will follow; either the next hour or the next century.” – J.C.

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