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To change the customer perception regarding “Lever Ayush” products and make it a
genuine healthy ayurvedic product in the mind of customers i.e. household through scientific
proof as people doubt the ayurvedic product contents which in turn will increase market
share from 15 to 20%. Further Ayush Ayurveda product belt is as natural as shown in the
advertisement. So, basically main focus will be on genunity of the product.


Ayurveda industry in India is expected to grow at CAGR of 14.5% during year 2019-24. Ayurveda
is globally accepted as an ancient science and healthcare system to overcome the day to day
problem in a natural and healthy way with no side effects. Ayurveda has usage of various protocols
and herbs, plants in order to identify ailments. There are different segment in ayurvedic sector i.e.
healthcare segment and personal care. Personal care consists of skin care, makeup care, and hair
care and make up care. Healthcare segment consists of ayurvedic nutraceuticals, ayurvedic
medicines and dietary supplements. Factors like rising health problems and side effects of other
medicines has increased popularity of ayurvedic products as it is organic and natural with no side

HUL came up with its revived Ayurveda brand “Lever Ayush” in December 2016 in order to cater
with the competition provided by Patanjali which was giving a stiff competition in FMCG by
generating about 10,000 cr business in this segment. It launched 20 new personal care products
under Ayush shed with the price range of 30 to 130 and Tagline being “Sahi Ayurveda” which
means True Ayurveda. It came up with creating awareness in the mind of the customers that not all
the products which claimed ayurvedic is genuine and with Ayush as a brand comes the genuinity
through its composition and contents. It came up with Akshay Kumar as lead brand ambassador
who is known as genuine and fitness, health freak and Tamanna for the women products.
Segmentation is all about dividing the whole market into distinct group of buyers who have
different set of needs.

Demographic segmentation

Segmentation on the basis of Age, gender, income, ethnicity, education and profession are

Pros: Lever Ayush segments people from younger to older generation , it has products different
set of products for both the male and female segments, it segments people on income in order to
know the average price to be kept because the ayurvedic products comes up with reasonable
rates, Lever Ayush considers ethnicity in order to know people point of views towards Ayurveda
and things people do not want to be considered in ingredients, Lever Ayush segments in order to
know people who know effects of Ayurveda and are educated enough to understand about the
product, Lever ayush segments on professional terms in order to know working class, students

Cons: Lever Ayush segmentation of people does not specify a range of segment to be
considered, it segments the people of all income but the price range (30-130) considers that it is
generally for “mass” segment so considering HNI, affluent segment, mass affluent is not
commendable, it does not have variety of products in terms of ethnicity related to taste
preference, culture of various customers and segmentation on professional basis is also not well

Psychographic segmentation

Psychographic segmentation is all about knowing why your customer buys. Various parameters
associated are behavior, attitudes, lifestyles, hobbies.

Pros: Lever Ayush segments people on their behavior i.e. taste, preference, attitudes towards
ayurvedic products, their lifestyle that how often they use ayurvedic products in their day to day
Cons: Lever Ayush do considers taste preference into consideration but segmentation related to
their hobbies is not done and as a result of which they had not segment products for people
having hobbies as sports what products are there for them.

Geographic segmentation

In geographic segmentation on basis of region, area, metropolitan or rural location, population

density etc. are considered.

Pros: Lever Ayush properly segmented geographical on the basis of regional context as example
they have product called Cow ghee soap which is meant to be used in rural location and older
generation people and further turmeric soap to be used by women in southern region and
northern region.

Cons: Though lever Ayush have segmented well in geographical segment but they don’t have
enough variety of products to cater to all region needs. For ex- sandalwood soaps are well
considered in India but it does not have any soap product related to that.

Behavioral Targeting

It considers brand loyalty, level of usage, benefit sought, further nature of the purchase.

Pros: Lever Ayush has the backing of HUL which help it customers to be brand loyal, it
segments people in loyalty terms as Ayurveda market is highly competitive and further to get
good results after usage of ayurvedic products one needs to be brand loyal, Lever Ayush
segments people who got the benefit out of products used and their level of usage as more the
usage more is the chances of conversion of customers, further purchasing behavior is also
considered to segment to understand the frequency of purchase.

Cons: Though it has backing of HUL but it needs to have its own brand identity among the
customers in order to increase the brand loyalty.

I would consider “Demographic Segmentation” and “Psychographic segmentation” for further

targeting and positioning.
 As I have to change the consumer behavior that Lever Ayush which is meant to be
genuine healthy ayurvedic product and there is scientific proof associated with it. I have
to specifically work on who my customers are and change their buying behavior through
considering Psychographic segmentation.


 Lever Ayush needs to target group age between 25 to 60 yrs households, “mass”
segment” since their price is very reasonable.
 Target rural as well as urban household, which is major decision maker in family and
90% percent of decision are taken by them.
 1 person Household - 3.9%
 2 person household - 9.8%
 3 to 6 person household – 67.5%
 7 and above household – 18.8%
 Need to have various products as per the ethnicity like for ex- In south India soap with
sandalwood essence, coconut essence or herbal essence is very much preferred . So, ethnic people
need to be targeted with these variety of products. Based on ethnicity targeting should be there
South India- Sandalwood essence soap, North India – Aloe Vera Soap.
 Working class men and women, students, senior citizens needs to be targeted.

 People who are healthy lifestyle, fitness freak are to be targeted. For ex people having hobbies as
sports, performing yoga, pranayama etc.
 People with believe in Ayurveda and natural products needs to be targeted

 Positioning in locus of the mind of the customer about how genuine ,natural and healthy
the product of lever ayush with help of “scientific proof” associated with its product and
showing the customers genuine ingredients used with no side effects proven by world
premier ayurvedic institutes AVP (Arya Vaidya Pharmacy).
 Showing measurable differences between segments and the products.

 Focusing on different benefits provided.

 Reasonable cost with proven benefits.

 Accesibility level efficiency.

Consumer Motivation and Personality

Lever Ayush Translates itself as “Sahi Ayurveda” which means “True Ayurveda”.

Lever Ayush as an ayurvedic brand with ayurvedic product is “Biogenic need” as it helps in
protection of body from the outside environment with no harmful effect.

As per “Maslow Hierarchy of needs”

Lever Ayush as an range of ayurvedic products comes as “Safety and Security Needs” (i.e.
Protection ,order ,stability) as this product is meant to protect the skin from toxic materials,
provide better oral care, body care and hair care. Further Health and the availability of health care
are important safety concerns.

 The Aspect I am going to take to motivate people is Safety and Security needs.

 Lever Ayush products will help to overcome fear of household decision maker i.e.
“Mother of the house” to protect her family from unhealthy skin, oral problems, hair
problems and body with the help of genuine ayurvedic product which will help in
providing healthy skin ,oral, hair and body with no side effectsi.e. 100% natural .

These are the motivational aspects on which motivation for lever ayush product can be generated
with safety from external environment (causing skin, hair, oral, body problems) and genuinity
of the product (which can be scientifically proven) will be the tagline for motivation.

Consumers ascribe to personality characteristics and specific colors of the brand.

Personality Traits: Personality traits helps individuals differentiate them from others. Lever
Ayush consumers are inner directed and consumer ethnocentrism is there because they
themselves analyze the product by its usage and since Ayurveda is indian originated, so there is
an indianess associated with product which is shown in its ads describing benefits of Ayurveda in
india from its 5000 years old history. The major consumers are Ayurveda believers. Consumers
are inner directed users who have their own values and standards which they analyze by its usage.

Personality and Color: The personality color of Lever ayush is Light Brown because it provides
the significance of freshness, natural and healthy.

Brand Personification: Brand Personification communicates human features in a brand. Brand

Personification of Lever Ayush is healthy and ayurvedic.

Product Personality and Gender: Lever Ayush is unisexual brand and targets household
decision maker which can be men (Father) or women(Mother) who make decision on behalf of

Self Image: Self Image is how people perceive themselves. If people will have actual self-image
i.e. the consumer wants themselves to see in a particular way then they can associate with Lever
ayush. As Lever Ayush tells it is “Sach Ayurveda” and proves to provide healthy care to
customers whether its oral, hair, skin and body.
Customer Perception and Positioning

Perception is the process by which individuals select, organize, and interpret stimuli into
meaningful and coherent picture of the world.

Perception is all about customer’s subjective understandings rather than objective realities.

I want to change perception of consumer that Lever ayush as a product is genuine.

As it is a household product

Perception is a result of two different kinds of inputs i.e. individual’s experiences and physical
stimuli from the outside environment.

Physical stimuli are changed with the help of sensory inputs. Sensory inputs will affects perception

Sight: Lever Ayush has brand colour as light Brown color which means protection and supporting
the family with great sense of duty and responsibility, it further also stands for material security,
Website Design talks Made with 5000 years of Ayurvedic wisdom, Lever ayush is the authentic
Ayurvedic solution to modern day beauty problems.

Scent: Lever ayush product has herbal scent with different varieties of products. It is having light
smell and pleasant smell which attracts ayurvedic and herbal lovers.

Touch: Lever Ayush as a product is light and premium packaging is quite attractive which acts as
a persuasive tool for the brand, and thus lead to attract more customers for the brand.

Sensory input and culture: It suggests that the Indian households connects with Lever Ayush as a
brand with its benefits provided and its association with 5000 years of Ayurvedic Wisdom.

Absolute Threshold and Differential Thresholds

The Absolute Threshold For Lever Ayush will be its Light Brown Brand colour and its Ayurveda
Wisdom association.

The Differential Threshold for Lever Ayush will be the changes it can provide as usage of its
product other than other competitors. Ex- Difference in taste of toothpaste other than available
brands will be the differential threshold which needs to be increased for Lever ayush.
Instrinsic Cues

Lever Ayush has intrinsic cues as its attractive shape and size, light weight, its Brand color is light
brown which signifies protection, security and support to family.

Extrinsic Cues

Lever Ayush has extrinsic cues as its premium packaging, reasonable pricing and promotions
endorsed by Akshay Kumar (Fitness Freak Bollywood Actor) and Tammana (Actress), promoted
as a “Sahi Ayurveda” and as a competitor for Patanjali.


People consider Ayurvedic Product(Lever Ayush) to be healthy, good , herbal, protective with 0%
side effects.

Halo effect

Lever Ayush as a brand on its packaging, color and herbal light scents which creates as a positive
dimensions on brand.

Consumer Imagery

Consumer perceives Lever Ayush as a brand with range of products and its reasonable price i.e.,
within a range of 30-130 strongly influences customers buying behavior towards it.

Percieved Value

Perceived value of Lever ayush is value proposition that it provides with reasonable pricing
strategy which enhances purchase intentions traffic among customers.

Perceived Quality

Lever Ayush offerings is perceived as superior product that satisfy consumer needs and provide
value to them.

With the help of all these factors I will try to chance the perceptions of Households (i.e.
Mothers (Decision Makers) of the house about Lever ayush as a product on its pure
ayurvedic content, reasonableness and genuinity context

Umbrella Positioning

Lever ayush goes with the concept of Umbrella Positioning under the name of HUL. It position
itself in Ayurveda market as a product with backing of HUL and using 5000 old tradition of
Ayurveda Wisdom. With the Tagline of “Sahi Ayurveda “ it positions itself as a genuine product.
Consumer Learning

The process through which consumers acquire knowledge from experiences with products and
observations of others consumption and use that knowledge in subsequent buying.

Learning is the process by which individuals acquire the purchase and consumption knowledge.
Learning is all pervasive and changes as consumer acquires knowledge from experience,
observation and interactions with others. It ranges from simple and often reflexive responses to
market stimuli to learning concepts and making decisions about purchasing complex and
expensive products.

Elements of learning

1. Motives: Uncovering consumer motives are the primary objective of marketers. Unfilled
needs lead to motivation, which spurs learning .For My Product i.e. Lever Ayush, Men and
Women who want to use Lever Ayush Product and get healthy and natural benefit i.e.(Lever
Ayush) will be motivated to learn about the product and buy. So here to change consumer
behavior the driving force for Lever Ayush is “Genuine Ayurveda” and it will impel
customers to act.

2. Cues: Cues are the stimuli that direct motivated behavior. Lever Ayush portrays its
advertisement with traditionality of Ayurveda and its benefits which may serve as a cue for
Ayurveda lovers i.e. Households who might suddenly “recognize” that they “need” ayurvedic
healthcare product for family. I want to change the behavior of consumer by including a clip
showing genuinity of the product (i.e. Lever Ayush) which is scientifically proven with top
scientists and agency which can serve as a cue for household that will remove the doubt in
buying Lever ayush product.

3. Responses: Responses are individual way of reaction to the cues. Creating a favorable
image of Lever Ayush through ads showing its genuinity with 100% recommendation and
certified product from scientists will help to get favorable reaction from households to the
cues shown.
4. Reinforcement: Reinforcement is the reward, benefit and enjoyments that the consumers
receive after buying and using a products or service. We will be changing consumer by showing
rewards that households and family will get through using genuine Ayurveda product i.e. Lever
Ayush i.e. smooth and bright skincare, healthy oral care and natural healthcare with no side

Behavioral Learning: Classic conditioning is viewed as a “knee-jerk “responses that builds

up through repeated exposures and reinforcements. To change the consumer behavior ,The
classical conditioning change in case of Lever Ayush is the change in advertisements which
reminds customers about “genuinity in Ayurveda content (i.e. Lever Ayush) means 100%
healthy benefit. This repeated messages helps the customers to retain the information.

Unconditioned stimulus in terms of Lever Ayush will be natural response coming in the
minds of customer that its product is made up of traditional herbs and is well known for usage of
traditionality in content.

Conditioned stimulus in terms of Lever Ayush will be showing Lever Ayush as “Sahi
Ayurveda” healthcare product.Conditioned Response in terms of Lever Ayush will be the
response to the conditioned stimulus of an ad clip showing genuinity of product through
Scientifically proven 100% natural content. The consumers will feel happy and convinced after
seeing this ad and will have no doubt on its genuine content.

The problem with classical conditioning is repetition which may cause

advertising wear out.

Instrumental Learning: Observational learning is the process through which individuals

learn behavior by observing the behavior of others and the consequences of such behavior. In the
case of Lever Ayush the consumers learn by purchasing behavior of household who generally go
for healthy and genuine product as the responsibility of health of family is upon them. So, Lever
Ayush through its new ad will show it as natural as well as genuine product for the household a
must pick up.
Stimulus Generalization: Responding the same way to slightly different stimuli. The Best
part of ad creation of Lever Ayush is that it talks about traditionality and genuinity so the
response for the stimuli will be towards the healthy benefits its provide with genuine content.

Outcome of Consumer Learning

There is no scientific way to measure consumer learning as it is subjective but yes there are
Aspects which will change consumer behavior and have a fair idea about the positive learning of
the consumers towards

The subject matter such as:

1. Attitude and behavior towards the product

2. Regular usage of the product,

3. Faith in the purpose/quality of the products.

Perceptual Map

High Price

Lever Ayush

High Involvement Low Involvement

Low Price
Consumer Attitude

Consumer Attitude is an important point for lever Ayush and since people doubt the genuinity
of Ayurvedic product, their change in attitude and behaviour towards it will start with Lever
Ayush with” Sahi Ayurveda”. The goal of Consumer Learning is to change of attitude of
consumers towards the Lever Ayush. There should be favorable attitude towards the products
which will help the consumers to buy the products.

Tri Component Model

As the name suggest, the tri-component attitude model states that attitudes are composed of
three components, viz., a knowledge (cognitive) component, feeling and emotional (affect)
component and the action (conative) component. For changing the behavior and attitude of
consumers of Lever Ayush showing ad clip with content comprising the knowledge part of
Ayurveda, showing household relationship with family with genuine product and action
component showing benefits of Lever Ayush.
Consumer Attitude Formation and Change

Consumer Attitude is a learned predisposition to behave in a consistently favorable or unfavorable way

toward a given object. Consumers learn attitudes from direct experience with the product, word-of-mouth,
exposure to mass media, and other information sources.

The object can be a product, service or a brand. Consumers buy products towards which they have
positive attitude and favorable feelings. It is very important for Lever Ayush to change the attitude of
customers towards buying Lever Ayush range of products which provides “Sahi Ayurvedic” content in it,
by making consumers learn about it through scientifically proven tests, genuine ingredients and wide
range of varieties it provides for Skin care, Dental care, Body Care etc.

Attitude Formation

Personal Experience: The personal experience while using the Lever Ayush should be healthy, remedy
for various issues related to skin care, body care, dental care etc. This will lead to better experience
enhancement. Lever Ayush portrays itself as genuine Ayurveda with proven tests which form positive
attitudes and leads to repeated purchases. This helps to protect Lever Ayush from competitors which
portrays itself as 100% Ayurveda with no validation proof.

Consistency with Behavior: Households prefers buying genuine and healthy products for various
segments such as Skin care, Hair care, Dental care etc. rather than buying cheap, lower quality,
unsatisfactory products. So, Lever Ayush should not compromise on quality, and should be working in
parallel with this consistent behavior of households.

Family Friends: As we are targeting “Households” who are the ultimate decision maker of the family.
Targeting Households and providing greater experience to them will help them to change the attitude of
family members on positive notes. Further friends can also help in changing attitude with word of mouth.

Personality Factors: Consumers who are cognitive likes to form attitudes in response to promotions of
Product depicting genuinity and benefits. These people (Households) are targeted by providing lot of
details, benefits of Lever Ayush Product etc. Whereas consumers with low cognitive need are targeted
through advertisements such as influencer advertising.

Media and Internet: Advertisements play a huge role in attitude formation of the consumers. Lever
Ayush aims to form favorable attitude towards its health care products.
Situational Factors: This is very important and genuine for Lever Ayush. They can target the consumers
who are tired of unhealthy and fake ayurvedic contents showing products . They can use these situations
to increase the sales.

Tri – Component Attitude Model

It a model that maintains that attitudes consists of three components: Cognitive, Affective and Conative.

Cognitive Component: The Cognitive Component of Attitude are Knowledge and perceptions that are
acquired by a combination of direct experience with attitude object and related information from various
sources. This knowledge and perceptions are commonly expressed as beliefs. For targeting the cognitive
need Lever Ayush provide detailed information of benefits it provide in skin, health, dental care etc. it
provides with 100% genuinity assurance which is scientifically proven. These appeals to the logic and
thinking ability of individuals i.e.Targeted Households.

Affective Model: The affective model consists of emotions and feeling about a particular brand that is
“Lever Ayush”. There should be positive emotion about Lever Ayush. Consumers(Households) who
buy Lever Ayush will have genuine ayurvedic product which in turn will help them to extract or
get benefits of pure ayurvedic herbals(without any hesitant) with no side effects. For measuring
emotions they can take feedback and improve on the suggested changes. The emotional appeal to the
Household is being done by Lever Ayush depicting about its traditionality.

Conative: The likelihood or tendency that an individual will undertake a specific action or behave in a
particular way with regard to the attitude object. Conative Component is treated as an expression of the
consumer’s intention to buy. Customer intention is to buy a genuine and healthy skin, dental, hair care
products. Lever Ayush provides benefits with considering both these parameters into consideration.

Lever Ayush: High Involvement Products

 Consumers hold strong feelings or preferences towards a particular brand which is for health
 Decisions like choosing a brand of healthcare Ayurveda products like” Lever Ayush” is going to
require the consumer to spend time comparing the various attributes of competing brands.
 Consumers consider full information about the skin, hair, dental, body care products they are
about to buy.
 Proper research is done before buying a particular product by Households.
Elaboration Likelihood Model

ELM models explains that there are Central Route and Peripheral Route to target consumers to purchase a
product. Products which requires high involvement, requires thought processing, comparative ads,
detailed analysis are targeted through Central Route. Central route is for high involvement products and
where the perceived risk is higher.

Peripheral Route targets low involvement products, less processing, non- comparative ads and subjective
knowledge of the products. The perceived risk is low for the products.

Lever Ayush targets its consumers through Central route because Lever Ayush is High involvement

In case of Lever Ayush consumer attitude of Household can be changed by Comparative ads,
Scientifically Proven tests ad, detailed informative ad providing and depicting its Statement “ Sahi
Ayurveda” which means genuine and pure Ayurveda product, which requires high involvement, requires
thought processing, comparative ads, detailed analysis are targeted through Central Route. Central route is
for high involvement products and where the perceived risk is higher.
Family and the Social Class

Household influences the most important consumption decision


– Consists of all the people who occupy a housing unit (a house, apartment, group of rooms, or single
room designed to be occupied as a separate living quarters).

• Family Household

– One having at least two members related by birth, marriage, or adoption, one of whom is the
householder (householder owns or rents the residence).

• Nonfamily Household (One Person household) Comprise of 3.9% of indian population.

– A householder living alone or exclusively with others to whom he or she is not related.

1 person Household - 3.9%

2 person household - 9.8%

3 to 6 person household – 67.5%

7 and above household – 18.8%

In order to change the consumer behavior of various types and nature of household a particular set of
strategy needs to be followed. 3 to 6 person household needs to be given most importance as it
comprises the highest percentage population.

One’s family and the social class in which one lives are the most powerful reference groups for oneself.
They act as socialization agent by teaching how to behave in a way that is acceptable to their society.

Family is the most important socializing agent in the society. Family has huge importance in influencing
the decision if the decision maker of Family ( i.e.Households) are satisfied with the genuinity and
usage of product then it has to be in the healthcare segment for the family. Every family member have
a decision and behavior towards Lever Ayush Product but the after discussion the major decision is
taken by the Households.
Consumer Socialization is process by which young people acquire skills, knowledge, and attitudes
relevant to their functioning as consumers in the marketplace. The process by which consumers learns
how to behave in ways that are acceptable to society. Family is the most important Socialization agent
followed by the friends. Lever Ayush should target family particularly households by targeting these
socialization agents who can create positive influence in the mind of the family about lever Ayush
products and also children’s who will become future consumers and have large influence on purchase of
Lever Ayush products because of behavior change we are going to impart that is trust on product “Sahi

In Early stages of life people are most influenced by family and later stage by friends. So, targeting
households is best option to change consumer behavior regarding Lever ayush product.

Mother i.e householder is the most important socializing agent in the family. It is the mother who
decides to what to buy and what not to buy. The mother acts as an influencer in the family. Mother acts
as the following in the family in case of Lever Ayush Product.

1. The Balancer: The nurturer is a married woman multitasking and teaches children to become good
consumers. Mother buys good products and services of higher quality to take care of the family.

2. The Nurturer: Focused on her family and often sacrifices her own desires to meet the wants of the
children. The mother takes care of the whole family by providing the children with quality foods and

The Family Life Cycle

The family life cycle stage is a major component which needs to be kept in mind. The most suitable
stageof FLC for Lever Ayush is Parenthood and Post Parenthood. In this stage the people are busy and
have multiple works to do. At this stage the disposable income is also high for the consumers.
Role Behaviour in the Family for purchase of Lever Ayush after changing consumer behavior regarding

• Initiator: The initiator for Lever Ayush is the Household who is the decision maker of the family and
thinks about buying products.

• Influencer: Relatives or other family members are the most important influencer.

• Decider: In case of the Lever Ayush mother acts as a decision maker in the society because it is
healthcare product.

• Buyer: The buyer is the father and mother of the family who is household.

• User: The family members are the user of Lever Ayush products.
*Reference Groups and communities, opinion leaders, and Word of Mouth

The idea is to change the consumer behavior of customers towards the Lever Ayush Product which has
genuine content and is “True Ayurveda” which is backed up by scientifically proven results. In order to
do so Reference group, Word of Mouth and Family plays an important role.

There are the different types of reference group which influence and the various sources of social power
that groups have over other people.

Reference Group- Group whose presumed perspectives or values are being used by an individual as the
basis for his/her current behavior. Family is the most important reference group. Like in the case of
helmet usage, reference groups have both normative and comparative influence but the Intensity and
reach is very low.

Positive Normative Influence: Normative influence is learning and adopting a group’s norms, values or
intimate their behaviours. In Lever Ayush case people is influenced by their family members who are
using Lever Ayush products, peers, friends Households moulds family usage of products related to
healthcare households is main decision maker of the family and are liable to buy healthcare products
which are of high value to family and is of High quality.

Comparative Influence: Comparative Influence occurs when people compare themselves to others
whom they respect and admire, and adopt some of those people’s values or intimate their behaviours.
In case of Big Basket people watch celebrity such as Akshay Kumar who is known as one of the fittest
Bollywood actor and focuses on leading healthy lifestyle which influences people. In the Ad of lever
ayush it talks about traditionality of Ayurveda science and getting healthy day to day healthcare by using
Lever Ayush products. People relate to healthy healthcare lifestyle and want to intimate these in their
day to day life. This made them feel like they are part of a particular community.

Membership Group: A group to which a person belongs to is Membership Groups. In case of Lever
Ayush, the membership can be a group of households or household community group.

Symbolic Groups: Symbolic group is to which an individual is unlikely to belong but whose behaviours
and values people adopts. For example, people might follow the behaviour of celebs who uses Lever
Ayush Healthcare Products or people may adapt behavior of high social class people who they look
Consumption Related Reference Group

Friends: This group is a major factor which influences the consumers in the society for the purchase of
goods. Consumers buy goods and services with consultation from the friends and peers. Households can
be influenced by the other friends who goes shopping together. Similarly, Household group can
influence their friends and peers.

Virtual Communities: Lever ayush has virtual communities in this website. There the users can share the
concerns and queries related to various healthcare products. There is also virtual community on various
online platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and other handles. Lever Ayush should target these groups
on the platforms and advertise their genuinity , healthcare range of products to influence the

Opinion Leaders

Opinion leaders are the expert on the subject matters, the best of Individuals who exert an unequal
amount of influence on the decisions of others. They will help them overcome the interest of the people
and through various analysis interprets, filters and passes along information on various platrforms like
blogs, YouTube videos etc. Lever Ayush can target influencers who writes blog, makes videos or updates
its followers on various platforms related to healthy lifestyle and is in healthcare industry. These opinion
leaders are often ordinary people, with or without professional experience in a healthcare or other
industry, who have a huge following on social media networks.

Word of Mouth

Word of mouth is the best advertising Technique. It can be through sources like your reference groups
or the opinion leaders. Word of Mouth is the most intense medium of influencing the people. It can be
done by creating buzz about Lever Ayush products by talking about experience, benefits of it. This is the
one of the best strategy to influence people to buy Lever Ayush products with less advertising cost.

Organic Word of Mouth

1. Online Network Group: The online platforms such as Facebook, quora and other groups are the most
important tool to target the consumers and new users. There can be a discussion over range of products
and benefits provided by Lever Ayush and also about genuinity of the product which is scientifically
proven and sharing it with other users. Blogs, videos, articles are other essential tools through which
Lever Ayush can increase their word of mouth.

2. Influencers: Blogs, tweets, mentioning in story By influencers or opinion leaders will lead to increase
in word of mouth for the Lever Ayush and will increase the influence on Households since they are
actively available on online platforms not a days.

Amplified Word of Mouth

1. Buzz Marketing: Celebrity endorsements by superstars like Akshay Kumar who is considered as one of
fittest Bollywood actor and is known for his healthy lifestyle will help in increasing buzz in the market
and will increase word of mouth for Lever Ayush Products about its traditionality and genuinity.

2. Paid Influencers: Paid influencers can be used to spread genuinity , traditionality and benefits of Lever
Ayush on their channel with providing good reviews and spread word of mouth will be paid accordingly.

Factors Affecting Reference Group Influence

Conformity: People who belongs to a certain group conforms with the norms and standards of the other
group members. For example, in a group of households who are Lever Ayush members will influence the
other members to buy Lever ayush products and will talk about genuinity of product and content.

Group Power: Different reference groups have different beliefs and customs. The Households
community have their own group who goes shopping together or discuss about products in meetings.

Product Conspicuousness: Uniqueness in products. Lever Ayush products are unique and genuine
compared to other products. Ex- Cow Ghee Soap in their product portfolio.

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