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Values : basic convictions that a specific mode of conduct or end-state of

existence is personally or socially preferable to an opposite or converse mode of
conduct or end-state of existence.

Values System : a ranking of individual values according to their relative


Impotance of Values :values are important to the study of organizational behavior

because they lay the foundation for the understanding of attitude and motivation
and because they influence our perceptions.

Types of Values
1. Rokeach Value Survey (RVS) :
- Terminal values : refers to desirable of end-state of existence.
- Instrumental values : refers to preferable modes of behavior or means
of achieving the terminal values.
2. Contemporary Work Cohorts : Author has integrated a number of recent
analyses of work values into a four-stage model that attempts to capture
the unique values of different cohorts or generation in the U.S.

Values, Loyalty, and Ethical Behavior : Managers consistentlyreport that their

boss’s actions are the most important factor influencing ethical behavior in the


Job Satisfaction : individual’s general attitude toward his or her job.

Measuring Job Satisfaction : Employee’s assessment of how satisfied or

dissatisfied he or she is with his or her jobis a complex summation of number of
discrete job elements.

1. Single global rating : this method asks individuals to respond to one

2. Summation score of job facets : this method identifies key elements in
ajob and asks for the employee’s feeling about each.

Job Satisfaction as a Dependent Variable : an extensive review of literature

indicate that the more important factors conducive to job satisfaction are mentally
challenging work, quitable rewards, supportive working conditions, and
supportive colleagues.
1. mentally challenging work : employees tend to prefer jobs that give them
opportunities to use their skill and abilities.
2. quitable rewards : employees want to pay system and promotion policies
that they perceive as being just, unambiguous, and in line with their
3. supportive working conditions : employeesare concerned with their work
environment for both personal comfort and facilitating doing a good job.
4. supportive colleagues : employees get more out of work than marely
money or tangible achievements.

Job Satisfaction as an Independent Variable : Managers’ interest in a job

satisfaction tends to center on its effect on employee performance.

1. Satisfaction and productivity : satisfied employees are more productive.

2. Satisfaction and absenteeism : satisfied employees have fewer avoidable
3. Satisfaction and turnover : satisfied employees are less likely to quit the

How Employee Can Express Dissatisfaction

1. Exit : behavior directed toward leaving the organization.

2. Voice : active and constructively attempting to improve conditions.
3. Loyalty : passively waiting for conditions to improve.
4. Neglect : passively allowing conditions to worsen.

Job Satisfaction and OCB : satisfied employee who feel fairly treated by and are
trusting are more willing to engange in behaviors that go beyond the normal
expectation of their job.

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