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" Recipe for success: Study while others are sleeping; work while others are loafing; prepare
while others are playing; and dream while others are wishing. " *WILLIAM A. WARD


__________1. an unfair feeling of dislike for a person or group because of race, gender, religion
and etc...

__________2. belonging to the essential nature of a thing

__________3. generosity in bestowing money or gifts upon others without expecting anything in

__________4. the quality of having unlimited power or great power

__________5. a range of different things

__________6. the passionate expression of grief or sorrow

__________7. persons who wander from place to place without a home or a job

__________8. a place of refuge or safety

__________9. the ability to understand and share the feelings of another

__________10. speak irreverently about GOD or sacred things

II. LISTENING ( 11 - 20)

Genius interchange humankind history

Biodiversity forest mountains values

Human settlement significance date

Ecological testimony phenomena sites


In it's mission to encourage the identification, protection, and preservation of cultural and
natural heritage around the world, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization ( UNESCO) developed the World Heritage Convention, an international treaty
notified by 186 countries to date. The World Heritage Convention is tasked to inscribed and
added to the list of World Heritage Sites. The selection of the sites is a detailed process involving
preselection, nomination and evaluation. To be included, sites must be of outstanding universal
value and meet at least of ten selection criteria such as: human creative genius, interchange of
values, testimony to cultured tradition, significance in human history, traditional human
settlement, heritage associated with events of universal significance, natural phenomena or
beauty, major stages of earth's history, significant ecological and biological processes and
significant natural habitat for biodiversity.

3. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions below. Encircle the letter
of the correct answer.
From where they were now, the village looked like it was in a basin at their feet.
High green hills, covered with lush vegetation, surrounded the village, and when it was
the season of pious these flowers showed like yellow blobs decorating the hillsides. But
there was always colour besides the stagnant green, for if immortelles’ crimson blossoms
were absent, here and there were blooms of perennial wild tropical plants.
Far in the Northern Range a river started, and when it got to the valley of five
Rivers it broke up because of the lay of land, and there were five little streams which
flowed near the village, giving it its name. The peasants lived simply, out of touch with
happenings in other parts of Trinidad, in a little world where food and shelter and a drink
in Chin’s shop on Saturday night were all the requisites for existence. In that one shop
anything from a bottle of rum to a safety pin could be bought. It was owned and run by
a fat Chinaman. Chin was so much in demand that he never left the shop except to visit
the nearest town on Sundays to see some friends and have a smoke of opium.
When he did that, the shop remained closed until his return late on Monday
morning. So that on a Saturday night every man, woman and child was there, and it was
like a regular bazaar with shouting and drinking and smoking and gossiping. When they
had indulged in all the usual activities, like hunting birds and squirrels or bathing in one
of the streams Govind and Popo began to find the holidays dull. These were things they
did all the time, School or no school.
21. The passage is mainly about? _____________________________
22. "The village looked like it was a basin " means the village was?_______
23. To survive, the peasants needed? _______________________________
24. In the passage, the word decorating means? _______________________
25. Perennial wild tropical plants. ? ___________________________
26. The word requisites means? ____________________________________
27. A bazaar is a shop or place which sells? __________________________
28. What is the setting og the passage? ______________________________
29. Based on the passage, the people can be considered as? _______________
30. The word perennial means? ____________________________________

___________________31. The sonnet written after Laura's death
___________________32. Portrayal of everyday life, including wit and mockery
following a framed structured
__________________ 33. the beloved or lover of song
__________________ 34. the boatman at inferno
__________________35. the first of the rivers of hell
__________________36. it tries to change the readers mind by convincing the
reader to agree with the writer's point of view
__________________37. ruler or king of Saragoza
__________________38. Sister of Oliver
__________________39. by the greatest Italian poet of the 14th century setting a
pattern for lyric poetry.
_________________40. Federigo's father
_________________41. defeated by love (anger)
_________________42. a folkore about love, sacrifice and fantasy
_________________43. elected as the Pope of Fools being the ugliest person in
_________________44. He admires Esmeralda, the gypsy street dancer
_________________45. Revival or rebirth
V. SPELLING (46 - 50)
VI. Proper sequence of the story (PLOT) The Song of Roland ( 51 - 60)
***Please read and understand the story of the Song of Roland



Note: I have given my best to let you understand the module for the 2nd Quarter. Please
do your part. YOU ARE THE ONES MAKING YOUR GRADES. I am do record them.

Thank you.

God bless.

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