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Mary Lorraine E.


Nature or Nurture?

“Genius is one % of inspiration and ninety-nine % of perspiration”. –Unknown

Yes, knowledge and wisdom were said as some of God’s bestowed gift to us. These
impressive set of genes are inherited by the offspring from their parents. However, it does not
mean that if your parents are clever you’ll become intelligent like them. There are possibilities
that you might become brighter than them or opposite, we don’t know. Meanwhile, many
people believe that all people are intelligent but some were not only nurtured or developed
and some were bloomed late. Being intelligent by nature plus nurturing that so called
intelligence is much better than intelligent by nature itself only. In fact, a true intelligent person
was never stopped in nurturing, developing and acquiring new ideas that make someone more
effective and productive. They always believe that learning is continuous.
Why is that nurture is more important than nature?
Intelligence alone is nothing compares to growing intelligence because if you do not
nurture the intellect that you had you will become no one but a person that is lack of efficiency
and effectiveness. You are brainy, absolutely but can you finish a certain work in a very short
period of time or can you accomplish a task with limited resources only? No, it is because you
missed to practice how to work faster with limited errors.
We need to develop our being intelligent person to have a broader way of thinking. As
growing individuals, we are expected to reason out accurately and ponder widely so that we
can be a good influence to our fellows. So, in order to attain and meet the expectations we
should pursue doing better deeds than before, developing our skills and talents like critical
thinking for decision-making and using our brain in all aspects of our lives.
Read books, newspapers, magazines and other reading materials to nurture the mental
power that we had to avoid repetition of ideas because if do not nurture and just let the
intelligence as it is we cannot have more updated concepts and more creative thoughts. We
can also search in the internet, conduct interviews and observations so that we cannot just
depend or rely in one and only sources which gives same set of learning.
After all, choosing between intelligence by nature and intelligence by nurture as more
important is difficult. Nurturing one’s intellect is not easy and quick because it requires
patience, perseverance and faith unlike to the intelligence by nature. You will just simply sit at
the corner and if asks you can immediately answer it. However, nurturing and developing the
God-given gifts is the right thing to do.
Mary Lorraine E. Santillan

Reasons why we should nurture the intellect that we have

I. Introduction
Hook: Famous quote
Connecting Information
Thesis Statement:
In fact, a true intelligent person was never stopped in nurturing, developing and
acquiring new ideas that make someone more effective and productive. They always
believe that learning is continuous.

II. Body
A. Paragraph 2 topic: lack of efficiency
B. Paragraph3 topic: no broader way of thinking
C. Paragraph 4 topic: repetition of ideas

III. Conclusion
Restatement of Thesis Statement:
However, nurturing and developing the God-given gifts is the right thing to do.

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