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Effect of chronic stress in the brain

Stress has been common among human in this millennium. The National Institute of mental
health have defined stress as simply the brain’s response to any demand. People who are working
and students are affected by this chronic stress. There are two main effect that many people facing
because of the stress that mainly affects the brain.

Firstly, the chronic stress in the brain reduces the brain productivity. it will be difficult to
concentrate at work and studies. This creates problem at the workplace where the performance is
not at the par as required by the organization. Students at the other hand are facing problem to
remember what they have learnt. There are also emotional and mental problems that some of the
people are facing. It could be their family issues such as problem with spouse, financial issue like
too many debts or repayments that need to pay or they have work part-time till late night to cover
their commitments. Lack of sleep and rest may also contribute to the mental problem. Students
may study too long hours and the stress level may go up to a stage where they have mental
problems and they may start to talk to themselves.

Secondly, it leads to degenerate brain cells. Stress creates free radicals that degenerate brain
cells and it will damage the brain cells and may lead to stroke. The damage can lead to coma and
will make the person unable to react to any situation. This will highly lead to a possibility of
abnormal brain changes. The changes may cause a decline in thinking skills, the cognitive abilities,
it also affects behaviour, feelings and relationship.

This also increases the risk of dementia and Alzheimer's where they may start to have
memory loss issues. They will have difficulties in remembering things and organizing thoughts.
The ability to make judgment and decision will decline. The worse part is that it can also affect
mood and behaviour. They will face depression, mood swings, irritability and aggressiveness,
change in sleep habit and social withdrawals.

It is good to see a doctor to get some consultation or advice to overcome stress issue before
it gets worse. we can try to overcome it by doing some outdoor activities, spend time with family
members and discuss the issue to find a solution, find an entertainment that can relax our mind and
to get rid of stress. Brain is a valuable asset that the god has given us, so let us take care of it to the

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