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Please remember! In order for the logic puzzle to work, the question you must
ask the spectator is NOT �Is the object/bill in this hand?�. In this case, this
wouldn�t work.
You instead need to have the spectator focus on the correct hand as chosen by
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By Manos Kartsakis
them at the very beginning of the routine, (truth teller � hand that contains
the object/liar � empty hand) and in the end ask �Is this the hand you were
concentrating on?�.
Of course, as we have mentioned before, the answer to this question must
always be regarded as the truth in order to locate the hidden object.
The first time I saw a logic puzzle being used in an effect of this nature was
when I saw Banachek�s Ring of Truth routine from one of his Psi series DVDs.
However, this particular effect was inspired directly from Atlas Brookings�
amazing effect �Imbalance� which I saw in one of his lectures.
After showing a variation of the effect described above to Peter Turner, he
informed me that Mark Elsdon also had similar work on this plot. After
speaking with Mark I found out that the effect I had created was extremely
similar to his (even though both were created independently).
Since then, Mark has published his thoughts within the �Tequila Hustler�
book, and I completely reworked my effect, as well as the methodology which
resulted in the routine that you have just read.
In comparison to the older version, the procedure in this one is very different
and only one question is asked instead of two (the question is also different). I
sincerely hope that you have enjoyed the fruits of this effort.
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The performer hands the spectator a small object. Whilst placing their hands
behind their back, the spectator is instructed to hide the object in either hand.
This time no questions are asked at all. The spectator is instructed to say
nothing out loud. This is a game that is played only in the spectator�s mind.
With zero questions asked, the mentalist is able to discern the location of the
object with 100% accuracy.
To experience this effect first hand, grab any small object that you can hide in
your hand and follow along with the instructions outlined in the performance.
�I would like to share something with you. Every time I try to read someone
or understand the way they think, people believe that I draw my conclusions
solely from what is said to me. On the contrary, quite the opposite is true.
The majority of communication is made via nonverbal cues, I will give you a
quick example. If you were to lie to me about something, I bet that you could
do it rather convincingly if you really tried.
Some people can tell a lie that is totally indistinguishable from the truth,
this is because people are trained to think like that. We�ve all told little white
lies from time to time, and sometimes it can be quite useful. Not to deceive
someone necessarily, but maybe to get out of an uncomfortable situation
However, although we can tell a verbal lie quite convincingly, the one thing
most people haven�t learned is how to control their nonverbal cues as they lie.

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