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If the spectator plays the role of a liar he is instructed to do the opposite, and

bring the hand he is focusing on (the empty hand) forward.

In both instances, the hand that is brought forward will be the empty hand and
the hand that remains behind the spectator�s back will hold the object.
Besides the logic puzzle that works invisibly behind this effect, there are also
some finer details that help to make it both deceptive and sure fire.
At the beginning of the effect, it is extremely important for the spectator to
understand which hand he should be focusing on as dictated by their chosen
During the effect, it is very important that the spectator GENUINELY
concentrates exclusively upon one of the hands too. This not only facilitates
the understanding of the instructions, but will also allow your spectator to
make the appropriate actions as requested.
When asking the spectator to bring one hand forward you must be clear and
concise in your instruction.
Notice how the instructions have been separated into two parts.
Part1: �In a moment I am going to ask you to bring one of your hands
forward, if you are a truth teller I would like you to keep the hand that you
are concentrating on behind your back and bring the other hand to the front,
keeping it firmly closed.�
Part 2: �If however, you have chosen to play the role of a liar, I would like you
to try and throw me off by bringing the hand that you are concentrating on
forward instead of keeping it behind your back.�
The instruction for the truth teller is given in the first part which means that
they will ignore the information that follows. The Liar�s instructions are clearly
explained within the second part.
These lines should seemingly be delivered to emphasise the fairness of the
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situation. Since the focus here is entirely placed upon which hand the
spectator is concentrating on (which you genuinely couldn�t know) the
instruction should seem free and fair and the spectator should not feel as
though they are being manipulated or restricted in any way.
After the instructions have been given, the spectator is allowed a few moments
to consider their actions before bringing a hand forward. As soon as they do
this, you will know that the presented hand will be empty and the object is
being held behind the spectator�s back.
You will notice that prior to the reveal we use a very similar script to the
previous effect. This provides a little time misdirection between the moment
that the information is gathered (where the object is) and the final reveal.
You may wonder why I designed the effect so that the object ends up behind
the spectator�s back, rather than being held out in front of them.
The reason for this is quite simple, if we performed this the opposite way, then
the liar may feel forced to place the hand with the object on my awaiting open
This would be a little counter-intuitive for a liar since their natural instinct
would be to hide the object (in order to make it more of a challenge).
In framing the effect as described, this sits equally as well for the liar as it
for a truth teller. Please study the procedure carefully and have fun with this
My inspirations for creating this effect were exactly the same as the first one,
but for this one, however, I would like to thank especially Michael Murray for
insisting on reworking the effect when it was still in development and helping
to turn it into a little gem that I am sure you will enjoy.
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By Manos Kartsakis
VOX 2.0:
Note: Please read the original routine before you read this one, as some things
will be clearer if you understand how the original routine works.
The performer, asks a spectator to hide something in one of their hands. After
the spectator has done that, the performer asks him to either concentrate on
the hand that has the object or the empty hand. No matter which hand the
spectator is concentrating on, the performer is able to tell him exactly where
the object is hidden.
�Do you have something small like a coin you can hide in your hand? Oh, you
have a 20p? Great, that�s brilliant. Please put both your hands behind your
back and mix it around and when you are ready, hide it in one of your hands.

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