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4/2/2020 Common Table Expression (CTE) MySQL 8.0.

– Mydbops


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Common Table Expression (CTE) MySQL 8.0.

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pon suresh pandian

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 MySQL 8.0, MySQL Developer Insights, optimisation January 6,
2019 4 Minutes

1.0. Introduction:

MySQL 8.0 was released with awesome features. One of its most prominent features is CTE
(Common Table Expression (h ps://

The Common Table Expression can be used to construct complex queries in a more readable manner.
In this blog, I have described how the CTE works with some useful examples.

1.1 What is CTE?

A Common Table Expression (CTE) is the result set of the query, which exists temporarily and uses
only within the context of a larger query.

The CTE provides be er readability and performance in comparison with a derived table.

In a normal query the temporary result set that exists only within the execution scope of a single SQL


select city.ID,city.Name,city.Population from city

where city.Population between '10000' and '500000'
group by city.ID UNION select country.Code,country.Name,country.Population
from country join city on city.ID=country.Code
group by country.Capital order by Population; 1/10
4/2/2020 Common Table Expression (CTE) MySQL 8.0. – Mydbops

Graphical View:

Visual Explain using MySQL Workbench

When Using CTE:

The CTE can be self-referencing or it can be referenced multiple times in the same query.
While comparing the normal query it will give be er performance.

Example : 2/10
4/2/2020 Common Table Expression (CTE) MySQL 8.0. – Mydbops

with cte_ex (ID,Name,Population) as

select ID,Name,Population from city where Population between '10000' and '5000
select * from cte_ex group by ID order by Population;

Graphical View :



Just like database views and derived tables, CTE enables users to easily write and maintain complex
queries with be er readability and simplification. This reduction in complexity is achieved by
deconstructing ordinarily complex queries into simple blocks to be used and reused if necessary.

1.2 CTE Syntax: 3/10
4/2/2020 Common Table Expression (CTE) MySQL 8.0. – Mydbops

WITH cte_name (column_list) AS (

-- Sub Query --
SELECT * FROM cte_name;

Initiate a CTE using “WITH”.

Provide a name for the result soon-to-be defined query.
After assigning a name, follow with “AS”.
Specify column names (optional step).
Define the query to produce the desired result set.
If multiple CTEs are required, initiate each subsequent expression with a comma.
Reference the above-defined CTE(s) in a subsequent query.

Thumb Rules :

The number of columns in the query must be the same as the number of columns in the
If you omit the column_list, the CTE will use the column list of the query that defines the CTE.

1.3 Use Cases:

Needing to reference a derived table multiple times in a single query.

An alternative to creating a view in the database.

Performing the same calculation multiple times over across multiple query components.


WITH country_surface AS (
Region, HeadOfState, SurfaceArea
Region like 'A%'
order by SurfaceArea; 4/10
4/2/2020 Common Table Expression (CTE) MySQL 8.0. – Mydbops

CTE Structure :


Output :

| Region | SurfaceArea |
| Australia and New Zealand | 14.00 |
| Australia and New Zealand | 36.00 |
| Antarctica | 59.00 |
| Australia and New Zealand | 135.00 |
| Antarctica | 359.00 |
| Antarctica | 3903.00 |
| Antarctica | 7780.00 |
| Australia and New Zealand | 270534.00 |
| Australia and New Zealand | 7741220.00 |
| Antarctica | 13120000.00 |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)


In this example name of the CTE is country_surface, the query that defines the CTE returns two
columns Region and SurfaceArea. 5/10
4/2/2020 Common Table Expression (CTE) MySQL 8.0. – Mydbops

1.4 WITH clause usages :

There are three usages WITH clause to make common table expressions.

1) A WITH clause can be used at the beginning of SELECT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements.

WITH ... select ...

WITH ... update ...
WITH ... delete ...

Source to update other tables :

The CTE provides a simple solution to update the other tables.

Example :

with cte as
select store_id from inventory as a
update store as b,cte set b.last_update='2018-10-15 00:00:00' where b.store_id

Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.05 sec)

Rows matched: 2 Changed: 2 Warnings: 0


2) A WITH clause can be used at the beginning of a subquery or a derived table subquery.

select ... where id IN (WITH ... select ...);

select * from (WITH ... select ...) AS derived_table;

3) A WITH clause can be used immediately preceding SELECT of the statements that include a
SELECT clause. 6/10
4/2/2020 Common Table Expression (CTE) MySQL 8.0. – Mydbops

create table ... WITH ... select ...

create view ... WITH ... select ...
insert ... WITH ... select ...
replace ... WITH ... select ...
declare cursor ... WITH ... select ...
explain ... WITH ... select ...

Example :

ULL,name varchar(30),address varchar(30),city varchar(15),country varchar(25));

mysql> insert mydbops_test (id,name,address,city,country)

with RECURSIVE staff as
select id,name,address,city,country from staff_list
select * from staff;
Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.06 sec)
Records: 2 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0

1.5 Limiting CTE :

It is important for recursive CTEs that the SELECT part include a condition to terminate the
You can force termination by placing a limit on CTE execution time.
max_execution_time it enforces an execution timeout for SELECT statements executed within the
current session.
The default max_execution_time is 0 .The variables only apply to read-only SELECT statements.

1.6 CTE Optimizer Hints :

We can include the max_execution_time (h ps://

hints.html#optimizer-hints-execution-time) an optimizer hint within the CTE statement. 7/10
4/2/2020 Common Table Expression (CTE) MySQL 8.0. – Mydbops

with RECURSIVE full_table_scan as

select actors,title from film_list UNION ALL select actors,title from film_list
SELECT /*+ MAX_EXECUTION_TIME(10) */ * FROM full_table_scan;

ERROR 3024 (HY000): Query execution was interrupted, maximum statement executio

1.7 Conclusion :

The Common Table Expressions is one of the long-awaited features in MySQL 8.

It will reduce more complexity. The purpose of CTEs is to simplify the writing of complex SQL
You can always recognize them by the “With” keyword at the start of the SQL statement.


Featured Image Courtesy : Photo by Jeremy Thomas (h ps://

utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText) on Unsplash
(h ps://


Published by pon suresh pandian

View all posts by pon suresh pandian

4 thoughts on “Common Table Expression (CTE)

MySQL 8.0.”

Jan Steinman says:

January 7, 2019 at 4:53 am 8/10
4/2/2020 Common Table Expression (CTE) MySQL 8.0. – Mydbops

•After assigning a name, follow with “AS”.

•Specify column names (optional step).

I think you have the order of these two things switched.

Great posting! Really helped me understand it be er.

Pingback: Weekly Reading for Week of 01-12-2019 | Digital Owl's Prose
dan doyle says:
March 24, 2019 at 10:10 pm
Thank you for creating this…..very helpful. I noticed that with CTE’s in MySQL, I could not figure
out how to insert the results of CTE in to a table…any suggestions? Thanks.

pon suresh pandian says:
March 26, 2019 at 11:28 am
Hi dan doyle,

Thanks for your comment.

Yes it’s possible to store the CTE results into another table or temporary tables.Here i
mentioned the simple example.

Example :

In this example i am storing the (country_surface) CTE results set in mydbops_lab_test table.

mysql> create table mydbops_lab_test as WITH country_surface AS (

select Region, HeadOfState, SurfaceArea
WHERE Region like ‘A%’ )
select * from country_surface;
Query OK, 10 rows affected (0.08 sec)
Records: 10 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0

Output :

mysql> select * from mydbops_lab_test;

| Region | HeadOfState | SurfaceArea |
| Antarctica | | 13120000.00 |
| Antarctica | Jacques Chirac | 7780.00 |
| Australia and New Zealand | Elisabeth II | 7741220.00 |
| Antarctica | Harald V | 59.00 |
| Australia and New Zealand | Elisabeth II | 14.00 |
| Australia and New Zealand | Elisabeth II | 135.00 |
| Antarctica | Elisabeth II | 359.00 |
| Australia and New Zealand | Elisabeth II | 36.00 |
| Australia and New Zealand | Elisabeth II | 270534.00 | 9/10
4/2/2020 Common Table Expression (CTE) MySQL 8.0. – Mydbops

| Antarctica | Elisabeth II | 3903.00 |

10 rows in set (0.01 sec)

Reply 10/10

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