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Task # 4:

Task #4:
Develop an articulation map of competencies


(Core and GM Courses)

Prerequisite Knowledge, Skills Target Exit Knowledge, Skills and Attitude

and Attitude


Knowledge Power Standard

-Identifying patterns in a given -Identifying problems existing in a given -Identifying possible mathematical solutions and
context context that can be modelled making decision to address issues in a given context

-Applying inductive and deductive -Justifying solutions to problems by logical

reasoning in proving. reasoning
Literal Transfer

-Recognizing patterns that can address the issue in a

given context

-Deciding solution logically to address the issue in a

given context
Skill Power Standard

-Solving problems involving -Modelling discoveries from situational -Solving prevalent issues utilizing mathematical
polynomial functions and interest problems using functions concepts and theories

-Utilizing mathematical and financial

statements in solving problems
Literal Transfer

-Using appropriate function models, business math

formulas, and logical arguments in solving prevalent
issues in a given context

Attitude Power Standard

-Self-assuredly solve problems in -Building a character of patriotism by -Having the courage to solve issues in a given context
a given context (functions and making a sound decision using concepts using models, financial tools, and logical reasoning
business) on functions, business math, and logic

Literal Transfer

-Appreciating the help of mathematical concepts such

as models, business formulas, and logical reasoning
to address issues in a given context.

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