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1. When will you apply/use rational thinking?

2. Explain this statement “Critical thinkers are Rational”.

3. How can you develop your intuitive thinking into a reliable one?
4. In your own opinion, do you think our President Duterte uses Intuitive thinking? Cite an example if yes or No.
5. Do you think successful people only use rational thinking? Why or why not?
6. Does your Intuitive thinking affect your critical thinking?
7. In order to be a successful person, what kind of thinking we must uses or apply in making decisions?
8. In our daily life, why is it that intuitive thinking is more useful?
9. In a situation wherein we do not have any choice but to make a sudden decision, would it still be possible to
apply our rational thinking? How?
10. How intuitively you are when forming a judgment to someone?
11. Give an example of a scenario/decision that is a result of Intuitive thinking.
12. What is Intuitive thinking?
13. Using your rational thinking, How can you help to change the world for the better/
14. Is Intuition always correct? Why? Why not?
15. What is rational thinking?
16. Can bad Intuition also be based on knowledge and experience?
17. How can you differentiate rational thinking and critical thinking?
18. Give an example of a scenario/decision that is a result of rational thinking.
19. When and how do you apply/use your intuitive thinking?
20. How can you give a good judgment in a culture w/ overwhelming information and demands?
21. Is Intuitive thinking important than rational thinking? Why? Why not?
22. In your community, do you think most people there think rationally? Why? Why not?
23. If you can be a rational thinker, why do you keep on judging using your intuitive thinking?
24. Why do we have to use our critical thinking skills?
25. Why do we always use intuitive thinking than rational thinking?
26. How can you be a good thinker?
27. Why is it that thinking is very important?
28. Out of the three thinking (Critical thinking, intuitive thinking and critical thinking), what do you always use in
your everyday life?
29. How reliable is critical thinking?
30. Do you believe that critical thinking is the most useful? Why? Why not?
31. If you encounter a hard situation and your judgment or opinion is needed, what will you choose? Use your
intuitive thinking even though you are not sure or stay silent and do nothing at all.
32. Using your intuitive thinking, what will you do if there is a fire in a certain place?
33. When and how do you apply/use your critical thinking?
34. What is the relevance of critical thinking in your life?

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