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Life is full of experience whether it is a fun or painful experience. This happened to Ibrahim.

He is a teenager
who is very interested in motorbikes since he was in school. If there is any extra of school spending, he would
love to buy a book or magazine about motorcycles. As soon as he was 16, he had applied for a motorcycle riding
license. He is diligent to practice riding a motorcycle every day and pass the test. When Ibrahim passed his SPM
examination, Ibrahim's brother bought him a motorcycle. He felt very proud and thanked his brother. Because
he was too interested in motorcycles, he did not want to further his study, instead he had worked in a motorcycle
shop. He works because he wants to raise money and pay his motorcycle monthly installment. At the motorbike
shop, Ibrahim learned a lot about motorcycles. He learned to repair and modify the motorcycle.

Because he was very diligent in learning, Ibrahim became competent and loved by the motobike shop
customers. Many motorcyclists and owners come to repair their motors. Some of them are illegal riders.
However, Ibrahim helped them to repair the motorcycle with pleasure. One of his regular customers is Sammy.
One day, Sammy introduced Ibrahim to his group and told his friends about Ibrahim's motorcycle modification
skills. He was favored by the members of the group and they had asked Ibrahim to race with them and offered
him a lot amount of money if he win the race. Ibrahim felt very thrilled and excited about their invitation.
Without hesitation he agreed to join the race. Ibrahim won the second place in the race. After his first
experience, Ibrahim was eager to participate in any motorcycle races.

A month after the first race, Sammy invited Ibrahim to join another illegal motorcycle race. This time the first
prize is RM 10 thousand. Again, Ibrahim feels very excited. He wanted to modify his own motorcycle to make
sure he won the race. He has changed his engine to become more powerful. He has also changed the color of his
motorcycle to be more attractive and adds some accessories. On the eve of the race, Ibrahim ride his motorbike
proudly in front of the spectators. There are lots of motorcycles ranging from different types and colors. The
atmosphere looks really festive. The riders are getting ready to start the race. The roar of the engine is so
deafening. The shout of the spectators are also filled the midnight air.

When the race began, Ibrahim accelerated his motorcycle. He has long left other riders. When he arrived at a
junction, Ibrahim had to slow down his motorcycle because of the yellow traffic light. Suddenly Ibrahim found
that two riders had surpassed his motorcycle. He was upset then he accelerated his motorcycle engine to chase
the riders. But unfortunately, while the traffic light was red, Ibrahim did not notice that a large tanker was
moving at a high speed. The tanker hit him and Ibrahim is dumped from his motorcycle and fell at the curb.
However, his motorcycle landed under the tanker and was dragged 50 meters before the tanker stopped. Ibrahim
suffered only slightly injuries but his motorcycle was badly damaged. It turned out that the tanker had lost
control and hit several other vehicles including the two riders. Ibrahim saw many people crowded the accident
area. He went to the area and found that one of the riders was Sammy. Sammy suffered severe injuries and
Ibrahim saw Sammy's legs covered with blood. Sammy received help from the crowd. A kind-hearted man had
sent Sammy to the hospital for treatment. Sammy was unconscious for two days. When he conscious, Sammy
realized found that he had lost both of his legs. The doctor said that Sammy's legs had been crushed by the
tanker. As a friend, Ibrahim felt very sympathetic to Sammy. He always visits Sammy in the hospital and gives
him a boost.

After the incident Ibrahim felt very regretted about what he had done . He gain forgiveness from her parents and
is determined to start a new life. Ibrahim has enrolled in a motorcycle club. He has taught a lot of skills for
motor racing in the right and safe way. Because he was a devout man, Ibrahim became a reliable rider. He has
participated in many motorcycle races and managed to become the champion. At the age of 22, Ibrahim was
elected to represent Malaysia in GP racing. This time, he not only represents the country but has proud of his

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