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1.1. WEB CONTENT MANAGEMENT (Brian McGough (2010))
The goal of this project is to find and implement an appropriate web content management system
(CMS) product for Indiana University. The primary objective of the project is to identify a web
CMS that will make managing websites on IU's central systems more effective and efficient. The
initial focus will be a review of the primary open source as well as commercial products, resulting
in selection of one or more web CMSs to evaluate. This project began and ran parallel to the web
hosting strategic vision and definition project.


(Chrisantus Oden (2011))
This thesis was performed at the business areas of Volvo Group where we evaluated the business
effects from an out-of-the-box content management system (CMS) implementation. A CMS helps
an organization to collect, support, organize and publish information on the Internet, intranet and
extranet. Our purpose with this thesis was to evaluate a CMS implementation and to compile a
model for CMS evaluation to be able to show the business effects generated to the organization by
the CMS. To compile a model, we studied literature on CMS and evaluation of IS/IT-investments.
Our model was customized and consisted of Observed CMS business effects, CMS business
effects and impact, IS/IT-investment evaluation and Additional IS/IT-investment evaluation. The
conclusion provided to us by our evaluation model was that the positive business effects from a
CMS implementation are “effective work process”, “content policy”, “togetherness”, “reduced
hosting costs”, “reuse of content”, “increased web presence” and the negative are “low flexibility”.


In the modern world, we are all used to the idea that we can create our own documents - but if
you go back 15 or so years - the only way you could create a website was by understanding '
HTML' - which few did. Products like Dreamweaver and WordPress were not around -
which meant that pretty much if you wanted to have a website (internet, extranet, intranet) then
you needed someone with technical skills to write and design it - but not only that – once they had
written it you still needed someone technical to change it - as it involved reading HTML code to
determine where to add content.
As a result of the above - anyone with a website pretty much ran a ' centralized creation
process' for web content. The 'norm' would be that if you had information you
wanted on a web page you would send it via email to the 'web team' who would then
amend an existing page or create a new one (if you were lucky you would get to '
approve' the page before it went live - if not you just accepted the formatting of the web

In early days web Content Management systems were developed to resolve the issue of having
highly experienced technical staff adding low level content to a website. In essence, a WCMS was
invented to allow non-technical staff to create or amend web pages without the need to involve the
technical staff (effectively removing the issue that existed with centralized web teams).

Fig.2.1. CMS Architecture


A database the board, or DBMS, gives the client access to their information and causes
them change the information into data. Such database the executives frameworks incorporate
dBase, Catch 22, IMS, SQL Server and SQL Server. These frameworks enable clients to make,
update and concentrate data from their database. A database is an organized accumulation of
information. Information alludes to the qualities of individuals, things and occasions. SQL Server
stores every datum thing in its very own fields. In SQL Server, the fields identifying with a specific
individual, thing or occasion are packaged together to shape a solitary complete unit of
information, called a record (it can likewise be alluded to as crude or an event). Each record is
comprised of various fields. No two fields in a record can have a similar field name. During a SQL
Server Database configuration venture, the examination of your business needs distinguishes every
one of the fields or properties of intrigue. In the event that your business needs change after some
time, you characterize any extra fields or change the meaning of existing fields.


SQL Server stores records identifying with one another in a table. Various tables are made
for the different gatherings of data. Related tables are gathered to frame a database.


Each table in SQL Server has a field or a mix of fields that remarkably distinguishes each record
in the table. The Unique identifier is known as the Primary Key, or essentially the Key. The
essential key gives the way to recognize one record from all other in a table. It permits the client
and the database framework to recognize, find and allude to one specific record in the database.-


Now and again all the data important to a business task can be put away in one table. SQL
Server makes it simple to connect the information in various tables. Coordinating a worker to the
office in which they work is one model. This is the thing that makes SQL Server a social database
the board framework, or RDBMS. It stores information in at least two tables and empowers you
to characterize connections between the table and empowers you to characterize connections
between the tables.


At the point when a field is one table matches the essential key of another field is alluded
to as a remote key. A remote key is a field or a gathering of fields in a single table whose qualities
coordinate those of the essential key of another table.

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