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Detailed Lesson Plan

OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, 75% of the students will be able to:

a. identify the parts of the plant and its function;

b. label the parts of the plant; and

c. appreciate the importance of plants to our life.

A. Topic: Parts of a Plant and its Functions
B. Reference:
C. Materials: Visual aids (videos, ppt and pictures), markers, bond papers,
D. Strategy: Class discussion conducted by teacher.


Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities (take 5 mins)

Checking of Attendance
Classroom Management

B. Review (this will take 5 mins)

Last time we discussed the basic
needs of the animals.

What are the basic needs of the Food, water and shelter

What will happen to the animals

If they are not provided with these Animals will die.

Very good!

C. Motivation (this will take 5 mins)

(Video clip about the importance of

Class do you have any idea what this video Ma’am, It’s all about plants
is all about?

Very Good! What else? It is about how important plant is

Exactly! So this video is showing
you the importance of plant to our

So from the video clip I showed you

why do you think plant is important?
Plant is important because it is the
Very Good! source of our food.

What else?

It produce oxygen.

You’re right!
It also provide a home for wildlife

D. Activity
(this will take 10 mins)
Class, I will divide you into 3 groups.
I have here a cut parts of a plant.
(stems,leaves,roots,flower and fruit) (students count 1-3)
You will assemble a plant to the
board in 5 minutes.

Okay class, count yourselves into 3.

E. Presentation
1. Developmental Activity
a. Analysis (this will take 5 mins)

Okay class, since we already

Know the importance of plant;
I have a picture here.
Okay, What can you see in the
picture? Trees ma’am

Yes. What else? Flowers also ma’am

Anymore? Plants ma’am

No more? No more ma’am

F. Abstraction (this will take 10 mins)

Alright class, since now you have an

idea what are the parts of plant is.
Let us know their functions.

Who can give you here what plant


Anyone from the class?

Very Good!
A plant is a living organism. It is
made up of different parts, each or
which has a particular purpose, or
What are the parts of plant? specialized function.

You’re right! There’s a stem, leaves and roots

The five basic parts of plant are:
Leaves, stems, roots, fruit and

What do you think leaves do?


How about the stem?

In leaves is where the
photosynthesis occurs.
Very Good!

How about the roots? Stems support the leaves and

flowers and they carry the water and
food from place to place within the

Also roots is used for propagation. The roots absorb water and
minerals from soil and conduct to
And the Fruit? stem.

That’s right!

And lastly the Flower.

Very Good!
It is the ripened seed-bearing part of
a plant when fleshy and edible.

G. Application (this will take 10 mins) Flower is a part of the plant that
makes the seeds.
Direction: Bring out a piece of bond
paper and draw a plant and label its
parts. I also have crayons here so
you can put colors in it.

(students will draw)

IV. ASSESSMENT (this will take 10 mins)

Direction: Bring out 1 whole sheet of paper answer the following questions.

1. What is one functions of the following:

a. Stem
b. Leaf
c. Roots
d. Flower
e. Fruit

2. Give at least 3 importance of plant.

Advance reading about photosynthesis.

Prepared By:

Joel Rae Burgos

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