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Where ω = 2π T0 is the intrinsic frequency of the oscillator and

µ, g, h are parameters of the oscillator that depend on mi-

croscopic details (i.e. we assume they are fixed and we will
only study in which conditions we will have an intrinsic os-
cillating system). Assuming that this model well represents
what occurs in nature a detailed analysis will permit us to
predict how the circadian clock behave in different condi-
Entrainment properties and waves patterns in tions. To study the effect of a ”Zeitgeber” we need to add
a generic nonlinear oscillator to this model an external force, to represent this force that
could be light that has an oscillatory behavior we need to
Samuele Mercan, Francesco Terenzi implement it in function of time and with an intrinsic phase.
EPFL, sciences et technologies du vivant We will modify the supercritical Hopf oscilltor accordingly
BA5 considering g = 1 and h=0:
ż = (µ + iω)z − z |z| + F eiωt (2)
Where F is a positive number representing the force module
Introduction and ω = 2πT is the external frequency. Using this model we
Humans and many other organisms living on Earth physi- will be able to analyze which combinations of the module of
ological behavior is strongly induced by chemical and neu- the external force and its frequency will bring our system to
ronal signals expressed by Suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) lo- synchronization.
cated in the hypothalamus.
It has been recently shown that these circadian (from latin
”about a day”) rhythms naturally follow a 24.1 h period, sim-
ilar but not actually equal to the day-night cycle occurring by Quantitative science is a powerful tool that allows us to bet-
Earth rotation. This case is defined as ”free running”, mean- ter understand the world they living in. Really complex sit-
ing that no external influence is interfering with the endoge- uations in life (physical phenomena, biochemical reactions
nous cycle. and so on) could be represented and resumed by choosing
This small difference could comport an enormous and a simplified and realistic model of the situation. Moreover,
cyclic phase shift in the organism behavior with respect to people can deeply know the causes and the consequences of
natural cycles that would result in a deficiency in competi- these phenomena by analyzing the appropriate model that
tiveness evolutionary speaking. As an example it would have they have build to represents the situation.
been difficult for earlier human beings to find food or culti- In this study, we will try to understand the syn-
vate aliments at night since we are not able to see in the dark. chronization between two oscillators with different ini-
The fact that we are still on this planet and is empirically tial frequencies using the Hopf model. This analysis
evident that our sleep-awake phase is consistent with Earth will be done studying the phase portrait of our model.
rotation even though our circadian clock is not in phase with A phase portrait is a mathematical and visual representation
the Earth rotation phase suggest that there is a way to actu- of the system of interest that resumes all the information re-
ally control those rhythms. quired to better understand it. In particular, we will focus on
Studying the anatomy of the SCN, it has been proved the analysis of the stable fixed points and spirals which rep-
that this region is connected to the optic nerve making it resent the synchronization between the two oscillators and
able to have inputs derived from external light. Moreover, the limit cycles. A limit cycle is an isolated closed trajec-
it has been shown that precisely light-dark phases influ- tory of the system; in this case, we will demonstrate that the
ences the most the endogenous circadian clock synchro- system oscillates with proper frequency even with the ab-
nizing it with the Earth phase in a process called ”entrain- sence of a extrinsic periodic force. Moreover, if it is slightly
ment”. Even thought light is the strongest external influence perturbed, the system always returns to the standard cycle;
there are other endogenous chemical signals that can change nevertheless, if the amplitude of the external periodic force
the phase of the circadian clock, those agents are known as is strong enough, the system can loose its proper frequency
”Zeitgeber”. and it can start adopting the frequency of the other oscillator
Being able to use those ”Zeitgebers” in our favor could by synchronization. Here, we are interested on quantifying
allow us to interfere with the circadian clock in order to this synchronization by looking at the intensity of this ex-
treat medical conditions such as sleep disorders or annoy- trinsic force and, on the other hand, by studying how the
ing problems like jet lag, where our circadian clock is not difference between the two oscillator phases will influence
yet synchronized with the local day-night phase. this interaction.
A good approach to tackle this problem is to model it with
mathematical equations which helps us describe in an ana- Results
lytic way our situation. We will represent those cycles with
the equation of a supercritical Hopf oscillator. Supercritical Hopf oscillator
In order to better understand the behavior of the free-running
ż = (µ + iω)z − (g + ih)z |z| (1) Hopf oscillator of equation (2), we consider it without a ex-
ternal force (F ) (equation (1). Considering now this simpli- the limit cycle. Indeed, for µ < 0 with our parameters the
fied model, we explicit z as a complex function with its real conditions of the Poincar-Bendixon theorem (see Appendix)
(x = Re(z)) and imaginary part (y = Im(z)): are not satisfied and the limit cycle disappears. To resume,
this first study of the supercritical Hopf oscillator explained
z = x + iy the phenomenon of bifurcation in the context of free-running
Moreover, we can rewrite equation (1) in cartesian coordi- oscillators as our circadian clock. However, for a complete
nates like a system of equation in which x and y represent understanding of this model, further studies could be done
respectively the real part and the imaginary part of z : in order to determine the bifurcation plot for parameters µ
and g and in a second time the different nature of the fixed
−gx3 + hyx2 + x + hy 3 − gxy 2 − y
ẋ point at the origin changing µ and ω.
= (3)
ẏ −hx3 − gyx2 + x − gy 3 − hxy 2 + y
However, this representation is not very intuitive and there- Subcritical Hopf oscillator
fore changing to polar coordinates could by far make the
Let’s now consider the subcritical Hopf oscillator model:
analysis of the model easier: we introduce here two new
variables ϕ and R which are related to z by the equation: z = (µ + iω)z + z|z|2 − z|z|4 (5)
z(t) = R(t)eiϕ(t) Again, we will use the polar coordinates in order to have
a more intuitive interpretation of the model. Like showed
After substitution in equation (3) we get: above, we substitute z(t) = R(t)eiϕ(t) and we get:
R(µ − R2 g)
Ṙ R(µ + R2 − R3 )

= (4) = (6)
ϕ̇ ω − R2 h ϕ̇ ω
The variable R is always greater or equals to zero because The model shows the bifurcation phenomenon like in the
is the distance between the origin and any point in the supercritcal oscillator: the nature of the fixed point at the
spacep (x1 , y1 ); R is the module of the complex function z: origin changes for µ ranging from −0.25 to ∞. Namely, fig.
R = x2 + y 2 = |z|. The variable ϕ represents the phase 6 elucidates the existence of two fundamental regions: µ > 0
of the system that corresponds to the intrinsic frequency of and −0.25 < µq< 0. In the first region the radius of limit
the oscillator in this first simplification without a extrinsic √
1+ 1+4µ

force. cycle is R+ = 2 ; however, in the second region
The polar representation helps us to analyze the model for a given µ there are two different radii:
and to study the conditions for the presence of limit cycle in q √
the phase portrait. Considering a limit cycle like a trajectory  1+ 1+4µ f or µ > 0
characterized by a fixed radius Ṙ = 0 and a radial velocity R∗ = q √2 (7)
 1− 1+4µ f or − 0.25 < µ < 0
ϕ̇, we are able to understand the oscillating behavior of the 2
Hopf system by finding the stability of the fixed points (R∗ ). This fact suggests the existence of two different limit cycles
From fig. 1 we can see that for ω = π/2 , g = 1, h = 0.4 and for a µ between -0.25 and 0. The plot of the phase portrait
µ = 0.7 the model shows three fixed points, even though just fig. 7 confirmed this hypothesis. However, we can see from

√ is stable (because R > 0); this stable fixed point R =
one the phase portrait that one of the limit cycle is unstable be-
µ for g = 1 will be the radius of the limit cycle (fig. 3) and cause any trajectories starting on it, will converge toward the
thus the amplitude of the oscillation. The nature of the fixed center where the model presents a stable spiral. Neverthe-
point was assessed computing the trace and the determinant less, the graph shows another important propriety of the sys-
of the jacobian matrix evaluated in the fixed point, in this tem: the hysteresis. Hysteresis is a behavior of a system that
case the origin. The solution of the equation Ṙ = 0 does presents different stable points (spiral or fixed point) toward
not exist for µ < 0 and therefore no limit cycle is noticeable which any trajectories can converge. Moreover, depending
with these parameters (fig. 5). on the initial condition, the trajectories will converge toward
Now that we have depicted the different phase portraits one of the two stable points, in our case toward the limit cy-
with µ = −0.2 and µ = 0.7, we can take a step back cle or toward the origin. Due to this undesirable behavior,
and look again at the nature of the fixed point at the ori- we would prefer the supercritical model in equation (1) for
gin R∗ = 0 . Indeed, with the same previous parameters h, which the hysteresis phenomenon does not arise.
g and ω the nature of this fixed point changes from stable to For µ > 0 hysteresis is not present and the phase
unstable when µ varies between −3 and 3: this phenomenon q portrait

is called bifurcation. More precisely, for µ < 0 the origin is shows a stable limit cycle with a radius R+ = 1+ 21+4µ

a stable point (fig. 4) whereas for µ > 0 (fig.2) R∗ becomes (fig 8). Indeed, for further analysis we have chosen with the
unstable (fig. 1). Moreover, we can now find out the critical supercritical model that is more robust because it is lacking
value of µ for which the fixed point at the origin changes the hysteresis phenomenon.
its nature: the critical value µc is equal to zero. Recalling Now that we have understood better our simple model we
that R is the radius of the limit cycle, we would now try to can add an external force to our simplified supercritical Hopf
understand the impact of the bifurcation on the stability of oscillator and obtain equation (2). In order to easily analyze
this equation we need to get rid of the time dependency. We spirals. We can do that with the Jacobian matrix that will
do so by a change of variable that will virtually put ourselves traduce our problem in a 2D linear one. With the trace and
in the oscillating reference: determinant of the Jacobian matrix we will be able to see the
nature of the fixed points. In order to avoid problems derived
Z(t) = z(t)e (8) from the domain of cosine and sine function we write them
Geometrically this applied to our equation is nothing but in function of the other parameters exploiting the fact that
a change in the phase. we have a fixed point in Ṙ = Θ̇ = 0.
−R(µ − R2 )
cos(−Θ) = (15)
∆ = ω − Ω (9) F
and applying our change of variables to equation (2) sin(−Θ) = (16)
gives: F
and write the Jacobian matrix only in function of R.
Ż = (µ + i∆)Z(t) − Z 3 + F (10)
(µ − R2 ) − 2R2
− ∆R
That we can express in cartesian coordinates: J= ∆ (17)
R µ − R2
ẋ −x + x(µ − y 2 ) − ∆y + F
 Plotting the results for the stability analysis gives a char-
= (11) acteristic figure called ”Arnold Tongue” fig. 14. We can see
ẏ −y 3 + y(µ − x2 ) + ∆x that when the difference of phase between the ”Zeitgeber”
We have a fixed point when ẋ and ẏ are both equal to 0 and the endogenous oscillator represented by ∆ is minimal
which is when the two isoclines are null. the force needed by the ”Zeitgeber” to impose synchroniza-
As previously stated we have synchronization when we tion is small and increases as long as the difference of phase
end on a stable fixed point or a stable spiral, equation (11) increase. With Fig. 15 we can see the nature of all the fixed
shows the unequivocal importance that the force of the exter- points and how many there are in every region.
nal oscillator and his frequency will have on the attainment It is remarkable that when we don’t have a stable fixed
of synchronized situation. point or spiral we have an unstable spiral fig. 11, 15. For
To better visualize this result it is helpful to display a the vector field properties and Poincaré - Bendixson theo-
phase portrait fig. 9-13. We will gradually vary F or ∆ while rem we see the formation of a stable limit cycle. This limit
keeping µ constant. Since we have applied the substitution cycle represent an oscillation that in our case is the internal
now |Z(t)| coordinates in a stable fixed point or stable spi- oscillator that will never synchronize with the external one
ral represent the amplitude of the synchronized system com- and for every cycle will return in the same starting condition.
posed by the two oscillators. Applied to a sleep pattern this could suggest that the studied
A more comprehensive way of showing this result is to living organism will let’s say fall asleep the first night at 10
plot an analysis of all the possible combinations of F and ∆ pm and the successive days always some minutes later (or
in a reasonable range to see which kind of fixed point we get sooner depending on initial conditions) until coming back to
for every possible coupling. the first studied day when he felt asleep at 10 pm. It is thus
To do so we transformed our equation in polar coordi- a sort of entrainment, a behaviour that repeats itself during
nates: time.
Another interesting result that could seem trivial is that
when there is no difference in the external and internal os-
R(µ − R2 ) + F cos(−Θ)
Ṙ cillator phase no external force is needed to attain synchro-
= (12)
Θ̇ ∆+ F R sin(−Θ) nization fig. 12-14.
We write −Θ in function of R and replace it in equation Waves and defects in a line of nonlinear oscillators
(12), this will give us: Now we will focus on discrete oscillators instead of contin-
r uous like in the previous parts. Namely, let’s have a look
F 2 to a system of 512 non-linear discrete oscillators aligned
Ṙ = R(µ − R2 ) + F 1 + (∆ + ) (13) and coupled to their neighbors. Moreover, we will focus on
the phenomenon of synchronization, during which the oscil-
We have a fixed point when Ṙ = 0 so from equation (13) lators have the same behavior. Again we will consider the
we derive: model of a subcritical Hopf system equation (2) where the
force, represented this time by the term ∂∂xZ2 , is an internal
R6 − 2µR2 + (µ2 + ∆2 )R − F 2 = 0 (14) force considering the system of all the oscillators, but an ex-
ternal one for every single oscillator. The continuum equa-
Finding the roots of this equations will give us the fixed tion therefore becomes the following:
point of our entrained system.
As previously stated to verify if we have synchronization ∂Z ∂2Z
we need to see if those roots are stable fixed points or stable = (µ + iω)Z − Z|Z|2 + (18)
∂t ∂x2
After discretisation of the oscillators we obtain the fol- when µ is comprised between certain values in the phase
lowing equation: portrait a limit cycle appears. This limit cycle is exactly what
we wanted to find since it represent an oscillatory behavior.
zn+1 + zn−1 − 2zn Any small deviation given by an external input will still end
żn = (µ + iω)zn − zn |zn |2 + (19) on the oscillation after stabilization of the system.
This allows us to use this model to represent a endogenous
where we assume periodic boundary conditions, that is biological oscillator.
zN +1 = z1 . If we want to study wave-like discrete oscilla- After having proved the validity of this system we added
tors, the equation (19) should behaves like a wave equation the effect of an external oscillating force.
z(x, t) = R(q)ei(Ω(q)t−qx) (20) The study of this influence has pointed out how which
parameters are important to attain entrainment. Most no-
where q is the wavenumber of the wave (with an analysis tably we can see that the difference of the angular velocity
of dimension is clear that q and x have reciprocal units for strongly changes the behavior of the system, when this dif-
a dimensionless exponent). Equation (20) corresponds to ference is minimal a small force is required to see the two
the solution of the system if we state the conditions in polar oscillators synchronized, whether if this difference increases
coordinates the requested force to observe entrainment increases too fig.
( 9-15.
Ω(q) = ω We have been able to show that when there is no entrain-
p (21) ment a situation of pseudo-entrainment arises, with the ap-
R(q) = µ − q 2
parition in the phase portrait of a limit cycle fig. 11.
In order to numerically demonstrate the convergence of We are thus able to use this system as a model to rep-
the solution, we studied this model (equation 19) using a resent a endogenous biological oscillator influenced by the
numerical software. We set as initial condition for all the 512 environment. The force exerted in our model is the same as
oscillators the equation (20) and we added some noise, pro- the one a ”Zeitgeber” will give to our biological oscillator.
vided with a random function, to it (abs(noise) < 1). We In the last part, after having modeled the interaction of an
demonstrated that the system converges toward the wave- external oscillator with an endogenous one, we have focused
like solution when the time tends to ∞ for small value on a model who could better represent many independent
of the parameter c (fig. 17). However, when the value of non-linear oscillators interacting with each other. This could
c increases, the convergence is less clear and some chaos be an initial model for a system as the SNC, even if it is
appears. Even though a definition of chaos is complicated a oversimplification because we suppose a neuron interacts
and debated, we can say that chaos is ”an aperiodical long- only with the previous and the next one in line.
term behavior in a deterministic system that exhibits sen- We have shown that after a critical value of C is attained a
sitive condition on the initial condition” (Strogatz, 2000). wave pattern spreads between the oscillators that fully syn-
That is exactly what we notice from fig 17-18: the wave- chronize themselves.
like solution seems less stable and some bifurcations appear To have a general picture of the situation we could imag-
in time. More drastically, when c cross from 9 to 10 that ine that an external input given by light influences a neuron
is the wavenumber q 2 = 1/3, the system stop showing a in the SCN that becomes entrained and will pass this impulse
wave-like pattern, i.e. the synchronization in space disap- to the other neurons of the SCN. All the system becomes
pears. However, looking at the real part of the solution we thus synchronous and will be able to pass a consistent signal
notice that all the oscillators have the same value at the same to peripheral clocks in the human body.
time. In other worlds, all the oscillators behave in the same It is interesting to see how we can apply different mod-
manner for a given time; thus, we are able to identify a pat- els to represent several aspects of the same global system
tern of synchronization in time but not in space. To sum up, and it is evident how many insights we can discover about
we face three different pattern depending on the value of the biological system using mathematical models to describe
wavenumber c. Firstly, when c is low the wave like solu- them. We should clarify that there are other models that
tion is stable and the oscillators are synchronized in time. are more robust as the biophysical circadian clock Becker-
Secondly, when c is intermediate, i.e. less than 9 and more WeimannBernard model that is closer to reality that could
than 4, a chaotic pattern appears. Lastly, when c crosses from have been used instead of the Hopf oscillator. Since the cir-
9 to 10, a synchronization in time appears even though the cadian clock is the master clock of human body and influ-
wave like pattern disappears. Therefore, we have numeri- ences all the peripheral ones having a deeper knowledge
cally demonstrated that for a higher number of wavenumber of this master switch could allow us to better control and
the synchronization in space and the wave-like pattern is less cure many deficits or illness derived from errors in periph-
probable. eral clocks.
Lastly, we would like to conclude recalling that numeri-
cal demonstrations are usually very robust but do not con-
Conclusions stitute any formal proof. This work, especially on the dis-
With the analysis of the first modified Hopf oscillator, which crete oscillators, should be considered as a first intuition and
should represent a biological oscillator when no external would therefore require a more formal mathematical demon-
force is exerted on it, we have been able to point out that stration, that could be maybe not so straightforward.
References Figures
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of Free-running Human Circadian Rhythms in Response
to a Single Bright Light Pulse.” Experientia. U.S. National
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4. Roenneberg T, Kumar CJ, and Merrow M. ”The Human
Circadian Clock Entrains to Sun Time.” Current Biology
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5. Zee PC, and Manthena P. ”The Brain’s Master Circa-
dian Clock: Implications and Opportunities for Therapy
of Sleep Disorders.” Sleep Medicine Reviews. U.S. Na-
tional Library of Medicine, 11 Feb. 2007. Figure 1: Changing the coordinates of the system to polar
simplify the analysis of the fixed point: Ṙ in function of R
6. Honma K, and Honma S. ”Circabidian Rhythm: Its
Appearance and Disappearance in Association with a
Bright Light Pulse.” Experientia. U.S. National Library After changing the coordinates of the system to polar, the
of Medicine, 1 Dec. 1988. analysis of the fixed point is brought to a system of 1 di-
mension. The intersection of the function Ṙ with the x-axis
7. Ute Abraham, Adrin E Granada, Pl O Westermark, represents the fixed point of the system i.e. the radii of √
Markus Heine, Achim Kramer, and Hanspeter Herzel. limit cycle. Therefore, we can observe a radius of R∗ = µ
”Coupling Governs Entrainment Range of Circadian with g = 1 and the unstable fixed point at the origin. The
Clocks.” Molecular Systems Biology. U.S. National Li- negative radius does not make sense because R > 0.
brary of Medicine, 2010.

Poincaré - Bendixson Theorem
Hypotesis The Poincaré-Bendixson theorem suppose
1. R is closed, bounded subset of plane;
2. ẋ = f (x) is a continuously differential vector field on an
open set containing R;
3. R does not contain any fixed points; and
4. There exists a trajectory C that is ”confined” in R, in the
sense that it starts in R and stays in R for all future time.
Figure 2: The radius R in function of the parameter µ.

Then either C is a closed orbit, or it spirals toward a closed

orbit as t → ∞. In either case, R contains a closed orbit. Here we present the radius of the limit cycle in √
of the parameter µ, described by the function R = µ with
g = 1 found in the previous analysis fig. 1. From the graph
we notice that the radius of the limit cycle is equal to zero
when µ is negative, for instance µ = −0.2. Moreover, the
system presents a stable fixed point at the origin with this
condition of µ fig 5.

Figure 5: Ṙ in function of R when µ < 0.

Figure 3: Phase portrait of the supercritical Hopf oscillator

when µ is positive, in this case µ = 0.7. This graph depicted the different behavior of the fixed
point at the origin: the unstable point showed in fig 1 that
In the phase portrait the nullclines ẋ = 0 and ẏ = 0 are generated the stable limit cycle in this case becomes a sta-
plotted with some trajectories in red starting from different ble fixed point. This effect is known as bifurcation that is
initial conditions. The intersection between the isoclines is changing the value of a parameter (µ) leads to a change in
the fixed point. Computing the trace and the determinant of the nature of a fixed point.
the jacobian matrix, we were able to assess the correct nature
of this fixed point: a unstable fixed point.

Figure 6: R in function of µ showing two different behaviors

Figure 4: Ṙ in function of R when µ < 0. of R depending on the sign of µ.

This graph depicted the different behavior of the fixed

point at the origin: the unstable point showed in fig 1 that
generated the stable limit cycle in this case becomes a sta- The red and the blue curves show the radii of the stable
ble fixed point. This effect is known as bifurcation that is and unstable cycle limit receptively, please refer also to fig
changing the value of a parameter (µ) leads to a change in 7. The values of the radius equals to 0 illustrate the nature of
the nature of a fixed point. the fixed point located at the origin.
Figure 9: Phase portrait when µ = 1, ∆ = 0.1, F = 0.3

Figure 7: Phase portrait for a negative µ shows hysteresis in

a subcritical Hopf model with h = 0.4, g = 1 and ω = π2 .

Here we demonstrate that two trajectories in the same

phase portrait can converge toward two different solutions;
this phenomenon is known as hysteresis and it arises because
of the unstable limit cycle that is not visible on the figure
(none of the trajectories can converge toward it by defini-
tion). Due to this undesirable behavior of the subcritical sys-
tem, we would prefer the model supercritical for which the Figure 10: Phase portrait when µ = 1, ∆ = 0.2, F = 0.6
hysteresis phenomenon does not arise.

Figure 11: Phase portrait when µ = 1, ∆ = 0.6, F = 0.2

Figure 9-11: Those vector fields represent the phase por-

trait of the modified Hopf oscillator system described in
equation 7. In the three different images the paramters de-
scribing the force of the external oscillator F and the phase
difference between the two oscillators ∆ are different.
Figure 8: Phase portrait for a positive µ shows stable limit Apporting this changes allows us to have a glimpse on
cycle with a unstable point at the origin. how they influence the stability of the system.
We can observe that only in the last case fig. 3 we don’t
have a stable fixed point or spiral. Instead we can observe the
formation of a limit cycle that indicates the absence of syn-
chronicity between the two oscillators. This situation repre-
sent a constant frequency difference between the two oscil-
lators that with the perpetration of time will bring the system
to the initial condition in a cyclic way.
Remarkable how we don’t have synchronicity when ∆ has
an high value and F is relatively small.

Figure 14: Arnold tongue showing the presence of syn-

chronicity in respect to ∆ and F

Figure 9: Every pixel of this image represent a combi-

nation of a ∆ value with a F value and allows to rapidly
recognize for which combination our system will undergo
entrainment. In this case where we defined µ = 1 we can ob-
serve synchronicity zones, which correspond to zones who
where equation (7) has a stable fixed point or spiral, in the
Figure 12: Phase portrait when µ = 1, ∆ = 0, F = 0.3 red part.

Figure 15: Arnold tongue showing the nature of fixed point

depending on ∆ and F values.
Figure 13: Phase portrait when µ = 1, ∆ = 0, F = 0.6

Figure 10: This figure use the same principle as figure 9.

Figures 12-13: We study the special case when there is In this version every different colors denotes the different
no phase difference between the two oscillators (∆ = 0). We combination of fixed points we find on a phase portrait us-
notice that there is in both cases the presence of a stable fixed ing the ∆ and F parameters associated with that pixel. This
point and that only the isocline which follows all the vectors figure allowed us to say that when no stable fixed point is
that only have a component in the ŷ coordinate varies with present there is only an unstable spiral, that arises the for-
the changing of F. mation of a stable limit cycle.
Figure 16: C = 3 Figure 19: C = 10

Figure 20: C = 11

Figure 16-20: The wave pattern created by 512 non-linear

oscillator during time, plotting the real part of the complex
Figure 17: C = 5
solution. We can observe a critical condition for C=5 and
C=9 where waves fuse together generating some chaotic pat-
terns. For small values and especially for higher values of C
we can instead observe a stabilization of all the oscillators
that behave in a synchronous way.

Figure 18: C = 9

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