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40 Di erent Types of Engineering Degrees

Search the top engineering degrees online with over 40 di erent types of engineering degrees and
careers reviewed online. We have hundreds of schools in our database with a wide variety of
engineering degrees, including ABET-accredited engineering degrees at all levels, as well as dozens
of engineering program reviews written by technology experts.

Engineering is expected to be a growth sector in the upcoming decade, and it is considered to be a

top career. You can view some of the highest paying engineering jobs, which is updated often and
based on salary data from the US Department of Labor and other reputable sources. Continue
reading to research the top engineering degrees, or use the school search to get immediately
matched to online schools that are accepting applicants.

You might consider an online engineering program that is currently accepting applicants.

Purdue University Degree

MS in Engineering Technology Online - 100% Online Master of Engineering

Find online engineering programs currently accepting applicants.



Engineering is a broad term that covers a wide range of applications and industries. Combining
mathematics, science and technology, engineers produce creative solutions to real world
problems. As a result there are many di erent types of engineering degrees available.

In the past, engineering could be divided into four major branches: Mechanical, Chemical, Civil and
Electrical, with sub branches of each discipline. Today however, the number of engineering
degrees available have increased dramatically. There are now six major branches of engineering:
Mechanical, Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Management, and Geotechnical, and literally hundreds of
di erent subcategories of engineering under each branch.

Take a look over the list below - all types of engineering degrees are provided in summary with a
link to a full article with more detail on each where available. You can also nd links to universities
o ering that speci c degree, or use the below search to nd available engineering degrees. You
can use the main navigation to nd speci cs on the di erent types of engineering degrees,
including the emerging online engineering degree. For general engineering articles including
information on the highest paying degrees, those with the best employment potential, and steps
to become an engineer, be sure to check the blog.

Available Types of Engineering Degrees

Below are the most popular types of engineering degrees sorted by branch of engineering. Use
the following links to quickly jump to your engineering category of interest:
Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Civil Engineering Degrees
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Mechanical Engineering Online Engineering Degrees Engineering Management

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Architectural Engineering Environmental Engineering Geotechnical Engineering

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Biomedical Engineering Project Management Chemical Engineering

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Online Engineering Degrees
There are many di erent types of engineering degrees, but not all are available online. The top
online engineering degrees are: Computer Engineering, Engineering Management, Mechatronics
Engineering, and di erent variations of Masters in Engineering Degrees.

Online Engineering Degree

An up-and-coming concept in the eld of engineering academics is the online engineering
degree, which is available at at least one school in every branch of engineering. Although
there are not exactly a plethora of choices right now for some branches, more and more
colleges and universities are adding online engineering degrees at every level. The most
common so far is an online Master’s in Engineering. Many engineers that have already
earned their PE (Professional Engineer) license and are currently employed opt for taking
online engineering classes to get their Master’s degree. Obviously there are di erent
specializations that cater more towards online engineering degrees, such as Engineering
Management, while others are more di cult to learn online.


Click on the tabs below to view undergraduate / graduate degrees.

Undergraduate There are a decent number of Online Masters in Engineering

Certi cate, Associates, programs, all in di erent areas of engineering. Computer
Bachelors Engineering, Software Engineering, and Engineering Management
seem to be the most popular online engineering programs. You
may consider an online program from an accredited university
Masters, Doctorate
currently accepting applicants:

Syracuse University: M.S. in Computer Engineering AD

(Bachelors required)

Search Online Engineering Degrees

Types of Mechanical Engineering Degrees

Mechanical Engineering Degree
A Mechanical Engineering Degree involves the design of mechanical
systems. These systems assist industries such as: manufacturing,
aeronautics, nanotechnology, nuclear power production, heating and
cooling. A primary focus is on thermodynamics, structural analysis,
materials science, and kinematics. This is arguably the broadest of all engineering degrees
available today and takes in a wide range of engineering disciplines. The Mechanical
Engineering Degree has a number of subsets that intermix with electronics and electrical
engineering, such as Mechatronics.


Click on the tabs below to view undergraduate / graduate degrees.

Undergraduate Most graduate programs for Mechanical Engineering are located

Certi cate, Associates, on campus, but there are a few online o erings for a Masters in
Bachelors Mechanical Engineering or a related program. You may consider
an online program from an accredited university currently
accepting applicants:
Masters, Doctorate

Johns Hopkins Engineering for Professionals – Master of AD

Mechanical Engineering (Bachelors required)

Search Mechanical Engineering Schools

Aerospace Engineering Degree

An Aerospace Engineering Degree involves the study of air and space
travel. This might include military aircraft design and development, along
with commercial airline design and satellite technology. The terms
Aerospace and Aeronautical are both often used interchangeably, yet
there are key di erences between the two. Aeronautical Engineering relates to craft that
remain in our atmosphere, while Aerospace Engineering refers to aircraft that venture
outside our atmosphere. Most programs in the United States have changed their names
from Aeronautical to Aerospace over the past couple decades, but there are still some
programs that go by the historical name.


Click on the tabs below to view undergraduate / graduate degrees.

Undergraduate There are a few Aerospace programs online as most are on

Certi cate, Associates, campus, but there are several online Aeronautics programs at the
Bachelors undergraduate level.

Masters, Doctorate

Search Aeronautics Engineering Degrees

Biomedical Engineering Degree

Biomedical engineering combines the study of medicine and biology.
Biomedical Engineers apply their design skills to biological and medical
sciences. They do this to assist in advancements in healthcare treatment
technology. They develop and maintain diagnostic devices. Devices that
include EEGs, MRIs, and other imaging machines. Physicians use these machines to
diagnosis their patients’ medical problems. This is a fast moving industry and while
challenging can be a rewarding career path to take.

Available in: Certi cate, Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctorate.



Biomechanical Engineering Degree

Biomechanical Engineering is the study of organisms and mechanics and how the two solve
problems in combination. This is a growing industry and practical applications include
environmental challenges such as waste control and keeping our waterways free from
pollution. It shares close ties with Biomedical Engineering and Agricultural
Engineering, as you might expect. Most working in Biomechanics have a
Biomechanical Engineering Degree at the Master’s level or above.

Automotive Engineering Degree

As the name implies, automotive engineering involves the design and production of
vehicles. The automotive industry is hugely diverse and requires engineers to work in areas
such as mechanical design, performance, manufacturing, electrical engineering and
systems management.

Available in: Master’s and Doctorate.

Types of Civil Engineering Degrees

Civil Engineering Degree

Civil Engineering involves the development of infrastructure such as
buildings, railways, roads construction, bridges and general construction
project management. Civil Engineers also play an important role in
rebuilding projects, such as in the event of a natural disaster. Civil
Engineers may work in the private or public sector at any level. This is a very broad
engineering degree. Environmental Engineering, Structural Engineering and Marine
Engineering are all specialties of Civil Engineering.

Available in: Certi cate, Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctorate.


Structural Engineering Degree
Structural engineering is a speci c branch of civil engineering, and specializes in the design
of di erent structures, including houses, commercial buildings, art museums, stores, and
more. It is important for structural engineers to understand the construction of buildings
and the e ects of natural factors such as erosion, corrosion, wind, and water to ensure
buildings and structures are safe for a very long period of time. At some universities,
structural engineering is a concentration o ered within a civil engineering degree.

Available in: Associate’s, Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctorate.



Architectural Engineering Degree

Architectural engineers work in the construction, planning, and design
phase of projects. In conjunction with other team members, the focus is
on building structure and interior design. This includes: Heating,
Ventilation, Air Conditioning, Electrical, Fire protection, Lighting, Plumbing
and other systems speci c to the the project. In some areas natural disasters such as
earthquakes and hurricanes have special consideration.

Available in: Certi cate, Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctorate.



Types of Electrical Engineering Degrees

Electrical Engineering Degree
An Electrical Engineering Degree involves the study of energy. Energy is
available in various forms such as electrical, hydro and natural sources
such as wind and solar energy. An Electrical Engineer develops
technologies to assist with the practical application of such energies.
Electrical Engineers design components for electronic equipment, communications
systems, power grids, automobiles, and more. Most employers require an Electrical
Engineering Degree at some level to work as an Electrical Engineer, and other licensing or
certi cation requirements may also be required depending on where you live.


Click on the tabs below to view undergraduate / graduate degrees.

Undergraduate Availability of undergraduate online electrical engineering

Certi cate, Associates, programs is limited, but many traditional unviersities have on-
Bachelors campus programs, especially at the Bachelors level.

Masters, Doctorate

Search Electrical Engineering Schools

Computer Engineering Degree

Another industry that continues to expand is of course the Information
Technology (IT) industry. This involves both computer sciences and
electrical engineering. Successful graduates may nd themselves in
Telecommunications, Networking, Software Application Development, or
Manufacturing, and additional industries are emerging, such as Application Development,
Web Development, Network Security / Cybersecurity, and Cloud Computing, among others.
This type of degree has good future potential as most industries rely on information
technology. Read more about the computer engineering degree.


Click on the tabs below to view undergraduate / graduate degrees.
Certi cate, Associates, The top graduate degree in computer engineering is the Masters

Bachelors in Computer Engineering. You may consider an online program

from an accredited university currently accepting applicants:
Masters, Doctorate Syracuse University: M.S. in Computer Engineering AD

(Bachelors required)

Search Computer Engineering Schools

Electronics Engineering Degree

Technology and speci cally, electronics, have changed the way most of the world lives every
day. From the revolutionary computer to the latest mobile phone technology that ts in
your pocket, we all use electronics every single day. Electronics engineers are needed to
design and build electronic equipment. Most electronics engineers work with circuits,
switchboards, and other electronic con gurations to design and build these devices.

Available in: Associate’s, Bachelor’s, and Master’s.



Mechatronics Engineering Degree

A blend of mechanical engineering and electronics engineering, Mechatronics, or
Mechatronics Engineering, is an emerging area for hybrid engineers. Nearly all mechanical
equipment in this day and age is operated with a mix of electronics and software, all based
on computers and technology. Mechatronics engineers help bridge that gap, and have
intrinsic knowledge of electrical, electronics, and mechanical engineering. Some more
experienced Mechatronics Engineers also have computer, hardware, and software
engineering experience as well.
Available in: Associate’s, Bachelor’s, and Master’s.



Robotics Engineering Degree

A robotics engineering degree has a primary focus on automation and the use of machines
to assist with repetitive tasks such as those found in manufacturing. Robotics engineers will
typically design robotic technology and develop maintenance systems to help achieve
optimal e ciency. this is an area with expected growth of up to 15% in the next ve years.

Available in: Certi cate, Master’s and Doctorate.



Microelectronic Engineering Degree

If you have an interest in electronics a Microelectronic Engineering degree might be of
interest. Microelectronics is a subset of Electrical Engineering with a focus on the word
‘Micro’. Microelectronic Engineers specialize in the development and design of small
electrical devices. Used in a wide range of industrial applications. As we move away from
bulky electronic devices such as the rst mobile phones and desktop computers. We
develop smaller more convenient electronic devices. As a result the demand for
microelectronic engineers is high. Microelectronic engineers also assist in the technical
writing aspect of a project. As well as perform tests to verify product conformance.

Available in: Master’s and Doctorate.


Types of Chemical Engineering Degrees

Chemical Engineering Degree

As the name implies, Chemical Engineering is the practical application of
chemistry. This type of engineering degree involves technology that
utilizes chemical reactions to solve problems. A chemical engineer creates
new products, including: Cosmetics, foods, pharmaceuticals, beverages,
and cleaners from raw chemicals. this is a very broad engineering degree and allows for a
number of di erent forms of employment. It is also one of the most challenging degrees

Available in: Certi cate, Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctorate.

Environmental Engineering Degree

One of the most popular kinds of engineering degree. Environmental
Engineering involves the study of science and engineering to improve our
environment. This includes the air we breathe, food we consume, and
water. Environmental Engineers also study the environmental impact
humans have on the planet, including pollution as a result of development and
manufacturing processes. Environmental Engineering is considered a subset of Civil

Available in: Certi cate, Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctorate.



Materials Science Engineering Degree

A Materials Science engineering degree is a study of materials and why they behave a
speci c way or react to things in a certain way. This includes plastics, ceramics and
polymers. Everything around us is made up of materials, as we evolve there is an increasing
demand for materials which are stronger, more environmentally friendly and lighter.
Employment opportunities include research positions along with industry placements.
Materials Science Engineering is a very hands on, practical degree and graduates are in high

Available in: Certi cate, Master’s and Doctorate.


Agricultural Engineering Degree

An Agricultural engineering degree involves learning how to apply engineering to the
agricultural industry to assist with area of farming including: soil conservation and salinity,
ground preparation, irrigation, farm machinery design and production and helping develop
more e ective harvest techniques. Employment generally involves working in a consulting
capacity or employed in a related industry such as machinery design and production.

Available in: Certi cate, Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctorate.



Paper Engineering Degree

Paper Engineering is a specialization of chemical engineering and involves understanding
the processes involved (chemical and mechanical) of paper production. This type of degree
involves both research based work and practical assessment which is typically lab work.
Students learn the principles behind molecular science, wood pulping and uid mechanics
to name just a few.
Available in: Certi cate, Master’s and Doctorate.

Sustainability Design Degree

Sustainable engineering takes into account the three major areas of sustainability:
environmental impact, social and economic considerations. This includes not only the initial
construction process but the complete life cycle of the product being developed. Graduates
may complete further post graduate study or work in industries such as: Industrial waste
water management, emission control and hazardous waste management.

Available in: Certi cate, Master’s and Doctorate.


Types of Engineering Management Degrees

Engineering Management Degree

An Engineering Management Degree combines engineering with business management
training to arm the successful graduate with the ability to manage engineering projects or
manage a team of engineers. A degree in engineering management limits the shortfall of
engineers with limited business and management skills or managers with limited
engineering knowledge. This type of degree is expected to rise in popularity over time.

Available in: Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctorate.


MBA in Engineering Degree
Generally speaking, the MBA has become a staple among successful businessmen and
businesswomen, and the engineering eld is no exception. The MBA in Engineering is
speci cally tailored for engineers that already hold a bachelor’s degree in engineering. The
program is ideal for FE’s or PE’s that wish to get into management, or VP/C-level positions in
a company. Typically the MBA in Engineering has more bene t to those working in the
private engineering sector.

Available in: Master’s



Industrial Engineering Degree

Industrial engineers work for manufacturing companies, or as consultants to the
manufacturing industry. The role of an Industrial engineer is to increase productivity and
reduce waste and spending. Many new start-ups will hire an Industrial engineer to help
make their business more e cient. Industrial engineers are also hired to test employee
productivity and in house processes. Which will improve the e ciency of the company.

Available in: Certi cate, Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctorate.



Systems Engineering Degree

Systems engineering is a multi disciplined engineering degree. While it has has evolved over
time as systems have evolved with technology and greater e ciency it’s primary focus is on
developing and improving upon existing systems. Systems engineers develop systems for
workplace e ciency, risk management, measuring and re nement.

Available in: Certi cate, Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctorate.


Manufacturing Engineering Degree

A Manufacturing Engineering degree focuses on manufacturing processes and machinery
and quality control systems. Manufacturing makes up over 20% of America’s GDP and over
15% of our employment. As a result it’s important we re ne our manufacturing processes
for increased e ciency. This is a very broad discipline and can overlap other types of
engineering studies including robotics and systems engineering. Students will study diverse
areas of engineering such as: Material science, manufacturing technology and automation
(robotics) along with uid mechanics and hydraulics.

Available in: Certi cate, Master’s and Doctorate.


Types of Geotechnical Engineering Degrees

Petroleum Engineering Degree

A petroleum engineer handles the extraction of oil and gas from beneath
the earth. They are also involved in developing new extraction methods
and technologies including new methods that are more e cient and less
damaging to the environment. Petroleum Engineering is one of the highest paid
engineering positions available. Petroleum engineers play a signi cant role in locating
reservoirs beneath the earth’s surface for gas and oil companies.

Available in: Master’s and Doctorate.



Geological Engineering Degree

Geological engineers combine engineering and research skills for mining and construction
projects. Construction rms hire Geological engineers. They assess ground conditions and
other natural hazards (earthquakes, etc.) before starting construction. With declining
natural resources available, Geological engineers are in high demand. Geological Engineers
work in the private sector or governmental agencies.

Available in: Master’s and Doctorate.

Nuclear Engineering Degree

Nuclear engineers are at the core of development for the ever growing use of nuclear
power. The medical eld has become the largest bene ciary of many new developments.
Nuclear engineers work for consulting rms, power plants, and government agencies. As
expected, the demand for nuclear engineers in nuclear power plants is high. The design,
implementation, and maintenance of the plant is one aspect of their duties. Many Nuclear
Engineers also move into supervision and management.

Available in: Master’s and Doctorate.

Marine Engineering Degree
A Marine engineer applies knowledge to the development of ocean
technologies. Technologies include xed and oating structures, such as
pontoons and jetties, propulsion and power generation for boats, ships
and other marine transportation, and developing new forms of energy
that are reliant on our oceans including wind farms.

Available in: Certi cate, Master’s and Doctorate.

Engineering Physics
An engineering physics degree combines engineering with physics and allows students to
study the areas where these two areas intersect. It is also a precursor to graduate studies in
either physics or engineering. Most graduates will work in research or another eld of
engineering such as mechanical engineering or nuclear engineering. The demand for this
type of graduate is particularly high.

Available in: Certi cate, Master’s and Doctorate.

Photonics Engineering Degree

Photons are a speci c type of light. Photonics engineering concerns itself with the
exploration of light. this includes generation of light, processing of light signals,
ampli cation of light and modulation. Industries that utilize this kind of technology include
Telecommunications (optical signal processing and communication), Medical,
Manufacturing, Aviation and computing to name just a few. Over the course of the next
decade opportunities for quali ed Photonics Engineers is expected to increase signi cantly.

Available in: Master’s and Doctorate.

Nanotechnology Engineering
Nano essentially refers to a billionth e.g. one nano-meter is 1 billionth of a meter or
between 2 and 20 atoms in length. Nanotechnology is the study of extremely small
elements such as molecules and single atoms and the production of extremely small
devices. Nanotechnology is expected to be as important to us as the industrial revolution
over time as it has the potential to help solve some of the world’s major problems including
health and environmental concerns. Nanotechnology is a very specialised discipline that
can be applied to a very broad range of industries and elds.

Available in: Certi cate, Master’s and Doctorate.

Mining Engineering Degree

A mining Engineering degree involves studying the extraction of mined resources from the
earth in a safe, economical and environmentally responsible manner. Engineers are
involved in the mining industry in areas such as: machinery production and design, mine
design, mine construction. Mining Engineers may work closely with Geologists to discover
the most e ective extraction techniques and can be employed on site or work remotely.

Available in: Master’s and Doctorate.

Ceramics Engineering Degree

As the name implies. Ceramics engineers develop products from ceramics (ceramics being
non metal, non organic materials that are generally produced by heating and cooling).
Ceramics are often more suitable than metals in many cases due to their heat and cool
resistance and can often be found in industries such as: medical, mining and electronics.

Available in: Master’s and Doctorate.

Metallurgical Engineering Degree
A Metallurgical Engineering Degree involves the study of engineering principles to extract
and in many cases purify metals and other minerals from ore. Metallurgical Engineers
develop and design processing techniques and machinery and have to take into account
the environmental impact of mineral processing.

Available in: Master’s and Doctorate.

Geomatics Engineering Degree

A Geomatics Engineering degree involves the study of precise measurement for mapping
the earth’s environment using advanced equipment and techniques. Geomatics Engineers
play an important role in planning future infrastructure and often work with large amounts
of data to form digital replications of terrain and develop 3D maps. This also includes the
study of GPS technology. There is a shortage of quali ed Geomatics professionals and as a
result they are in great demand.

Available in: Master’s and Doctorate.

Project Management Degree

Many engineers that wish to continue advancing in their corporation choose to pursue a
project management degree. Some engineers can become a project manager without a
project management degree, but a project management degree helps you learn PM
principles to ensure all engineering branches work together for the completion of typically
large projects. Many engineers work with project managers, but civil engineers,
architectural engineers, and electrical engineers work with a project manager for nearly
every road/highway or building/construction project. Having the PM experience can give
you a more comprehensive vantage point from all engineering angles.
Available in: Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctorate.



Engineering Degrees by Degree Level

For those that may be undecided on which speci c type of engineering they want to study, but are
interested in entering an engineering program, consider viewing engineering degree by degree
level. There are multiple options here: undergraduate options include Associate’s and Bachelor’s
degrees in Engineering. Graduate-level options include Master’s of Engineering, MBA in
Engineering, and Doctorate of Engineering programs. You can view more speci cs on our degree
detail summaries:

Undergraduate Engineering Degrees

Associate’s in Engineering Degree – entry level, 2-year program (or less), online programs
Bachelor’s in Engineering Degree – entry level, typically 4-year program, online programs

Graduate Engineering Degrees

Master’s in Engineering Degree – Bachelor’s degree typically required, 2-year program (or
less), many online options
MBA in Engineering Degree – Bachelor’s degree typically required, 18-24 month program,
many online options
Doctorate in Engineering Degree – Master’s degree typically required, some online options

The list above represents the many di erent types of Engineering Degrees available. Some
degrees will overlap to some extent while some degrees are very specialized, and as a result, so is
the education. If you have a suggestion for this list, please contact us and we will review the
engineering program.


Vanderbilt University Degree

M.Eng. in Engineering Management Online - Ranked in the top 15 globally. No GRE

Syracuse University Degree

M.S. Computer Engineering - 100% Online M.S. of Computer Engineering Program

Search Online Engineering Programs

Online Engineering Degrees

Bachelors in Engineering

Masters in Engineering

Engineering Management

Computer Engineering

– MSCE | Online MSCE

Software Engineering

Hardware Engineering

Online Computer Engineering

Online Software Engineering

Electrical Engineering

Electronics Engineering

Engineering Technology

Mechatronics Engineering

Engineering Degrees
Associates in Engineering

Bachelors in Engineering

Masters in Engineering

Doctorate in Engineering

Engineering Schools by State

Online Schools Montana

Alabama Nebraska
Alaska Nevada
Arizona New Hampshire
Arkansas New Jersey
California New Mexico
Colorado New York
Connecticut North Carolina
Delaware North Dakota
DC Ohio
Florida Oklahoma
Georgia Oregon
Hawaii Pennsylvania
Idaho Rhode Island
Illinois South Carolina
Indiana South Dakota
Iowa Tennessee
Kansas Texas
Kentucky Utah
Louisiana Vermont
Maine Virginia
Maryland Washington
Massachusetts West Virginia
Minnesota Wisconsin
Mississippi Wyoming

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All data, facts, and gures gathered from IPEDS, ABET, BLS. More info here.

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