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 Nucleolus and nuclear envelope disappear

 Each chromosome receives spindle fibers from the
pair centrioles which are attached to the
 Chromosomes align to the central metaphase plate
 Telophase-Cytokinesis (Separation of
 Centrioles and all organelles are distributed
in each daughter cell
 Complete separation of the cytoplasm
produces two identical diploid daughter cells
 Telophase-Karyokinesis(Separation of
 Spindle fibers disappear, releasing the
chromatids, while nuclear envelope and
nucleolus reappear.
 Chromosomes become even more
 physical barrier that encloses the nucleus,
called the nuclear envelope, breaks down
 mitotic spindle of threads begins to appear.
 Double-stranded chromosomes are formed
while nuclear envelope starts to disappear
 Centrioles are doubled and move towards the
opposite poles of the cell.
 Nucleolus is still visible
 The double-stranded chromosomes separate
(centromere breakage) and move to the direction
of the centrioles
 Cleavage furrow produced due to the opposite
pull of centrioles (appearance of the cell is about to
torn apart)

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