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DAP welcomes release of 12 after

terrorism charges dropped


Friday, 21 Feb 2020 7:26 PM MYT


GEORGE TOWN: While welcoming the release of 12 Malaysians initially accused of

supporting the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), DAP reiterates its condemnation of

"We reaffirm our commitment to effect political change through peaceful, non-violent and
democratic means and to eschew any resort to any violence or any form of terrorism," said
party adviser Lim Kit Siang in a statement on Friday.

Lim said the decision by Attorney-General Tommy Thomas to discontinue prosecution

proceedings against the 12 for alleged links to LTTE was most welcome.

Penang Deputy Chief Minister II Dr P. Ramasamy said the dropping of the charges was
good news.

"This confirmed our opinion that the 12 are innocent. They should not have been detained
in the first place. We will wait for their release," he said.

Bukit Gelugor MP Ramkarpal Singh said the announcements was a sound one, "considering
the fact that it cannot be said that any of the 12 had committed acts of terrorism".

"It would be near impossible for the prosecution to prove the charges, which is what the
defence has been contending all along.

"The Attorney-General must be commended for having the courage to recognise the fact
that the said charges are weak at best and to decide to discontinue proceedings against the
said 12, which is entirely at his discretion.

"The Prime Minister has said that the rule of law is of the utmost importance and I am of
the view that it has been observed in this case.

"What needs to be done now is to produce all of the said 12 in court forthwith for the

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